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Whats your summer sense?



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Your Summer Sense is Sight

You are very visually oriented. It's likely you're an artist - or at least a good photographer.
You are good at taking in a lot of visual stimuli at once ... the more the better.

Your eyes love the bustling scenes of summer. You could spend hours at a crowded beach people watching.
You are equally moved by the sights of nature. You can be endlessly entertained on a quiet hike.

posted over a year ago.
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ecpjll said:
Your Summer Sense is Smell

You are a very sensitive person, and you are especially tuned into your sense of smell.(TRUE)
You pick up on subtleties that others seem to miss. You can sense summer coming on before anyone else can.(I GUESS)

For you, there's nothing like the smell of a hot grill or freshly mowed grass - preferably at the same time.(MMMMMMMMMMMM)
And the ultimate summer smell experience has got to be the beach. There's something intoxicating about the smell of the ocean! (TRUE)
posted over a year ago.
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Your Summer Sense is Sight

You are very visually oriented. It's likely you're an artist - or at least a good photographer.
You are good at taking in a lot of visual stimuli at once ... the more the better.

Your eyes love the bustling scenes of summer. You could spend hours at a crowded beach people watching.
You are equally moved by the sights of nature. You can be endlessly entertained on a quiet hike

posted over a year ago.
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Your Summer Sense is Sound

Between thunder and fireworks and late night parties, summer is delightfully loud!
You love the contrast from the quiet of winter, and you occasionally just close your eyes to take it all in.

You are easygoing and calm. It never disturbs you to be in a noisy place ... in fact, you prefer it.
You're a natural eavesdropper and a good listener. You believe sound is the key to knowing what's really going on.

posted over a year ago.
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Your Summer Sense is Sight

You are very visually oriented. It's likely you're an artist - or at least a good photographer.
You are good at taking in a lot of visual stimuli at once ... the more the better.

Your eyes love the bustling scenes of summer. You could spend hours at a crowded beach people watching.
You are equally moved by the sights of nature. You can be endlessly entertained on a quiet hike.

posted over a year ago.