Raven+Robin Club
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posted by StragsLover
Please Note LylasSoul is now called Lyla(but she is still in her soul form)
Scene: Living Room
Lyla: Raven, do you think there is some way to reverse it?
Raven: I hope so
Robin: There is a robbery downtown!
Lyla: Do you think I could fight like this?
Raven: Maybe.
Lyla: I am going to try.
Scene: Inside a bank
Raven: Wow, da javu.
MadMod: Hahahah! You thik you can stop me? Well you are wrong!*He looks at Lyla* Is that a
Lyla: Yes, I have come to steal your body and regain human form.
*MadMod puts his hands infront of him*
MadMod: I would like to go to jail now please!
Lyla: I will return.
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posted by StragsLover
Scene: Robins Room
Robin: What are you doing in my room!
Lyla: I think its time for this play to end Lyla.
Robin: Stop calling me Lyla!
Lyla: What should I call you?
Robin: Robin!
Lyla: Well you cant take my name!
Robin: But its my name!
Lyla: Ok, I need to change.
Robin: Get your own clothes!
Lyla: These are my clothes! Lyla this isnt funny!
Robin: Grrrrr! Lyla get out!
Lyla: Why? Its my room!
Robin: I dont think so! Come on, lets go see Raven
Lyla: Fine Lyla but i dont see why!
Robin: grrr.
(Scene: Ravens room
Robin: Fix her!
Lyla: Lyla im a guy!
Robin: Grrr, See!
Raven: Ok Robin, whats the last thing you remember...
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posted by BloodyMascara
Scene: The Building Top
Robin: What did you do to her!?
Slade: Not me... you.
Robin: Slade I will destroy you!!!!
Slade: Well good luck.
Robin: You better help her.
Slade: Why so quiet?
Robin: Because I dont think you want to see me mad
Slade: Why not? Either way, I am going to take this rag doll.
Robin: No you are not.
Slade: Oh yes, I am.
Scene: Trigons fortress
Lyla: I will do anything!
Trigon: The world of mortals must end!
Lyla: But...
Trigon: You can only stop it by giving your life to me.
Lyla: I will.
Scene: The Building top.
Robin: You did this to her and you will stop it!
Slade: Look at her, lifeless,...
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posted by StragsLover
Scene: Living Room Time: 1:30
(Lyla has gained human form)
Robin: Hey Lyla, whatcha doing?
Lyla: Um, just reading this panphlet for a circus.
*Robins eyes widen*
Robin: Did you say circus?
Lyla: Yeah, why?
*Robin wispers in lylas ear*
Lyla: Im sorry
*Lyla puts down the panphlet*
Robin: Yeah.
Lyla: Yeah, I never really got to know my parents that well.
Robin: Well its over now and I have better things to do than moap around.
Lyla: Me to.
Scene: Pizza Place. Time: 1:45
Robin: So, does anybody have anything to say?
Raven: Nope.
*She raises the new book Lyla gave her infront of her face*
Cyborg: Well, Happy Easter!...
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posted by StragsLover
Scene: Ravens room.

(Lyla is lightblue for relaxed)
Lyla: Meth siron trioth
Raven: Azarath metrion zinthos
Lyla: Raven? do you think they would be better off without me?
Raven: why do you ask?
Lyla: Nevermind.
Raven: Are you ok?
Lyla: Yeah, just fine. Ok i have to meditate.
Raven: We are meditating.(Lyla opens one eye and looks at Raven)
Lyla: oh. then um I got to go.
Raven: Be carefull.
Lyla: Thanks.
(Lyla exits)
Scene: Living room.
Robin: Lyla
Lyla: Yeah?
Robin: I thought, well since you, and you, but you..
Lyla: Robin, What is it? Oh my gosh! My own room! Thanks!
Robin: But how did you know?
(Lyla Hugs Robin...
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posted by StragsLover
Scene: Kitchen
Lyla: Im warning you! Come out with your hands where I can see them!
BeastBoy: Lyla! Its just me!
Lyla: BeastBoy! What are you doing out here!?
BeastBoy: Midnight snack?
Lyla: Thank goodness, BeastBoy, go to bed.
BeastBoy: But my chocolatey goodness!
*Lyla drags BeastBoy into his bedroom by his ear*
BeastBoy: My ear! ouch!
Lyla: Ok, now you get in bed Lyla.
*Lyla gets in bed*
Lyla: Ok now go to bed
*Lyla gets to sleep*Lyla wakes up in a dark room*
Lyla: Slade! Im getting tired of this!
Robin: But Im not slade.
Lyla: Ok very funny dad.
Robin: Oh no, Im not your dad, Im your worst nightmare.
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posted by StragsLover
I switched the clubs i am posting so you can find the other articals here




Those Are the links And They Are Ordered As The Articals Go So The First-First Second-Second Third-Third
My Thinker Is Pooped So I Need Ideas For The Articals
Feel Free To Ask For Special Articals! And Post Your Ideas
posted by StragsLover
Scene: Living Room Time: 1:30pm

