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After about a few hours, Rebecca woke up and stretched. She was still wondering how she was gonna tell Michael that he's gonna be a father. Before, she was dozing off, but now...she can't afford to doze off. Especially since she's pregnant, she can't. Rebecca looked at her watch and saw that it was around 9pm. She couldn't believe she slept that long. Well, she needed it. She barely slept last night because she kept waking up every hour. Isis came out of the bedroom and saw that Rebecca was awake. "Well, evening Rebecca. How was your nap?" She asked sarcastically. Rebecca shot a glare at her mother and shook it off. "It was alright. I needed it anyway. With the fact that I woke up almost every hour last night, it was good." Rebecca replied. She sat down next to Rebecca. "You know, you can't hide being pregnant for long from Michael. He's gonna find out sooner or later." "I know, mother...but how am I to tell him? I can't just call him up and say 'Hey Michael, guess what? You're gonna be a father.' I can't just do that. I'm afraid if I tell him, he'll never want to see me again." Isis sighed and shook her head. "It's better then not telling him. You're gonna have to tell him sometime, Rebecca. It is his child after all." "I know it is, mother...it's just...I don't know how to tell him." Isis put her hand on Rebecca's shoulder and she turned to her, her eyes watering a bit. Isis hugged her and she hugged back. "Tell him when you're ready to tell him. I'm just saying that you shouldn't hold off on telling him. Like I said before, he'll find out sooner or later." Rebecca looked at her mother and nodded. Soon enough, her phone went off. She picked up her phone and saw that she had gotten a tweet from Michael. Her mother noticed the tweet, too, and looked at her. She looked back at her mother. "I'll tell him...but not right now." Her mother nodded and soon left to head to the bedroom. Rebecca read the tweet. It said: "Hey, we just landed in Africa. I love you and I hope everything is alright." She smiled and tweeted back: "Glad you got there safely. I love you more, Michael. Everything is alright here. Where you headed next after Africa?" After about 3 minutes, Michael tweeted back: "We're heading to Washington state next. We're going to a different state between countries. Will I see you there?" She tweeted back to him: "I'm hoping so. I hope my mother will take me up there." He tweeted back to her: "Alright. Well, I hope to see you there. I gotta get back to rehearsals. Love you." She finally tweeted back: "Love you, too. Have fun." After that tweet, she got ready for bed and wondered how he'd react to being a father. 'I hope he'll be happy...' She thought. She started listening to the Invincible album again. 'And now this labyrinth of love has gotten difficult to get through...with a child on the way, that is.' She soon fell asleep, the Invincible album playing to keep her asleep.
With Michael and Chris
Michael just got off twitter and went back into rehearsals. He was glad that everything was alright with Rebecca. He saw a tweet from her that really touched him. It said: "I'm missing Michael so much. I hope he's alright." He kept the tweet in his mind and they continued with rehearsals before their show. They rehearsed every song they were putting into the show and perfected them in every way, shape and form. Smooth Criminal was perfected, The Way You Make Me Feel was perfected, all the songs were perfected. There wasn't one person out of step for each song. Not even Chris messed up! Later that day, the show was about to begin. It was hectic because of all the fans out there and how they wanted Michael's autograph and they wanted to take a picture with him and such. 'Oh God...I hope they don't kill us.' He thought, getting ready for the show. He knew how violent the fans could get from his Jackson 5 days. He took out a picture and saw that it was from Rebecca. She left a little note on it and he read it out loud to himself. "Here's something I thought you'd like. I'm giving you one of my drawings of you that I drew a while back. For every moment, I draw a new picture. This is a collage of you from the Jackson 5 days all the way up to Invincible. You are Invincible, Michael. No one can break you, because you are also Unbreakable. I love you with all my heart. With love, Rebecca." He read. He felt a tear fall down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away and put the picture down and headed onto the stage, where it was dark, and got in his starting position. The music started and he was soon dancing to Billie Jean. The show went on and on and everyone was cheering and clapping and such. After the show ended, he and Chris walked off the stage and went into the dressing room. "God, that was the best crowd we've ever had! I hope Washington is better, though." Chris said. Michael chuckled at him. "I'm hoping so, too. Rebecca said she may be there to catch the concert." He responded. "Dude, she better be there! She loves you so much, Mike. You have to believe she'll be there." Michael nodded to Chris. "Yeah, I know." They got their things together and headed to their trailers and got ready for bed and soon went to sleep.
1 week later
Michael and Chris were on a plane, heading to Washington state and they were talking about what to do there. "It's been a while since I've been to Washington. I'd wanna do some sightseeing there. You know, to see what's changed and what hasn't." Michael said. "Yeah, I know. It has been a while, huh?" Chris asked. "Yeah, it has." During the whole flight, Michael and Chris were joking around and everything with each other. Michael had Rebecca on his mind the whole time and Chris occasionally teased him about it. He'd always fight back somehow. Once the plane landed in Washington and they got off the plane, Frank was waiting with the limo outside. Michael and Chris headed to the limo and were taken to a hotel not too far from where they were performing next. Once they got to the hotel, they checked in and headed up to their rooms. Luckily, Chris was right next door to Michael, so they can still chat when needed. Michael got on his laptop and got on twitter and tweeted to Rebecca: "Just got to the hotel in Washington. I hope to see you soon." 5 minutes later, he got a tweet back from her, saying: "Alright. My mother and I are in Oregon right now, so we'll be there in a few hours. Love you!" He smiled and tweeted back: "Love you more! See you when you get here." She tweeted back: "Alright." Michael signed out of twitter and started getting his things unpacked.
With Rebecca and Isis
