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Mega Buzz on E/O Action!



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ebathory said:
OH MY GOD! (in shock...) If this happens, I'll probably have a heart attack... It sounds a little ambiguous though, but still! I can't wait to see this! I'd heard something about things heating up between them, but 'a compromising situation' definitely sounds promising... But what about Kathy?
posted over a year ago.
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I hope...*dreaming of E/O*......let's pray!
posted over a year ago.
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I don't really care about Kathy, apparently though Stabler's daughter (Maureen I think), is going to be a suspect in a case, so I think his family is going down the drain....
poor Stabler
yay e/o!!

And I like the promising comment of "You won't believe your eyes!"
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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ebathory said:
As much as I am a bit of an E/O nut, I do like Kathy. She's a good mother, and Elliot really hasn't exactly been a model husband. Hopefully they will get divorced for real this time before the e/o event occurs.

And the Maureen thing, I can totally see that happening. She stole Elliot's credit card, and there was the whole DUI thing a few seasons ago. But still, poor El.
posted over a year ago.
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ebathory said:
Ok, I've done some looking around on the net and found out what the deal with this is...
In Episode 23 of this season, (Ep. will be called Wildlife) Benson & Stabler go undercover as lovers. I couldn't find the original interview though, so it may be wrong...

posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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posted over a year ago.
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OMG!! 'Comprimising positions'!! It'll be they have to make out or something or they'll lose their cover
posted over a year ago.
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BeSafe said:
^^OMG if you are right...I would like die of happiness...seriously!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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I'm literally dying waiting for it!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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ebathory said:
I know, I'm so excited, I've been thinking up all the ways it could happen... and I look up stuff about the ep every day on the net.... (hence the behind-the-scenes stabler pics I added)
posted over a year ago.
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BeSafe said:
^^Hehe thanx for those by the way...and seriously this wait is going to kill me!!!!
I need some EO!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, thankyou ebathory for the pics!!
e/o all they way!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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BeSafe said:
YEY I know EO all the way here too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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ebathory said:
Ok guys good news... Found an early release airing schedule, Wildlife is airing in the US on November the 18th!

October 14: Swing
October 21: Lunacy
October 28: Retro (may change with Lunacy)
November 11: Babes
November 18: Wildlife
November 25: PTSD
posted over a year ago.
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Yeah, I found that this arvo on wikipedia! Why are bones and house having a break through october, because it looks as though SVU is almost doing the same (they miss a week).
Is it because of the election??
posted over a year ago.
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ebathory said:
I don't know, saw that with Bones though - didn't know about house (I'm not a fan). Maybe that's just the scheduling?
posted over a year ago.
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BeSafe said:
Hmmm I don't know either...Maybe they are just spreding the episodes out...YEY though THANX A BUNCH for finding that...Wildlife is next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am super glad we don't have to wait too long to see it!!!!
And PTSD is coming on on my birthday!!!! Yey it's a free present!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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I know I thought I'd have to wait Agesssssssssssssss for wildlife! but its really soon! :)
posted over a year ago.
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BeSafe said:
^^Me too...I was like imaging having to wait until like after Christmas...but I'm glad the writers aren't that cruel to us!
posted over a year ago.
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btw join this spot:
posted over a year ago.
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ebathory said:
I will :) Speaking of fanfiction, do any of you guys read stuff from svufiction? There's a really good author MaddyM, I highly recommend her stories. They're pretty long, but very well written.
posted over a year ago.