The Heroes of Olympus Olympus reads the Son of Neptune

kgirl925 posted on Oct 05, 2011 at 09:36PM
All rights to Rick Riordan (duh)
Hope you enjoy!

WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. I can't believe this forum is like...3 years old now. How is that possible?! *feeling of nostalgia washes over me*
Anyways, end of my rant. here are a few lil' things to keep in mind while posting/reading this forum:
1) Uh, this is more like a random PJO community / occasionally post chapters forum now. So, anything PJO related is welcome.
2) People have asked me if they can post links to their stories here. A year ago I probably would've said no. But looking at the circumstances now, SURE! Go for it (: just don't spam the whole forum with links to your stories. If you want, send the link to me and I'll put it in this description.
3) ANYONE CAN POST CHAPTERS. As long as it's in chronological order. eg. You can't just go from a Percy arriving at Camp Jupiter to Percy saving the eagle. Follow the immediate next paragraph that they will read (: No length requirement or whatsoever, 'tis all fun

last edited on Dec 03, 2014 at 11:50PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3994 replies

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over a year ago pugluv98 said…
*thorws a boatload of spam at kristalovespercy knocking her out and draggiing her off to Cerberus to never be heard from again............................heheheheh­ehe­heh­e
over a year ago Child_of_Hermes said…
i got the next chappie
over a year ago MythicLover said…
cool post soon!
over a year ago Child_of_Hermes said…
im grounded for a week and my computer died, so no chapter
over a year ago MythicLover said…
AWWWW will SOMEONE post soon!!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
not kewl! parents think that they can tell us anything... which their not wrong.... but still!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Oh well. Can someone else post?!
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Alright i wish i could but i dont have Bold unless i do word

over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
big smile
U can do bold like this[ b ] words or paragraphs [ / b ] except without the spaces like this bold
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Yeah post soon anyone!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
Please post soon!!!
over a year ago jenn008 said…
Someone post please
over a year ago AceJackson said…
All the earthborn throw Hydrogen spam bombs at universalpowa while polybotes eats His head
over a year ago AceJackson said…
Oh Here's Gaea
I dont think shes happy!!
over a year ago AceJackson said…
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
ok im trying awesome
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
^^^^^that was pretty funny:P POST SOON!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
@ AceJackson- IM A GIRL!!! !@#!@#$@$~~~!!!
anyways.... my sister took the book to school to give to one of her friends... so im not posting. Someone PLZ post!!!!
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Hey, I'm new on here.
This is a great story.
Can anyone post a chapter?
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
June squeezed Percy's neck tighter "Oh yes, please. I can't get my dress wet."(note that if its in bold im sorry) " Oh please," Aphrodite said. " MOM!" Piper shouted. The whole room erupted in laughter,"You're killing me Piper." Leo said between laughs. Once the room quieted down. Jason( is jason reading?) Percy bit his tongue. If this lady was a goddess, she must've been the goddess of smelly,heavy,useless hippies. Hera looked murderous, while everyone busted up laughing. " Wow I never knew Hera was a hippie," Apollo said between laughing fits.
Thats all im going to post..... for now...... maybe..... HMMMMM
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
was that good?
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
great chapter Jasonfan44. Unversalpowa your sister is evil for stealing your book. and come someone else post
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Someone post soon
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Alright ill continue:

