My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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"Books and Magic hold the answers" Dawn Bright
"Books and Magic hold the answers" Dawn Bright
My Little Pony: Voyage of Friendship

Episode 1: It Begins part 1

Dawn panted as she cantered down the street in Ponyville. Gotta to get to the Ponyville Hotel! She thought. She almost past it in her rush. She then bounded through the doors, up the marble stairs, and rapidly knocked on room 245’s door.

“Uncle Armor, Aunt Cadance, open up! It’s me, Dawn Bright,” Dawn shouted. She then heard hoofsteps and then her uncle, Shining Armor, opened the door and said, “Dawn Bright great of you- Dawn didn’t give him the chance to finish as she rushed in and hide behind a chair.

Aunt Cadance walked in as Dawn ordered, “If anypony asks for me I am not here. Understanding?”

Shining Armor nodded and grinned. Just then somepony else started banging on the door and shouted, “Shining Armor, Cadance, it’s me, Twilight Sparkle, let me in! And Dawn Bright I know you’re in there!”

Dawn gulped from behind her hiding place and started shaking. Shining Armor opened the door and Twilight burst in, looking angrier a than a rodeo bull.

“Dawn Bright,” Twilight implored as she dragged Dawn by her tail, “We’re going to be late because of you!” Twilight looked down at Dawn. The two unicorns would have been identical if Dawn’s main body color wasn’t blue and her cutie mark wasn’t the bright star surrounded in a star swirl.

“But Mom Sonic and Flashbolt are going to be there and you know how annoying they are!” Dawn begged her mother as she was dragged out the door. “But the Dash twin- was the last thing Shining Armor and Cadance heard as the whining unicorn was pulled out the door.

Sonic scanned the sky around the house for her brother. She saw a streak of blue and raced after it. She tagged the blue Pegasus just as a boom was heard and she went flying off.

“Ha, slowpoke,” she shouted to her brother Flashbolt, “Try to bet that!” Five seconds later the arrogant Pegasus face planted into a cloud. “Tag,” Flashbolt said as he tapped his sister and raced off. Sonic narrowed her eyes and was about to chase her brother when both heard, “Sonic Rainboom, Flashbolt come here.” Strange Sonic thought. Their mom never used her full name unless it was important. Everyone just called her Sonic since Sonic Rainboom was such a mouthful.

“Coming mom,” the twins shouted. They flew right into her tumbling across their cloud porch.
“Hey you two,” Rainbow Dash said looking her kids. Flashbolt was her sky blue but a short cut, windblown, royal blue mane and tail of his father. He also had his father’s blue eyes but they were always hidden under his racing goggles. Sonic on the other hand had her father’s coat, white, but her mother’s mane, tail, and eyes. She never wore goggles. There cutie marks were a lightening bolt with wings and a sonic rainboom (I wonder which is which hmmm…).

“You didn’t forget about the get together, right?” Rainbow Dash asked her twins.

The twins groaned and protested but Rainbow Dash would hear none of it.

“Come’on guys, I heard from Pinkie Pie that Swirly Works has a new surprise!” Rainbow told them. “All the more reason NOT to go,” Sonic muttered.


Swirly clapped her hooves. It was perfect, probably the best she had ever done. Swirly looked at herself in the mirror and said to herself, “Swirly, you’ve out done yourself, well maybe except for the princess’ birthday. I mean what could have been more spectacular than… and the multicolored pony started going on to herself in her weird convoluted fashion.

Swirly Works looked just like her mother in build and mane/tail style but her colors were different. While Pinkie Pie was pink, Swirly Works had a yellow coat, purple eyes, red and orange mane, and a green and blue tail. Just like her special talent, fireworks, she was colorful and fun. Like her mom she was friends with everypony, well almost everypony, and loved having late outdoor parties which always had a show of her fireworks. She also loved to attend her mom’s parties. Just then Pinkie Pie stuck her head through the door and said, “Swirly Works, OMC (Oh My Celestia), I saw that and it was super spectacular!”

