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Chapter 10- Erika
“Can you hand me the gauze, Edi?” Colleen asked as she doctored my arm. Erika had leaped at me, teeth barred. Stefan had knocked her out of the way, a second too late. She reached past him and clawed the holy hell out of my poor arm. Apparently, she thought that Stefan was in love with her because he turned her. How stupid. So, she hated me because I was “stealing” Stefan away from her. Oh well, he loved me and there was nothing she could do about it.
    The feeling of Colleen tugging a needle through my arm pulled me from my reverie. For the first time, I noticed the five vampires in the room with me. Colleen was sewing my arm. Leo standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. Edi, Colleen and Carmen’s mother, was handing Colleen everything she needed to fix my arm. Stefan, holding my good hand. Carmen was standing alone in the back of the room. As I was trying to decipher the look on Carmen’s face, Jacob walked into the room, his body shaking with silent laughter.
“What’s wrong Wendi? Not up for a little competition?” he said between chuckles. It wasn’t even two seconds after he made the comment that he flew through a window. He just flew out a window like a rag doll! There was glass everywhere and the noise of it’s shattering had made me jump and Colleen almost poked me with the needle. Stefan was across the room, doubled over with laughter. I had absolutely no clue what had just happened. I noticed Edi looking at Stefan with a chiding look on her face. Then I pieced it together. Stefan didn’t want me to know his gift because he thought it would scare me. Jacob made a rude comment Stefan didn’t like. He flew through a window. Stefan was cracking up. Stefan’s gift! I didn’t know what to call it but he could throw huge vampires out of windows without touching them at all. I don’t care who you are, that’s pretty awesome.
    Stefan realized that I had put it together and he looked scared. I started laughing. Hysterically. Stefan rushed over to me with inhuman speed. “Wendi! What’s wrong? I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have shown you that. I won’t do it again and I will never hurt you.” He pleaded with me for some unknown reason.
    “That was wicked awesome! Stefan I’m not scared, that is really cool!” Six vampires stared at me in disbelief. One by one, their beautiful faces spread into blinding smiles. Then they all started laughing.
    “Really?” Stefan asked between chuckles. I just nodded. Edi finished the stitches and wrapped a bandage around my mangled arm. “Thanks.” I said quietly. I still wasn’t quite comfortable around Stefan’s family.
    “Wendi, we won’t hurt you. Its ok.” Edi said softly as if she had had her feeling hurt. I had forgotten that both Edi and Carmen could read minds.
    “I know that Edi. It is just a little weird. Being in a room with six people who, before two nights ago, I never knew existed.” I struggled to find a way to effectively explain this. I wasn’t too sure if anyone was fooled or not. Colleen came up from behind me and put her hand on my shoulder so gently that I didn’t even jump.
    “Wendi here has been through a lot today and I am ashamed to say that she is going to have to go through more today.” she looked down at me with an apologetic smile on her perfectly plump lips. I raised my eyebrows, questioning. Of course, one of the mind readers had to butt in, not that I minded that much. Colleen had a smug smile on her face as she noticed my irritated reaction with her unusual talent. Carmen cleared her throat and began to explain what was going on inside everybody else’s heads.
    “Wendi, you’re going to have to face Erika again.” she raised her hand to shush me when I opened my mouth to complain. She addressed every question in my head. I had to face her to show her that Stefan loved me and not her. She had to realize that she had not won, had not scared me off. She needed to know that she should move on because there was nothing here for her. I nodded slowly, realizing what I was expected to do . I squared my shoulders and set my jaw. I could do this. I wanted to cry. I couldn’t. I automatically felt stronger, like I had a new reserve of strength from which to draw. I walked out into the long hallway in Stefan’s home.
     I never really got to look at their house, with Erika trying to kill me I had been preoccupied the last time I passed through this house. The walls were a deep maroonish red color. The doors were all white or glass. The floors were a cherry wood. The elegant staircase was the same cherry wood with a cream white carpet running down the center of the stairs. It curved gracefully into a large, high ceiling living room with white carpet and a black sofa. In front of the sofa was a cherry wood coffee table. The walls were also red. The lower floor of the house was open so I could see the kitchen from where I stopped at the bottom of the staircase. It was very modern looking with black appliances and white marble countertops and wooden floors. There was a long mahogany dining table with eight chairs evenly spaced around it. The back wall of the house was covered in beautiful paintings and photographs. The paintings looked like Monet and Picasso. Some of the photographs were definitely Laoen.
    “Very good, Wendi. I see you know your art.” Carmen said almost sardonically. That mind reading thing was going to get very annoying very quickly. As was Carmen herself.