After everyone settled down, Leo picked the book out of Jason's hands and started to read
But he'd come this far. He'd better keep lugging her along
" Leave here," Annabeth muttered, he voice dripping with anger "I wouldn't have even carried her this far."
It's kindness she'd said. And if you don't, the gods will die,the world we know will perish, and everyone from your old life will be destroyed."
No one dared to comment, not even Conner or Travis.
If this was a test, he couldn't afford to get an F.
" Seaweed Brain is right." Annabeth said with sadness in her voice. Piper felt bad for her, not just because she was Aphrodite's daughter. " Percy, well, though I won't admit it in front of him," Athena said staring at her favorite child/daughter " He is smart." Poseidon, who was looking at Annabeth with sympathy said " Well I will try to get along with Athena, just for your sake Annabeth." Annabeth looked at her mother, and then at Poseidon with a sad smile " Thanks Lord Poseidon and Lady Athena."
He stumbled a few times as they ran for the river. Frank and Hazel kept him on his feat
" Annabeth, looks like you have some competition." Conner snickered. "CONNER STOLL!" Zeus and Hermes shouted. " You are grounded!" Hermes shouted at his son. Conner cowered in fear, as he bowed. " Y-yes my lord." Conner stammered as his face was bright red. Annabeth smirked at this, so did everybody else " Read Leo." Hermes, who was still fuming.
They reached the riverbank, and Percy stopped to catch his breath. The current was fast, but the river didn't look deep. Only a stone's throw across stood the gates.
Everybody groaned, except Poseidon, who was beaming with proud. " Why does he use river/ocean analogies," Nico said, earning a pool of water, dumping on him " He is my son, that's why, young boy." Poseidon said, still beaming with proud.
" Go Hazel." Frank nocked two arrows at once " Escort Percy so the sentries don't shoot him. It's my turn to hold of the baddies"
" Is baddie a word?" Athena and Annabeth asked at the same time, making Annabeth blush bright red.
" Yes!" Everyone shouted, not including Annabeth( still red as an apple) and Athena, a little to quickly.
Percy started to follow, but something made him hesitate. Usually he loved the water, but this river seemed...powerful
" The Little Tiber," Jason said ,a little dreamy " Uhhh." Now he realized, he'd ruined the story. "Oops." He said, turning the shade, of a tomato.
all im going to post for now
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
big smile
Good huh?
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
great chapter thanks for posting again
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
yep really good.
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
finally somebodu who POSTED instead of COMPLAINING
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
and not necessarily friendly. " The Little Tiber," said June sympathetically. Hera flashed a smile to everyone in the room, proving to everyone that she was a sympathetic person, causing Thalia, Annabeth,and some other campers, plus a few gods, to mutter an ancient Greek curse. " It flows with the power of the original Tiber, river of the empire. This is your last chance to back out, child. The mark of Achilles is a Greek blessing. You can't into Roman territory. The Tiber will wash it away." After Leo finished, he collapsed, from exhaustion " Can't read no more." He sputtered, before taking a deep breath, followed by a snore. " I want to read now!" Hera shouted to the gods and campers. No one disagreed and Hera started reading. Percy was too exhausted to understand all that, but he got the main point "If I cross, I wont have iron skin anymore?"
June smiled. "So what will it be? Safety, or a future pain and possibility?" Behind him, the gorgons screeched as the flew from the tunnel. Frank let his arrows fly.

over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^ when?
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
Awesome post more
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
ooooooooooooooo!! AWESOME!!! POST AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!! PLEASE!!! :)
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"DUDE!" Apollo shouted " THIS DUDE IS THE AWESOMEST GUY I KNOW!" "Ahem, let Hera read before, she gets mad." Hermes whispered to Apollo.
From the middle of the river, Hazel yelled, "Percy, come on!" Up on the watchtowers, horns blew. The sentries shouted and swiveled their crossbows toward the gorgons. Annabeth, Percy thought
"AWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Aphrodite and Piper shouted/cooed. "DANG IT!" Piper yelled " I did it AGAIN!". Fortunately for Piper, Aphrodite was too caught up with Percy.
He forged into the river. It was icy cold, much swifter than he'd imagined, but that didn't bother him. New strength surged through his limbs. His senses tingled like he'd been injected with caffeine. Travis and Hermes eyes lit up, everyone took a few steps away from Travis and Hermes. Travis looked over where Conner should be, but wasn't, everyone's eyes got wide they looked around and there was Conner, injecting Leo, with a needle , filled with coffee. " That's my boy!" Hermes shouted, forgetting about Conner being grounded. He reached to the other side and put the old lady down as the camp's gates opened. Dozens of kids in armor poured out. Nico, who had been as quiet as Hades, realized what was happening and rushed out of the room. Hazel turned with a relieved smile. Then looked over Percy's shoulder, and her expression changed to horror. "Frank!" Frank was halfway across the river when the gorgons caught him. "Oh no!" Apollo shouted "Not the best guy, next to me of course, in the world!" That earned him a smack from the following; Athena, Artemis, Ares, Jason, Hera ( who'd smacked him with the book) and Poseidon, who'd drenched him with Nigeria Falls, then smacked him.
They swooped out of the sky and grabbed him by either arm. He screamed in pain as their claws dug into his skin.
"Wimp!" Ares shrieked.
The sentries yelled , but Percy knee they couldn't get a clear shot. They end up killing Frank. The other kids drew their swords and got ready to charge into the water,but they'd be to late. There was only one way. Percy thrust out his hands. An intense tugging sensation filled his guy, the Tiber obeyed his will. The river surged. Whirlpools formed on either side of Frank. Giant watery hands erupted from the stream,copying, Percy's movements. The giant hands grabbed the gorgons, who dropped Frank in surprise. Then the hands lifted the squawking monsters in a liquid vise grip. Percy heard the other kids yelping and backing away, but he stayed focused on his task. He made a smashing gesture with his fists, and the giant hands plunged the gorgons into the Tiber. The monsters monsters hit the bottom and broke into dust. Glittering clouds of gorgon essence struggled to re-form, but the river pulled them apart like a blender. Soon every trace of the gorgons was swept downstream. The whirlpools vanished, and the current returned to normal. Percy stood on the riverbanks. His clothes and his skin steamed as if the Tiber's waters had given him an acid bath. He felt exposed, raw.... vulnerable. Leo woke up finally and had fifteen second, normalness, then turned into 'Physco Kid'. His whole body erupted in flames and Poseidon drenched him and her turned back to normal Leo.
In the middle of the Tiber, Frank stumbled around,looking stunned, but perfectly fine. Hazel waded out and helped him ashore. Only then did Percy realize how quiet the other kids had become. Everyone was staring at him. Only the old lady looked unfazed. " Well, that was a lovely trip," she said. "Thank you Percy Jackson, for bringing me to Camp Jupiter."
Jason , went pale from hearing his old camp name. The gods shifted uncomfortably, and everyone was acting awkward. " Well that's enough reading for today? How about some rest and we can finish up the chapter tomorrow." Zeus said. Everyone agreed, when they saw how late it was.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Post tomorrow when i get home from basket ball :) I PROMISE
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
Yeah thanks jasonfan44
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
AWESOME!! now i have something to look forward to tomorrow;)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
See!! U took my advice! That was awesome! can't wait tip tommarrow!
over a year ago MythicLover said…
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I Couldnt sleep soooooooo..................

