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Chapter 10- Erika
“Can you hand me the gauze, Edi?” Colleen asked as she doctored my arm. Erika had leaped at me, teeth barred. Stefan had knocked her out of the way, a second too late. She reached past him and clawed the holy hell out of my poor arm. Apparently, she thought that Stefan was in love with her because he turned her. How stupid. So, she hated me because I was “stealing” Stefan away from her. Oh well, he loved me and there was nothing she could do about it.
    The feeling of Colleen tugging a needle through my arm pulled me from my reverie. For the first time, I noticed the five vampires in the room with me. Colleen was sewing my arm. Leo standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. Edi, Colleen and Carmen’s mother, was handing Colleen everything she needed to fix my arm. Stefan, holding my good hand. Carmen was standing alone in the back of the room. As I was trying to decipher the look on Carmen’s face, Jacob walked into the room, his body shaking with silent laughter.
“What’s wrong Wendi? Not up for a little competition?” he said between chuckles. It wasn’t even two seconds after he made the comment that he flew through a window. He just flew out a window like a rag doll! There was glass everywhere and the noise of it’s shattering had made me jump and Colleen almost poked me with the needle. Stefan was across the room, doubled over with laughter. I had absolutely no clue what had just happened. I noticed Edi looking at Stefan with a chiding look on her face. Then I pieced it together. Stefan didn’t want me to know his gift because he thought it would scare me. Jacob made a rude comment Stefan didn’t like. He flew through a window. Stefan was cracking up. Stefan’s gift! I didn’t know what to call it but he could throw huge vampires out of windows without touching them at all. I don’t care who you are, that’s pretty awesome.
    Stefan realized that I had put it together and he looked scared. I started laughing. Hysterically. Stefan rushed over to me with inhuman speed. “Wendi! What’s wrong? I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have shown you that. I won’t do it again and I will never hurt you.” He pleaded with me for some unknown reason.
    “That was wicked awesome! Stefan I’m not scared, that is really cool!” Six vampires stared at me in disbelief. One by one, their beautiful faces spread into blinding smiles. Then they all started laughing.
    “Really?” Stefan asked between chuckles. I just nodded. Edi finished the stitches and wrapped a bandage around my mangled arm. “Thanks.” I said quietly. I still wasn’t quite comfortable around Stefan’s family.
    “Wendi, we won’t hurt you. Its ok.” Edi said softly as if she had had her feeling hurt. I had forgotten that both Edi and Carmen could read minds.
    “I know that Edi. It is just a little weird. Being in a room with six people who, before two nights ago, I never knew existed.” I struggled to find a way to effectively explain this. I wasn’t too sure if anyone was fooled or not. Colleen came up from behind me and put her hand on my shoulder so gently that I didn’t even jump.
    “Wendi here has been through a lot today and I am ashamed to say that she is going to have to go through more today.” she looked down at me with an apologetic smile on her perfectly plump lips. I raised my eyebrows, questioning. Of course, one of the mind readers had to butt in, not that I minded that much. Colleen had a smug smile on her face as she noticed my irritated reaction with her unusual talent. Carmen cleared her throat and began to explain what was going on inside everybody else’s heads.
    “Wendi, you’re going to have to face Erika again.” she raised her hand to shush me when I opened my mouth to complain. She addressed every question in my head. I had to face her to show her that Stefan loved me and not her. She had to realize that she had not won, had not scared me off. She needed to know that she should move on because there was nothing here for her. I nodded slowly, realizing what I was expected to do . I squared my shoulders and set my jaw. I could do this. I wanted to cry. I couldn’t. I automatically felt stronger, like I had a new reserve of strength from which to draw. I walked out into the long hallway in Stefan’s home.
     I never really got to look at their house, with Erika trying to kill me I had been preoccupied the last time I passed through this house. The walls were a deep maroonish red color. The doors were all white or glass. The floors were a cherry wood. The elegant staircase was the same cherry wood with a cream white carpet running down the center of the stairs. It curved gracefully into a large, high ceiling living room with white carpet and a black sofa. In front of the sofa was a cherry wood coffee table. The walls were also red. The lower floor of the house was open so I could see the kitchen from where I stopped at the bottom of the staircase. It was very modern looking with black appliances and white marble countertops and wooden floors. There was a long mahogany dining table with eight chairs evenly spaced around it. The back wall of the house was covered in beautiful paintings and photographs. The paintings looked like Monet and Picasso. Some of the photographs were definitely Laoen.
    “Very good, Wendi. I see you know your art.” Carmen said almost sardonically. That mind reading thing was going to get very annoying very quickly. As was Carmen herself.
