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posted by ec_and_hg_4ever
I was walking to the cafeteria with my new friends. They were talking about my schedule, and asking what classes I had. Mike asked me if I had eighth period gym, and that’s when I saw him. The most beautiful creature that I’d ever seen. Then I heard Mike and the rest of them yelling my name, but I couldn’t see them. Then someone with really cold skin wiped their hand over my eyes, and I could see again. It was him. I tried to lean up on one of my hands, and wobbled unsteadily. He said,” whoa there be careful you probably hit your head pretty hard when you fell into that trash can. He had the most beautiful voice that I’d ever heard. It had a soft sweet velvety tone to it. I couldn’t even blink. Then I forcedly removed my eyes from his angelic face. I pulled them down to his hands. They were covered in chocolate.” why are your hands covered in chocolate?” I stuttered. He chuckled. I probably should be mad, because he was laughing at me. But how could I be mad at something so…dazzling. “um…. When I lifted you from the trash can it got on me.” He snorted. “oh, well thank you, and sorry about the chocolate.” I replied blushing with humiliation. “please, don’t worry it’s nothing compared to you.” He smiled the most innocent smile. I looked down, and he was right he was nothing compared to me. I had lettuce in my hair, my shirt was stained with mustard and chocolate. “oh, I guess your right, I think I’ll go crawl back in the trash can and die now.” He looked at me with the most puzzled expression. “why would you want to die?” “umm… I don’t it was just a figure of speech.” “oh, well maybe we ought to get up off the floor so everyone will stop staring at us.” “yeah, your right we probably should.” “yeah, you might want to consider going to the nurse, and getting a change of clothes. No offense, but you smell like rotten eggs.” I blushed. “ none taken.” I blushed again. Then he pushed his self off the floor with such graceful movement. Then hesitantly he reached out to help me up. He had a tense expression on his face. I gladly took his hand, and he pulled me to my feet. Then pulled his hand away from mine, and said “ be safe.” Adoration flashed across my face. He saw that, turned hastily and walked back to his family. The beautiful blond one frowned at him, and gestured toward the door. She stood up gracefully, and very meticulously pushed her chair under the table. They went outside(I guessed that they were arguing). Then Mike, Jessica, and the rest of them ran to me in alarm. “Bella,” they screamed. “Are you okay?” Their faces were uneven with worry. “yes, that guy saved me.” I couldn’t help, but to grin. “oh, you mean Cullen?,” Mike replied. “ I don’t know. Is that his name?” “yeah, that’s him alright.” He frowned. “ what, I asked. “ Nothing, he’s just really weird.” “ Why because he is unrealistically beautiful?” I asked. With a innocent look on my face. “No, because him, and his family never talk to anyone, but each other.” “ They are so beautiful.” “Will you please stop saying that>?” “oh, sorry.” I smiled apologetically. “It’s okay. You might want to go ahead, and go to the nurse before next period. “Yeah, your right. See you later guys.” “Later,” they replied. Then I grabbed my bag, and headed to the nurses office. On my way there I went to my truck to see if maybe I had an extra set if clothes in the glove box. When I got to the truck I heard someone yelling. I looked around trying to see were it was coming from, and it was him and the blond. They were standing outside of a shiny silver Volvo. They didn’t seem to notice I was there so as I was looking for some clothes I listened. They were talking so low, and fast I could only make out a few sentences. She was saying something about exposing their family by getting close to a human. That’s when I dropped my bag, and they turned to me. Then he walked over to me, and asked “ what are you doing out here?” I was shocked and terrified at the same time. It took me too long to answer so he asked again” well, what are you doing out here?” “umm… I came out to my truck to get some clothes.” “well, what were you doing listening in on our conversation?” “ I wasn’t.” “Then why did you drop your bag?” “Because it slipped off of my shoulder.” “ not that I owe you an explanation. I think that I’m aloud to drop whatever I want!!” I said my temper getting just a little out of hand. Then I got out of my truck slammed the door and headed to class.
posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 14
Bella pov
Me and matt went home and changed I took out the left ravioly out of the fridge and warmed it up for charlie I went upstaires and fiond matt lying on my bed reading romeo and juliet
-that's one of my faves!
I sat down beside him and read a few pages with him when I heard Charlie's cruiser coming near the house I got up and went down stairs matt followed me he kissed my forehead and went and sat on the couch turnning on the TV watching baseball ugh! I I don’t get that game and it reminds me of old times.
I ran up stairs and took romeo and juliet and went back down stairs in...
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11. Twinge

He road with me to the Elementary school. He talked about the game and I laughed. He was a great Player, he told me about the scholarship and how it all when away with one spit bone. I got to the school a bit late, Mrs. Martinez eyes Kevin anxiously and she told me about the rose sent to Alison today. I just nodded my head and introduce Aly to Kevin.

