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What color martini are you?



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You Are a Purple Martini

You are thought to be a perfectionist. You have a pretty clear vision of how you want things to go.
You can be a wallflower at times. You find it peaceful to sit back and observe.

You value solitude. Some of your best ideas and creations come out of alone time.
You do not like crowds. You find them to be both overwhelming and draining.

So very true
posted over a year ago.
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ecpjll said:
You Are a Red Martini

You are bright and capable. (TRUE)You are intelligent enough to master almost any subject.(I TRY)
You are approachable and genuinely nice. (TRUE)You are the friendly face in the room.(TRUE)

You are naturally comfortable in unfamiliar situations.(DEPENDS) You are good at finding your niche.(TRUE)
You are not easily offended.(FALSE-I AM) You know better than to take anything personally.(I DO BUT SOMETIMES I STILL LET IT GET TO ME)
posted over a year ago.
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You Are a Pink Martini

You're eager to lend a sympathetic ear and likely to develop a deep connection with people.
You are an idealistic and romantic person. You have a very clear idea of how you'd like the world to be.

It hurts you to see anyone or anything in pain. You are thin-skinned and empathetic.
You are very sensitive. You tend to get easily hurt, and you have learned to protect your heart.

All true! :)
posted over a year ago.
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You Are a Blue Martini

You may have had a difficult time earlier in life. You are highly sensitive and a little cautious.
You are a reserved and careful person, but you don't let that stop you from doing your thing.

Old fashioned and conservative, you carry yourself with dignity. You don't embarrass yourself.
You are attracted to powerful people who have a good deal of influence. You wouldn't mind some of that rubbing off on you.

posted over a year ago.