    “Be nice Carmen.” Edi chided as she floated down the staircase. She wore a cashmere sweater and black slacks with cream stilettos. I felt very out of place with my bloody, torn pajamas. Of course, as I thought about this fact, Edi whisked over to me and towed me back to the second floor. As she led me down the long hallway, I noticed that I still held tightly to Colleen’s silky hand. She gripped mine tighter when I loosened my hand. I wondered where Stefan had gone and immediately felt alone. Not for long. Colleen felt my pain and as soon as it had come on, it was gone leaving a warm, safe feeling behind it.
    “Stefan went to find Erika.” Edi told me as she spit Erika’s name. I smiled slightly at the fact that Edi didn’t like Erika either. She also smiled as she heard my thoughts. She led me into a dimly lit room that had similar décor. Black sofa in the corner, cherry floors with cream rugs, maroon walls with Picasso, Monet, and Laoen. A huge bed with millions of pillows and a velvet comforter. She let go of my hand and walked to a white door that opened into a closet. She opened the door and darted inside. Edi reappeared with a handful of clothes faster than the door could swing shut. She held up a dark purple blouse that looked very expensive and a pair of black jeans. She placed them in my hands and darted back out of the room.
    I put the clothes on in a daze. Surprisingly, they fit perfectly. When I was done, Colleen dragged me back into the living room where Stefan waited. He walked straight to me and wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, with Colleen’s hand still in mine. He stepped back and took my other hand gently, as it was the injured one. “Are you ready?” he asked quietly. Of course, I could never be more ready, with Colleen’s amazing gift keeping me from becoming hysterically nervous. I just nodded.
    We walked out onto the huge front porch, with swinging benches on either ends and honeysuckle growing all over the railing that wrapped around the full porch. I turned to the left end of the porch and saw Erika sitting on the bench with Edi, Jacob, Leo, and another person, I assumed vampire, standing in front of her with at least one hand somewhere on her body. They looked like they were restraining her. As she caught sight of me, she let out a wild hiss. The vampire who’s name I didn’t know, turned on her and growled. Edi answered the unspoken question in my head. “This is Hayden, my husband and Colleen’s and Carmen’s father.” she said.
    “What is she doing here?!” Erika screamed.
    “Erika, she belongs here. Unlike you.” Colleen retorted with a snarl. Erika clawed at the hands restraining her. Hayden growled again and they all tightened their grips on her. She squirmed under their hands and squealed at me. Her bronze hair quivered as she hissed and her vampire’s eyes darted nervously around. Her small figure writhed violently. I cowered behind Stefan and he stepped in front of me in a clearly protective posture.
    I could tell when Colleen did her magic because Erika relaxed immediately. “Stefan” she breathed. This annoyed me, very much.
    “Erika” he replied tersely. That soothed my irritation slightly; only slightly. She smiled when he said her name and then scowled when she met my irritated gaze. Stefan tightened his grip on my hand and I knew what he was about to do.
    “Erika, I need you to understand something for me, please. Listen to me carefully.” Stefan spoke each word slowly. “When I changed you into a vampire, it was not because I love you. It was not because I love you, do you understand?”
    “What?! What are you talking about? You aren’t making any sense!” she shrieked. Her face plainly showed denial. She shook her head back and forth, her whole body convulsing. She looked up at me with a look that could only be described as pure hatred. “You!! It’s all your fault! I hate you! I hate you!” she cried. She was pointing at me and hissing when suddenly her arm snapped down into her lap like someone had slapped it. A confused look came onto her face and a smug look onto Stefan’s.
    “Erika. It is not Wendi’s fault. I have always loved her, never you! You were merely a tool. You were convenient. I needed a tester and you were the first person I ran into. I’m so sorry I ruined your life like this but I do not love you and I refuse to tolerate your temper.” It was cruel, but it was what was needed. I watched her face fall and crumple into a mask of suffering and yet I felt no pity for her. Her eyes locked onto my arm.
    “I did that for nothing.” she whispered, still staring at the arm that suddenly felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. Stefan nodded. She dropped her head into her hands, shooting me a look of apologetic agony. I still felt no pity but I did feel remorse for hating her before. She stayed that way for a moment, and then she was fighting the restraining hands again. Everyone began to hiss and growl and snarl while they pushed her farther into the bench. Everybody, except Carmen and Edi.
    “Let her go” they said in unison. Without question, the vampires released Erika. She flew off the porch and darted off into the woods that were in everybody’s backyard in this town.
    “She won’t be back for a long time, if ever.” Carmen said solemnly. Everybody nodded and began to file back into the grand house.

