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What scent candle should you light? (Personality quiz)



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You Should Light a Lavender Candle

You are sensitive yet resilient. You are spiritual and emotional, but you aren't fragile. In your group of friends, you are the intuitive one. You understand and empathize with others.

You're the type of person who appreciates beauty. You can see hope and potential. You genuinely kind and nurturing. You don't like conflict or chaos. You only want peace.

-> Wow. This description is totally me, but I wouldn't light a Lavender Candle though.
posted over a year ago.
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DontCare said:
YOU should light a green tea candle

You are calm yet energetic. You take good care of yourself, and you have a lot of endurance.
Like most people, you have a hectic life. But unlike others, you try to have as many moments of peace as possible.

You're the type of person who's witty and insightful. You're secure with yourself, and you often have a hilarious take on life.
You are expressive and apt to talk quite a bit. However, you're able to kick back and listen too.

hmm......i might try lighting one !!! ~
posted over a year ago.