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posted by alicia386
Chapter Ten: I Always Lose At The Game of Chance

      "Who would be dumb enough to follow us?" demanded Courtney who was already forgetting that Darrell almost kidnapped us. "Don't they know who they are messing with." Courtney said it a bit playful but playful was not the kind of mood we were looking for.
      "You might be trained, but they are experienced and probably know 40 different ways to kill someone. It is best if we go hide out somewhere." Darrell kept his eyes on the road, those sky blue eyes.
      "You're right," I said. "But where are Charles and Raven? We can't just leave them. We all have to be safe. It is my fault you're in this situation."
      "Actually it might just be Dr. Hyde's fault," said Darrell.
      "But I'm the one who wanted to go and find my dad," I said back.
      "But we wanted to come along."
      "Which means I should make sure everyone is okay," I said. "If something happened to them, then it would be my fault."
      Darrell pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car. He swiveled to me and stared sternly at me. "You didn't force us to come. We wanted to and we all knew the risk." Now, now was the moment he was going to kiss me. It happened all of the time in those cheesy romantic comedy movies. Christina watches them everyday and I cant help but be drawn to them. 
      "Guys," said a serious Courtney. Her voice ruined everything but reminded me where we were and what we were suppose to be doing. "I see Raven." She unlocked the van door and jumped out before we could even see what she was talking about. I followed and so did Darrell. 
      Sure enough, Raven was trudging down the stone road. She saw us but did nothing. Her movements became slow and before long, she collapsed. Courtney was at her side within seconds along with me. Raven's usually combed black hair was wet and muddy like the rest of her. She was silently weeping which gave me hope that she was still alive. Her leg was most definitely broken. It was obvious by the way it was positioned, definitely not a way someone with an intact leg could do. 
      "What happened?" asked Courtney. She took off her sweater she was wearing and wrapped it as gently as possible over Raven's leg. "McKenna, help me get her into the van."
      "Before you do anything, check her for recorders or tracking devices." I said. "We can't afford to be followed or killed."
      After doing that, we helped her to her feet and walked her to the van. Darrell immediately assist her into the van and laid her out on the backseat where she cried for a bit. Having my questions unanswered was something I never approved of. "What happened to you?"
      "McKenna," said an alarmed Courtney. "She doesn't want to talk about it. Leave it at that."
      "I can respect that but someone needs to tell me why those guys I that car are speeding towards." Darrell hit the brakes on the car and we sped off. It was still night and it was remarkable how he could drive in the dark. Although, he had done it in the foggy night when my plane crashed. The guys in a blue minivan was on our tail even as we were back on the road and now in the highway. There must he some possible way we could loose these guys. 
      "Take a short cut through there," I said while pointing. 
      "In the woods," he asked incredulously. 
      "Just do it!" Without needing to be told twice, he went towards the forest that was near the highway. Like a shadow, those guys were behind us. Who were they? It could be those goons that were around the school. From what I could see, they had on suits which isn't something modern day good wore. 
      Chances were, they would catch us, kill us-with us providing a fight-and go along their merrily way. "Go faster!" Courtney was practically yelling in Darrell's ear. 
      "If I go any faster, then I will hit a tree!" Darrell shouted back.
     "Doesn't look like any of us have to," I said awkwardly as I stared out the window. "I know those guys."
I barely got any sleep last night. What can I say, my mind was awake. I passed a message using Morse Code to her this morning saying that I would be over at her house by 6. I climbed through my bedroom window and tapped on her bedroom window four times, signaling that I had to get in. Matna was sitting on the the floor, and she was staring into space. I asked her, "What's wrong?" She said, "The...well, you won't believe this. I mean...I think that Jew who killed that poor man yesterday night...I think he works for the Fuhrer." I stared at her for a minute or so. "Are you serious? How in the...
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posted by rory2011
she's hiding beyond the rainbow
that had never disappeared
sometimes she's angry
sometimes she's shy
when she's big
she's empty
when she's small
she's happy

you can see her
If you open your mind
very wide
you can hear her at night
under the moon

her hair is white
she's old sometimes
and young in other times
she hugging us
with all her arms
protect us
from that cruel world outside

I spend my spring in you
with all your games
hearing the laughs and lullabies
picking the flowers
chasing the butterflies
it's hard to accept
that I'm old to not going to you
play and laugh
and forgot all the concerns

