My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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"Books and Magic hold the answers" Dawn Bright
"Books and Magic hold the answers" Dawn Bright
My Little Pony: Voyage of Friendship

Episode 1: It Begins part 1

Dawn panted as she cantered down the street in Ponyville. Gotta to get to the Ponyville Hotel! She thought. She almost past it in her rush. She then bounded through the doors, up the marble stairs, and rapidly knocked on room 245’s door.

“Uncle Armor, Aunt Cadance, open up! It’s me, Dawn Bright,” Dawn shouted. She then heard hoofsteps and then her uncle, Shining Armor, opened the door and said, “Dawn Bright great of you- Dawn didn’t give him the chance to finish as she rushed in and hide behind a chair.

Aunt Cadance walked in as Dawn ordered, “If anypony asks for me I am not here. Understanding?”

Shining Armor nodded and grinned. Just then somepony else started banging on the door and shouted, “Shining Armor, Cadance, it’s me, Twilight Sparkle, let me in! And Dawn Bright I know you’re in there!”

Dawn gulped from behind her hiding place and started shaking. Shining Armor opened the door and Twilight burst in, looking angrier a than a rodeo bull.

“Dawn Bright,” Twilight implored as she dragged Dawn by her tail, “We’re going to be late because of you!” Twilight looked down at Dawn. The two unicorns would have been identical if Dawn’s main body color wasn’t blue and her cutie mark wasn’t the bright star surrounded in a star swirl.

“But Mom Sonic and Flashbolt are going to be there and you know how annoying they are!” Dawn begged her mother as she was dragged out the door. “But the Dash twin- was the last thing Shining Armor and Cadance heard as the whining unicorn was pulled out the door.

Sonic scanned the sky around the house for her brother. She saw a streak of blue and raced after it. She tagged the blue Pegasus just as a boom was heard and she went flying off.

“Ha, slowpoke,” she shouted to her brother Flashbolt, “Try to bet that!” Five seconds later the arrogant Pegasus face planted into a cloud. “Tag,” Flashbolt said as he tapped his sister and raced off. Sonic narrowed her eyes and was about to chase her brother when both heard, “Sonic Rainboom, Flashbolt come here.” Strange Sonic thought. Their mom never used her full name unless it was important. Everyone just called her Sonic since Sonic Rainboom was such a mouthful.

“Coming mom,” the twins shouted. They flew right into her tumbling across their cloud porch.
“Hey you two,” Rainbow Dash said looking her kids. Flashbolt was her sky blue but a short cut, windblown, royal blue mane and tail of his father. He also had his father’s blue eyes but they were always hidden under his racing goggles. Sonic on the other hand had her father’s coat, white, but her mother’s mane, tail, and eyes. She never wore goggles. There cutie marks were a lightening bolt with wings and a sonic rainboom (I wonder which is which hmmm…).

“You didn’t forget about the get together, right?” Rainbow Dash asked her twins.

The twins groaned and protested but Rainbow Dash would hear none of it.

“Come’on guys, I heard from Pinkie Pie that Swirly Works has a new surprise!” Rainbow told them. “All the more reason NOT to go,” Sonic muttered.


Swirly clapped her hooves. It was perfect, probably the best she had ever done. Swirly looked at herself in the mirror and said to herself, “Swirly, you’ve out done yourself, well maybe except for the princess’ birthday. I mean what could have been more spectacular than… and the multicolored pony started going on to herself in her weird convoluted fashion.

Swirly Works looked just like her mother in build and mane/tail style but her colors were different. While Pinkie Pie was pink, Swirly Works had a yellow coat, purple eyes, red and orange mane, and a green and blue tail. Just like her special talent, fireworks, she was colorful and fun. Like her mom she was friends with everypony, well almost everypony, and loved having late outdoor parties which always had a show of her fireworks. She also loved to attend her mom’s parties. Just then Pinkie Pie stuck her head through the door and said, “Swirly Works, OMC (Oh My Celestia), I saw that and it was super spectacular!”

“Thanks a bunch mom,” Swirly Works said.

“Hey you want to show it at the get together today?” Pinkie Pie asked her daughter.

Swirly Works smile turned upside down as she said, “I would love to but those six other ponies are the only ponies in all of Ponyville that aren’t my friends. I mean last month I made a special firework for Hummingbird and all she did was hide under the couch covering her ears.”

“Awww come on silly willy,” Pinkie Pie said to Swirly Works, “it will be better this year.”

