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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 45
***Edward's POV***

I watched as a group of guards came from each end of the hall, all of them excited and ready to kill or subdue the members of our family. I watched with Alice as the fight ensued, I knew somehow that there were orders from someone that certain members were to be saved...that there were bigger plans for some of us, while the others were to be destroyed. We watched while they came into the room and the fight ensued, the fight worse then anything we had seen before. I know that there was more to be seen but I broke my concentration...I knew that in the vision the Volturi were going to get to Bella, and that was one thing I couldn't handle watching.

I looked over at Tallulah, sure that what Alice had seen was almost exactly what Tallulah had seen. The look in her eyes was suddenly very understanding and yet full of fear and anticipation.

"You understand now, do you believe me?" She asked as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Yes." I said, the visions of my family being attacked still fresh in my mind. "But..what can we do? What have you seen?"

"What I have seen is two paths that are laid before all of us...including me. The easier of the two would be what you and your sister just saw, but judging by your response to what you saw I'm guessing that is not what you want. The other option is one that will be a million times harder, it will test everything you are as a family...but we have to decide now...before it's too late.

Chapter 46
***Emmett's POV***

Like always I stood there looking like an idiot, feeling like I was left out of some big story. Rosalie looked scared, Jasper looked pissed, Alice and Edward were staring at each other in shock, Esme was trying to console the new girl, Carlisle was looking torn and I was left feeling lost, and confused. I felt like everyone else understood what was going on, everyone but me.

"What is she talking about?" I asked as I turned and looked at the tiny vampire who was more or less hiding behind Esme.

"Emmett stop." Rosalie said as she pushed on my arm. "She's already scared, she doesn't need you frightening her more."

"No." I said as I stepped away from Rosalie. "Something is going on, and most of you understand..but I don't. So someone better start explaining what the hell is going on, and the faster the better."

"Emmett," Carlisle said as he looked at me.

"No," Edward said as he stepped between us. "Emmett, you're right. I'm sorry we don't have time to explain everything in depth, but we just don't. What you all need to know is that this entire thing was a trap. The Volturi took Bella hoping that we would come here to get her, that we would walk right into their trap and they could kill us all...but we ruined their plan when we got her back."

I turned to look at Bella, having almost forgotten that she was in the room. She was curled up on the couch, doing her best to look small, like she wasn't there. When Edward started explaining things though her face changed and she was filled with horror and self loathing. Edward moved quickly to her side, whispering to her that this was not her fault, that the entire time they wanted us, but used her.

"Then the fight on the roof happened, and they had another opportunity." Alice said as she picked up the story where Edward left off. "The took him knowing we would be close behind, Emmett what we just saw was the entire guard rushing our room from either end of the hall. They were given direct orders...to kill us all."

"So what did you see?" I asked Tallulah as I turned and glared at her. "I mean, you're one of them..what did you see that made you jump ship?"

"I saw things a bit differently then Alice did, let's just say we don't have long..at all. We need to be going now." She said, getting nervous.

"I think we need to go with her." Alice said.

We all stood and looked at each other, Edward's eyes going from face to face as he listened to our thoughts. I was confused, but I could tell this girl was serious, and if she was lying to us all then we were going to have the fight of our lives.
posted by just_bella
I'm not even going to start with excuses on why I haven't written...so here we go.
End of Chapter 5
***Edward's POV***

"I will get you to your family, and I will get you out of town..to a place you won't have to live in fear." The sincerity in my voice strong enough that she looked up at me with hope in her eyes.

"What do we do?" She whispered.

"You must trust me, believe me I will not hurt you. I do not survive off humans...only animals, human life is precious." I said, adding the end on so she would trust me.

"Alright, I will trust you. Please think of my children." She sniffed.

I nodded as I moved...
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posted by just_bella
Alright I just need to apologize for the typing mistakes in my last few stories...but well I am typing all of this one armed since the other is in a cast. Thank you all for being patient and understanding.

End of Chapter 4
***Emmett's POV***

"You have to stop Edward." Alice said as she closed her eyes and did her freaky search for the future thing.

"Well crap." Rosalie said as Edward pulled over and stopped the car, the police cruiser pulling behind us.

We all sat very still as the officer climbed out of the car and began making his way towards us. We all were hit by the smell of him at the...
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posted by just_bella
Jessika, I hope this helps your day get a little better.

End of Chapter 3
***Edward's POV***

I grabbed my keys as I turned and walked out of the house, knowing everyone was on their way out. I smiled as Emmett and Jasper walked out of the woods, both of them making sure their clothes weren't messed up before the girls saw them.

"You look gorgeous love." Emmett said as he climbed into the backseat of my car, smiling as he helped Rose in.

I rolled my eyes at them as Jasper and Alice climbed in, the entire car full of everyone's thoughts. I pulled away from the house, driving well above the limit like...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 26

"What!?" Emmett yelled defensively. "I just paid for the pizza...hey you still owe me twenty dollars Edward"

"Boys." Esme said, obviously tired of the bickering.

"Then what happened Alice?" Rosalie said as she smiled sweetly at me.

"Well, I took all of that as a good sign. I figured that since I could smell, hear and feel that it meant this was almost done...but the darkness, the shadows had another plan." I said softly, swallowing loudly before I went on.

"I heard my name being called like so many times before...except that this time the voice I heard was one that I would know...
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posted by just_bella
k.....here we go :)

End of Chapter 22

"Maija, I got a call. We have to leave, your...family is coming for you." He said softly, yet sternly.

"I can't just leave, my aunts.." I said as I was interrupted.

"Dale and Elise will tell them, we have to go now. Please just grab what you need, we're going to have to take the horses."