I hate this world...
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posted by alicia386
So here i am
stuck inside this house
im wondering if i
will ever make it out
now point wondering
if there isnt an answer
just try to belive

here we are
stuck in this house
back where we started
we wont ever make it out
just here to ask
even if there is no reply
if you believe

you turn to me
you say it slow
your voice is deep
"how do we know,"
i shrugg my shoulders
you reply
"I believe in you and i"

then i know
without a doubt
that these four walls
can keep up trapped
but you will always
love me
even if you are
a stuffed monkey
posted by SweetHoneyBunny
I dropped the flashlight and slammed the window shut. “What on Earth was that!?” I didn't know I had said that out loud until my mom asked “What was what?”
“Mom! What are you doing in my room?” I spun around and leaned against the window sill. “I was just bringing up your laundry when I heard you talking to yourself.” She put down the pile of clothes she was carrying and sat on my bed. “You know you can talk to me about anything. Is it boy trouble?” I looked at her and walked to my door.
“Mom it's not boy trouble and I think I'm going to go to bed.” I yawned and stretched...
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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
Talow clutched the plans, watching his fellow United Flame and Sword soldiers as they shook their heads and muttered amongst themselves. He saw a few lower their swords and guns just to have them raised again after receiving looks from their superiors.
“You don't understand, if we continue the way we are this war will never end! We'll continue fighting with the Bellators until who knows when.” He looked towards Luca who wouldn't make eye contact with him. “You use fuel like it can be dug from the ground instead of traded for at the market. You don't see that everything is running out...
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added by hgfan5602
posted by Max277
Chapter 6

Okay, so were was I last time before I got hurt? Oh right now I remember. So battling demons, to be honest it scares the living soul out of me. Pretty much that's what those evil things are after. Alright your probably thinking what in the world is she talking about, She was hurt! Yes I realize that. I am just going to give you some info about those ugly things. Okay.
Rule 1-Never try to reason with them. That's just stupid and they will take your soul.
Rule 2-Please don't look into there eyes! If you do let's just say you will be sorry.
Rule 3-Always have a wepon.
Rule 4-Don't and I mean don't let them ever sneak up on you. You'll be a goner.
Rule 5 last rule- Never have a really hot guy helping you trying to fight these things. You will be focused on him! Not the demon!
That's why I blame Nick. Damn why did he have to be so darn hot.

I open my eyes and lucky me. Guess who's hovering over me? A demon.
posted by amoremusic
I don't envy you for the life
that you had lived, you kept
yourself guarded by all of the
horrible things that could've
happened to you.

You tell me that you
don't want or need my
sympathy vote that you
won't take it from some-one
like me.

you came through the
most devastating part
of your life and that is
why i admire you so much.

I know that I don't
fully understand the
ignorance that you lived
in, I pray to God that i
never will, but you didn't
let that put you into a position
that left you feeling bitter-and
hating every-one who came
to know you and love you.

You survived and came
out of...
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posted by alicia386

Lots to blog about. Today was interview day. The principal made all 8th graders go through a mock interview for the experience. We had to dress appropriate and respectable. I wore a tight black and grey dress with a black belt above the waist with black wedges. My interview guy was this old fart whose wrinkles hid his emotions. His face was so wrinkled that I couldn't tell whether he was smiling, frowning, or laughing. I think my interview went okay. When I got back with my circle of friends, they told me how their interviewers were complimenting them and saying how much they loved this resumes and cover letters. He didn't say anything nice or mean. He did however joke with me. In other glorious news, Kyle took me out for ice cream. How cool is that?! He had chocolate and I had vanilla. We sat and talked. It was just the two of us. By next week, Kyle will surely be my boyfriend.
posted by alicia386

The Preps decided that I was the girl on Chirps causing them drama. Chirps is a social network founded by Twitter that is only for teens. Chirps is a safe site that allows teens to just talk or in this case, cause some serious drama. Today they thought that I was the one causing drama on Chirps. As if! Do they honestly believe that I do not have life? Why would I waste my precious time trying to humiliate them on the internet. People who cause drama on the internet are only cowards. If I have something to say to you, then I will say it to your face. That isn't all that happened today....
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posted by sadiebugz00
Carter’s Perspective

No matter how shocking, yes, we dogs can think. Gasps galore, I know. Anyways, I sat there, somehow knowing that we weren’t playing hide-and-go –seek in this… place. I decided to get out of the road as I had realized that I was in the middle of the lane.
I faltered for a second, wondering if I should stay there just in case Derek was to come back. I finally decided there was no chance that he would be coming back. I wander out into the desert a bit, and then I looked back at the way that I had come from. I realized I couldn’t see the road anymore. Great…....
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posted by CatiePotter
"What happened?" I questioned myself as I got up. I was in my bed; how did I get there? I looked around my small bedroom. The house was scilent, the usual voices of my mother making breakfast was not there. There was no smell of pancakes or coffee as the usual breakfast was.