“Thanks a bunch mom,” Swirly Works said.

“Hey you want to show it at the get together today?” Pinkie Pie asked her daughter.

Swirly Works smile turned upside down as she said, “I would love to but those six other ponies are the only ponies in all of Ponyville that aren’t my friends. I mean last month I made a special firework for Hummingbird and all she did was hide under the couch covering her ears.”

“Awww come on silly willy,” Pinkie Pie said to Swirly Works, “it will be better this year.”

“Okie Dokie Loki,” Swirly Works said as she bounced after her mom.

“Here you go little ones,” Hummingbird said to the squirrel family. They chattered their thanks as Hummingbird floated down. Her pet hummingbird, Tropic was perched on the mint green pony’s shoulder. She hummed as she walked back to her family’s forest cottage.

“Hello mom, I’m home,” Hummingbird quietly called.

“Hello, sweetheart,” her mom called in an equally quiet voice, “we’re leaving for the reunion.”

“The re reunion?!” Hummingbird said as her breath started to quicken.

“Yes, the reunion,” Fluttershy answered as she walked in the room. She looked at her sweet daughter who was beginning to hyperventilate. She had light green coat and a red and pink mane and tail with a little hummingbird as a cutie mark.

“Ohmompleasedon’tmakemegotoit,” begged as she began to slur her words cause she got nervous.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Fluttershy insisted.

“It’sjustthatAppleBuckwasbeingreallyloudandwell SCARY!” Hummingbird said. But despite her protests, Hummingbird walked after her out the door.

Apple Buck aimed at the tree and kicked. He was rewarded with the thud of apples hitting the baskets.

“Good job Apple Buck,” his ma said, “now here a minute.” Apple Buck walked over to his ma, Apple Jack. Apple Jack looked at her son. He had a gold coat with a messy green mane and tail with his apple cutie mark. “So you remembered the get together, right?” Apple jack asked her son.

“Yup, but do I really have to go?” he asked his ma, “cuz that Cre has all her fancy-shamncy paint and artsy stuff. She can be really annoying, especially when she wants you to pose for one of her paintins. She may have every other stallion wrapped around her hoof but not me.”

“Yes, you have ta go whether it be the easy way or the hard way,” Apple Jack honestly answered her son. He snorted and followed his ma down the road from Sweet Apple Acres.

Creativity, or Cre as her friends called her, cocked her head and sighed it was missing something she just didn’t know what. Cre was in her room over her mom’s boutique. The walls were a hand painted mural. The only pieces of furniture were her bed and desk. The bed was for sleep and the desk was for drawing. Everywhere else there was art supplies. There were many stands with blank or in progress paintings. Her desk was littered with drawings and the walls were covered with notes and sketches. There were paint cans, oil pastels, and pencils everywhere. Some would call it a train wreck but Cre preferred to think of it as inspirationally organized. She was almost done with her parents anniversary gift but she felt like it was missing something. Then her mom poked her head through the door.

Rarity looked at her daughter. Like her she was a unicorn and had a royal purple mane and tail. She also had a pure white coat. But Cre wore her hair differently and had sky blue highlights. Her cutie marks was an artist’s palette. She was working hard on a painting and Rarity hated disturbing her but the get together was about to began and they were hosting it. She hoped her husband would finish the decorations.

“Creativity, dear, it’s almost time for the reunion,” Rarity called to her daughter.

Cre sighed and put down her paintbrush. She grabbed a drawing pad and a pencil. She wasn’t going to let a silly party ruin her creative flow. Cre frowned and hoped that Dawn, that stick in the mud, wouldn’t ruin her creativity with her uptight organization and rules. Cre sighed as she headed down stairs.

“Oh hello Twilight darling!”

“Rainbow Dash! Great to see you!”

“Pinkie Pie, you brought cupcakes. They look delicious!”

“Oh Fluttershy, darling, you look marvelous!”

