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posted by alicia386
Chapter Ten: I Always Lose At The Game of Chance

      "Who would be dumb enough to follow us?" demanded Courtney who was already forgetting that Darrell almost kidnapped us. "Don't they know who they are messing with." Courtney said it a bit playful but playful was not the kind of mood we were looking for.
      "You might be trained, but they are experienced and probably know 40 different ways to kill someone. It is best if we go hide out somewhere." Darrell kept his eyes on the road, those sky blue eyes.
      "You're right," I said. "But where are Charles and Raven? We can't just leave them. We all have to be safe. It is my fault you're in this situation."
      "Actually it might just be Dr. Hyde's fault," said Darrell.
      "But I'm the one who wanted to go and find my dad," I said back.
      "But we wanted to come along."
      "Which means I should make sure everyone is okay," I said. "If something happened to them, then it would be my fault."
      Darrell pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car. He swiveled to me and stared sternly at me. "You didn't force us to come. We wanted to and we all knew the risk." Now, now was the moment he was going to kiss me. It happened all of the time in those cheesy romantic comedy movies. Christina watches them everyday and I cant help but be drawn to them. 
      "Guys," said a serious Courtney. Her voice ruined everything but reminded me where we were and what we were suppose to be doing. "I see Raven." She unlocked the van door and jumped out before we could even see what she was talking about. I followed and so did Darrell. 
      Sure enough, Raven was trudging down the stone road. She saw us but did nothing. Her movements became slow and before long, she collapsed. Courtney was at her side within seconds along with me. Raven's usually combed black hair was wet and muddy like the rest of her. She was silently weeping which gave me hope that she was still alive. Her leg was most definitely broken. It was obvious by the way it was positioned, definitely not a way someone with an intact leg could do. 
      "What happened?" asked Courtney. She took off her sweater she was wearing and wrapped it as gently as possible over Raven's leg. "McKenna, help me get her into the van."
      "Before you do anything, check her for recorders or tracking devices." I said. "We can't afford to be followed or killed."
      After doing that, we helped her to her feet and walked her to the van. Darrell immediately assist her into the van and laid her out on the backseat where she cried for a bit. Having my questions unanswered was something I never approved of. "What happened to you?"
      "McKenna," said an alarmed Courtney. "She doesn't want to talk about it. Leave it at that."
      "I can respect that but someone needs to tell me why those guys I that car are speeding towards." Darrell hit the brakes on the car and we sped off. It was still night and it was remarkable how he could drive in the dark. Although, he had done it in the foggy night when my plane crashed. The guys in a blue minivan was on our tail even as we were back on the road and now in the highway. There must he some possible way we could loose these guys. 
      "Take a short cut through there," I said while pointing. 
      "In the woods," he asked incredulously. 
      "Just do it!" Without needing to be told twice, he went towards the forest that was near the highway. Like a shadow, those guys were behind us. Who were they? It could be those goons that were around the school. From what I could see, they had on suits which isn't something modern day good wore. 
      Chances were, they would catch us, kill us-with us providing a fight-and go along their merrily way. "Go faster!" Courtney was practically yelling in Darrell's ear. 
      "If I go any faster, then I will hit a tree!" Darrell shouted back.
     "Doesn't look like any of us have to," I said awkwardly as I stared out the window. "I know those guys."
posted by sadiebugz00
Carter’s Perspective

As I’m walking with the pack, I instantly realize there is a clear leader. Veronica. She was more than your average coyote. She actually had reddish-brown fur instead of the generic gray-brown. She still had the piercing yellow eyes that coyotes are known for, but hers made you feel like she was staring straight into your soul… She made it clear she was the leader, too. She in fact came straight up to me and told me, “Hey! Newbie. I’m the leader of this pack, okay? Ain’t ever gonna become some fancy-shmancy leader.”
It was pretty clear if you ask me....
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III The Library
The next room Ember visited was to her a Heaven on Earth. An enormous room just for holding books! The ceiling was so high it would have taken ten of her standing on top of one another the reach it. The shelves and shelves of books were piled right up to the top and there were several ladders placed conveniently so that she could reach the topmost books.
Ember walked round the room as though she were in a dream. She loved reading and devoured every book she found but she had never had a whole library full of them to herself. She barely knew where to start. Every square inch of...
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Gerald wrinkled his nose at the earthy, mossy smell that always filled the woods. He longed to get back to his palace, but there was work to be done, and a king must do his work, after all.
“Hurry up!” he shouted at the coal black horses dragging the carriage. They bolted and took off.
Gerald leaned back against the soft, silky back of the seat and watched the trees blur by.
How grateful he was that he didn’t live out here, with all the faerie and elves and goblins. No, goblins lived in the marshes, didn’t they? But the faerie-folk, elves…still out here. He could feel them watching...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 2

Lawrence lived in a Chamber for a few years. But the Dragon Princess had tried to get his attention.

