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Michael, thinking about Breanna
Michael, thinking about Breanna
On the way back to her place, Michael and Breanna were silent. As he focused on the road, he thought about the mess that he was in. He was annoyed with Q and Frank. He did not understand why they waited until dinner to tell him about the tour. If that had happened, he would have time to adjust to the news before it was sprung on Breanna. Michael had mixed feelings about the tour. On one hand, he was excited about it because it was his 1st world tour. On the other hand, he would be gone for 2 yrs. He wondered what would happen to his relationship with Breanna. If she found another guy and started dating him, it would literally kill Michael. He would not be able to handle it. But if he really loved her, he would want her to be happy, right? Why did love have to be so complicated? he thought. He sighed and glanced at Breanna, who was staring out of the window.

Two hours later, he turned into her driveway and cut the engine. He sighed again and turned to face her.

"Look, Breanna-", he began.

"Thanks for inviting me to dinner. I had a great time. Good night.", she said quickly and got of out the car before he could protest.

For the rest of the week, Michael tried to talk to Breanna, but she refused to talk to him, using her mother to make excuses for her. Finally, he decided to go to her house. He figured that she could not avoid him forever.

After rehearsal, Michael drove to her house. He parked the car across the street and drummed his fingers against the steering wheel impatiently as he waited for Breaanna. He was on leaving on Sunday and he wanted to know where they stood in their relationship. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to him, a car turned in the driveway and she got out of the car. She began to walk towards her house and the car drove away. At that moment, he got out of his car. He blew out air as he walked towards her.

"Breanna?", he said.

When she heard his voice, she stopped walking. She closed her eyes. She had been dreading this moment and she wished that she could run away.

"Hey, Michael.", she said quietly.

"Breanna, what's up? What's going on? I have been calling you all week and you don't return my calls. Why have you been avoiding me?"

She did not answer him and she lowered her eyes to the ground.

"Did I do something wrong? Please just talk to me."

She sighed. "No, you didn't. I did because I got involved with you.", she said.

He gave her a puzzled look. "Breanna, don't even try it, ok? Because you knew that I was a celebrity before you decided to be with me. Now all of a sudden, you are trying to tell me that its too much for you to handle?"

She sighed again. "Look, Michael let's be real, okay? You are going on tour and you are going to be gone for 2 yrs. And to be perfectly honest, I don't really see how we can make this relationship work, so I think that we should end it.", she said abruptly.

"I don't believe this!", he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry, Michael, but this is the way that it has to be.", she said flatly.

She was breaking his heart and she knew it. She did not want to hurt him, but she had to protect herself. So if that meant that he would get hurt, it was a risk that she was willing to take. She did not see the point of them being together while he was on tour. He was a very attractive and sweet man and he could have any woman that he wanted. In time, he will get over me, but I will always love him., she told herself.

"Why are you doing this, Breanna?!"

"I already told you why I want to break up with you.", she said with a sigh. She tried to walk away, but he grabbed her.

"Come back here.", he commanded and she stared at him. His eyes were shining with unshed tears. She wanted to get away from him because she knew that she was going to break down and start crying at any minute. She had convinced herself that she could have a clean break from Michael without being affected by her decision. But now she realized that she was a fool for even thinking that she could do that. How could she just let him go without feeling anything? But she knew that she had to do it because she did not want to get hurt.

"Let me go.", she said coldly.

"No, not until we talk about this."

She glared at him. "We don't have anything to talk about! Now let me go!",she yelled, trying to snatch away from him.

"I said no, Breanna." With that,he pulled her closer to him. She could feel his warm sweet breath as it caressed her cheek. She wanted to wrap her arm around his neck and kiss him until they were both breathless.

"Do you really think that I'm going to let you get away from me? I love you and I thought that you understood that. I know that you are upset about the tour. But we can make our relationship work. I know that we can do it."

His words were torturing her and she could not take it anymore. She snatched away from his hold.

"How, Michael?!", she shouted. "By writing letters and talking on the phone every day?! I'm sorry, but that's not enough!"

"Well, I think that you are wrong.", he said,wrapping his arms around her waist. Don't you believe in love? Don't you believe in us?"

She turned around. He stared into her eyes. He caressed her face as he softly pressed his lips against hers. She sighed in his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. His scent was everywhere, making her dizzy. As she continued to kiss him, the tears ran down her cheeks, mixing in with the kiss. The kiss which had started as sweet and gentle had changed to bittersweet. She broke the kiss and backed away from him.

"I'm sorry, Michael, but I can't do this anymore!", she cried.