“Apple Jack, you brought zap apple jam! Amazing, simply amazing.”

Cre heard her mother greeting her friends all the way from the top of the stairs. She saw the adults talking and the teens standing awkwardly next to their parent. This get together happened every month when all the teens’ mothers had a party having fun and stuck their kids in a room hoping them to get along. Every month something a bit different happens.

Cre took inventory to see that they were all here. There was Dawn Bright who had her nose in books all day. She never even took the time to look at Cre’s paintings or drawing and always responded with its beautiful. There were the Dash twins, Sonic and Flashbolt. Flashbolt admired Cre, like almost every other single stallion, but while he left her alone, his sister was twice as annoying to her. At that moment Sonic elbowed Flashbolt in the ribs to stop staring at Cre. Then there was Swirly Works. She was just as fun loving and twice as eccentric as her mother. Her special talent was fireworks and threw huge outdoor parties to showcase them. Cre refused to go as Swirly accidentally destroyed one of Cre’s paintings but her friends said that they were spectacular. Then there was Hummingbird, sweet girl but very shy. She was very nervous and when Cre even tried to make a conversation with her it went no where. And of course there was Apple Buck he hated Cre for reasons unknown to her and refused to succumb to her charm. Cre finished walking down the stairs and joined the “party.”

“Spike darling won’t you watch the children?” Rarity called to her husband.

“’Course,” the purple and green Pegasus said. Spike had once been a dragon but because of a wish he was transformed into a Pegasus. He still has dragon qualities, like breathing fire, not being affected by heat, and chomps on the occasional gemstone. Cre considers herself half dragon because of this. The ladies walked into the room that Rarity and Spike had prepared for their party. Spike then turned to the teens and said, “O.K. looks like I’m going to watch you but your old enough, right? I’ll just be upstairs working.” And on that note he raced upstairs not wanting to be in the same room as the chaos that was about to unfold.

The teens walked into the living room and sat around the coffee table where they ate a small dinner. All went their separate ways, Dawn reading, Sonic and Flashbolt sleeping, Swirly Works fiddling with what ever was in the box she had carried in the house, Hummingbird talking to Rarity’s pet cat, Topaz, Apple Buck practicing his buck for the rodeo, and Cre drawing. Cre glanced over at Dawn. Her face was blank and she was concentrating on the book.

“Stop it,” Cre said to her.

Dawn looked up and asked, “Stop what?”

Cre answered, “Being sooooo uptight.”

“Oh yea,” Dawn said as her eyes narrowed.

Sonic groaned from the bookshelf. With those two fighting she couldn’t sleep. “Hey, Flashbolt, you wanna play a prank?” she asked her brother. Jumped up and answered, “oh yea!”

The two fly over Apple Buck who was too busy concentrating on his kick to notice the twins. Sonic stifled a giggle while Flashbolt sprinkled pepper on Apple Buck’s nose.
“AH AH ACHOO!” Apple Buck sneezed as he kicked. He accidentally knocked over a vase which crashed to the ground. It scared Topaz away and Hummingbird headed over to Apple Buck.

“Be more careful oh if you don’t mind of course,” Hummingbird said.

“Well what is it? Do you want me to be more careful or do what I want? Choose!” Apple Buck said to Hummingbird. She let out something like a squeak and ran away. Cre started yelling at Apple Buck for yelling at Hummingbird. Sonic and Flashbolt started pulling pranks on everypony. Everypony started arguing and throwing Cre’s paint at each other.
Swirly Works, who had been focused on her box until that moment shouted, “HEY WHO WANTS ME TO PULL THE RIBBON!” Somepony or another, in the confusion, shouted back, “SURE!”

“Okie Doki Loki,” Swirly Works shouted. Hummingbird, who realized what was about to happen, dove under the couch. And then Swirly pulled the ribbon.


After the blinding light show ended and the noise quieted. The room was covered in black soot. Everypony except Swirly Work was dazed and covered in soot.