“Okie Dokie Loki,” Swirly Works said as she bounced after her mom.

“Here you go little ones,” Hummingbird said to the squirrel family. They chattered their thanks as Hummingbird floated down. Her pet hummingbird, Tropic was perched on the mint green pony’s shoulder. She hummed as she walked back to her family’s forest cottage.

“Hello mom, I’m home,” Hummingbird quietly called.

“Hello, sweetheart,” her mom called in an equally quiet voice, “we’re leaving for the reunion.”

“The re reunion?!” Hummingbird said as her breath started to quicken.

“Yes, the reunion,” Fluttershy answered as she walked in the room. She looked at her sweet daughter who was beginning to hyperventilate. She had light green coat and a red and pink mane and tail with a little hummingbird as a cutie mark.

“Ohmompleasedon’tmakemegotoit,” begged as she began to slur her words cause she got nervous.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Fluttershy insisted.

“It’sjustthatAppleBuckwasbeingreallyloudandwell SCARY!” Hummingbird said. But despite her protests, Hummingbird walked after her out the door.

Apple Buck aimed at the tree and kicked. He was rewarded with the thud of apples hitting the baskets.

“Good job Apple Buck,” his ma said, “now here a minute.” Apple Buck walked over to his ma, Apple Jack. Apple Jack looked at her son. He had a gold coat with a messy green mane and tail with his apple cutie mark. “So you remembered the get together, right?” Apple jack asked her son.

“Yup, but do I really have to go?” he asked his ma, “cuz that Cre has all her fancy-shamncy paint and artsy stuff. She can be really annoying, especially when she wants you to pose for one of her paintins. She may have every other stallion wrapped around her hoof but not me.”

“Yes, you have ta go whether it be the easy way or the hard way,” Apple Jack honestly answered her son. He snorted and followed his ma down the road from Sweet Apple Acres.

Creativity, or Cre as her friends called her, cocked her head and sighed it was missing something she just didn’t know what. Cre was in her room over her mom’s boutique. The walls were a hand painted mural. The only pieces of furniture were her bed and desk. The bed was for sleep and the desk was for drawing. Everywhere else there was art supplies. There were many stands with blank or in progress paintings. Her desk was littered with drawings and the walls were covered with notes and sketches. There were paint cans, oil pastels, and pencils everywhere. Some would call it a train wreck but Cre preferred to think of it as inspirationally organized. She was almost done with her parents anniversary gift but she felt like it was missing something. Then her mom poked her head through the door.

Rarity looked at her daughter. Like her she was a unicorn and had a royal purple mane and tail. She also had a pure white coat. But Cre wore her hair differently and had sky blue highlights. Her cutie marks was an artist’s palette. She was working hard on a painting and Rarity hated disturbing her but the get together was about to began and they were hosting it. She hoped her husband would finish the decorations.

“Creativity, dear, it’s almost time for the reunion,” Rarity called to her daughter.

Cre sighed and put down her paintbrush. She grabbed a drawing pad and a pencil. She wasn’t going to let a silly party ruin her creative flow. Cre frowned and hoped that Dawn, that stick in the mud, wouldn’t ruin her creativity with her uptight organization and rules. Cre sighed as she headed down stairs.

“Oh hello Twilight darling!”

“Rainbow Dash! Great to see you!”

“Pinkie Pie, you brought cupcakes. They look delicious!”

“Oh Fluttershy, darling, you look marvelous!”

“Apple Jack, you brought zap apple jam! Amazing, simply amazing.”

Cre heard her mother greeting her friends all the way from the top of the stairs. She saw the adults talking and the teens standing awkwardly next to their parent. This get together happened every month when all the teens’ mothers had a party having fun and stuck their kids in a room hoping them to get along. Every month something a bit different happens.

Cre took inventory to see that they were all here. There was Dawn Bright who had her nose in books all day. She never even took the time to look at Cre’s paintings or drawing and always responded with its beautiful. There were the Dash twins, Sonic and Flashbolt. Flashbolt admired Cre, like almost every other single stallion, but while he left her alone, his sister was twice as annoying to her. At that moment Sonic elbowed Flashbolt in the ribs to stop staring at Cre. Then there was Swirly Works. She was just as fun loving and twice as eccentric as her mother. Her special talent was fireworks and threw huge outdoor parties to showcase them. Cre refused to go as Swirly accidentally destroyed one of Cre’s paintings but her friends said that they were spectacular. Then there was Hummingbird, sweet girl but very shy. She was very nervous and when Cre even tried to make a conversation with her it went no where. And of course there was Apple Buck he hated Cre for reasons unknown to her and refused to succumb to her charm. Cre finished walking down the stairs and joined the “party.”

