just_bella Club
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 45
***Edward's POV***

I watched as a group of guards came from each end of the hall, all of them excited and ready to kill or subdue the members of our family. I watched with Alice as the fight ensued, I knew somehow that there were orders from someone that certain members were to be saved...that there were bigger plans for some of us, while the others were to be destroyed. We watched while they came into the room and the fight ensued, the fight worse then anything we had seen before. I know that there was more to be seen but I broke my concentration...I knew that in the vision the Volturi were going to get to Bella, and that was one thing I couldn't handle watching.

I looked over at Tallulah, sure that what Alice had seen was almost exactly what Tallulah had seen. The look in her eyes was suddenly very understanding and yet full of fear and anticipation.

"You understand now, do you believe me?" She asked as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Yes." I said, the visions of my family being attacked still fresh in my mind. "But..what can we do? What have you seen?"

"What I have seen is two paths that are laid before all of us...including me. The easier of the two would be what you and your sister just saw, but judging by your response to what you saw I'm guessing that is not what you want. The other option is one that will be a million times harder, it will test everything you are as a family...but we have to decide now...before it's too late.

Chapter 46
***Emmett's POV***

Like always I stood there looking like an idiot, feeling like I was left out of some big story. Rosalie looked scared, Jasper looked pissed, Alice and Edward were staring at each other in shock, Esme was trying to console the new girl, Carlisle was looking torn and I was left feeling lost, and confused. I felt like everyone else understood what was going on, everyone but me.

"What is she talking about?" I asked as I turned and looked at the tiny vampire who was more or less hiding behind Esme.

"Emmett stop." Rosalie said as she pushed on my arm. "She's already scared, she doesn't need you frightening her more."

"No." I said as I stepped away from Rosalie. "Something is going on, and most of you understand..but I don't. So someone better start explaining what the hell is going on, and the faster the better."

"Emmett," Carlisle said as he looked at me.

"No," Edward said as he stepped between us. "Emmett, you're right. I'm sorry we don't have time to explain everything in depth, but we just don't. What you all need to know is that this entire thing was a trap. The Volturi took Bella hoping that we would come here to get her, that we would walk right into their trap and they could kill us all...but we ruined their plan when we got her back."

I turned to look at Bella, having almost forgotten that she was in the room. She was curled up on the couch, doing her best to look small, like she wasn't there. When Edward started explaining things though her face changed and she was filled with horror and self loathing. Edward moved quickly to her side, whispering to her that this was not her fault, that the entire time they wanted us, but used her.

"Then the fight on the roof happened, and they had another opportunity." Alice said as she picked up the story where Edward left off. "The took him knowing we would be close behind, Emmett what we just saw was the entire guard rushing our room from either end of the hall. They were given direct orders...to kill us all."

"So what did you see?" I asked Tallulah as I turned and glared at her. "I mean, you're one of them..what did you see that made you jump ship?"

"I saw things a bit differently then Alice did, let's just say we don't have long..at all. We need to be going now." She said, getting nervous.

"I think we need to go with her." Alice said.

We all stood and looked at each other, Edward's eyes going from face to face as he listened to our thoughts. I was confused, but I could tell this girl was serious, and if she was lying to us all then we were going to have the fight of our lives.
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
added by midnight-stars
Source: me!!!
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 30
***Emmett's POV***

We all chatted about stupid stuff until we heard a knock at the door, Carlisle, Jasper and I moving instantly to the door while Esme, Alice and Rosalie all moved to block Bella and protect her. Carlisle took a deep breath before opening the door, being careful to open the door just enough to see who was outside.

"Demetri, welcome." He said as he opened the door to allow another large guard into our hotel room.

"Carlisle, it has been too long." He said as he reached out and shook Carlisle's hand. "I'm sorry, but we must he going. They are waiting for us and so...
continue reading...
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 26
***Edward's POV***

He stood his ground for a minute, his mind racing from agreeing with me to knowing that Alice had a point and yet agreeing with me that if he were in my place he wouldn't wait.

"Fine." He said as he sighed. "Let's find them, I know you are stressed."

"Yeah..that's a good word for it." I laughed as we both walked out onto the street, heading towards town.

"Any ideas?" Jasper said, his head turning from one side to the other as he did his best to use his 'sense.'

"No. Alice said it was in an alley." I said, my frustration causing my voice to shake.

"Edward, trust...
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added by midnight-stars
added by midnight-stars
added by midnight-stars