Lyla: Hey Raven, I got you a new book.
Raven: Thanks.
*Lyla hands Raven the book*Lyla goes to her room*Robins communicator sounds an alarm*
Robin: Titans trouble!
Raven: In the middle of my book?
BeastBoy: Lyla pedal to the medal!
Lyla: Coming.
Robin: Come on!
Lyla: Going as fast as I can go without me!
*They head downtown*
Scene: DownTown Fighting: Plasmas, everyone but Lyla is there.
*Lyla arives*Lyla enters Plasmas and blows him up only leaving the human*
Robin: Wow, Um nice job Lyla!
Lyla: Gross, not nice. Now I am going to the tower.
*Lyla hands Robin a 20 dollar bill*...
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posted by StragsLover
Lyla Is Not Dead But She Isnt Alive.
Scene: A Dark Waste Land Of Some Sort.

Lyla: Hello? (she turns purple for scared) Hello? Hello?
RavensHappySide: Hey! Whats Up?
Lyla: Raven?
RavensHappySide: Yeah!
RavensTimidSide: Hi.
Lyla:(Lyla turns orange for confused) Uhh... two Ravens?
RavensHappySide: I guess!
(Lyla pokes both of Ravens personality fragments to make sure that they are real*The Gaurdian Of the gate comes to life and atacks Lyla)
Lyla: What is that thing? (she turns purple for scared)
RavensHappySide: The gaurdian!
Lyla: Guardian!?!?!?!
RavensTimidSide: You should hide now.
Lyla: Why?
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posted by StragsLover
This Is Lyla, When She Is White, She Is Lonely, She Is White Now
This Is Lyla, When She Is White, She Is Lonely, She Is White Now
Lyla is still falling and is about to drown in the lake surounding the Titans Tower

Raven: Lyla No!
(as she is about to hit the water she looks as if she was meditating)
Lyla: Meth Siron Trioth, Meth Siron Trioth, Meth Siron Trioth.
(Lyla starts to glow)
Raven: She's healing herself.
(StarFire flies into the scene)
Starfire: Lyla!
(StarFire flies down to hold lyla*Raven puts a force field around lyla)
Raven: Dont touch her!
StarFire: But i am her friend!
Raven: If you touch her in this state of meditation she will die!
(StarFire flies away from lyla)
StarFire: I did not know.
Lyla: (yells as if she was...
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posted by StragsLover
We are in titans tower and everyone is acting normal but Raven

Robin: Trouble! Its a one person job, Raven do you think you can handle it?
Raven: Sure what kind of job?
Robin: You are going to be a spy, In the hive.
Raven: Ok let me get my disguise, (she hands Cyborg the communicator) Cyborg will you program my communicator?
Cyborg: Sure!
Raven: I will get my disguise
Robin: Ok
(It has been five minutes)
Raven: How do I look?
Robin: wow you look like a Bad guy, or a bad gal, or whatever.
Raven:(giggles and blushes) Cyborg do you have the communiator programed?
Cyborg: Yeah Here (he hands her the communicator)...
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posted by StragsLover
Robin is falling off of titans tower)

Ravens Raven Spirit: Robin No!(with the form of her magik raven she swoops down and saves robin) Robin: Who are you? Raven: (With the voice of the gods.... if you know what i mean) Raven. Robin: Raven! I love you two. (Raven takes him to her body laid upon her bed and morphs into the body) Robin: Raven?!? Raven!?! No! (Raven wakes up to find Robin crying on her) Raven:(hugs Robin)I missed you! Robin: Im sorry! Raven: Why did you do that for me? Robin: I love you. (he kisses raven and she kisses back) Raven: I love you two. But that cannot stop my fate! (She...
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posted by StragsLover
Lyla is in the titans tower kitchen making breakfast

Lyla: (Lyla is yellow) Ok everyone! I made breakfast! Tofu eggs and bacon for BeastBoy, Real eggs and bacon for Cyborg and Robin, Herbal tea for Raven and last but not least a tamarainian breakfast dish for StarFire and I.
Robin: How did you know what we all liked?
Lyla: You know, I dont realy know. (she turns orange for confused)
BeastBoy: This is awesome!
Robin: Thank you Lyla.
Raven: Yeah, thanks a lot.
StarFire: You toasted the Blartchnop just right! this is my favorite dish!
Cyborg: This is great!
Lyla: I dont even know what Tameran is! how did...
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posted by StragsLover
Lyla is a girl, she knows just about everything, she travels, she definetly is a socal idiot.