“Alison Love, I want you to meet my friend Kevin” I was holding her; she smiled at him and looked at me.

“Hi Kevin” she said in her sweet voice. She would say it to new people and grandpa when she wanted something. I shook my...
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posted by bella01
"I think she is hiding something from us"Esme said
"What do you mean?"Carlisle asked
"When I lead her to her room and i ask her if she is hungry and we have food downstairs she just laughed"she said confused
"It's like that she didn't believe that there is food here?"Emmett asked,laughing
"Why are we talking about this stupid human?"Rosalie said
"Shut up"Alice said angrily 'who is stupid here?maybe you are talking about yourself'Alice thought
""And she don't want touching her"I said
"And when someone touch her she's always in pain"Jasper said
We stopped talking when we heard a scream from upstairs."She's...
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posted by bella01
We arrive at the house.It's a very big and beautiful house and it is in the middle of the forest.I don't have many bags,just one and my guitar case.I walked towards the house and the door was opened by Edward 'maybe he really is nice'.
"thank you" i said smiling at him."your welcome",he said with a mesmerizing crooked smile.
I walked inside the house with my bag.It;s not heavy because dad's power is helping me.The cullens are in front of me.Then a man and a woman take a step forward and i'm guessing is Carlisle and Esme.
"welcome home isbella",esme said."bella",edward corrected.i just smile 'my...
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posted by teamalice_0
I'm starting a new story, I read something like this off And I desided to do my own little verson of it. Please tell me what you think of it.

I have loved the Twilight Series ever since they came out. I only wish that it was real, not in a book.

Today was my 17th Birthday. And were were having the 'party'. It was just family so it was small. All traditions were kept, even the singing.

"Cassie! Make a wish!" My annoying brother said, I knew what he wanted. The faster I made my wish, the faster I blew the candels...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter 2)
I was in the forest running and I kept falling down trying to chase edward no matter how fast I ran I kept losing him then it started raining I was all wet but I didn’t give up cause I knew if I didn’t chase him my life would be useless I kept running and finally I caught him I went to talk to him but then Jacob came and grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me away from him no matter how hard I hit him he just kept running and saying some nonsense about edward and his family being dangerous. I woke up crying it was 3:00 AM I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t 3 hours passed...
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posted by Gabstaaa
It happens. There’s no avoiding it. When you can see the darkness coming, there’s nothing you can do rather than lie there helplessly, waiting. Waiting for the torment to end. Then finally, when you know it’s all over, there’s that one ray of hope willing to take your life back. So you reach out for it, not wanting to loose it. Lock it in a box and throw away the key.
“Charlie how long ago was it when you found her?”
That calm voice echoed around the large space in my empty head. The light was fading, seeping out the sides of the box that I locked it in. It was escaping fast and...
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*The Encounter*

The blow sent my head spinning off my shoulders it felt, my eyesight turning blury as I fell to the ground. Gravel and dirt breaking my fall as I land hard on my stomach. I lay perfectly still, gritting my teeth to hold back a scream of pain.
I heard voices.
So many voices. Mens voices, all grunting and yelling at eachother right above me. My head ached as I tried desperatly to understand what they were saying.
"... have to kill her now..." one voice announced.
"... too risky... should have been more careful..." another said, agreeing with the first. My head swam with fear. I didn't...
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posted by teamalice_0
I'm gunna be wrapping this story up, since barley anyone reads it anymore, so only a couple more chapters left.

Mickey was passed out on the floor, with a book in her hands. I smiled, poor thing got tired. I picked her up and tucked her into bed. I sat there watching her for awhile. I got a text from Bella, I haven't text in forever.

(bold is bella, and italics are Lilly.)

Where are you?

Um..... Not gunna tell you right now, but I will soon, maybe I'll visit, I'm planning on going to the states soon.

So your not in the states?

I promise...
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posted by teamalice_0
Heyo! Btw for anyone who reads Mary Alice, It will be on the Twilight Series. This chapter probably sucks, I'm tired.

The seemed intrested in my talent, because they kept asking questions about it. While Marcus keeps staring at me. He looked like he was in deep thought. To be honest, it kinda freaked me out.

I seemed more relaxed now that I met everyone. But Aro said there was more, which made me nervous again.

They started talking about 'visiting' a coven in New Hamshire. The discussed their options. Eventualy they confirmed about taking...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Jacob's POV
Chapter Thirteen

    I snarled, and paced. Seth whimpered beside me. The others were laying on the forest ground. Leah was bored by the whole deal, but Embry and Quil were more understanding. Seth was just upset because someone else was upset.
( Jake, you need to chill out, man.) Quil said.
I snarled and turned on him. ( You have NO idea how bad it was! She choose that bloodsucker over me!) I yelled in my mind. They all flinched. I took a deep breath. They were right. I needed to relax.
(Just go back there, and tell her you’re not mad. Then everything can go...
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posted by teamalice_0

Were they serious?