They had just stopped for a restroom break. While Isis was in the restroom, Rebecca walked around the mall to see about getting something new. She was actually wearing the dress, fishnet shirt, gloves, black socks, and dress shoes that Michael had paid for back in California. She had recently, before leaving California with her mother, sewed a white stripe on her fishnet shirt's right sleeve carefully...and it actually worked. Soon, Isis caught up with her. "Where do you wanna go before we head to Washington?" She asked. Rebecca still looked around and saw Build-A-Bear. She turned to her mother. "I wanna make Michael something at Build-A-Bear." She said and they headed into Build-A-Bear. She looked around and saw a brown bear with white spots on him. She remembered Michael telling her that he had vitiligo and thought of him when she saw it. She picked it up and looked at it. "Just like Michael..." She muttered to herself. It would seem that the bear had vitiligo, too. That's why she instantly thought of Michael. She went to start stuffing it, put a heart in it which showed her love for him, and sewed it up. She went over to the cleaning station and brushed through the bear's fur to get extra fuzzies off of it. Then she walked around the store to find something that he'd like. She knows he likes Military style things, but at this time, they didn't have anything military. Although, she found something that shocked her. She found a Billie Jean outfit: the black sparkly jacket, the white shirt, the glove, the pants, the socks, the loafers, and the fedora. She grabbed it and then went to the computer to get its certificate made. She had named the bear...'Michael Jackson'. She put its date of birth and everything. After that, she went to the check out and the cashier looked at the certificate and looked at her. "A Michael Jackson fan, huh? Well, we never got an MJ fan in here before. Anyway, that will be $30." She said. Rebecca handed her the money and she put the bear and his clothes into the little box home and they headed out. Once Rebecca and Isis were back in the car and headed out, Rebecca took the bear out of the box and started dressing him up. Once she finished dressing him up, she smiled. 'Oh, I hope he loves this...and the surprise I have for him.' She thought. After a few hours, they were in Washington. Rebecca got on twitter and tweeted to Michael that she and her mother were in Washington. She got a tweet back from him 2 minutes later, saying: "Alright. Chris and I are at the Hilton Hotel." She tweeted back: "Alright. I'll see if we can get a hotel room there then. I have 2 surprises for you anyway." He tweeted back: "What surprises? Can I know? Haha." She shook her head at his childishness and responded: "You'd have to wait until after the show. I'll see you after the show, Michael." He soon replied back: "Oh alright. See you then." She got off twitter and they checked into the Hilton Hotel. They went into their room and little did Michael know, they were across the hall from him. (Me: I find it rather funny XD.) Once it was time, Rebecca and Isis headed out to the arena.
At the arena
Rebecca and Isis found their spots and waited for the show to start. Once the show started, Rebecca always watched what Michael was doing on stage. This was the first time she actually thought of dancing on stage with him...but because of her being pregnant, she didn't want to until the baby was born. Michael saw her in the audience and winked at her and smiled when they were doing Smooth Criminal. She smiled back at him and continued watching the show.
After the show
Rebecca and Isis went back to their room and Isis was actually hoping she'd get the room to herself tonight. They heard voices in the hallway and Rebecca knew it was Michael and Chris, talking about the show. She waited until Michael was in his room and Chris was in his so she could go over with the present. Once they were in their rooms, Rebecca grabbed the bear and hid it behind her back and went over to Michael's room. She knocked and waited. 'Oh I hope he likes these surprises for him.' She thought. Soon, Michael opened the door to see her. "Rebecca? You're across the hall from me?" He asked a bit shocked. She giggled. "Yeah. Can I come in?" She asked. Michael smiled and nodded and helped her inside. Michael saw a box behind her and questioned it. "What's that?" He asked. She smiled at him and turned to him and held it out to him. "I made this for you at Build-A-Bear. He reminded me of you." Michael took the box and sat on the bed and opened it and saw a bear wearing a fedora, the white glove, the black jacket, the socks, the pants, and the shoes. He took the bear out and looked at it. He noticed the white spots on him and they were in the same places he noticed the vitiligo show up on himself. He grabbed the certificate and read it. When he saw his name, he chuckled and smiled. He put the bear and certificate down and walked over to Rebecca and hugged her. "Thank you so much, Rebecca. I love you." She hugged back. "I love you, too, Michael." Once they released the hug, she looked to the side and Michael was curious. "What's the matter, babe?" She sighed and kept thinking to herself 'He's gonna find out sooner or later.' She looked at Michael. "Michael, you may need to sit down for this." Michael was a bit confused, but sat down on the bed. Rebecca was gathering up the courage to tell him. "Michael, can I ask you something?" "Sure. Anything." "Promise me that you'll give me you're most honest answer?" "I promise. What is it?" "Well...what would you say if I told you I was...expecting something?" Michael looked at her, a bit confused. "What are you trying to tell me, Rebecca?" "Michael...you're...you're gonna be a father." Michael's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. "You're...pregnant?" Rebecca nodded. "3 weeks in to be exact...I had a test done because my mother was curious. Then I had another test done to make sure the pregnancy test was lying...and it wasn't. You're gonna be a father, Michael." Michael was still in shock. Michael got up and hugged her. He spun her around the room with a smile on his face while she was giggling. Chris soon came into the room and was confused big time. "What's going on here?" He asked. Michael stopped spinning Rebecca and looked at Chris with a smile. "I'm gonna be a father, Chris. Rebecca's pregnant." Michael had his arm around her shoulder, pulling her toward him. She put her hand on her stomach and smiled. "Whoa! No way! Congrats, man! How far are you, Rebecca?" "I'm 3 weeks in, Chris. Not too far." Chris smiled at them. "Well, I hope nothing goes wrong then. It would be a disaster if something happened." Then Chris left the room. Rebecca looked at Michael and smiled. Michael smiled back at her and gave her a kiss. He put his hand on top of her stomach. "I can't believe we are already starting a family." He said. "I know." She replied. She looked at the time and saw that it was almost midnight. "I should probably go back to the room now. It's almost..." She looked at Michael and she could tell he wanted her to be with him. "Then again, my mother wants the room to herself. I'll stay in here with you." Michael smiled and they got ready for bed. Although, Rebecca didn't bring her pajamas with her, so Michael gave her one of his shirts and his black slacks. She changed into it and then they got into bed. Rebecca cuddled up to Michael and he wrapped his arms around her. He was glad he was gonna be a father and he's proud that she's the mother of this child they were gonna have. She put her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat and soon, they fell asleep.
"I ended up crying myself to sleep on Michael's side of the bed"
"I ended up crying myself to sleep on Michael's side of the bed"
*One week later : Friday*

