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Chris: last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Our contestants pranked the other contestants.Cole arraged a fake date with 3 people. Lia, Annie, and Mathew getting them all pranked. And Layla gave a prank text to Marissa and Liza from Joss's phone. Not to mention Elisa beating up Layla! hehe... amazing. In the end, It was both Draven and Ashley who got voted off, but only Ashley who was going home. Draven is being my intern... I need him to still be here... ratings!!! Who will win? Who will barf? Who will want to quit the show? Find out right now on Total... Drama Reality check!

(Theme song)

(Team Fake's Girl's trailer)
Lia: So much quiet with Ashley gone.
Annie, May, and Lily: mhm.
(Layla and Fawn enter)
Layla: Just shut up you (beeeep)
Lia: Spoke too soon.
Fawn: I'm just saying that you need to be a little nicer to Liza and Marissa and... pretty much everyone.
Layla: Fawn. Read my lips. I. Do. not. Care. Okay? You got that? Good. (pats Fawn on the head)


Fawn: (Screams) If Layla is not gone soon. I am going to lose it!!!! Oh and now that I'm on the subject of bitches. Let's talk about Draven... really...He's an INTERN now?! *hands fly into the air in sheer anger* I can not believe this! *hits head against the wall consistantly* No no no no no no no

May: Really. We get Draven eliminated and he comes back as an intern. And now hes probobly going to know that I voted for him. This sucks.

Blake: Finally, Ashley's I don't have to deal with her anymore and that I will be able to feel tranquil without her calling my name. Although everything isn't exactly peaceful. Layla and Draven are still around. Let's just hope I can avoid being in their way. Anyway, I wonder what the next challenge is going to be?

Draven: It's good that I'm the intern now. I can now look at all the confessionals and see how to make my fellow team who voted me off pay for what they did... all must Layla. I already know some. Like Vincent has Bipolar and he always see's his imaginary girlfriend. Blake hates being called Blakey Snowflakey. I also need to get Jordan and Cole eliminated. They no that I stole Liza's bra. hmmm.. what to do. what to do...


(Team Real's girl's trailer)
Marissa: I do too.
Elisa: hehe.. I still smell Chocolate milk in your hair.
Liza: When did you smell my hair??!
Elisa: never....
Liza: Mhm....
Chris: (intercom) All contestants come to set 7 NOW!
Marissa: never learn the word please do you Chris?

(set 7)
(All the contestants enter)
Chris: Okay. Are you guys ready?
Vincent: Ready as we'll ever be.
Chris: okay. While I tell you guys about today's challenge, my new intern Draven will set up the Tarantula pit.
Lia: Tarantula pit?
Chris: mhm. You heard me. Now before I explain today's challenge. There will be 8 parts to today's challenge and each part will have 1 member of each team in it. As for team Fake, you must kick out a player to not do today's challenge.
Fawn, Lily, Lia, and Annie: I VOTE LAYLA!
Layla: WHAT?!
Chris: okay. Layla, since you don't have to do today's challenge. You can go to your trailer and you also have invincibility!
Layla: OH YEAH! But... I'll stay here. I want to watch my fellow team mates suffer... I mean have fun.
(Fawn rolls eyes)
Chris: I like that spirit! Now. Let's start today's challenge. Today's challenge is based on the reality show "Fear Factor". As I said there will be 2 parts. Each part will have 1 member from each team in it. Each part is a challenge based off of Fear Factor. You can drop out if you want, if you do, the other person wins a point for their team.
Draven: I'm done sir.
Chris: Good boy.


Mathew: Sir?! Good boy?! Are we in some kind of alternate universe?!


(Set 7)
Chris: okay. Today's challenge is for the 2 picked contestants to lay in a pit of tarantulas!
Joss: Tarantellas?!?
Chris: hehe... yeah you heard. Okay. so first up is Lia vs. Cole!
Joss: (sigh if releaf)
Lia: Your going down Cole!
Cole: Yeah what ever.


Lia: This is going to be revenge for what he did to me last time! Putting me on a fake date with Jordan. psh. the pain still lives Cole. The pain still lives.