    “Be nice Carmen.” Edi chided as she floated down the staircase. She wore a cashmere sweater and black slacks with cream stilettos. I felt very out of place with my bloody, torn pajamas. Of course, as I thought about this fact, Edi whisked over to me and towed me back to the second floor. As she led me down the long hallway, I noticed that I still held tightly to Colleen’s silky hand. She gripped mine tighter when I loosened my hand. I wondered where Stefan had gone and immediately felt alone. Not for long. Colleen felt my pain and as soon as it had come on, it was gone leaving a warm, safe feeling behind it.
    “Stefan went to find Erika.” Edi told me as she spit Erika’s name. I smiled slightly at the fact that Edi didn’t like Erika either. She also smiled as she heard my thoughts. She led me into a dimly lit room that had similar décor. Black sofa in the corner, cherry floors with cream rugs, maroon walls with Picasso, Monet, and Laoen. A huge bed with millions of pillows and a velvet comforter. She let go of my hand and walked to a white door that opened into a closet. She opened the door and darted inside. Edi reappeared with a handful of clothes faster than the door could swing shut. She held up a dark purple blouse that looked very expensive and a pair of black jeans. She placed them in my hands and darted back out of the room.
    I put the clothes on in a daze. Surprisingly, they fit perfectly. When I was done, Colleen dragged me back into the living room where Stefan waited. He walked straight to me and wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, with Colleen’s hand still in mine. He stepped back and took my other hand gently, as it was the injured one. “Are you ready?” he asked quietly. Of course, I could never be more ready, with Colleen’s amazing gift keeping me from becoming hysterically nervous. I just nodded.
    We walked out onto the huge front porch, with swinging benches on either ends and honeysuckle growing all over the railing that wrapped around the full porch. I turned to the left end of the porch and saw Erika sitting on the bench with Edi, Jacob, Leo, and another person, I assumed vampire, standing in front of her with at least one hand somewhere on her body. They looked like they were restraining her. As she caught sight of me, she let out a wild hiss. The vampire who’s name I didn’t know, turned on her and growled. Edi answered the unspoken question in my head. “This is Hayden, my husband and Colleen’s and Carmen’s father.” she said.
    “What is she doing here?!” Erika screamed.
    “Erika, she belongs here. Unlike you.” Colleen retorted with a snarl. Erika clawed at the hands restraining her. Hayden growled again and they all tightened their grips on her. She squirmed under their hands and squealed at me. Her bronze hair quivered as she hissed and her vampire’s eyes darted nervously around. Her small figure writhed violently. I cowered behind Stefan and he stepped in front of me in a clearly protective posture.
    I could tell when Colleen did her magic because Erika relaxed immediately. “Stefan” she breathed. This annoyed me, very much.
    “Erika” he replied tersely. That soothed my irritation slightly; only slightly. She smiled when he said her name and then scowled when she met my irritated gaze. Stefan tightened his grip on my hand and I knew what he was about to do.
    “Erika, I need you to understand something for me, please. Listen to me carefully.” Stefan spoke each word slowly. “When I changed you into a vampire, it was not because I love you. It was not because I love you, do you understand?”
    “What?! What are you talking about? You aren’t making any sense!” she shrieked. Her face plainly showed denial. She shook her head back and forth, her whole body convulsing. She looked up at me with a look that could only be described as pure hatred. “You!! It’s all your fault! I hate you! I hate you!” she cried. She was pointing at me and hissing when suddenly her arm snapped down into her lap like someone had slapped it. A confused look came onto her face and a smug look onto Stefan’s.
    “Erika. It is not Wendi’s fault. I have always loved her, never you! You were merely a tool. You were convenient. I needed a tester and you were the first person I ran into. I’m so sorry I ruined your life like this but I do not love you and I refuse to tolerate your temper.” It was cruel, but it was what was needed. I watched her face fall and crumple into a mask of suffering and yet I felt no pity for her. Her eyes locked onto my arm.
    “I did that for nothing.” she whispered, still staring at the arm that suddenly felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. Stefan nodded. She dropped her head into her hands, shooting me a look of apologetic agony. I still felt no pity but I did feel remorse for hating her before. She stayed that way for a moment, and then she was fighting the restraining hands again. Everyone began to hiss and growl and snarl while they pushed her farther into the bench. Everybody, except Carmen and Edi.
    “Let her go” they said in unison. Without question, the vampires released Erika. She flew off the porch and darted off into the woods that were in everybody’s backyard in this town.
    “She won’t be back for a long time, if ever.” Carmen said solemnly. Everybody nodded and began to file back into the grand house.