I looked across my bed to the stand with my alarm clock. 5 o'clock in the morning."Odd they should be up by now" I wondered.

There was a bang downstairs, like the car grauge door." What are they doing?"I asked myself. I stretched as I headed downstairs to the kitchen. As I krept down further there was more noises coming...
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posted by Weasel1999
II The Kitchen.

Unsure where to go Ember dithered in the corridor outside the nursery for almost ten minutes the next morning. But soon the delicious smell of apples and cinnamon reached her nose.
She followed the scent until she reached a large old fashioned kitchen. An old, wooden table, worn and scrubbed filled the middle of the room. It was the biggest kitchen Ember had ever saw. One side of the room was simply all cupboards and drawers of all different shapes and coloured. Ember’s curiosity burned but she was distracted by a large woman wearing an apron. She was taking a steaming apple...
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posted by alicia386
I'm hiding in my mom's closet. IT was the only way for me to be safe from . . . the mirror. I know this sounds ridiculous but you wil understand when you hear my story.

It all started when my friend, Bella, received an ancient mirror from her grandmother. Her granny had said it shows the truth within someone.

Everything was okay at first. Bella used the mirror rarely to fix her hair or something. Then things took a change for the worst.

Our other friend, Hanna, was sitting next to Bella at the lunch table so I sat next to them. Hanna was desperately trying to tell bella about her encounter with...
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Note: This one's from Ash's point of view. Hope the few people who are reading it enjoy.
Also, can't wait until they get older and I can make them do other things: strip each other, make out...XD. My mind is so sick.

My clock read 9:47. I lay I my bed, my face buried in my pillow to muffle my sobbing.
    What was wrong with me? What had I done to deserve this?
    I felt the tight feeling in my stomach, more painful than it usually is. I needed to throw up again. I got up and...
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Hey, guys. Sorry I didn't post a chapter for a while. The power's off at my house, so I can't get on the internet. I'm at the library right now; it's got Wi-Fi. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It's from Quin's point of view.

“Are you sure it was Ryker?” Zoë asked. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was obviously even more upset that Ryker was smoking than when she thought it was Travis.
    I nodded. “Who else wears old hiking boots every day? I wish it wasn’t him, though. I wish...
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"Operation Get-Drew-to-ask-me-to-the-dance is undergo." I said in a hushed tone to my best friend Nyomi.

"We so got to get a better name then that, Lola," replied Nyomi. "Operation Drew sounds better."

"Who cares just go ask him who he is taking to the Valentine Dance."

"Why me?"

"You are his closest friend," i said. "You know him so much better then I do."

"Fine," she grumbled. I watched from behind the wall as Nyomi went up to my crush and ask him the sacred question.

I saw them laughing and thought everything went according to plan. Then she came back.

"He said he was thinking about asking Rachel,"...
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Felix's mother was worried as hell.

Not ONLY was her son almost run over by an 8 ton truck, he disappeared after the accident. She worried he might be under the huge pile-up of cars, but after several hours of car moving, his body was nowhere to be found, nor was Alice's.

Of course, Alice's father wasn't much support. Hell, he wasn't even here, where the accident was. Lazy, inconsiderate, horrible excuse of a father was probably still at home with a beer in his hand and his butt glued to the couch. Her mother was probably out gambling again, wasting all of Alice's hard earned money from her...
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Garren woke up to the faint smell of food and yelling coming from downstairs. The sound of a door slamming rang through the house, and Garren slowly sat up, just in case his joints and wounds still ached. As he got to his feet, he checked how his body was doing. Surprised, nothing hurt, not even his cut.

Climbing downstairs, he found Kayleen sitting at a table near what looked like a kitchen, fuming mad. Once she noticed Garren, however, she put on a small smile.

"Afternoon, sleepy-head," she greeted. "You know, you snore REALLY loudly. Thought I'd never sleep."

"Sorry." Garren replied. "Nothing...
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The Eden Chronicles is the main series set in Eden. Every book is from a different perspective. The books generally follow Edonian history in chronological order, but there may be a few exceptions. Here are the titles of the first six and final six books of the series.

A Place of Peace
The Founding of Cities
Draco: First King of the Dragons
The First Demons
The Ruling Council
Starlit Nights

A Little Bit More Than Love
Rise of the Demons
Rokujo's Revolution
Rebuilding Eden
Truth and Lies
Pandora: Last Queen of the Dragons