(Set 7)
Chris: Okay you 2. In to the pit of tarantellas.
(Lia and Cole get into the pit of tarantellas)
Lia: ew. ew. ew.
Cole: (sigh) fills like home.
Lia: O.O
Cole: Forget you herd that.
Lia: mhm...
Chris: Time begins... NOW!
Lia: This isn't so bad.
Cole: Oh I'm use to this.
Lia: O.O
Cole: Just pretend I can't hear and I'm a ghost.
Lia: Can I be the one to turn you into a ghost?
Cole: HEY!
(1 minutes later)
Cole: I can do this all day. (get's bitten by a Tarantula) OUCH! I mean... no problem bro. (get's bitten by one on the neck) OH no... (faints)
Chris: And Lia wins it!
Joss: How is that even possible that he fainted? Tarantulas aren't even posiness!!
Chris: Well let's say some of them... not all of them.. are mutant tarantulas!
Lia: WHAT?!?! (jumps out) You could have killed me in there!
Chris: That's kind of the point. Now Draven? Take my old friend Cole to the infirmary.
Draven: Yes sir!


Layla: What is Draven doing?? I need to find out more... hmmmm...


(Set 7)
Chris: Okay. Lia since you got the a point, you win invincibility and a point for your team!
Lia: YES!
Annie: Wait what?
Chris: Did I forget to mention that if you win the round you don't only get a point for your team but you get invincibility if your team loses?
Robert: Um. No I don't think that came up.
Chris: Well you do!
Lia: YES!
Chris: Okay. The next challenge I will need to have Liza and May!
Liza: Come on Chris! Hit what me with what ever you got!
Chris: Your challenge is to eat 3 sheep eyes.
Elisa: WHAT!?!?!??! We have to eat sheep?!??!
Chris: No... May and Liza have to eat sheep. But you know.. you can eat sheep too if you want.
Elisa: NO! No one should be eating sheep!
Chris: (rolls eyes) Okay. Sit down by the bowl of eyes.


Joss: (sigh) I hope Liza's going to be okay eating the sheep's eyes.


(Set 7)
Chris: Okay the first one to complete all 3 eyes wins the point for their team and invincibility if their team loses. Ready? GO!
May: (slowly picks up Eyes) Ewwww...


May: W- Why did I have to be sheep's eyes?! Really Chris?! (barfs)


(Set 7)
Liza: (slowly takes bite of Sheep's eyes and then barfs)
May: (slowly takes bite of Sheep's eyes and then barfs)
Chris: This May take awhile... Will May and Liza die from the grossness? Will They surrive. And what other gross challenges do I have in mind? Find out when we return To Total.. Drama.. Reality Check!

Cole: W- where am I?
Draven: You got bitten by a tarantula.
Cole: Oh.. okay... Can I go now?
Draven: First. You do know That I just saved your life right?
Cole: I- I guess.. Thanks.
Draven: mhm. Now here's the thing. You have to return the favor.
Cole: Sure... What is it?
Draven: You have to tell everyone that you stole Liza's bra.
Cole: WHAT??!?!?!
Draven: Mhm... Tell them... or I'll play your audition tape.
Cole: NO! Don't! You wouldn't!
Draven: Watch me.

(Set 7)
Chris: And Liza finished her first eye!
Liza: I think I'm going to be sick. (barfs) Too late.
May: (swallows her first eye) There! Done! (sigh of releaf)
Chris: You still got 2 more left. And so does Liza.
May: Oh no...


May: Doing this... I'm thinking... is the money even worth it?

Liza: Okay... I thought of something while I was puking my head out: Why eat it slowly... eat it fast and get it over with.