“Hey, how you guys like that, super spectacular, right?” Swirly said as she bounced around the others. Then the parents walked in. Everyone left in a matter of minutes.

Dawn Bright had her head down. Twilight then said, “I am very”

“Disappointed in you,” Rainbow Dash said to the twins, “Maybe it’s”

“For the best that Princess Celestia,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Wanted you to go with the others,” Fluttershy continued

“On a Voyage to the Unknown,” Rarity finished.

All of them shouted at once, “TO THE UNKNOWN,”

Swirly Works, “YEAH ROAD TRIP, or more like boat trip.

To be continued…
"Fireworks make everything more colorful"-Swirly Works
"Fireworks make everything more colorful"-Swirly Works
"Sonic's my name, Rainboom's my game"-Sonic Rainboom
"Sonic's my name, Rainboom's my game"-Sonic Rainboom
"Trickester, speedster, that's me."-Flashbolt
"Trickester, speedster, that's me."-Flashbolt
"Hardwork and Honesty are your best friends"-Apple Buck
"Hardwork and Honesty are your best friends"-Apple Buck
"The purpose of art is to give."-Creativity
"The purpose of art is to give."-Creativity
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Twilight helped Derpy & Octavia escape, then they were making their way off the boat.

Twilight: You two wait here. We need Pinkie since she has the map.
Octavia: Oh perfect. You better get her quickly.
Twilight: Pinkie? Come here.
Pinkie Pie: *hops toward Twilight* Guten Tag Twilight. *laughs*
Twilight: Stop speaking german, and come with me.
Pinkie Pie: Nein, ich bin Deutsch, damit ich sie sprechen kann, wenn ich will.
Twilight: What? *kidnaps Pinkie* Row!
Octavia: Can't you use magic to teleport us?
Twilight: I can, but I'm not teleporting you guys.
Derpy: Aaawww.
Tourist pony 4: *drives...
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Lightning Dust spriniting though woods
Lightning Dust spriniting though woods
When Pin Tail shot the insane pony in the second story, the troops left the house. Once General Sky Night thought he heard something, Sky said ,"I think we should move towards the back of the house". Scootaloo asked worried ,"was there someone up there with them?"

"Probably.." Green interrupted "I thought I saw another shadow near the kitchen on the first floor" he finished. "So then we are going to have to go into the Dungeon woods then" The general told them. 

After their conversation the Ponyville military went into the woods and searched for the enemy pony that escaped the battle. It only...
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I am about to parachute out of an airplane with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. This could be interesting.

Sean: *looks out window*
Rarity: We're going to jump soon.
Sean: Why don't you three go first?
Rarity: That's nice of you.
Pinkie Pie: Green light go!

Soon the four of us jump out of the plane deploying our parachutes, getting ready to defend Manehattan from the griffons. Back at Canterlot

Twilight: Griffons!
Fluttershy: Oh my *trembling in fear*
Celestia: Theres over a dozen of them! ATTACK!
ponies: *fire guns at griffons*
griffons: *fire back* FOR GILDA!!
soldier: *shoots machine gun*
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The once lived a young filly named Alice. She was a strange little filly, always curious about everything, especially what her cutie mark was going to be. One day she decided to go and find it. As she was exploring around the edge of the everfree forest, she saw a colt hopping around like a rabbit. "Where are you going?" She called, "My name is Alice and why are you jumping up and down?"
"No time to talk," He sounded nervous. "I am very late and if that bird doesn't get here soon-" He gulped "it's off with my head." His cutie mark was a gold pocket watch and if you looked closely, you could...
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Hello everypony! Since you people are so nice to me,I wanted to tell you some things you don't know about me!

1.)I love going to school. I like school because I get to learn new things everyday. I also like seeing my friends. I don't like recess because it is crazy. I wish our recess can either be reading or drawing.

2.)I want to be a brain surgeon when I grow up. I even have a book that I am studying and it is called Anotonomy 300°. I study it when I have time.