Sorry it took so long. I need an actual title for this story. Any suggestions???? Love you all. Heidi
It’s my first time I’m writing a story, so I hope you like it, sorry for the mistakes I’m not that good in English :D Please leave comments, if the comments are good, I’ll put the rest of the story up too :D

Bella’s pov

Months has passed now since Renesmee was born and I was turned into a vampire by my beloved husband Edward. It all feels so strange, like it all happened yesterday, maybe it’s because the days are a lot longer now from since I was human. As a human I needed sleep but now I don’t need to sleep anymore. I don’t regret any of it, I can spend more time with Renesmee,...
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Chapter 3: A Little Bribe Can Go A Long Way

I woke up groggily and as soon as I remembered that it as September 8th, the first day of…school… (shudder) I pulled the covers back over my head and rolled over. I felt my mother sit down next to me and gently pull them back. Her topaz eyes were narrowed a bit in concern, “Renesmee, come on get up, it’s going to be alright, you will see.” I didn’t have the energy to argue anymore, and I hated seeing my mother look so upset. I really dislike upsetting her I constantly fight feelings of guilt because I killed her. When I was born I killed...
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Warning: Thist is just my fantasy coming through. And some information to you; the story plays before Bella became a Vampire and there is no Nessie in sight. So its just for out little Jacob's sake, he needs some luving.

Even when your heart breaks...
I had to get over it, i kept telling that to myself, but love was such a cruel monster. Bella Swan. She was what i wanted, and yet the only thing that i couldnt get. Since she came into my life, all the other girls became grey and blurry. Everyone around thought i had lost my mind, and i couldnt blame them. I couldnt sleep, i only ate cause my...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I watched her come out of the room where she spent the last week getting better. She walked over to where I stood, waiting to take her to her apartment. I thought about how much Bella had meant to me, how much she had changed me. I thought about how easy it was to forget her now that my existence finally had a true meaning. I remember how I used to think that Bella was the whole point of my existence, how she was what kept me alive, but I now knew that she was just to help me control myself for the only true love I could have. I saw through Sam's mind how Emily was his whole world. I knew...
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“Hanging out is different from dating.” I insisted on Jenny as she pointed out the amount of time I spent with Vincent.

Over the past months, we have become almost inseparable. We ate lunch and dinner together, studied together, listened to music together, watched movies together – he even braved a chick flick once. I was engrossed and amused with his tortured reactions more than the movie itself.

I tried to include Jenny as much as possible. I don’t want her to think that I’m ditching her because of Vincent. I also wanted to cheer her up since Paul has finally broken up with her....
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posted by ktbminnie12
Bella’s POV
    I didn’t know how long it had been since I passed out. I woke up to see light coming through the cracks where there were boards on the window. But it still wasn’t enough to see into the dark room. But I could see some things.
    I saw something lying on the floor by my feet. I got up only to feel the pain in my back from my brutal beating. I slowly crawled over as far as the chain would let me go and reached out to the thing lying on the floor.
    I picked it up. Or should I say, I picked up pieces of whatever...
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posted by iluvtwilight123
"Happy Birthday Renesmee!" Jacob, Edward and i said. Jacob had layed out 50 presents at Renesmee's feet, Edward had a plate of pancakes that he had mad 5 minutes before we went in here. I had a silver dress in my hands for her birthday "dinner." Alice would be so pround to see her out of her jeans.
"WHAT!!!" Renesmee batted her hands in the air wildly .I laughed well at least she took it btter than me i thought. " We said happy birthday for being 13 phisically," Edward implied simply. " Akward" Jacob coughed out.
Nessie bit Jacob's " Shut up Dad can have my pancakes now?" Without looking Edward...
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According to Twilighters Italia & Lion Lamb:

New Moon will not be shot in Volterra but in Montepulciano
Despite advertisements, anticipations and every kind of proposal from the major and the township, New Moon will be shot in Montepulciano because the locations are "more beautiful for the movie" than Volterra."

And, they were nice enough to post pictures of possible locations in Montepulciano. Although the movie may not be filmed in Volterra, these locations look accurate to the descriptions in the book.
The Plaza
The Plaza
The alley
The alley
posted by twilight-7
Kayla's Car. BMW 535XI
Kayla's Car. BMW 535XI
I guess you might want to know what Kayla's car looks like. This took me, like, ages to pick out a good car that didn't look too flashy because the Cullens want to reamin inconspicuous. I know that the car doesn't have a black interior but just imagine that it does. I couldn't find a good pic with black interior.