(Set 7)
Liza: (eats the whole 2nd eyes then the whole 3rd eye then barfs)
Chris: And Liza wins!
Liza: yay...
May: Crap!
Chris: D- Do you guys want to go in the infirmary?
Liza: I- I think I do.
Chris: Well Draven's already in there so... Chef?
Chef: What is it?
Chris: Bring these ladies to the infirmary please.
Chef: Agggh.. (picks May and Liza up and exits)
Chris: Okay next up we have Marissa vs. Fawn!
Fawn: Oh yeah! Let's do this!
Marissa: Good luck Fawn.
Fawn: Good luck Marissa.
Chris: Okay. Your challenge is another pit challenge.
Fawn: Oh no..
Chris: You have to lay in a pit of rats.
Marissa: ewww...
Elisa: Why does everything have to do with animals?
Chris: I'm doing challenges from the show fear factor so... yeah... well let's just get on with the challenge!
(Marissa and Fawn get into the pit of rats)
Marissa: ewwww...
Fawn: I know... Gross!
Chris: Time starts now!
Marissa: OW! One just pit me! Are they posiness?
Chris: No. Not theses... sadly.
Marissa: (sigh of releaf)
Fawn: OW! One bit- Ow!
Marissa: OUCHY!!!
Fawn: HEY! Stop it you little- OUCH!!!
Marissa: Okay that's it! I can't take it anymore! I'm going crazy! (get's out of pit) (sigh of releaf) Finally.
Chris: Fawn wins!
Fawn: YES!


Fawn: That was worth it! I get to stay another week! WOOHOO!


(Set 7)
Chris: Okay next is Jordan vs. Vincent!
Jordan: Oh no...
Chris: Your challenge is another eating challenge.
Vincent: More eye balls?
Chris: Nope. Buffalo Testicles! (takes cloth of table revealing 2 plates of Buffalo Testicles!)
(Vincent and Jordan try to hold in their barf)
Chris: Mmmmmmm..... delicious. But I'm not going to try them... you 2 are.


Vincent: Kill me now.


(Set 7)
Chris: Okay. ready.... sety.... take your makers... GO!
(Vincent starts eating the Buffalo Testicles)
(Jordan starts eating the Buffalo Testicles)
(Vincent and Jordan barf)
Jordan: (gags) ewwww..
Vincent: I know right..
(2 minutes later)
Chris: Both contestants are half way done! Who will win it all?
Vincent: I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!! (Flips over the table and the Buffalo Testicles go all over Layla.)
Layla: AGGGGGHH!!!
Vincent: oops.


Vincent: hehe... I guess my Bipolar took the best of me... hehe...

Layla: Vincent is going down!


(Set 7)
Chris: Well... as being that Jordan didn't flip the table in anger.... Jordan win invincibility and the point for his team!
Jordan: YAY!
Chris: Next is Robert vs. Blake!
Blake: Oh no...
Chris: Your challenge is to dive for 13 rings.
Robert: Oh that isn't so bad.
Chris: In a tank of cow's blood.
Robert: I spoke too soon.
Chris: Who ever gets the most rings, wins! Ready. GO!
(Blake and Vincent dive in the blood)
Blake: (Comes out for air) Can we have goggles please?
Chris: ummmm.. no!
Blake: Crap. (dives back in)
Robert: (comes out) I got one! (set's it on the edge)
Blake: I can't find one!
Robert: (comes out) I got one! (set's it on the edge)
Draven: (enters)
Blake: I got one! Finally!
Draven: Oh Blakey Snowflakey!
Blake:WHO SAID THAT!?!?!?
Draven: Over here Blakey Snowflakey!
Blake: Oh that's it Draven! Your going down!
Draven: Oh really Blakey Snowflakey!?!!? Is that true?
Blake: I am going to kill you!!!!
May: Blake! Calm down! Get to rings! You want to win right?
Blake: (sigh) I'll get you later.
Draven: ooooo I'm so scared Blakey snowflakey.
Blake; AGGH! (dives in the water)
Robert: (comes out of the water) Got one! (sets it on the side and goes back in)
Blake: (Comes out of the water) YES! (goes back in)
Robert: (comes out of the water) OH YEAH! (goes back in)
Blake: (Comes out of the water) YES! (goes back in)
Robert: (Comes out of the water) OH YEAH! (Goes back in)
Blake: (comes out of the water) YES! (goes back in then comes back out) YAY! AWESOME! (goes back in)
Robert: (Comes out of the water) OH YEAH! (Goes back in)
Blake: (Comes out of the water) YES! (Goes back in)
Robert: (comes out of the water) OH YEAH! (goes back in then comes back out) YES!
Chris: and Robert get's the last one!
Blake: CRAP!


