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Taylor Swift Can Now Add A Grandmother To Her Doppelgänger List

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Taylor Swift is no stranger to finding her long-lost lookalikes, but this newest dopplegänger is hard for us to shake off. (Sorry.)
Recently, user christmaspencil uploaded a photo of her grandparents to both Reddit and Imgur, titling it on Reddit, “When your Grandma looks like Taylor Swift and your Grandpa looks like Hugh Hefner’s Brother.” The title alone is enough to make us click on the link faster than Tay Tay can destroy a car with a golf club. Surely,
a grandmother isn’t going to look like our favorite pop sensation, right? Wrong. She does — BIG time.
“Oh my God, look at that face” is the perfect song lyric to express our emotions right now. Is this some of kind of joke? T-Swift donned a wig and a clone of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and used some fancy-schmancy filter to age the photo 40 or 50 years, yes?
What is this sorcery? I wonder what her cats would do if Grandma Taylor pretended to be her. Odds are, Meredith would still be allergic to joy and grumpy about the whole ordeal. Olivia would probably just keep doing her thing.
This isn’t the first time we’re seeing double Taylor Swifts. In March 2015, Tay came across a photo she *thought* was of her, only to be mistaken.
Morgan Jensen’s friend Kasey shared the pics on Tumblr, which Swift eventually reblogged.
More recently, one of Swift’s “twins” was found in Australia during December.
Olivia Sturgiss and the “Blank Space” singer snapped an awesome pic together, making fans look twice for who is the pop star and who is the fan.
Moreover, Alex Hobbs looks super similar to Swift, no matter what outfit she’s wearing.
On one photo’s caption, Hobbs admitted she was “photographed by a mob of teen girls in Forever 21 thinking [she] was Taylor then ending up on Twitter.” We’d believe it, TBH.
And of course, who could ever forget Swift’s infamous doppelgänger, Zeena LaVey?
Now going by Zeena Schreck, this is definitely one of Swift’s darkest doubles out there.
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