"Um..Michael, can't we talk to everyone about this?"

"No...someone...we can't stay. Please trust me." He said softly, his hands dropping from my face.

"I do." I said equally soft.

"Please hurry then, we have to go before they get too close."

I looked at him for a few minutes trying...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4
***Alice's POV***

"Emmett, wait." Rosalie said as she pulled on his hand, stopping him before he stepped into the glare of the sun.

"Oh." He said as a family walked by, wondering what a bunch of teens were doing without any parents.

"Let's go find mom and dad." Jasper said as he turned and walked back towards the parking garage.

We all went back to the dark of the parking garage, talking about what they could be doing in South Africa....what they could possibly want there? I looked for anything that could change in Edward's future, I was getting frustrated..nothing changing until...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 25

"So...you knew Rosalie left?" Carlisle asked, redirecting the conversation.

"Yes, I knew that Rosalie had woken up. And once the voices found out..it got twice as bad. When the light was there I could almost move, I could feel my fingers and toes, feel your touch." I said as I smiled at Jasper. "Yet...when the light would go away I could almost see something in the shadows, something lurking..waiting for me."

"I hoped and prayed to anyone that would listen that Bella would figure this out, because the darkness was beginning to come more often then the light. The thing in the...
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added by just_bella
added by just_bella
just bella
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
Alright all, I can't believe I went this long without writing!!! But I'm going to try typing one handed...if this works then I will write more tomorrow. Thank you all for the well wishes and support!!!!!
lots of love~

End of Chapter 2
***Jasper's POV***

"Do you want to go hunting again?" She asked, doing her best not to push me, but looking out for me.

"I suppose." I said as I stood up and grabbed my jacket off the back of the door.

"Jazz." She said, stopping me in my tracks as I turned and smiled at her, the entire room flooded with all the love and pride that she had in her.

"Thanks love." I...
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posted by just_bella
Alright all quick message. I'm having surgery tomorrow (Friday) on my arm and wrist...pretty icky things which I won't explain. I just ask that you all be patient with me, I will do my best to type and keep up with the stories but can't promise that I will get them up as fast as I have. Please just be understanding and patient with me, that's all I ask. Thank you all!

End of Chapter 21

"You will not do something like that again." Maxine said, and I assumed she was talking to Michael..but when I looked she was staring directly at me.

"What?" I asked, surprised she was talking to me.

"You were...
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posted by just_bella
Alright, Edward's turn!! Let's refresh our memories about what happened last time shall we?? ;)

End of Chapter 3
***Edward's POV***

I was lost in my own mind, thinking of confessing my undying love that I didn't notice someone opening the door until it was cracked. I looked up to see Gabriel standing in the door way, a smile I knew was no good spread across his face.

"I brought you dinner." He said as he grinned.

"I'm not hungry." I said, my throat burning at the idea of having something to eat. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I had ate, I was so afraid to leave Bella that I ignored...
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posted by just_bella
You seem to like this which makes me SUPER happy..stupid new story ideas!! LOL!!!

End of Chapter 1
***Emmett's POV***

I walked down the stairs, wondering how long we had before we had to leave, and if I had time to go eat before we did. I was just rounding the banister into the living room when Edward appeared looking as depressed and withdrawn as usual.

"Yes you have time. I think Jasper just left." He said as he ran up the stairs and slammed his door behind him.

I shrugged, realizing that I would never understand Edward...he was about as different from me as possibly...
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added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 20

"You saw your mom again didn't you?" Michael asked as he hugged me.

"Yeah, Diana and Virbius too." I said as I rested my cheek against his chest. "How did you know?"

"You went still, I knew you were sleeping but you were so still." He said, obviously I had worried him. "Then you said your mom's name once."

"Oh...I'm sorry." I said as I turned my head and looked up at him.

"It's alright, I'm glad I was here." He admitted, laughing as I yawned. "Do you want to go back to the house yet?"

"Nope." I said as I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest. "I'd like to stay here...
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posted by just_bella
Alice's turn!!!

End of Chapter 24
***Rosalie's POV***

"It...." I said as I shook my head. "Hmmmm well, it was like being stuck in a room with no window's. There would be a light...it would shine for a few seconds, and during those few seconds I could hear all of you, I could feel you touching me." I said as I looked into Emmett's eyes.

"The next moment though, the light would go out and I would hear people or things calling my name, offering me a way out of it all. They would call to me, tell me that it would just have to give in, that they could end this..make it better." I said as I looked up...
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posted by just_bella
ok everyone, this is the end...i can't keep four stories going..and jasper unfotunately has to be the one to end. plus...the writers block i get with this story drives me NUTS. i'm sorry since i know quite a few of you like this story, thank you all for everything.

End of Chapter 37

"What do they want?" I asked as she pushed her purchases back into the bag.

"They want to know your story, and more about what I can see...I think they want to test my ability."

"Oh, but I was really hoping to see what you bought." I said as I pulled her into my lap, a quiet scream escaping her lips.

"There'll be...
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posted by just_bella
Yeah.....well, here we go:

End of Chapter 23
***Alice's POV***

"Nope." I said at the same time. "But...you all were there for us, and it's the least I can do. Please be patient with us, I know I'm not sure how to word this..and I'm sure that Rosalie isn't either." I said as I reached over and took Rosalie's hand in mine.

She smiled down at me as she squeezed my hand, letting me know that we were in this together. She pulled on my hand and led us over to the couch where Emmett was sitting.

"Emm, could you please let us sit here?" She said as she smiled at him, a smile I knew meant she would get her...
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added by just_bella
just bella