"LAWRENCE, DINNER IS READY!" The Dragon Princess yelled at Lawrence, who was in his Chamber.

"I am not hungry!" Lawrence told her.

"I WILL BREAK DOWN THE DOOR!" She screamed at him.

"No thanks." Lawrence replied as The Dragon Princess sat down.

"Why won't you love me!" She asked as she started to cry.

"Is that why i am here?" Lawrence asked her, now very confused.

"No one loves me! No one ever has and ever will!" The Dragon Princess told Lawrence as tears filled her eyes.

"Don't cry" Lawrence...
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posted by alicia386
In the deep dark woods lies a house. A cottage house that only has one inhabitant. The one inhabitant onle has one visitor every month.

It was wintertime when that one visitor made his last visit.

Sherman E. Collins was his name and snooping was his name. The bald, chubby man knocked on the rotted wood. He waited for a good 2 minutes but nothing happened. When he was just about to knock again, the door creaked open. He shrugged it off. It was a common thing in these abandon houses.

Clutching his clipboard, he made his wasy into the house. The shattered windows, yellowing photos, and missing floor...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 2
    Be careful what you kill for             
    “So…what’s your project on kiddies?” Ms. Arthur asks us.
    “So we have the first few installments of our documentary-”
    “Movie,” Sasha interjected.
    Ashlynn glared at her, “documentary of our very own horror hour.”
    Ms. Arthur frowns. “Horror hour?”
    “Um…you know, ma’am, the killing’s that took place...
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posted by Problematic129
    Chapter 8
    Old enemies
    “Welcome everyone! To Club Aprenta!” Ali laughed excitedly and clapped her hands, Sage whistled, I jumped up and down, and Beth bowed in front of the newest additions.
    “Club Aprenta?” Scotty asked. “What kind of name is that? And what do we do anyways?”
    I shrugged. “Nothing really, we just made this up to spend more time together, you know how can school be.”
    “In other words,” Honey put her hands up in the air. “FREE...
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posted by SilverFanGirl
Thanks for the memories
Chapter one
June 6, 1994, my birth. My mother never meant to have me. Never did. My father's condom apparently broke so they were stuck with me. A babygirl. I had short brown hair with amber eyes. But when I was born, I had blue with a light brown lining around my pupil. The doctors never could figure that part out. My eyes changed quicker than most babies. My eyes changed a week earlier than they were supposed to. That's why I get picked on, I tell that story and no one believes me. They call me "Weirdo", "fake", etc.
Though my mother left and my father is a total drunk,...
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posted by Weasel1999
I. The Nursery

Ember lived in her nursery for the next few months, only being let out occasionally to go to the toilet. All she saw were the four walls around her but it wasn’t all bad.
The room was painted a pretty sky-blue and the carpet was thick, fluffy and a deep midnight blue. There was a bed and a huge white wardrobe with the most beautiful, old-fashioned clothes inside.
Rich velvets cloaks, soft fur stoles, bright silk dresses, every item of clothing needed to make a young lady of society look beautiful.
But Ember was not a young lady of society living in Victorian times. She was a...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter 7: You Can't Trust Anyone These Days

      James Knight slumped in his chair. It seemed like the most appropriate thing to do in this situation. How else was he suppose to act? He was a train wreck waiting to happen. He didn't bother combing his dirty blonde hair or wear decent clothes. He still had on his Lakers sweatshirt and faded blue jeans with holes ripped in the front. This was the kind of outfit he wouldn't dare where around the house if this was a regular day. For shoes, he had his scuffed, black Reeboks. His eyes were red and puffy but he still radiated that devilish charm...
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posted by Dhampires
She waited at the doorstep nearly all night he never came.

She quietly made my way to our room his image was the only thing that flooded my head.

'Would he come home? Had something happened to him? If it had why hadn't someone called?' she was thought she knee on the inside she was being over dramatic.

She leaned over her balcony looking on to the woods beyond the night stares filled the sky shimmering like diamonds, she smiled as the northern lights appeared it was rare to see in such a place other han Alaska but they shown bright. And as quickly as they came they left.