Blake: I swear... Draven is dead!


(Set 7)
Robert: Chris? Can we dry off?
Chris: ummm.. Nah.
Robert: agggh...
Chris: Next we have Joss vs. Annie!
Annie: OH YEAH!
Chris: Okay. Annie. Joss. Your challenge is to eat a can of living worms.
Elisa: Living worms?!
Chris: mhm you heard me.


Elisa: Okay. Sheep's eye and Buffalo Testicles are bad enough. But living animals?! Chris is going to hear from the nature club at my school sooner or later.


(Set 7)
Annie: Get ready to eat worms Joss.
Joss: Umm... that's what we're doing.
Annie: Oh right.
Chris: ready go!
Annie: (eats a worm then swallows it) 1! How many are in here?
Chris: 20!
Annie: oh no..
Joss: (eats 1) 1! YES! 19 more to go!
Annie: 2! (sigh) I'm just going to dump the whole thing in my mouth. (picks up the can and dumps it in her mouth and swallows it)
Everyone: ewwww...
Annie: I'm okay! (barfs)
Chris: And Annie get's the point!
Annie: woho....
Joss: aw man!
Chris: Okay next is Elisa vs. Annie.
Elisa: Chris. This challenge better not have to do with animals.
Lily: I agree!
Chris: Hehe... well...
Elisa: Oh no.
Chris: The next challenge is to eat an African Cave-Dwelling Spider! Here they are!
Lily: Oh no.
Chris: First one to eat it fully get's the point.
Elisa: Are those claws?
Chris: Hehe... yeah.
Elisa and Lily: oh no.
Chris: Read go!
Elisa: Get calm with the spider Elisa. Focus on it... focus on-
Lily: DONE!
Elisa: WHAT!?!?
Chris: Lily get's the point!
Elisa: Aaggghh...
Chris: Okay. Our final round, unless we need a tie breaker, is Chilly vs. Mathew.
Chilly: Bring it Chris! Hit me with your best shot!
Chris: Okay! Your challenge is to eat a long 8 inches of Horse Rectum!
Mathew: (barfs)
Chris: hehe... yeah. So let's begin!
Chilly: I can do this! (starts eating it)
Mathew: ARE YOU NUTS MAN!?!?!?
Chilly: No. I just want to win! (keeps eating it)
Mathew: (takes small bites of it)
Chilly: (keeps eating it)
Mathew: (taking even smaller bites then barfs)
Chilly: (finishes it) OH YEAH! I finished it!
Chris: And chilly get's the point!
Chilly: Oh yeah!
Chris: Which brings us to a tie! In today's tie breaker, someone who did not win their challenge please volunteer to come up here.
Joss: I will!
Liza: Joss? Are you sure?
Joss: I will do it for my team!
Marissa: Joss you don't-
Joss: I will do it! Just let me!
Marissa and Liza: okay...
Chris: Team Fake? Any takers?
Blake: I'll do it!
Chris: okay. very well. Today's challenge, inspired by Jordan in the 2nd episode, is to drink.... Snake pee.
(Blake and Joss are about to barf)
Jordan: you had to bring that up Chris? Really?
Chris: hehe. Yeah really. The first person to drink a whole pint of the snake pee. Good luck.


May: Yeah... Chris wants us dead.


(Set 7)
Chris: Ready.... GO!
(Joss starts drinking the pee then barfs)
Blake: (starts drinking the pee then barfs in the cup) Oh no...
Joss: hehe... I'm going to win this!
May: Come on Blake!
Mathew: You can do this!
Blake: I can! (drinks the inter pint)
(Joss finishes the pint)
Chris: And Blake wins!
Blake: Woho...
(Blake and Joss faint)
Liza and Marissa: Joss!!?!?!
Chris: Team Real, see you guys tonight.

Okay, so Team Real has to vote someone off. You can either IM me, Inbox me, or comment below.