3.)I love the 60's music! Here is a list to prove it! They are my favorite songs.

I Get Around The Beach Boys***
I'm A Believer The Monkees*...
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As we fly away the alarm sounds off, and it seems fine for us so far. Then five airplanes start to chase me, all of them are the same type that I'm flying. They try to shoot me, but I dodge their bullets, turn around, and shoot back at them. I nearly shot one of the pilots, breaking the glass of the cockpit. As I pass them, they turn around behind me once again. Soon I spot a boat in a river under me. I fly towards it, and two of them follow me, the other three get above me. I get closer to the boat, as Joe tries to teleport us. "Not yet!" I tell him. Right when it looks like we're about to...
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posted by applejackrocks
The next morning In Canterlot at the hotel......

AJ: *wakes up* *yawn* good morning AJ!!
Pinkie: *wakes up* AHHHHHH!!!!
AJ: Whats wrong?
Pinkie: AJ!!
AJ: Yea?
Pinkie: *giggles* nothing....
AJ: please! tell me!
Pinkie: I just had the funniest dream
AJ: what happened?
Pinkie: you promise not to tell?
AJ: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!!!
Pinkie: okay then...I dreamed that Applebloom was the element of kindness, that Sweetie bell was the element of genorasity, Scoot was the element of loyalty, and Princess Luna represented the element of magic. Hehe pretty funny eh?

AJ: aint...
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posted by epicskyrimfan56
i walk over to the mirror in the room. i stare at it. i see a light gray pony with brown hair in the mirror. i slowly move my hand and discover that me. i scream at the top of my lounges. then a yellow pony with pink hair enters the room. she asks in a frantic but suprisingly soft tone " oh goodness are you allright?" i respond as would anyone would and scream more. eventually she calms me down and explains who she is and everything. " so let me get this straight. you found me in the middle of a forest passed out and im in a world of talking ponies?" she says " uhm yes..." i think to myself that im in my show. and that i should find twilight sparkle. the pony introduces herself as fluttershy. shes a verry kind pony. she then brings me to town and introduces me to everypony. we all sit down and discuss what happened. we form a plan....
In Canterlot.....

AJ: we really appreciate you guard us here
Pinkie: Yeah!
Soldier: no problem
AJ: But how exacly did Princess Celestia died?
Soldier: you see, Princess Celestia, as always, was drinking tea with the Wonderbolts, but suddenly, Discord came...he had 4 other ponies in his hand...I just reconized a pony there, her name is Twilight Sparkle, a faithful student of the Princess. The Wonderbolts tried to stop Discord...but it was to late...He grabbed the Princess and flew off....before he left I saw Twilight's horn glow then she screamed out "Elements of Harmony! Princess Luna!!! The Cutie...
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It slithered out of the shadows and up to Dawn Bright's bed. It's eyes narrowed as it perpared to strike at its unsuspecting victim. That's when unicorn intution took over.

Dawn Bright didn't know why but suddenly she woke up. Staring her in the face was a snake, black as night. Dawn Bright screamed as she backed up against the wall. Even though she wasn't afraid of snakes, She was terrified of this one. It didn't look solid and had two front claws. It hissed, probably annoyed cause she woke up.

Dawn Bright had to think fast, the snake was already fast approaching. She concentrated on the snake....
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"W-Where did he go",asked Fluttershy.

"I don't know", said the princess.

"I'll find him", said Rainbow Dash.

"No, Rainbow, we must locate the Elements of Harmony", said Twilight.

"Fine", said Rainbow as she crossed her arms.

As Twilight and the Mane 5 ran out, Princess Celestia called, "Good luck, my little ponies!"

Outside, Discord had already started his chaos. The day and night kept switching, the ground turned into soap, and buildings were flying in midair.

Discord was sitting in a throne in the air, laughing evilly.

"Where are the Elements", asked Twilight.

"I have them."

"Give them to us."

