Total Drama Island Club
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(OK!! My freaking iPod messed this up twice!! D:< 1 b cuz idk and 2 because of these stupid teen wolf ads!! Didn't we just get rid of the macys one? Sorry I'm like seriously peeved. Enjoy the interview!)

"BUT HE CAN'T EVEN TALK!!! PLUS I HATE COCONUTS!!!" Courtney yelled as she was pushed into the interviewing room. She stomped over to her chair and sat down.

Infront of her sat a rather large boy and a coconut. Better known as Owen and Mr. Coconut. "Hi." Owen said awkwardly.

"Let's just get this over with....." courtney sighed. "Your first question is from Colecutegirl. She asks "mr coconut how did you feel on ttotal drama island when you got eliminated on your first day of camp"

Owen whispered with the coconut then spoke up. "Mr. Coconut says he was glad to leave. Sure the million would be nice but he wanted to getaway from the tubby guy who ate his family.......wait. Mr. Coconut! I told you it was an accident!"

Courtney rolled her eyes as the boy and the coconut got into a mini argument. She cleared her throat. that got there attention.

"Moving on. Your next question is from Casacada1007. Her question is "mr.coconut did you liked owen?"

"Pshhhhhh of course Mr. Coconut likes me!" Owen said laughing a bit. He then made Mr. Coconut pop him upside the head. They whispered a bit. You hear "but Mr. Coconut!" and "But everyone likes me!" come from Owen.

"Mr. Coconut says its complicated." Owen finally answered. That for some reason got him a pop upside the head again curtsey of Mr. Coconut.

"Ok? Well your next 3 questions ate from Nocofangirl218. She asks "If ur a coucunut, how r u able 2 speak?" Courtney chuckles. "If he was able to speak I wouldn't be complaining about this interview."

"But Courtney-" Owen tries to say.

"SHHHH! Her second question is "2) R u freinds with Wilson? (from "cast-away")"

Owen whispers with Mr. Coconut then answers. "He says that when Chriss threw him in the ocean he had to travel for many days. That's when he saw a voley-ball in the middle of the ocean. That voley-ball was Wilson. Mr. Coconut and that ball are best friends now." Owen said, looking off into space.

"But that wasn't even-UHG! Nevermind! Her last question is "R u and Owen still freinds?"

They whisper and Owens sighs sadly. "He again says it's complicated."

Courtney couldn't help but snicker. "Your next 3 questions are from Noahstar1616. She asks "Did you instantly become friends with Owen, or did it take you a while to like him?"

Whispers then a sigh (A/N poor Owen! :/), then Owen spoke up. "Mr. Coconut says "Who said we were ever friends."

"Wow Mr. Coconut. Your a really big asshole." Courtney said, now feeling bad for the chubby boy. She shook her head then spoke up. "She also asks "How do you feel after being eliminated?"

"Mr. Coconut says it was a good/bad feeling." Owen said, finally smiling.

"Ok her last question is "If you haven't already, do you plan to get revenge on the person who eliminated you? If yes, how so?"

They whispered. Owen gasped. "Mr.Coconut!"

"Well?" Courtney asked.

"let's just say it's pretty much against the law everywhere." Owen said, now looking down at his belly.

Courtney's eyes widened. "Um.....well your last questions are from Poptrop300. Her first question is "Do you like being a coconut?"

The original routine happens. "He says that besides the fact that everyone wants to turn you into a cup and drink your blood out, it's pretty cool." Owen said while knotting his head.

"Poptrops second question is "If you could be anything else what would you be?"

"He says he would be Justin Beiber because almost every teenage girl and there mothers want to date him." Owen answered while giving Mr. Coconut a funny look.

Courtney sighed in relief. "Your Last and FINAL question is "Do you really like Owen or was he just ... Weird?"

Owen whispered to the coconut and a frown was put back on his face. "Mr. Coconut says he dosnt want to cause me anymore emotional pain." Owen told her.

Courtney stood up and smiled. "Well goodbye Owen Mr. Coconut." she said exiting the room.

"Owen why didn't they let me speak?" Mr. Coconut asked

"Beats me."