Jason could see the pain in Annabeth, she hadn't spoken, even when there was architectural stuff, comments, brainiac facts, etc. Even her mom wasn't commenting. When Jason heard the name Camp Jupiter, he thought he was going to lose it, like the way Leo had when Conner Stoll injected him with caffeine. Jason couldn't sleep at all. When he got up out of his bed in Mount Olympus's guest room, he noticed Conner's Stoll cot/bed, Travis's bed/cot, Annabeth's cot/bed was empty. He followed a trail of powder, which led to a street. In the middle of the street was Annabeth, Conner, Travis, Hermes, Athena and Poseidon, all talking in whispered voices, though they weren't really whispering. "I am grounding you Conner for the last time." Hermes said. "Until when? Until I'm old enough to go on a quest?" Conner asked, annoyed. " He got to go on a quest when he was?" "I don't want to answer you." "YOU SAID HE WAS YOUR FAVORITE SON!" Conner shouted/whispered. "Am I right Travis?" Travis looked sickly pale, but nodded and quickly added "But I don't care." "But Lu-" Conner stopped himself, he looked at Annabeth, who was ready to punch flat out cold, but Athena and Poseidon held her back. "DON"T YOU SAY HIS NAME!" Hermes shouted/ whispered."I promise, I'll advise Chiron to give you a quest, any quest you want." LUKE BETRAYED YOU AND THE OTHER OLYMPIANS!" Conner shrieked,fuming with anger "AND YOU STILL THINK HE IS THE BEST SON IN THE WHOLE WORLD!" Athena and Poseidon let go of Annabeth, who punched him, and knocked him cold. Hermes started to cry, Poseidon, and Athena tried to cheer him up. "Amnesia bottle please?" Hermes asked for, in his phone, still sobbing. A bottle appeared in Hermes hand knelt down next to Conner, still unconscious, opened his mouth and poured the liquid in his mouth
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
when are you going to post the rest?
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Yea When?? we need to KNOW!!
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
two words AWE SOME
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^ uh more like two syllables
over a year ago jenn008 said…
big smile
Someone please finish the chapter!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^ Jasonfan144 is
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
awesome post soon
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
what do you mean there syllabls
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Okay i am not going to copy but here is the rest.
"Annabeth, can you take Conner to the guest room? Hermes asked " Travis?" " Yes Lord?" Travis answered, looking a little better. "When Conner wakes up, make up something." Hermes commended. Jason raced backed to the guest room, before anyone could spot him. Jason fell asleep,while listing to his heart,beat like a drum
In the morning, everyone met back in the throne room for the rest of the chapter. " Who wants to read?" Zeus asked the campers and gods. " I will!" Jason shouted, confidently. He grabbed the book and started reading
One of the girls made a choking sound. "Percy...Jackson" Thank the gods Conner isn't here Jason thought
She sounded as if she recognized his name. Percy focused on her, hoping to see a familiar face. She was obviously a leader. She wore a regal purple coat over her armor. Her chest was decorated with medals. She must have been about Percy's age, with, dark, piercing eyes and long black hair. Percy didn't recognize her, but the girl stared at him as if she'd seen him in her nightmares. June laughed with delight. "Oh yes. You'll have such fun together!" Then, just because the day hadn't been weird enough
" Everything's weird for kelp brains," Thalia muttered.
already, the old lady began to glow and change. She was growing until she was shinning, seven-foot tall goddess in a blue dress, with a cloak that look like goat's skin over her shoulders.
" YES SHE FINALLY TURNS BEAUTIFUL!" Aphrodite shouted "MOM STOP EMBARRASSING ME!" Piper shouted. Aphrodite squealed with delight, but she looked a little bit offended. Piper blushed and motioned Jason to start reading again.
Okay soooo ill post the rest later