I sat on the couch watching the newest movie I had made,"Queen of the Damned" and I played the sister of LeStat, Lillia. Michael had wanted to watch it but then left near the ending to get ready to pack for his flight. He had to leave the house by 5:30 and his flight leaves at 6:30 for his tour with his brothers. As I kept thinking about the fact Michael was leaving and I wasn't going to see him for three years, I started to cry but I tried to keep it in. It was hard for me to be without him before. Now since we're in love and engaged, I don't think I can go through...
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posted by mjfanforever22
as michelle is huging michael her cell phone starts to ring little did they know it was her mom asking michelle what was she doing and what was taking her so long to come back from the concert as michelle hears the ring the ringtone she starts to get scared a little and jumps out of her skin a little bit as she jumps out of the hug she starts to scramble for her phone as she picks up her phone she sees that its her mother but she doesnt answer it though she ignored it michelle turns back around to michael too hug him again michael askes her who was it she tells him that it was nobody and he...
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It was 9am when Kasey Metts awoke to her alarm clock blaring in her ear. Kasey slowly got out of bed, as she did she remember that today was her checkup at the doctor. Kasey then walked to the bathroom and took herself a nice warm shower. Afterward she got dressed put on her makeup and headed out the door to her car.

Once Kasey arrived to the doctors office she signed in and sat in the waiting room. While waiting Kasey picked up a magazine that was on the small coffee table in front of her. The whole front of the magazine was talking about Michael's jacksons new bad tour. Kasey never understood...
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"I'd rather Die than be with you." Michael said angerily as blood dripped from his mouth. "Fine then" Beth took her gun and pointed striaght at michael's head. Michael closed his eyes waiting for the shot that would end his life. "Please make it quick." he thought. Suddenly when Beth pulled the trigger the gun literaly fell apart with no explaination. "What the hell?!" Beth exclaimed as she looked at the broken gun which laid at her feet. Beth bent down and tried to put the gun back together but it was no use. Defeated she looked over at michael, "You just got lucky this time....dont be getting...
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The validity of Michael Jackson’s will could get a court airing next month if a business associate of the pop star’s mother gets his way.