(Idk why I just felt like making Mr. Coconut a douche. :P well that last part idk why I typed. Probably because it 1:40 in the morning and I'm laying on my floor in a snuggy. Well anyways next to be interviewed will be.......GWEN!!!! and I don't want any questions like "why r u such a bitch?" or "why did you have to turn into a gothic slut?" understand? Her interview choices are:

I would have put Courtney but she just got done interviewing a coconut...... I've been trying to write this more organised sooo I hope you like that! Please leave comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Imma go b4 this gets any longer. '^^ Please and thank you. Starburst-Rock.)
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Alot........
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Alot........
added by Flo_and_Trent
Yes; it's short.
Yes; not everyone's ocs are in it.
Yes; I will try to update more.
No; I will not include everyone's ocs next time; that's the way Big Brother is, only certain people are shown at certain times
Yes; I will try to show more ocs
I also have a new poll posted in the club; link
Last time on Total Drama Big Brother; Francis won the very first HOH competition and him, Robyn and Jayden discussed their alliance and their plans to get rid of the couples in the house, with this, secured the nomination of Annie. At the nomination ceremony, Annie and Ryker were nominated...
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Chef: Last time on TDRC! The lazy Maggots went on a hunt to find the mutant animals to give them a hair cut. Blond haired hot boy flirted with the goody-goody which mad swimmer boy mad. Miss nicey nicey tried to flirt with mister nicey-nicey! In the end, it was Robert who got eliminated. Hello Maggots! I bet your wonder why I'm doing this intro! Well, Chris is gone to a award show so I'm here to hurt the maggots to their limit.... or burn them to death. What will I do? Find out right now on Total... Drama.. Reality Check!

(theme song)

(Team Real's girl's trailer)
Lia: Okay! May listen up!
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trent: *sigh* i should be theone to go i went agenset my own ways never ever hurt a girl *slips note under girls door*

angie: i cant belaved i liked him >:'O

lia: :/ hey look a note and it says angie


note: hey im really sorry how i treated you im probley going to leave even if i dont i wanted you to know that your butieful and im sorry ~from your secret admier

angie: :'O omg clay likes me

lia: :l well that was a shocker

chris: everyone put in your votes


Luke: I sure hope they pick me for invincibility :D, which they won't *laughs* I can't believe clay did that... literally,...
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GPOV (Gwen)
"Everyone!" Said Chris, "You Will Be In Class 11 C, With Seven Other New Contestants!" He Cheered, There Was Silence, "Who Are They??" Asked Beth Anxiously. "Well...." Said Chris Slowly "Go Inside And FIND OUT, However I Can Tell U Athena And Axel R Joining U" Sniggered The Host, Pointing At The Tall Girl And The Drunk Looking Guy. We All Scooted Inside To Find A Smaller, Blonde Haired Boy With Bright Eyes, A Emo Looking Boy With his Head In A Book, A Naughty Looking Boy With A Dirty Blonde Mullet, A Sleepy Looking Boy With Black Hair Styled Like The Small Boy, But With Red Tips,...
continue reading...
(Team Fake's Girl's trailer)
Lia: I can't believe Draven's back. He's such a (beeeeeep). Don't you agree Lily...
(Lily is still eating a lot of food. GIVE ME FOOD!!!
Lia: ummm.. you need to stop eating all that food.
Lily: (turns into Phoenix) DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!
Lia: ummm.. yeah. (exit trailer)
(outside of Trailer)
Lia: (bumps into Draven) oh sorry. (see's that it's Draven) or not.
Draven: What ever. You dig me.
Lia: If you mean dig you in a grave. Then yeah. You got it.
Draven: what ever. At least we're voting for the same person.
Lia: And that would be?
Draven: Ms. Multiple Personality...
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Vincent: Damn... who to vote for? Um...I guess may.

lily: annie or lia umm umm umm I guess err okay sorry vincent

Lia: Hmmm Let me think first name begins with A ends in Nnie. I can't believe she poked me in the eye!!!! Dx But more importantly me and Jordan kissed!!!!!!!! xDD :D ahhh Jordan *Starts daydreaming*

Annie: I'll be nice this time and vote for may even though I really want to vote off Lia.

Mathew: Can't those both stop fighting for once?!?!Anyways I vote for Annie.


(Elimination ceremony)
Chris: okay everyone vote!
(Everyone votes)
Chris: okay. the first gilded Chris...
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Chris: last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Our contestants pranked the other contestants.Cole arraged a fake date with 3 people. Lia, Annie, and Mathew getting them all pranked. And Layla gave a prank text to Marissa and Liza from Joss's phone. Not to mention Elisa beating up Layla! hehe... amazing. In the end, It was both Draven and Ashley who got voted off, but only Ashley who was going home. Draven is being my intern... I need him to still be here... ratings!!! Who will win? Who will barf? Who will want to quit the show? Find out right now on Total... Drama Reality check!

(Theme song)...
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Zack:Aww man we lost.Atleast I was the last on my team.Okay I vote for Lucy.We need people who concentrate in this game.She only concentrates on making out with Jazon.

Lucy: i feel bad for not playing the game but jazon is soo adorible...*frowns* i should work harder i vote for dakota

Luke: That was FUN. I love games like that.

clay: omg how dumb can you be i vote fo dakota


chris: welcome team apple to your first vote off ceramony one of you will be going home tonight the people who are safe will recive gyroids and the one lucky loserwill win the rotton black apple

chris are first...
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