She quickly washed up and...
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posted by alicia386
I use to know you
but now its over
and i am not going back
had my heart broken
had my dreams blown away
it only took you a second
to rearrange my whole day

I use to know you
but now its over
and i see that now
you blew me away
far from here
and i couldnt make it back
but i bet you knew that

I use to know
someone like you
he was friendly
but i left him behind
in the rain
in the cold
where i couldnt see him

i hope you're different
it would help
if you werent exactly like him
nice to know you
but i must go
and protect my soul
how nice of you to stop by
but please go home now

I use to know you
but now im long gone
and it feels great'
to leave that burden behind
i wont see you again
i wont be there when you fall
just know that i
wont pick you up again
posted by alicia386
Trina Harper lost her job, fiancé, and her mom died half a month ago. Life could not have gotten worse for this twenty year old.

She strolled inside a nearby Chinese Restraurant that as filled with people. She sat down in the corner seat and murmured her ordered the waitress. "Just a fortune cookie, please."

Her life had gotten so messed up when Kyle, her deadbeat fiancé, left her for her older sister. She was never able to escape this string bad luck.

An ancient, wrinkled woman hobbled her way to his table. "I made this just for you," she said. She hobbled away.

"And now I have old ladies giving...
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posted by para-scence
“Craig! Get up! We’re going to be late!“ My sister Rachel pounded her fist on my door. I reluctantly opened my eyes to look at the clock. I had only ten minutes to get ready. I cursed under my breath and got dressed quickly, not bothering to grab anything to eat. I got to Rachel’s car just before she was about to ditch me. I tried to catch up on my algebra homework on the car ride to school.

“You really should’ve done that yesterday,“ Rachel scolded me. “You’re failing as it is.“ Of course, little miss perfect always had to tell me what I was doing wrong, even if she was...
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posted by -SilverFey-
I have not been on here in about three months, and almost nothing has been posted, so I'm posting this, because I really don't want this club to die. :,)

I found my bond early.

Not exceptionally early. In eighth grade. I was thirteen; he was barely fourteen. And a matching mark appeared on our skin, meaning that he was my bond. He is my bond.

Our mark is made up of three dark black stars, charcoal black, pure black. The first one, the biggest star, is on both of our left breastbones, the second largest just under it and slightly to the left, and the smallest just a little lower down, directly...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 1

In Osaka, Japan, Wolfe was resting on a hammock in a fancy hotel.

“Ah, this is the life! No more evil monsters, no more evil demons, no more evil anything!” Wolfe thought to himself as he drank some of his lemon water.

“Excuse me” A young man asked Wolfe, “Can you look at something for me?”

“Sure, what is it?” Wolfe responded politely.

“It’s kind of strange...there’s a hole in the water...” The young man told Wolfe nervously.

“Alright, I’ll go check it out” Wolfe said as he walked to the beach. When Wolfe reached the beach, he saw a large, swirling hole in...
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posted by Max277
Chapter 5

Something wet touches my face. I open my eyes a little. Wow. That was a big wolf. Huh. A wolf. I scream, jump up, and tripped backwards. I fall on my back. It knocks the wind out of me. Then I remember the wolf. I sit up. Whoa. That thing was huge. It just stared at me. I stared back. I didn't even breath. I looked into the eyes of the huge wolf, and I realized they were Nick's eyes. He turned back into a human. My mouth fell open. Not just because he had no clothes on, but because he just turned from that animal into a HUMAN!! I couldn't even say anything. He took a step twords...
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posted by Max277
Chapter 4

I slowly open my eyes. Everything blurry for a second. I blink a few times and my vision becomes clear. I see the gang, All beat up. Not looking so well. I didn't want to know what I looked like. Probably scare someone. I looked around. I was chained to the wall, so was everyone else. Great. I try to yank at the chains as hard as I could but they didn't budge."Well someone made sure these suckers weren't moving" I muttered to myself. My eyes landing on someone who was on the outside of the cell. We stared at each other for a long minute."Who are you?" I asked."who are you" the tall...
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posted by alicia386
Book Cover
Book Cover
This is a modern day remake of the classic Cinderella. I hope you guys like it.

Chapter One - Being Average

I thought today was going to be a cloudy, grey day. It would match my mood, but, as usual, it was sunny and blue. For one day, can it not be so perfect and beautiful. I am positive that the weather truly despises me. Everyone despises me.

Except for my best friend, Carlie. She must be the only one besides my mom who loves me and cares for me. She has been with me since I moved out here in Georgia. She must be the only one who can imagine what I'm going through. We both lost our mothers....
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This an except from the article How to Get Out of Your Own Way When Writing. This is advice from an accomplished author named Elizabeth Knox

"I prefer reading, and writing, in the third person – “he walked along the shore,” rather than the first person, “I walked along the shore.” Many novice writers start writing in the first person. There are some very good reasons for that. For a start, we’re all used to telling stories with ourselves at their centers. Also, using a first-person voice can be a kind of playacting. They narrator is a “not-you” you’re pretending to be.

Why I...
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