“Spike darling won’t you watch the children?” Rarity called to her husband.

“’Course,” the purple and green Pegasus said. Spike had once been a dragon but because of a wish he was transformed into a Pegasus. He still has dragon qualities, like breathing fire, not being affected by heat, and chomps on the occasional gemstone. Cre considers herself half dragon because of this. The ladies walked into the room that Rarity and Spike had prepared for their party. Spike then turned to the teens and said, “O.K. looks like I’m going to watch you but your old enough, right? I’ll just be upstairs working.” And on that note he raced upstairs not wanting to be in the same room as the chaos that was about to unfold.

The teens walked into the living room and sat around the coffee table where they ate a small dinner. All went their separate ways, Dawn reading, Sonic and Flashbolt sleeping, Swirly Works fiddling with what ever was in the box she had carried in the house, Hummingbird talking to Rarity’s pet cat, Topaz, Apple Buck practicing his buck for the rodeo, and Cre drawing. Cre glanced over at Dawn. Her face was blank and she was concentrating on the book.

“Stop it,” Cre said to her.

Dawn looked up and asked, “Stop what?”

Cre answered, “Being sooooo uptight.”

“Oh yea,” Dawn said as her eyes narrowed.

Sonic groaned from the bookshelf. With those two fighting she couldn’t sleep. “Hey, Flashbolt, you wanna play a prank?” she asked her brother. Jumped up and answered, “oh yea!”

The two fly over Apple Buck who was too busy concentrating on his kick to notice the twins. Sonic stifled a giggle while Flashbolt sprinkled pepper on Apple Buck’s nose.
“AH AH ACHOO!” Apple Buck sneezed as he kicked. He accidentally knocked over a vase which crashed to the ground. It scared Topaz away and Hummingbird headed over to Apple Buck.

“Be more careful oh if you don’t mind of course,” Hummingbird said.

“Well what is it? Do you want me to be more careful or do what I want? Choose!” Apple Buck said to Hummingbird. She let out something like a squeak and ran away. Cre started yelling at Apple Buck for yelling at Hummingbird. Sonic and Flashbolt started pulling pranks on everypony. Everypony started arguing and throwing Cre’s paint at each other.
Swirly Works, who had been focused on her box until that moment shouted, “HEY WHO WANTS ME TO PULL THE RIBBON!” Somepony or another, in the confusion, shouted back, “SURE!”

“Okie Doki Loki,” Swirly Works shouted. Hummingbird, who realized what was about to happen, dove under the couch. And then Swirly pulled the ribbon.


After the blinding light show ended and the noise quieted. The room was covered in black soot. Everypony except Swirly Work was dazed and covered in soot.

“Hey, how you guys like that, super spectacular, right?” Swirly said as she bounced around the others. Then the parents walked in. Everyone left in a matter of minutes.

Dawn Bright had her head down. Twilight then said, “I am very”

“Disappointed in you,” Rainbow Dash said to the twins, “Maybe it’s”

“For the best that Princess Celestia,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Wanted you to go with the others,” Fluttershy continued

“On a Voyage to the Unknown,” Rarity finished.

All of them shouted at once, “TO THE UNKNOWN,”

Swirly Works, “YEAH ROAD TRIP, or more like boat trip.

To be continued…
"Fireworks make everything more colorful"-Swirly Works
"Fireworks make everything more colorful"-Swirly Works
"Sonic's my name, Rainboom's my game"-Sonic Rainboom
"Sonic's my name, Rainboom's my game"-Sonic Rainboom
"Trickester, speedster, that's me."-Flashbolt
"Trickester, speedster, that's me."-Flashbolt
"Hardwork and Honesty are your best friends"-Apple Buck
"Hardwork and Honesty are your best friends"-Apple Buck
"The purpose of art is to give."-Creativity
"The purpose of art is to give."-Creativity
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Mortomis was currently working as a cashier at ShopRite.