Lawyers for a Canadian businessman who works with Katherine Jackson wrote in a filing Monday that he was “in possession of evidence that casts substantial doubt on the validity of the will” and wants to present it at federal trial set for September.

The business partner, Howard Mann, is locked in a copyright battle with the executors of the singer’s estate largely over a tribute book that he produced with Jackson’s mother.

In a filing in U.S. District...
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posted by emey16
"A young lady's physical beauty can by no means outshine the inner beauty that radiates from her heart & spirit"- Michael Jackson

The main thing that I hate most, is ignorance"

"I love people who have really contributed to the pleasure & happiness of the planet & mankind.. people with light."- Michael Jackson

Before u know if u are black or white, before u know of what religion u are a part, u have to know that u are loved'- Michael Jackson

"And I pray a lot and that’s how I deal with it and I’m a strong person, I’m a warrior. And I know what’s inside of me. I’m a fighter."...
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posted by emey16
"You can pray to the angels
and they will listen, but the best way to call them,
I am told, is to laugh. Angels respond to delight,
because that is what they're made of.
In fact, when people's minds are clouded by anger
or hatred, no angel can reach them." - Michael Jackson

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”

"Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. The truth will win this marathon in court"

"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger,...
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posted by emey16
. .. Michael had a wonderful quick-witted humor, which many people who do not deal with surprises always something ...

some examples:

Why the finger tapes??

Michael Beardon (Musical Director of This Is It) has to answer:

"I asked him one day" MJ why you have this tape in your hands? "I always wanted to know, and I could ask him personally afterwards. If you can ask someone like Michael need something, what would you ask him?

And so great was Michael, he has replied to me.

"You want to really know you?" The tape around his fingers, he said, well, that feels good. And you see it, the white tape, your eyes follow him automatically. This is one of the show-biz things he learned when he was a child.
posted by mjfanforever22
although michael was the number one pop star in the world he had everything from a beautiful house with everything thing a person could ever wish for from a private zoo to a private pool to a private movie theater stocked with popcorn and candy any kid could want and as much as you could eat also with ice cream a person;s heart could desire and a arcade to enjoy and play games as long as you want as many times as you want from fame and popularity from us fans and family that he could count on when he need them there was only one thing missing some close friends that he could rely on the only...
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all his life michael has been misunderstood from the early days in the jackson five to adulthood people labled him as a weirdo or strange when deep down inside michael was nothing like what they thought that he was to be michael was a gentle soul he had feelings and when they would say things like this yes of course he would become angry and sad over the false and negitive messages that the media was saying about him we all know that michael had a deep love for children it was a pure and innocent love michael showed these children true pure and love and care but when he would invite children...
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posted by HegiMjlover
It was the 3rd day of Michael in Heaven. After he met his old friend , Freddie now he was searching for the others.Billions of fans were after him so it was impossible for Michael to do what he really wanted.But heaven was a big , much bigger than the earth so he was free to go any where as an angel that he was.The loneliness was following Michael in heaven too and he really hated this.And he started to cry , after him all his fans.Well , his friend Freddie was like "What the heck is going on Mike ??! Why are u acting like a child?!" and MJ said that he was a child , he was a child in his heart...
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first michael rises out of bed to the morning as michael sits up in bed after streching an yawning a little bit all of a sudden he hears a loud banging noice at the door as he always know joe is the only one that bangs on the doors in the house as michael is scared from the loud banging at the door already knowing that its joseph michael doesnt say or do anything joe starts to yell and say OPEN THIS DOOR NOW! OR I WILL BREAK IT DOWN! as michael is still scared from his fathers demands joe starts to count down from 5 so michael would open the door as joe starts to count down michael is sitting...
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posted by mjfanforever22
its not fair how when michael writes a song about how we can heal the world or ho we can make it a better place like for instance when michael writes a song its always a problem because they just dont understand the song and what michael is trying to say and what he is trying to spread across the world alot of people including the press always twist his words around saying that he said this or he said that when he didnt say anything bad at all which is crazy how they think that michael would say something bad in his music which not michael at all he wouldnt put the wrong message in his music...
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posted by mjfanforever22
as michael is singing come together at a sold out concert at wemsley stadium during the bad tour michael is showing all the engery that he's got in him just singing and just showing all the top dance moves that he's got from the moonwalk to the leg kick as michael is wraping up the song he starts to look around at all the screaming fans just calling his name michael michael over and over again as michael starts to smile and get soo excited by the excitement over the fans he see's this girl standing in the corner of the stage looking at him not making a move just staring at him in admiration...
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Michael begin to dream................
Michael begin to dream................
After michael walked back inside he sat on the sofa as if nothing out of the ordniary happened. As he sat on the sofa michael drifted off.