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posted by Mylittlecute12







Lightning was striking below. Thank Celestia all the ponies were safe inside. I was flying close enough to feel the heat of the lightning. To hear the loudness of the thunder. I loved it. Just then I got a brilliant idea. I remember AJ said that it was too dangerous to stay at Apple Acres because of the trees; so I decided to run through the Everfree Forest! It's, like I said before, brilliant! I landed at the the entrance of it. "Bring it on", I said to myself. I started running through the forest as fast as I could, lightning bolts striking a few trees that were in front of me.

Not dangerous...
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posted by P-Lightning
"This part of the story is all about Axel and his past."

(Right here Axel is having Ice Cream with his best and only friend in the Organization, Roxas while they whatched the sun set)
(Axel's Past)
"Axel wait up I need to catch up," said a mysterious stallion as he ran to Axel, "Hey come on Roxas you got to catch up if you want to see the sunset." said Axel,"OK I'm want to see the suset man just wait I got to buy the ice cream. As Axel and Roxas sat on the old clock tower eating ice cream and Axel asked,"Hey Roxas why does the sun set red?","Huh I don't know i just want to watch the sunset ha...
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Just for you guys x3
Just for you guys x3
The news of Photo Finish`s death was absoulotely terrible, Hoity Toity had been mourning for days non-stop. He was just about to blow his nose when his assistant knocked on the door. "Enter you may!" he said, the was holding a clipboard against his chest. "Sir you have exactly two hours before showtime are you ready?" Toity nodded. "Alright I`ll see you there si-" he was cut off. Hoity looked down, he had been stabbed and the knife was poking through the clipboard. Behind him was a blue pony with a mask and outfit on.

The assasin closed the door behind him, "Why?! What do you want?!" Toity...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Seanthehedgehog Presents

Hedgehog In Ponyville Episode 9


Being a war hero in a town where everyone likes you is a good thing. Everywhere I go, I see a friend. Everytime I need help with something, I ask them. I've also been promoted from captain to major.

We took back Ponyville from Nazi Forces, and Celestia was breifing me on my new assignment in Twilight's former library.

Celestia: Discord now has an army of his own. He has time traveled into the second world war in a planet called Earth, and gathered an army of italian humans.
Sean: Hm, I wonder why he chose italians.

During part...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Number 7, and counting. I present to everyone Diamond Tiara's Are Forever.


Doughnut Joe................................Con Mane
Diamond Tiara...............................Miss. Filly
Silverspoon....................................Miss. Silver
Carrot Top.....................................Bambi
Berry Punch...................................Thumper
Pinkie Pie..............................................P
Discord............................................Ernst Staverald Discord
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posted by flippy_fan210
Ben was walking the streets of Ponyville with Rarity. They were searching for Jeff and Jack. The more he walked the more trouble he could see Jeff potentially getting into. Vegetable carts to knock over, innocents to slaughter, there was even a gray pegasus that had crossed eyes that Ben was 99% sure wouldn't survive a second after being seen by Jeff.

"What did you say your friends looked like?" Rarity asked.

"One has a white hoodie and black hair. The other has a black hoodie and brown hair with a blue mask." Ben described them in as little detail as possible, as not to disturb Rarity. Plus,...
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added by karinabrony
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Stylo was next to arrive in Cheyenne. He just finished bringing a freight from Chicagoat.

Stylo: *Going towards coupling*
Metal Gloss: Stylo.
Stylo: What is it?
Metal Gloss: It's Gordon. Pete left him in charge, and now he's bossing us around.
Stylo: Alright. Where's Pierce?
Hawkeye: *arrives* Say my name, and I'll appear.
Stylo: Okay. What are we going to do about Gordon?
Hawkeye: Leave it to me. We'll go into his office, and sell the desk. Then, he'll have nothing.
Stylo: If you say so. Let's do it. *Goes to station*
Hawkeye: *Following Stylo*

Inside the office

Gordon: *on phone* So, what do you...
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