Here is who is on Team Real:
Liza (invincibility)
Jordan (invincibility)
Robert (invincibility)
Chilly (invincibility)
Sorry for the long wait guys D: it's a lot of work to create these videos. Especially because my original plan was to italic every single song line. Yeah, I gave up on that. Just make sure to pay attention to quotation marks.
I'll have links to all the original songs in the comments, just in case you're interested in looking them up.
I think a lot of these videos are pretty good though :) hopefully you like them.


Leo and Lynette
“Soooo... She Will Be Loved?” Lynette asked Leo.
“Not quite,” Leo corrected her. “We’re doing a version called He/She Will Be Loved... as...
continue reading...
(Elimination ceremony)

Chris: Okay! It's time to vote! Get out your remotes and get on voting!
Maylene: Lalallalalallalallala! (randomly picks someone on the ballet)
Cole: (sigh) (votes someone)
Draven: (madly glaring at Cole) (votes someone)
Liza: (madly glaring at Marissa) (votes someone)
Chris: Okay. The votes are in! And the first one goes to our invincibility winners: Draven and Liza!
Draven: mhm.
Liza: yes!
Chris: The next gilded Chris award goes to........ May and Mathew!
May and Mathew: Yes! (hugs each other)
Chris: Elisa!
Elisa: YAY!
Chris: Chilly.
Chilly: Bo Yeah!
Chris: Blake!
Blake: YES!
continue reading...
Chris: last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Chef gave the contestants a little trouble with the cooking challenge. let's just say... they hurt a lot... Cole admitted that he stole the phones instead of Draven, and Lia tried to get Jordan jealous by flirting with Jordan, which caused in Jordan's elimination also making Lia quit for Love. Awwww... how sweet. NOT! What will our contestants put Cole through now that he stole their phones, and who will Draven hit on next? Find out right here, right now. Only on.. Total... Drama... Reality Check!

(Theme song)

(Team Real's boy's room)
Cole: Chilly,...
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*In the green room*

Chris: Welcome back to Total Drama Video Game Highschool

Sgt. Calhoun: Last episode we saw Marina leave with an ankle injury

Chris: So today our contestants will be playing the scariest game to ever exist....Amnesia!

Sgt. Calhoun: right now they're eating breakfast but not for long

Chris: because we put knock out gas in the cafeteria...

Sgt. Calhoun: watch as our contestants try to!

*Theme song plays*
*In an underground tunnel system*

Isabelle: *wakes up* ugh where the hell am I?

Isabelle: *looks around* Its dark and cold...

Isabelle: *finds a lanturn* I...
continue reading...

Ashley: Like ohhhhh my god! My lollipops saved my team from winning! But anyway, I am like sooooooo happy to win!

May: I like everybody here. This is so hard. Hmmm... I guess I will vote for Garret. He lost but it's not his fault. I'm sorry Garret.

Blake: I'll vote off Garrett. He cost us the win. I don't exactly like winning, but losing something is definitely hard, because you make it far and then get booted off, unfortunately.

Lia: Wow... I dislike Annie so freaking much!!!! But honestly this time I can't vote for her so buh-bye Garret.!!!!!

Annie: Ugh, I just can't stand Lia!...
continue reading...
Chris: We've been to the Island.... TWICE! We've been Around the World... TWICE! Now we're going back to the place where we haven't gone Twice.... The Total Drama Action film set! As you can see, nothing has changed... sadly. But that will all change. Because this season is going to be BIG! We are having some returning characters and some new characters. Now here comes the bus for the returning characters.
(Bus pulls up)
Chris: We have, (says as they step out of the bus) Fawn!
Fawn: YAY!
Chris: Lia!
Lia: Hello everyone!
Chris: Lance!
Lance: WOHO!!
Chris: Cole!
Cole: Oh yeah! Back again!
Chris: Annie....
continue reading...
There were only 17 campers left in the game... 9 had left. The season is starting to come to the halfway mark and boy is it getting dramatic. Who will get eliminated next? Find out on...




Team Inferno - Geoff, Gwen, Owen, Izzy, Cody, Heather, Tyler, Sadie, DJ.