Customer: *Gives Mortomis a one hundred dollar bill* Thank you.
Mortomis: Thank you. Have a good day. *Looks around, and sees that no one is looking at him. He sticks the hundred dollar bill into his pocket*
Audience: *Laughing*
Mortomis: Tom, and all of the others are idiots. I told them that being a cashier is awesome, and they don't believe me.
Saten Twist: *Appears with two boxes of Cookie Crisps* Hey, how's it going?
Mortomis: Good, and you?
Saten Twist: Fine. Tell me, when did you get this job?
Mortomis: Yesterday.
Saten Twist:...
continue reading...
So yeah, no new episode for 3 weeks


The next episode will be episode 100

100 - the first episode number that will have 3 digits


Now I don't plan on seeing any spoilers for the 100th episode but I can assume there's a 3 in there somewhere that I'll find later, so call that 3 an IOU

Wait. I O U

3 letters


3 sets of 3


the number of 3s found before "I O U" in this article is 6

6 3s

switch that statement around and you get "3 6s"




added by SkyheartPegasus
Source: derpibooru
posted by Seanthehedgehog
SeanTheHedgehog & Izfankirby present

Grand Theft Ponies

San Franciscolt, December 1988

The fanfic begins with Gordon, and Case Cracker at Gordon's house. They are watching a football game. The Eagles are beating the Giants 21-10

Gordon: I always told you that the Giants sucked.
Case Cracker: Calm down, halftime just ended. They've had some bad luck is all.
Gordon: No kidding. They'll never win a game.

Suddenly, the phone rings.

Gordon: Ah good. Commercials, and a call. *picks up phone* Hello?
Jim: Hey Gordon, it's Jim. Get Case Cracker with you, and meet me at the Pizzeria on Mane Ashbury....
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: deviantart, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, EQD
posted by bluethunder25
I want to take this time to talk about one of my two favorite duos in MLP: FiM. I'll talk about my most favorite one in my next article. But for right now, I wanna talk about one that has a lot of potential, but has never really been utilized all that much in the series: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

I'm real sucker for this kind of duo. You've got Rainbow Dash, the 'cool girl' and Pinkie Pie, the bubbly optimist.

This duo got it's start in the season one episode, 'Griffon the Brush Off.' In that episode, Rainbow Dash at first found Pinkie Pie to be annoying, (which was pretty strange considering...
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added by horsesmaybeidk
Source: alloyrabbit
added by horsesmaybeidk
Source: alloyrabbit
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: joyreactor, facebook, deviantart
The opening credits start off with a black screen. Voices can be heard.

Intro Music: link

Music Director: Uh Belmont, you don't have to belt it. Just uh, sing it out, but don't shout it out.
Music Pony 1: *Clears throat*
Music Director: Take two.
Music Pony 2: *Hits a key twice on the piano*
Music Pony 1: Dun dun dun dun dun dun-
Music Pony 3: Ah, do it again.
Music Director: Yeah, wait for that counter to stop.
Music Pony 2: Take your time man.
Music Pony 3: Yeah, relax.
Music Pony 2: Make sure the room is empty, no sound, then you start.
Music Pony 1: Gee.
Music Pony 2: So? What's the difference?...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, Ike, Nicole, Mike, Stephanie, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Also starring the Southern Pacific ponies.

Nikki West and Meadow West from Jade_23

Michael, Roger, Anthony, Ryan, Duke, and Donut from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 79: Gordon Loses His Marbles
Date: August 26, 1958
Location: Cheyenne,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
We now have a new intro for this series

Theme song >>>> link

Taxi Ponies: *Driving taxi cabs to the station*

Ponies On The Rails

Starring the Union Pacific ponies

Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Railway Pony: *Driving freight train across a bridge going over the train tracks at the station.*
Metal Gloss: *Drives freight train under bridge*
Pony: *In the station, buying a ticket. As soon as he gets the ticket, he runs across the platform, and boards his train.*
Hawkeye: *Preparing train for departure*
continue reading...
Scootaloo: Whatever they decide AppleBloom. We're here for you.
SB: Yeah, even if it changes things forever and ever.
Scootaloo: Yeah. Because either way. We've been though worse.