Sorry it took so long. I need an actual title for this story. Any suggestions???? Love you all. Heidi
Chapter 4: Nature

As I had expected, Bella demanded a meeting with my family shortly after our incident with the dog in the parking lot. Luckily, I had seen this coming (confirmed by Alice, of course), and had gotten to my family first. I had convinced them all that Bella’s change could not happen while she was in a state of panic. Giving up your mortality was not a decision to take lightly, and doing it because you are afraid is not the right decision. They agreed with me wholeheartedly, and I was grateful.

The meeting itself had gone quickly, each of my family members telling Bella why she...
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posted by Gabstaaa
Ok. So i am only 13 so i know it's not that good :D

‘Yes’, I wanted to say. I couldn’t. I didn’t think I could. I didn’t know where I was or even who I was. The burning had stopped a couple of hours ago but I was still in shock. The whole time I had been willing for death, wanting it to end. I screamed and screamed but death didn’t take me. It was torture. How could someone put me through that? What had I ever done? I always did well at school and had superb marks, I helped out the next-door neighbours and I even had a part time job at the old folks home. But when...
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Another long one for you guys. I decided to break the story up in chapters so you guys can keep track of the story with the actual book! ^_^

When I arrived at Charlie’s, Bella was asking permission to go to La Push. Charlie’s thoughts were ecstatic that she was finally going to be talk to Jake. He didn’t care that it was the middle of the night. Quicker than a human eye could detect, I opened the hood of Bella’s truck, and quickly incapacitated it. I hopped in the passenger’s seat and waited in the dark. It was cloudy tonight. Too cloudy for even the moon to shine through. I was rather...
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*I'm sorry if I offended anyone on this spot, I just did this to be funny, not mean*

1) If you know a girl who despises Twilight and is crazy about hating it, send them a box with a poster of Edward with the words "My Dream Guy" on the poster
2) Tell a Twilight hater that Ron Weasley is Emmett's b***h
3) Tell them that REAL men sparkle
4) When a group of Twilight haters are surrounding you, stand in the middle of the group and shout out "I'M A CULLEN, EVERYONE!" then sing "I am a vampire" by Antsy Pantsy
5) Write a letter to President Obama convincing him to make a law against disrespecting...
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we hope everyone is enjoying the stories because we enjoy wrighting them.

Bella's pov

When we arrived back home Edward was outside waiting for us too pull up. It was such an exciting ride home with all that I had on my mind.

"So what did Charlie want." He asked.

"Well where is Leah frist before I say anything." I asked.

"I think she is inside eating dinner with Seth. I think she got tired of definding for her self or unless she got tired of eatting like a dog." Edward said.

"Oh Seth is still here good. He will like this more than Leah will." So I walked in side to find Leah and Seth in the dinning...
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Chapter 4-The Demise

I heard the front door creak open and then slam closed. “My dinner had better be ready,” I heard the rough voice of my husband as he walked inside.