Team Hydrogen - Bridgette, Trent, Lindsay, Noah, Katie, James, May, Ezekiel.


The campers woke up casually, and casually stepped outside, but then they found out they were in a jungle.

"The camp has disappeared!" Owen shouted.

"No, Owen. We have just moved." Gwen sighed.

Noah shrugged. "We can't be too far from...
continue reading...
*In the green room*

Chris: Ladies and Gentleman...

Chris: Welcome to the newest season of Total Drama....

Chris: Total Drama....

Sgt. Calhoun: Video Game High School!

Chris: yeah....this is Sgt. Calhoun...

Chris: He's replacing Chef this season after Chef had an accident *holds up hands like air quotes"

Sgt. Calhoun: Lets get this show on the road!

*Theme Song plays*
*At an abandoned military base*

Chris: now this season will have our players being put into the virtual worlds of your favorite video games.

Sgt. Calhoun: Lets introduce the contestants!

Chris: yeah...they're...
continue reading...
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World: Paris, The City of Love. There everyone, but Alejandro, had to get in a couple with someone and do 1 of 3 challenges. The first one was to ask the spouse out on a date. Cody fell asleep on Eva, and Joss had to let his IPhone do the talking to Taylor. The 2nd round was called the first date. Alejandro played the waiter and he put hot sauce in Cole's and Liza's bread because Cole votted Heather off, but it went into Jordan's and Annie's bread and Jordan's mouth was burning! The last round was called the first kiss. Just before Mike and Fawn kissed,...
continue reading...

-Is it all worth it?-

Both Ally and Mike separately walked home. They both were crying heavily and trying to clear their minds.

The minute the two both walked into their houses, they grab a knife and tan into their rooms. Locking the doors just in case their parents came home early.

Mike was depressed even more.  He just sunk onto his knees on the ground and started screaming.

"Why?! Why do I have to be so miserable!"

He grasped the knife tighter in his fingers and raised it to his right wrist. His mind was buzzing with many thoughts. His brain was telling him to stop, but he kept on going....
continue reading...
As I promised, I'm updating this on Valentines day. XD But, like I said, V-day is a pretty stupid holiday in my opinion. :/ *shrug* Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter. Anyway, without further delaying or staling, here's the latest TDR! :D


*At the Elimination Ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to the podium* Hello all, and welcome back to the elimination ceremony! I know it's been awhile, but I'm pretty sure you all know how this works.

Melody: *raises hand* Chris, I have a question.

Chris: Keep it to yourself. Anyway, lets get this-

Melody: *cuts...
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Chris: those are all really good songs, but only one team can only win. winner cannot be Trent but he does win invincibility for doing a good job and hitting all of the notes in the duet song. the winner's team will get to decide what is the loser's punishment is. okay and the winner of the challenge is Owen singing Jessie's Girl! congratulations to team A-list!

Team A-list: YES!
Chris: Okay team Cook kids and team A-list go to the auditorium to check out what is your punishment in 30 minutes. And I will give you the options on what the punishment is.
Quinn: What! we can't make up one!?!
continue reading...
“Hello everyone, I’m Stella Carver and we are live from the set of Total Drama Musical!” A girl with long blond hair said. She wore a red dress and had blue eyes with black eyeliner around them; she wore purple eyeshadow and pink high-heels. “I’m here at one of the many Hollywood studios, but this one is the set of the brand new hit show, Total Drama Musical, I’m currently awaiting our contestants’ arrivals. During this season, our contestants will have to sing, dance, and act their hearts out in order to win the $100,000 grand prize. Each week, our teams will be given a theme...
continue reading...
posted by Rainbow_Veins
Total Drama Killer Stage (TDKS)

Chris: Well is the fucking light on the camera on? Oh...its rolling? Oh. Hello US!! We are broadcasting to you live from Lawrence, Kansas to bring you to Total Drama Killer Stage!! We are at Allen Field House on the KU campus. Here come our contestants!! First returning from the first 3 seasons, Duncan!
Duncan: Um Chris? Where the fuck are we? Chef didn't even know.
Chris: We are in Kansas, Duncan.
Duncan: Wow. What a crappy state...
Chris: Here are two new contestants!! Twins Sally and Isadora!!
Duncan: *stares at Isadora and Sally* Move over come two...
continue reading...'s another aftermath! XD Anyway, I REALLY have fun writing these, and I hope you have fun reading them! :D it is! X3


*Aftermath theme plays and the camera comes in with Geoff, Bridgett and Pixie sitting on the aftermath couch*

Pixie: Hey those viewing this show!