I loved my car. I loved the black leather interior and the new car smell. I wanted to stay inside this car forever and not leave it alone but all too soon I had to go home. I hated it. I didn’t want to leave it alone in the Cullens’ garage. My car was new. The other cars might pick...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie was downstairs now. I was sitting, legs crossed, on my bed. He had left me alone to think. I couldn’t think though. All these scenarios were running through my head. I was fighting vampires in different ways. Hand to hand combat, weapons, my powers. All of them ended with me dead with a bite mark on my neck that was an eerie red colour. I was trying to think of ways around it but nothing worked. It seemed my life was in danger now. Maybe I shouldn’t have a vampire for a boyfriend. It really wasn’t healthy for me. What if his teeth accidentally slipped and he pierced my skin. His...
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One day in the town of Forks- well you know how it goes, this is what happens if Bella was put in the position where she was forced to pick Jacob over Edward.
The story begins when Edward over hears Bella talking with Angela one day and they were talking about children. He got extremely upset so he decided to argue with her until it came to the point where she would get worn out and pick Jacob over. Obviously though it wasnt going to work so Alice had to lie to Bella about her seeing herself with a family but it was just snapshots so it had to be with Jacob so she gets married to him and Edward...
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posted by bitten_byedward
Ch 5 : Who Am I?

A/N: I own no characters. All belong to Stephine Meyer (excpet for the new doctor, not much of a role but, maybe we'll see more of him in the future.) Plz R&R! Thanks for reading!

I remember waking up. The first thought that popped into my mind, I said aloud. "Who Am I?" I asked. "Bella, what did you just say?" asked a man. He had a mustache and dark black hair. He was wearing a police outfit, so, he must've been a police officer, unless it was Halloween. Was it? Yay, I remembered what Halloween was.

"Well, officer, I asked 'Who Am I?"

"Officer? Did you just call me officer?"...
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Let me start off by saying that I think Dakota Fanning is a fabulous actress. That being said here are my reason why I don't think she would make the best Jane. Their are a bunch a little problems and one big problem with her playing Jane. The big problem for me is her age. Dakota Fanning was born on Febuary 23 1994. That would put her at 15 years old when she starts filming in March. Thats only 4 years younger the Kristen(Bella) who was born in 1990 and only 2 years younger the Taylor(jacob) who was born in 1992. Jane is ONLY surpost be 12-13 years old and NO WHERE near Bella's age.
posted by team_edward_
Tell me if you like this is my first article so tell me the truth.

My name is Isabella(Bella)Marie Swan and two years ago I was faced with the worst desition of my life...I had to pick who I would marry. Edward the love of my life who I had been with through some crazy things or my best friends that I loved and that loved me Jacob.He helped me through some rough times and helped me to be happy when I was in the worst of pain.I know secrets about both of them I could never tell,and what was worse I loved both of them.When I finaly picked everyone was suprised because I pick Jacob Black,and two...
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I appreciate everyone's kind words on my other chapters. I plan to write more; Chapter 6 is in the works!! Enjoy!!

Five days later I finally got the news I had been waiting for.
Ever since Alice's promise to give me up-to-the-second updates on Renesmee, I hadn't even gone home. I followed Alice around on her heels; I even went hunting with her. I ignored the nasty looks Rosalie gave me and the incredulous headshakes Emmett gave me. "You're love sick, bro," he would tell me. I shrugged. He was right anyways.
Alice and I were cutting flowers to put in vases around the house in honor of Valentine's...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
I dozed off for a while on the plane, and woke up with a jarr as the plane wheels hit the ground. I grabbed my bag and started to walk off the plane. It had been a five hour plane ride and all of the other passengers were stretching before leaving. They were uncomfortable, but I wasn't. Anyhow, I set my bag down and wasted a few minutes to stretch before trying to leave again. I was always forgetting to act human.
I took a shuttle to Brenton which dropped me off right on the campus, giving me the full view.
I looked around in awe. The campus seemed to stretch for miles in every direction!...
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In some very reassuring news, Reuters is reporting that Summit Entertainment has acquired the rights to the rest of the saga!

It has hired "Twilight" scribe Melissa Rosenberg, a writer/producer on Showtime's "Dexter," to adapt the first two. "Breaking Dawn," has not attached a writer.

While this does NOT confirm that the rest of the books will be turned into movies, this is certainly very good news for the franchise. We'll keep you updated!

UPDATE: Robert Pattinson has a few comments about New Moon that he made to the Chicago Tribune:

A sequel [aka New Moon] may get the green light this month, he said.

"They will literally decide the next day or the day after" once the movie opens, Pattinson said. "I think they only have plans to do the second one. There's no script for the third one. The script is already done for the second one."
posted by funnyshawna
I've written Maximum Ride and Twilight crossovers before, and i decided it was time to do one with Harry Potter. This is the first chapter. I'll put the second chapter up (then 3rd and so on) when i finish typing them:)    

Chapter 1 – Buses and brooms and wizards….oh my!

     It was a bright and sunny day in Forks, Washington. Edward was very bored, stuck inside all day, hiding from the sun that would blow his human disguise if he let it hit his pale skin. Bella was at school. This was her first time through high school, so she actually had to go,...
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added by fatoshleo
Source: @fatoshleo
added by pinkiitha