“Yes sir. It is,” I said pulling out his chair for him. Then sprinting to sit at the other end of the table before he could sit and yell at me more. We ate in silence then after dinner, much to my dismay he headed off to the bar with his 'drinking buddies'. I took this opportunity to clean the dishes and pray he didn't get too drunk.

A few hours later I was upstairs reading. The house was spotless and I couldn't think...
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posted by Cullen_Freak
Starts right after the end in BD,,,,

Bellas POV

Nessie twirled around in her pink tutu. She was showing it of to Rosalie and Jacob, laughing while they clapped for her.
"She sure is good. Dont you think Bella?" Jacob asked me as he admirred Nessie, his eyes filled with light.
"Shes better than I was." Rosalie laughed and then Jacob joind in. They had learned how to get along, finally. They both knew that if they ever wanted to see Nessie, the other was sure to be there. Admiration came with its consicuences.
I stood up, leaving the three of them, to go look for Edward. I passed Jasper and Emmett...
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posted by stepphy-rox
Chapter 2: Zane Fletcher.
I was waiting in my car reading over some notes I made -it was just a cover as I waited for the girls- I put my head and saw Zane standing at my door. I got out and looked at his chalky beautiful pale face, he stared back the same way.
"Hi I'm Zane Fletcher" he said formally, his voice was so beautiful like an angel. I swayed on my feet but quickly snapped out of it.
He smiled and quickly left back to his Saleen S7. I hopped in my car, fantasising as I stared into space.
When I got home I layed on my bed and wondered off into my thoughts. I wanted to tell Zane that...
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posted by surfergal
The next morning I woke up and it was a school day. I knew I couldnt miss another day of school just to avoid Michael. I hadnt talked to him or seen him since well you know. I know I can't live in my bedroom for my whole life. I got up and got ready for school. The hot shower felt so great. I stayed in there way to long cause when I got out I was running late to school. Lucky me Alice saw that I was running late so she pick an outfit out for me. She pick out some jeans and a cute blue shirt and some heels but I knew I was going to fall in them, oh but they were so cute I wore them anyways....
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posted by AdaLove
Angela Weber is described as being kind, shy, and somewhat insightful. She likes to give space to others, and this characteristic is very much appreciated by Bella. She plays a minor role in Twilight, but after Bella's depression in New Moon they become very good friends. She is portrayed as one of the most decent human characters in the series.


Angela played a minor part in Twilight, as one of the many friends that Bella Swan made after moving to Forks. She was also in Bella's Biology II class. Angela went shopping with Bella and Jessica for dresses for the spring dance in Port Angeles....
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posted by AdaLove
Emily Young is Sam Uley's fianceé, second cousin to Leah Clearwater and Seth Clearwater, and Claire's aunt.

Emily and Leah are second cousins, but they were said to be like sisters. Sam had been dating Leah when he imprinted on Emily, which caused conflict between the two women and ruined their friendship. Emily is like a second mother to the pack as she cooks and cares for them on regular occasions, while being treated like part of the pack in return. Most of her family is close to the pack along with her — Leah and Seth being wolves, while her niece Claire was imprinted on by Quil.

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posted by WritenOnTheSand
My current idea of talking Jake out of making me leave. I want to stay here, and if there really are vampires trying to kill me let them come. With my whole family here they can't do anything to me, or Jake.

As I get closer to his room I start to feel the tension. My eyes drift to the floor but steadily rise again. My fingers lightly touch the handly as I push the door open. Jake is all alone.

"Hey," The only word I can think to say at this moment. Maybe this was a bad idea, I should just go. But then he is left in the danger. "We need to talk." I finly get out.