I looked Felix dead in the eyes, and he now saw the gold the gold in them.

"Great. Another stupid diet of animal blood."

He just insulted my family. I growled and got right up in his face even though he's taller thsn me I still managed to stare him down. No one was going to insult my family without me going all kung fu on them.

I had my hand out towards the bench nearest. If he wants a fight. I'll give it to him.

"It's not stupid!" I growled.

"Felix! Lilly! Not here."

I almost forgot where we were. In the middle...
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posted by teamalice_0
Enjoy, this is, as my sister would say, an epic chapter.

I barley go to malls, so I had no idea really where to go. The time Alice took me she led me while I daydreamed about him. It still hurt to hear his name, or even see him in a picture. I just wanted for him to be alive. I should have protected him.

But I didn't. I tried. But I was a human then, but not anymore. I haven't used my 'gift' since that day.

I would love him 'till the day I died. No one could capture my love, not like he did. He was my mate, so to speak. He was my other...
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When I steped infront of the cullens house, i was breathless, it was so big! i smile a huge smile as the wind hit the trees, and the sun sparkled of my skin.

    Everything was amazing! an beautiful! the trees, bushes, just everything! but then, i sented humen blood, it was weak, but very strong, it was comming from in side the house. Then a little girl ran out side of the house, followed be a big tan man.

    I started shaking, then humen sent on her smelled delishes. but i had to rezist, and that onley made me sake more. As she got closer, i got weaker....
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
I decided to do another one in jacob's POV...but sadly this story is coming to a close...
Chapter Thirteen

    I snarled, and paced. Seth whimpered beside me. The others were laying on the forest ground. Leah was bored by the whole deal, but Embry and Quil were more understanding. Seth was just upset because someone else was upset.
( Jake, you need to chill out, man.) Quil said.
I snarled and turned on him. ( You have NO idea how bad it was! She choose that bloodsucker over me!) I yelled in my mind. They all flinched. I took a deep breath. They were right. I needed to relax....
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Twelve

    I turned to Renesmee, my tears now drying on my face.
“ Nessie, thank you for everything. Tell your whole family I will never forget what they have done for me.”
She sat there, looking impossibly perfect, and stared at me with huge brown eyes.
“ What are you doing, Mika?” Renesmee asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.
“ I’m not going to tell you. That way, when they ask, you can be honest and say you don’t know.”
She nodded slowly and then reached out a hand. She rested it lightly on my cheek and her palm burned coolly. The picture that flashed...
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posted by teamalice_0
I've posted 3 today, and this will be the forth. I can't believe I'm on 29. And a MAJOR thanks to just_bella for believing in me.

She's been asleep for 8 hours until I heard her upstairs. I attempted to cook breakfast, I haven't done that in awhile. I made bacon, cut up some fruit and made some eggs.

I didn't know what she liked, I didn't even know her name! I heardthe door open and then close.I smiled when she came out, hair a mess and she looked stressed.

"Good morning.." I trailed off, still not knowing her name.

"Mickayla. My friend...
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posted by teamalice_0
Awsome, since just_bella is writting alot of articles, so will I.

I was no longer a newborn vampire. I've been wondering New York for a year. I watched all the night games. I barley found a skybox, for our kind.

I got in and, well. All the vampires, weren't watching the game, they were occupied by blood.
Barley looking at the game. Since, I stuck with my the diet of animal blood, never sinking my teeth in human flesh.

It seemed, wrong. We were human and now we're taking the lives of them, they had families and dreams.

Everyday I...
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posted by teamalice_0
kLol, I'm surprised at myself for writing at 12:30 in the morning. I think only one of you know for sure, but I left some 'hints' in some stories. THis hint is gunna be alittle more obvious.
P.S. princesspinkla, here's to you.

I finaly arrived in New York. I thought of him,seeing him dead, but something was wrong, unsetteling. Like my heart didn't believe he was dead, it was loving something long gone.

My heart ached again. I SAW him die, but when we were having the funeral, we burried an empty casket since there was no body, I suppose...
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posted by teamalice_0
WEEEE! I'm officaialy back from camp! That means I can write yay! Hope you enjoy this chapter

I still ran, but stopped and curled into a ball. Bella told me that Rosalie hated her at first and for me to come back. That was a week ago, and now it was Mark's funeral. I couldn't be [b]at[b] the funeral but I would be near it.
I wanted to be at the funeral but I still couldn't control myself. But I could handel if I was at a distance.

I was in jeans and a black hoodie, with the hood up. Oddly they couldn't find his body so be just burried...
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