CUTAWAY (spoof towards my OWN story):
Spike: Wait, are you drunk.
Ditto: (drunk) I've been out he-(hiccup)-re for a WHile.. Who here thinks I can kick my own ass!?
SB: (raises hoof into the air, as to vote for a "yes").
Ditto: (gags).
Scoot: Are you gonna be sick mister?
Ditto: Yes. I need to. B But then I'll be back.. T To tell y'all my plans.. (runs off).
Ditto: (flies into view, but still holding...
continue reading...
posted by Mylittlecute12
[Back in Ponyville]
Twilight returned from the Royal Sisters' castle. "Spike!!! SPIKE!". Twilight called out. Twilight slowly starts walking forward when she saw Spike asleep under a bunch of fallen books. Twilight giggled quietly and whispered. "Aww...he's so cute when he's asleep". Twilight quietly tiptoed over to a high shelf and placed the book on historical events on the royal sisters.
Twilight headed outside her castle when Pinkie Pie came galloping up to her. "Twi!". Pinkie said excitedly. "Guess what?!". Pinkie was hyper as usual. "What?". Twilight was really not in the mood for Pinkie's...
continue reading...
posted by TotalDramaFan60
Sparkle Ruby meets Snapdragon's siblings
Snapdragon: *comes in with two weird stallions*
Snapdragon: It is my two brothers.
Brothers: Yes. Brothers.
Sparkle Ruby & Snapdragon: Wat

Snapdragon is lonely
Snapdragon: *is standing loneily*
Sparkle Ruby: Hey, Snappy, wha--
Snapdragon: NO (slaps Sparkle Ruby)

Sparkle Ruby & Snapdragon go to see Frozen for the elevnteenth time
Snapdragon: Dang, I hate Frozen.
Sparkle Ruby: Yeah, me too. Let's go.
Snapdragon: Oh! Celestia! I've heard your terrible Elsa impression! NOW SHUT UP!
Sparkle Ruby: No! I said...
Snapdragon: Okay, I hate you.
(I'm not very creative. You can suggest Sparkle & Snappy stories in the comments
posted by DragonAura15
Silversheen (Pic is totally unfitting to the scenario XD)
Silversheen (Pic is totally unfitting to the scenario XD)
MLP FIM Fanfic: Pain's Prejudice

    "Are they here yet? The tension is killing me!"
    "There'll be worse things than tension to deal with soon... "
    "Move it! They're coming, and fast!"
    And then anguished screams. And then silence. That was all Silversheen could remember. Anytime she tried to strain her mind for more, she came up blank.
    From what she did recall, there had been some kind of attack. Ponies all around her were running for dear life, causing a commotion. An older mare- her...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Ice Cube's car is green, and Sally's car is silver
Ice Cube's car is green, and Sally's car is silver
In Ice Cube's hideout in Compton L.A.

Song: link

Ice Cube: Alright Vito. Me, and Sally here are gonna go down to the storm drains, and get those weapons for ISIS ready. You stay here, and protect the prisoners.
Vito: Why do I have to stay here?
Ice Cube: Because you called me the N word.
Vito: *Sighs*
Sally: Here we go again.
Ice Cube: Let's go Sally. *Gets in car*
Sally: *Gets in another car*
Ice Cube: *Drives*
Sally: *Drives, and follows Ice Cube*
Vito: This is stupid. *Hears a sound* What was that? *Goes downstairs*
Fenix: Stay quiet. *Grabs gun* I got you covered.
Vito: *Comes downstairs* Hey!...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Ice Cube's train
Ice Cube's train
Previously, Con, and Ice Cube were in a car chase, but there cars fell off a bridge. Now, they were standing face to face on the railroad line.

Con: *Pointing gun at Ice Cube* Get Pinkie out of the trunk of your car.
Ice Cube: And why should I do that?
Con: Because if you don't, you'll find a bullet that has your name on it. Unlock the trunk.
Ice Cube: *Opens trunk door to her car*
Pinkie Pie: *Comes out* Danke! Now let's throw a party!
Ice Cube: Man shut up! Okay, you got your friend, now leave me alone.
Con: I don't think so. You have attacked a spy of the C.I.E, and pose as a threat to us with...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
The Story of Corporal Agarn

Theme song

Though he goes on a rage from time to time
He is a very good friend of mine
And in Fort Courage he is well known as
Corporal Agarn

Starring Master Sword as Corporal Agarn
Tom Foolery as Captain Parmenter
Saten Twist as Sargent O' Rourke
Mortomis as Dobbs, the bugler

One day at Fort Courage.

Sargent O' Rourke: *Walking by the cannon*
Corporal Agarn: Hello Sarge.
Sargent O' Rourke: Good morning Agarn.
Corporal Agarn: *Looks at clock* But Sarge, it's 1 PM.
Audience: *Laughing*
Sargent O' Rourke: We're in the army. We have to say thirteen hundred hours.
Corporal Agarn:...
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