"About what?" He asks blankly...
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the following story is true ........meh i whiskey37 it made yuu laugh

'ash get up now' scott screamed into mi ear. scott was mi older brother, well one of mi older brothers i have 4. 'what do yuu want' i moaned. 'umm first day of skewl remember reject' he said with a smart ass tone then left.( right: skewl i think ill give it a miss i thought 2 miself and went bak 2 sleep). next thing mi alarm went off. my door crept open and 4 boys leapt on to the bed.'AWWW' i grunted 'GET OFF' 'GET UP' zaviour retalliated. aww i could feel the weight pushing down on me. 'ok fine' i yelled' 'thankyou'...
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posted by renesmeblack
Hey, sorry this is so short, but I don't feel well and will be reading most of the time, not writing. Sorry again!


I should've known Alice was still here. As soon as I walked into the bedroom door, she was there, pushing clothes into my face. There was a large shirt with teddybears, dolls, and baby block sew-ons scattered all over it. Then there was a pair of pink jeans that matched it. I looked at Alice with reproachful eyes. Alice had the same face.
"Don't ask me, Jake picked it out," she whispered.
Then she threw another set of clothes at me. This outfit had Alice written all over...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
End of Chapter 5

“Hello Charles” I spoke directly to him.
    He smiled at me. “Hello Esme. How are you?” The way he looked at me. . .he looked like he was in love but maybe I was just exaggerating.
    “I am fine thank you,” I replied to him. Then turning to everyone else I said “Why don’t we go get comfortable in the sitting room?” Our small group moved through the hallways of our largish house until we reached the sitting room just off the hall. “I’ll go put on a record to listen to”
    The parents started up...
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posted by AdaLove
**Jacob was born to Billy and Sarah Black. Sarah died in a car crash when he was very young. Jacob remembers Bella from when they were younger, though she does not remember him.**


He has a small but very important role in this book. After Bella Swan flirts with him (as a way to get information),
he introduces the idea of Edward Cullen being a vampire by telling her Quileute legends. According to Stephenie Meyer via her official website, Jacob was originally just a device to tell Bella about the "Cold Ones".However, both she and her editor liked Jacob so much that...
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posted by renesmeblack

The howling stopped. Then the leader yelled as a tan wolf attacked. He shot his gun, hitting Seth in the leg. The wolf fell, and the man got up again.
“SETH!” Jacob and I yelled. I realized the man holding me let go in shock. I ran towards Seth, jumping away again as he turned to swirling smoke, forming the shape of a man. A bullet bounced away from the apparition. This man wasn’t as tall as Seth would be. I watched in horror as the features appeared to reveal MARK.
“Hold your fire, gentlemen,” Mark said grandly, spreading his arms out. “I take it you won’t need these.”...
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posted by twilight-7
I hope you enjoy this Guys!

Edward’s POV

I picked up the disgusting human and happily slammed him into the wall repeatedly. He didn’t show any sign that it had hurt him so I threw him to the floor and was tempted to stand on his neck but I thought that would be too quick for him. This vile person had kept my fiancé locked up in a filthy rotten little cell, chained to a wall like a dirty animal for seven days and I would enjoy enacting my revenge on him.
“Charlie!” Kayla screamed. “Charlie! Help!”
That reminded me. I had made a great deal of noise hurting the pathetic little man. Why...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie was to come up with a cover for my kidnapping. I couldn’t tell my mother that I had been kidnapped by Shadow Hunters for some evil ex-Jenzi who had held me in a cell and taken away my Azdi abilities using my own bracelet that he had some other Jenzi charm. That would send my mother into some kind of breakdown and she would end up in a mental hospital screaming that Jenzis and Azdis exist and are after her daughter.
I was on my way back upstairs after making Darren some sandwiches. He seemed a lot happier when I left him in the kitchen. I was only half way up the stairs when the front...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Sorry this one is so late. Between studying for exams and being sick, I haven't had much time to write. Once exams are over I'll get a lot more writing done. Enjoy!!

Over to the side is Esme's family's car.


My mother and I finished collecting the eggs and made our way back to the house. She would most likely expect me to tell my father at dinner time so I wouldn‘t disappoint her. My mother and I made soup and bread for dinner. We sat down to eat and said our prayers. At first, we ate our dinner in silence but then I decided it was time...
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