KUUIPO_0116<3 Club
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posted by kuuipo_0116
I Love You Beacuse...

U send me the sweetest texts too wake up to,

U promised me your last name,

U make me feel like the only gurl in dah' world,

U never left my side,

U send me texts saying You NEVER wanna lose me<3

U say the sweetest things too me,

U allways have been hea for meeh,

U make me feel specail wen i feel stupid<3

U make feel Beautiful,

I Can teel you anything&U wont judge meeh<3

U Give me ButterFlies in my tummy<3

I'm Constanly Thiking bout' You

U apologize wen you no You messed up<3

U Care bout' me<3

U love me jus the way i am<3

U are the best thing dats ever happend too meeh<3

Everything you Say ish Cute<3

You help me get through the bad times,

You'd do anything too see meeh<3


Wen u 1st met meeh You Fell hard<33

U are soo Darn ADORABLE<33'(:

I LOve You Cuz U are my everything Jakey uu mean soo much too meeh,nutin' will eva change it <33
posted by kuuipo_0116
I LOVE you

I LOVE White Boys(not bein' rasist)

I LOVE Justin Bieber

I LOVE Cody Simoson

I LOVE Chocolate

I LOVE Candy

I LOVE Cookies

I LOVE Flowers

I LOVE my BoyFriend

I LOVE my fwends

I LOVE Austin Mahone

I LOVE Christian Beadles

I LOVE my bed

I LOVE Shopping

I LOVE the Beach

I LOVE my Doggy

I LOVE Blake


I LOVE Angela

I LOVE Klarissa


I LOVE my Iife

I LOVE to dance

I LOVE Cheerleading


I LOVE VollyBall

I LOVE my Sis Daislyn
posted by kuuipo_0116
HyAll day long i stay in my room, & text my bf

When i get out of dat room i get hurt by my mom/dad, they beat til' i bleed my dad throws me on the ground my mom beats me, cuz ther drunk

.i never tell cops or health centers nutin' cuz ill be more in trouble..i get beat everyday &dnt say a word...

Im 14 my name ish Darcy, ive been abused by a boyfwend now in ail, by parents wsh te wer in jail..

I think too my self, why me?wat did i do?why im ii getting hurt like this?..ii have a bf who teels me everyday he loves me,,but dats not enough ii wnna hea it frm family...
posted by kuuipo_0116
Hurt by my Dad..!!
How could you beat me?
I was just a kid.
I tried to be good,
To avoid getting hit.

For many years,
You had your way.
There was nothing to do,
But hope to be saved.

But no one was here,
I was by myself.
I cried every night,
And prayed for some help.

How could you do this?
I was just a child.
I never knew wrong,
So I just smiled.

Wat Josh(my ex) Did Too me..!!
Hit me and burn me,
And drag me across the floor.
Then you apologize.
Say it won't happen anymore.

And I stay.
How do you do that?

Beat me and whip me
Throw me against the wall.
Then you say your sorry
And that it wasn't my fault.

I stay.
How do you do that?

Kissing other girls in public,
Right in front of my face.
You say you weren't yourself
And you get in my space.

I stay.
How do you do that?

You choke me and kill me
My body falls to the floor
You walk away from the mess.
You head out the door.

I wish I could have stayed.
How do you do that?
posted by kuuipo_0116
my bf jake i love hym sooo much he means everything to me..without hym im a lost puppy:(

we spend our time lookin' at baby names we wanna have 5 kids both boy or girls..(: we wanna get married<3

we been together for 6 months every scnice jan.2nd! we love eachother alot, we grew together ii can see the changes between our relationship frm then && now!

we love eachother for WHO WE ARE not wat we look lyk, we talk to eachotheer everyday..we txt before sleep&wen we go sku&before we take a nap & we txt 24/7 to eachoter!
posted by kuuipo_0116
hii(: my name ish Darcy(: ,

im 14,i have a bf,i love fwends,love music.
ii used to live in cail' but we moved to canada to HAWAII i love it hea,ive been beat by an EX josh he beat me everyday no matter wat he beat me in sku&out of, he foucerd meh too have sex, hesh in jail now, but hesh fwends still beat meeh,.. i dnt reely lyk to talk about that so yea, my parents beat me..ii usally dnt lyk to tell ppl this ii only show u guys my silly side, cuz ii dnt lyk bein' sad:(..

my BF JAKE omg! do ii love hym alot, we spend our whole day jus talkin' wen were away frm eachother we miss,i love hym...
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