Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Wall

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Lionheart91 said …
Wow I'm the 5th person to join that's just sad. This is a good show I really like Thomas Dekker despite
His gender appeal Posted over a year ago
superboy16 said …
Why people don't wanna join any new clubs? It's absolutely free. You're not gonna lose any of your precious gold, you know. I join new clubs all the time. What about you? Posted over a year ago
BJsRealm commented…
^My thoughts exactly! My answer: People are just too lazy to join any new club these days. They think just because they've joined a club they had to post a lot of stuff just so that people would think of them like they are some huge fans of that club. You don't have to post anything if you don't want to, or if you just don't have enough time (like me), but you can still be a fan of that club. Some people just don't get it, so they just sort of stay away from any new clubs. At least that's what I think. Who knows the real reason\s why most people just don't wanna join new clubs?! over a year ago
superboy16 said …
Only 2 fans?! This club should have at least a 100 fans by now, if not 1000!!! Doesn't anybody like Terminator or John or Sarah Connor anymore?! How come nobody's a fan of this club then? Posted over a year ago
BJsRealm commented…
^More than 1000 fans, if you ask me, but I'm afraid people just don't like the Terminator so much. It's kinda ironic, 'cause that's pretty much how our own future would look like in let's say a 100 yrs or so. Guess people just don't like our robotic friends that much, especially androids & cyborgs. The only android people actually like having is an Android mobile phone. I think it's kinda odd how some people just don't like to take a glimpse into our own future. Wish more people would join the 2 of us in Terminator: TSCC, but there's nothing I can do about it if people just don't like the Terminator the way that we do. over a year ago