Geoff: That's right. It's once again time for the aftermath! *audience cheers wildly* Wow, that got a bigger response then I thought it would. :)

Bridgett: Well, this is where all the real drama is. :) And, as always...
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posted by Animetama
And we're back with our grand adventure, maybe our last, to jump off that cliff and most likely land in that death trap! Yaaaay~! Heheh, I think not! It's worse than smelling Owen's butt, or licking his arm pit! Ewwwww...

Anyways, we were back up on the mountian and Chris' back side was facing the camera, "Ok!" He went on, "today's challenge is free fall. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high clift; into the lake!"

Wait, did he say lake? Umm, that's too big to be a lake, but I could see how anyone would make that mistake when you look down...

"Piece of cake," smiled our favorite...
continue reading...
posted by starburst-rock
(Well, (Insert apoligies here) and finally I'm extra sorry for not posting this yesterday. Enjoy!!!)

Rayla walks into the mess hall looking like hell. 

Cody: *sarcastically* Rayla!, looking better then ever!

Rayla: Oh! Shut the front door!

Cody: But it's not open.....

Rayla: -.- 

Destrey: intr-

Rayla: SHUT UP!!!! I was getting to that. *yawns then says very tired* Last time on Total Drama Blank. *yawn* Teen drama's anyone? That was probably the most dramatic *yawn* episode yet... What's gonna happen this week?.. Find out on Total. Drama! BLANK!

Noah: Someones had to much vodka.

Rayla: -.- Actually...
continue reading...
posted by dxarmy423
(this story has both oc and td characters)

*Early morning in the town of Wawanakwa*

*Camera goes to noahs house*

Noah: *sleeping*

*alarm clock goes off*

Noah: ahh *fall out of bed* ouch

*Camera goes to Blaines house*

Blaine: *sleeping*

*alarm clock goes off*

Blaine: *breaks clock* *goes back to sleep*

*7:30am at the high school*

Noah: *gets off the bus* *yawns* to early for school

Duncan: *pushes noah* move it nerd

Noah: *falls* dumbass

Duncan: hey thats not nice *punches noah in the shoulder* later nerd *goes inside*

Noah: *stands up* ahh that hurt

Chilly: *walks by* *to noah* normaly I would just ignore...
continue reading...

Lexxi: So, Ronny's gone. Im Fine with that!

Zack: Ronnys gone. Thats uh, good i guess...

Zoey: I have NO idea who got voted off!

Annie: I wonder who got voted off...

Jordan: I bet Duncan got voted off of their team!

*Confessionals end*

*At a Random Starbucks*

Jared: I wonder who got voted off of their team, Dont you guys wonder?

Jordan: Yeah! I want to know so bad, so we can work out some stratigy or something!

Annie: Look, their coming!

Rochelle: Hey Guys!

Duncan: Sup.

Zoey: So, Who got voted off?

Briony: Ronny...

Jake: Tragic...*laughs*

Chris: Hey everyone! Todays Challange is going to take...
continue reading...
~Episode 1~
Chris:It's season 4 *points out 4* of the hotest reality show Total Drama!This season we told the campers that they're gonna be
living in a 3-stared hotel and the new season is gonna be called Total Drama Waiters,but instead of that we took them back to one
of their favourite places-Camp Wawanakwa *spreads his arms* in the new season Called "Total Drama Deja Vu".The new challenges are gonna
be bassed on old challenges as the campers remember the good-old times back here!O,that's them!*boat coming by*
Ronny:*supprised*We're back in Camp Wawanakwa?This can't be happening!What The...*boat...
continue reading...