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posted by ec_and_hg_4ever
I was walking to the cafeteria with my new friends. They were talking about my schedule, and asking what classes I had. Mike asked me if I had eighth period gym, and that’s when I saw him. The most beautiful creature that I’d ever seen. Then I heard Mike and the rest of them yelling my name, but I couldn’t see them. Then someone with really cold skin wiped their hand over my eyes, and I could see again. It was him. I tried to lean up on one of my hands, and wobbled unsteadily. He said,” whoa there be careful you probably hit your head pretty hard when you fell into that trash can. He had the most beautiful voice that I’d ever heard. It had a soft sweet velvety tone to it. I couldn’t even blink. Then I forcedly removed my eyes from his angelic face. I pulled them down to his hands. They were covered in chocolate.” why are your hands covered in chocolate?” I stuttered. He chuckled. I probably should be mad, because he was laughing at me. But how could I be mad at something so…dazzling. “um…. When I lifted you from the trash can it got on me.” He snorted. “oh, well thank you, and sorry about the chocolate.” I replied blushing with humiliation. “please, don’t worry it’s nothing compared to you.” He smiled the most innocent smile. I looked down, and he was right he was nothing compared to me. I had lettuce in my hair, my shirt was stained with mustard and chocolate. “oh, I guess your right, I think I’ll go crawl back in the trash can and die now.” He looked at me with the most puzzled expression. “why would you want to die?” “umm… I don’t it was just a figure of speech.” “oh, well maybe we ought to get up off the floor so everyone will stop staring at us.” “yeah, your right we probably should.” “yeah, you might want to consider going to the nurse, and getting a change of clothes. No offense, but you smell like rotten eggs.” I blushed. “ none taken.” I blushed again. Then he pushed his self off the floor with such graceful movement. Then hesitantly he reached out to help me up. He had a tense expression on his face. I gladly took his hand, and he pulled me to my feet. Then pulled his hand away from mine, and said “ be safe.” Adoration flashed across my face. He saw that, turned hastily and walked back to his family. The beautiful blond one frowned at him, and gestured toward the door. She stood up gracefully, and very meticulously pushed her chair under the table. They went outside(I guessed that they were arguing). Then Mike, Jessica, and the rest of them ran to me in alarm. “Bella,” they screamed. “Are you okay?” Their faces were uneven with worry. “yes, that guy saved me.” I couldn’t help, but to grin. “oh, you mean Cullen?,” Mike replied. “ I don’t know. Is that his name?” “yeah, that’s him alright.” He frowned. “ what, I asked. “ Nothing, he’s just really weird.” “ Why because he is unrealistically beautiful?” I asked. With a innocent look on my face. “No, because him, and his family never talk to anyone, but each other.” “ They are so beautiful.” “Will you please stop saying that>?” “oh, sorry.” I smiled apologetically. “It’s okay. You might want to go ahead, and go to the nurse before next period. “Yeah, your right. See you later guys.” “Later,” they replied. Then I grabbed my bag, and headed to the nurses office. On my way there I went to my truck to see if maybe I had an extra set if clothes in the glove box. When I got to the truck I heard someone yelling. I looked around trying to see were it was coming from, and it was him and the blond. They were standing outside of a shiny silver Volvo. They didn’t seem to notice I was there so as I was looking for some clothes I listened. They were talking so low, and fast I could only make out a few sentences. She was saying something about exposing their family by getting close to a human. That’s when I dropped my bag, and they turned to me. Then he walked over to me, and asked “ what are you doing out here?” I was shocked and terrified at the same time. It took me too long to answer so he asked again” well, what are you doing out here?” “umm… I came out to my truck to get some clothes.” “well, what were you doing listening in on our conversation?” “ I wasn’t.” “Then why did you drop your bag?” “Because it slipped off of my shoulder.” “ not that I owe you an explanation. I think that I’m aloud to drop whatever I want!!” I said my temper getting just a little out of hand. Then I got out of my truck slammed the door and headed to class.
added by zanesaaomgfan
added by zanesaaomgfan
added by zanesaaomgfan