Father: Slade
Mother: Unknown
Sister(s): Raven
Brother(s): Unknown
Favorite Music: Rap
Favorite Book: Unknown
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Artist(Music): Eminem
Favorite Painting: Unknown
Favorite Movie: SHE HASNT SEEN ONE!
Clothing: Cloak with hood
Clothing Color: Everchanging with emotions.
Hair Color: Black
Highlights: Everchanging w/emotions

Color Guide
Orange: Confused
Green: Grossed Out
Pink: Loved
Red: Angry
Purple: Scared
Yellow: Happy
White: Lonely
Black: Battle Mode
Grey: In someone elses mind
Blue: Sad or Upset
Brown: In Love
Light Blue: Relaxed

Thanks And if you have any other questions about Lyla comment and Meebo me!
posted by StragsLover
Scene: The living room
Lyla: Robin, I think i can travel into Slades mind and figure out where he is going to strike next!
Robin: No! His mind is twisted and horrible!
Lyla: But if I do this I could stop him!
Robin: If you do this you could scar your mind!
Lyla: I have seen a lot of things Robin and i dont think his mind is any worse than, well lets just say Ive been through a lot.
Robin: Dont do it.
Lyla: I have to. (Lyla turns grey)
Robin: Lyla!
Raven: Whats wrong!?
Robin: Slades mind is going to scar her.
Raven: She didnt!
Robin: Yeah, she did.
Raven: Why?!?
Robin: She wanted to stop him.
(Scene: Dark,...
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posted by StragsLover
Scene: Lyla is with BeastBoy practing her morphing

BeastBoy: Feel the animal inside, be the animal.
Lyla: BeastBoy, I dont turn into animals, i turn into things like motorcycles, and cars and stuff like that.
BeastBoy: Oh, than I got nothing.
(Lyla giggles and turns yellow*BeastBoy blushes)
Lyla: Ok well im off.
BeastBoy: K
(Lyla walks to StarFires room*Lyla knocks on the door)
Lyla: Can I do something with you?
(StarFire opens the door)
StarFire: Lyla! of course my porsnag!
Lyla: Porsnag?
StarFire: It is Tamarianian for best friend.
Lyla: Ok, Porsnag lets start braiding hair!
StarFire: Yes let us do the...
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posted by StragsLover
Scene: Lyla is on the roof sitting under the full moon while everyone else is sleeping.

Lyla: (Lyla is orange for confused) How did I do that? I mean it was cool but I have no idea how I did that.
(Writers Note: OMG its!)
Slade: Hello.
Lyla:(Lyla turns purple) Who are you! Where are you!
Slade: I am right here behind you. And I think you can remember me, I know you can feel the scars
(Lylas eyes widen)
Lyla: Slade!
Slade: Good job. Now if you want to know how you did it, you will come with me.
Lyla: Never.
(Slade attacks Lyla*Lyla turns grey for in someones mind*Remember the episode fractured? When Jonny...
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posted by StragsLover
We are in the Titans Tower medical room and Lyla is in a medical bed

(talking outside the room)
Raven: She protected me.
Robin: I know, but what i dont know is if she is on our side
Raven: she said the code!
Robin: I know.
(Lyla starts waking up)
Lyla:(screams*She ripps out her IVs and gets out of her medical bed)
Raven:(bursts in the door) what is it!
(the window is broken)
Raven: Oh no!
Robin: What is.... No!
Raven: I have to go after her! she cant fly!
Robin: Ok, be careful
(she flies out the broken window)
Raven: Lyla!
(she sees Lyla flying)
Raven: What are you doing! You can fly?!?!?
Lyla: I am sorry Raven. I just am afraid of hospitals
Raven: its ok lets go back
Lyla: I am not going to a hospital room!
Raven: i wont take you to a hospital room, but you have to come back! you cant breath on your own! you have a broken rib!
Lyla: Ok
(they head back to titans tower*Lyla starts gasping)
Raven: No!
(Lyla passes out and starts falling)

To be continued
posted by StragsLover
Last time we left Raven she was taken to her honeycomb (room) by Lyla

Raven: Nice, its dark
Lyla: Well i not much of a party person i'll tell you that much
Raven: Me neither
Lyla: So Raven Of The Night what are you going to do first?
Raven: You can call me Raven and i am just going to explore
Lyla: Ok
(raven leaves the room and starts exploring for about 5 minutes and she has already found trouble)
Jinx: Well, well, well, what have we got here, a newby waiting for anitiation.
Raven: I need no anitiation.
Jinx: well of course you do, every newby does
Raven: Whats the anitiation then?
Jinx: This (she reaches...
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posted by StragsLover
Robin is dressed in the kitchen choping herbs)

Raven: Robin?
Robin: Yeah?
Raven: Thanks
Robin: No problem. Its nice helping a friend that wouldnt kill you.
Raven: What are you talking about?
Robin: Nothing.
Cyborg: Yeah! Super Slam! In you face BB! BeastBoy: Grrr i am so going to get you for that! I demand a rematch!
Cyborg: As you wish!
Raven: Bye Robin.
Robin: No!
Raven: why not? I dont think youll miss me that much.
Robin: (Robin jumps on Raven and knocks her onto the ground)No!
Raven: Robin get off me!
Robin: What are you doing!
Raven: Heading to the store!
Robin: Why so you can buy a wepon...
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