"Breanna, please don't do this! I'm begging you to wait for me please!", he pleaded.

"I can't! Goodbye, Michael!", she cried and ran in the house. She ran past her startled mother and ran upstairs. When she got to her room, she slammed the door and slowly slid to the floor. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

The tour was going great for Michael. He threw himself into his performances, trying to forget Breanna. At the end of every concert, he would instruct Bill and the rest of his security guards to pick a fan out of the audience to join him onstage. This always pleased the fans, who would always scream or faint after dancing with him. Of course the EMTS was used to this happening at a Michael Jackson concert.

Sometimes Michael would pick a girl out of the audience to serenade. As he sang to her, he would think about Breanna, pretending that he was singing to her. When he was finished, the girl would hug him or she would try to kiss him. He would smile politely and he would let her hug or kiss him, but she would refuse to let him go. Eventually, security would have be called and the fan would be carried off the stage, screaming hysterically.

Tatiana did not want any of the fans to have any physical interaction with Michael. But she knew that she could not do anything to stop them. So she kept her mouth shut. Besides my time is coming and he will be mine., she thought.

Meanwhile back in LA, Breanna was going to school at UCLA. She was majoring in Sports Management. She decided to do something to take her mind off of Michael, who continued to write her letters. In the letters, he told her about the tour. He also told her that he still loved her and he refused to give up on them. He wrote that when he came back to LA that he wanted to pick up where they left off. His letters always made her cry after she read them because she knew that it was impossible for them to be together.

One day, she was standing in the checkout line in Safeway when she saw a magazine that showed a picture of Michael and Tatiana on it. Unable to contain her curiosity, she picked up the magazine and opened it. She began to read the article. According to the article, Michael and Tatiana were having a steamy romance while they were on tour together. Breanna wanted to cry after she read the article. But what did she expect was going to happen after she had broke up with him? Did she really think that he was going to wait for her forever? So it only made sense that he had moved on with his life. Who knows? Maybe Tatiana makes him happy., she thought. But then she remembered all of the letters that he had wrote to her and she was confused. She did not know what to think.

As for Tatiana, she was pleased by all of the press coverage that she and Michael had received. It was almost time to put her plan into action and she continued to be his friend. As they rehearsed together, she had to force herself not to kiss him. But it was not easy because he was very irresistible and his lips were just begging to be kissed.

Frank, Quincy, Bill, Siedah Garrett, Karen, the backup dancers, and the stage crew did not like Tatiana because she acted like a diva. She also acted like she owned Michael and would speak for him. Frank did not trust her and he suspected that she wanted Michael for herself. He tried to warn Michael about her, but he refused to listen to him.

Finally, the tour arrived at Madison Square Garden. The fans and the media flooded the arena. They could not wait for the concert to start. Michael did not disappoint them and he delivered an electifying performance.

"Hurry up with my hair and makeup. I want to look really sexy tonight.", Tatiana told Karen, who rolled her eyes. When she was done, Tatiana leapt out of the chair and admired herself in the mirror. Karen could not wait to get rid of her.

"Aren't you going to wish me good luck?", demanded Tatiana,putting her hands on her hips.

"Good luck and break a leg. In fact, break both legs.", Karen said sweetly, walking away.

Soon it was time for Tatiana to join Michael onstage. The band began to play "The Way You Make Me Feel" and Michael began to sing as the audience screamed. He and Tatiana launched into their routine. She teased and flirted with him as she strutted across the stage. He followed her. The backup dancers moved in her path, blocking her escape and she pretended to be annoyed. When Michael finally caught up to her, she pushed him away playfully. The backup dancers and Michael began to dance like they had done in the video and the fans screamed again. After he was finished dancing, he walked over to Tatiana, who grabbed his shirt. He bit his bottom lip and stared into her eyes. This is it!, she thought. She pulled him closer to her and kissed him, taking him completely by surprise as the audience screamed.

What is going to happen between Michael and Tatiana? Will they become a couple? Will Breanna and Michael get back together? Stay tuned for Part 15 (The Aftermath)
Breanna, at school
Breanna, at school
Mikey performing TWYMMF
Mikey performing TWYMMF
Sexy, isn't he?
Sexy, isn't he?
Mikey, dancing and flirting with the fans
Mikey, dancing and flirting with the fans
Enjoy the show, ladies!
Enjoy the show, ladies!
This is for you, Breanna
This is for you, Breanna
Michael and Tatiana doing their TWYMMF routine
Michael and Tatiana doing their TWYMMF routine
The kiss
The kiss
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