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How Outdated Are You?



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You Are a Year Behind the Times

You are quite modern, but you're not obsessed with being an early adopter.
You adopt anything new once it gains mass appeal. You like to let other people get the kinks out.

You are future oriented, but you probably at least have some taste for retro or vintage objects.
If something is a classic, you'll stick with it. But if something better comes along, you'll definitely upgrade.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Up to Date

You are a very modern person. You love innovation, and you try to stay on the cutting edge.
No one would accuse you of being behind the times. You're the first to know about new trends.

You haven't turned your back in the past, but in general, you look toward the future.
You are always interested in the best things, and you can't deny progress.
posted over a year ago.