Michael didnt know how long he had been asleep when he suddenly woke up. Something just felt different. Michael got up from the sofa and headed upstairs. When he got upstairs he ran into Diane, "Hey honey shouldnt you be getting ready...we leave for the party in about ten minutes." , "Uhh...ok just let me go get changed." Michael said unsure. "Honey are you okay you dont seem like yourself." Diane said with concern. "I'm...fine...really." Michael said as...
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Alicia was shocked when a small nixon video camera fell out into her hand. Alicia set down the figurine and began to study the camera, which was cut on. Alicia hit the review button and began to look through the footage. The first video showed Michael and Diane sleeping together. The second was of Beth on michaels bed that she had covered with the green screen.(you should be able to guess what she was doing) And the last was of her and Michael talking about what to do for Diane on the anniversary of their first date. "Hey michael come up here I found something!" Alicia called out. Michael was...
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" Hey Diane did you move that figurine off the dresser and onto the chest?" Michael asked as he walked into the living room where Diane was sitting watching television. "No i didnt move it." Diane replied. "Well if you didnt move it then who did?" Michael asked. "I dont know michael maybe one of the girls moved it." Diane said. With that michael headed upstairs to Abby and Lizzie's room and knocked on the door. "Girls can you come out for a second." Michael replied. "Coming daddy." they said as they went to open the door. "Yes daddy?" Lizzie said opening the door. "Where you or Abby in our...
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"What?...Michael,what does he mean?My...parents...are...dead?...You...You killed...my...parents...?",she was saying hardly speaking..Michael saw her crying and down on her knees and this made him so angry and frustrated he hit Mark and released,then came to her.Mark let him go,thinking he can only make it worse.Michael changed into his human form and said:"Rose,I didn't mean to,it was an accident,I was trying to defend myself and I..."."You tried to defend yourself and you...you killed...my parents?",she said shocked."Not only he put someone in danger in order to defend himself,he knew we were...
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posted by 2468244
There’s a ghost out in the hall
There’s a ghoul beneath the bed
Now it’s coming through the walls
Now it’s coming down the stairs

There’s spirit in the dark
Hear the beating of his heart
Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts are hiding everywhere

I’m gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see
It’s you who’s taunting me
Because you’re warning me
To be the stranger
In the night

Am I amusing you
Or just confusing you
Am I the beast
You visualized
And if you wanna see
I’ll be the grotesque
Before your eyes
Let them all materialize

Is that scary for you baby
Am I scary for you, oh
Is it scary for...
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posted by Fashionista101
The final part

“Now, do you want me to leave?”
Kyle, Mason and Casey shook their head ‘no’, but Mayor Sneddon still wanted him out. “Yes…YES! Leave now!” He let it all out.
The Maestro quietly agrees. “Fine. I’ll go.”
The gang didn’t want him to leave, but he starts to violently pounds his stomach hardly, showing signs of pain by groaning and moaning. The gang shockingly witness his own death. Then he jumps and his feet begins to crumples. Then his hands and the rest body crumples to the ground begins to crumple more and more and into dust and...
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