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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 7
***Alice's POV***

“This is the only way out, every other way..” I thought as I mentally shivered, knowing that Edward was seeing the same things I had seen.

“Can we trust her?” He wondered.

“I don’t know, but this is the only way out..every other senario ended even worse…I’m not sure but I think we’re safe.” I said, knowing he knew exactly how unsure of all this I was.

“It could be a trap.” He thought as I rolled my eyes at him.

“You’re the one who can listen to her…” I thought as we picked up the pace, our legs moving just a bit faster then they had been a few minutes ago.

“What did you see?” Jasper asked as he squeezed my hand. I knew he wasn’t being nosey, he was just trying to figure out what had me feeling as anxious and nervous as I was at that moment.

“We had to get out of there,” I said as I turned and smiled at him. “This is the only way, she helped me find the only path that would lead us out.”

“Or she showed you the path directly into their hands.” Jasper said softly as we continued running into the unknown.

Chapter 8
***Edward's POV***

Bella's hand was gripping mine as hard as she could as we ran down the dark hallways far below the ground. Her silence as usual was a blessing and a curse in that I could not hear her thoughts as I could hear the others, their fear yelling at me from every direction..but at the same time the fact that I couldn't hear how she was feeling scared me more then the others thoughts.

"How are you doing?" I said softly as we ran into more darkness.

"Really?" She said softly, her breath coming faster as she began to tire from the running. "How am I doing?"

"I could always carry you." I said as I smiled down at her, for which I was rewarded by a small laugh and a shake of the head.

"Edward" Alice's voice echoed through my head. "Can you get anything from her, I keep getting this bad feeling that she is leading us directly into their hands."

The terror in Alice's voice almost made me stop, in all of the years that we'd been family I had never heard her so..terrified. I glanced back at her as I shook my head and then tried to focus on Tallulah's inner voice.

She was scared, scared that someone would find her, and if that someone did find her then she would be punished or most likely killed. she was wondering if the vision she had with Alice was true, if that was how this was going to ed, with all of them running out the tunnel system to be free, or if someone would get her and end everyone. As I was listening, trying to get a hint of who or what this someone was she turned and looked at me, her dark eyes looking deep into mine as she wondered if we would ever help her.

"We would." I said softly as she slowed down and looked at me. "You may not trust us, but for helping us we will help you however you need it."

She paused for a moment, her eyes getting larger as she glared at me. It was obvious that she hadn't had anyone to help her or that she could trust in a long time..if ever before.

"Thank you." She said as she averted her eyes and looked to the ground before she started jogging again. "The exit is just ahead."

The rest of the family's responses were full of encouragement and a little distrust, but as far as I was concerned she hadn't done anything so far and her thoughts gave away nothing that would make me think she was double crossing us.

I was so lost in her thoughts, trying to find something that would give her away when I heard Bella gasp. I instantly was brought back to the present where my family was all crouching defensively as a door at the end of the hall opened on it's own and sunlight flooded all of our vision.
posted by just_bella
Well, let's see how chapter three goes, since I do this all off the top of my head we'll see what happens. I have a few things planned but the rest as you all know just happens..well...here we go!

End of Chapter 2

"Dearest Maija, you've always know you were different. No matter how much you tried, you have always been a little unique among your friends and you have no idea how right you are." Carol said as she smiled.

"Carol." Jan said as she looked at her. "Maija, you read a lot. What have you read of Nymphs?"

"Nymphs, like tree nymphs or water nymphs?" I asked as I giggled. "Umm well, according...
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posted by just_bella
Ok xXjakeloverXx, this is for you because you're writing TAATD!! I'm so excited!!! YAY!! Everyone should read her story, the link is on the page. Ok enough from me, here we go.

End of Chapter 14
***Alice's POV***

"I don't know, Alice I'm scared. I just want to get out of here, to go find Emmett, he must be so scared! How was he doing?" She asked.

"He's scared, he's worried about you. He wants you back Rose, we have to find a way out of here."

"Alice? Alice?" Rosalie's voice called, I looked around and she was fading away. Everything was fading away, I tried to keep myself there but couldn't hold...
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added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
Ok I think this will be the last story for tonight, I'm getting tired of writing...I know, that's SHOCKING! Thanks all for all the support and encouragement, you are all amazing!!!

End of Chapter 64

"You will not get her Gabriel" I growled.

"Temper, Temper! Edward, you were never his angry before." He laughed.

"I hear your family is about to try and enter, let's see how this goes." He laughed before he ended the call.

I hadn't realized that I was clutching my phone until pieces of it began to fall onto the floor. I slowly opened my fingers, the rest of it falling onto the floor in a big chunk....
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 32

I realized that he must have gotten that from my mind, I wanted to say 'oops' or apologize but I wasn't sure how to do it. I really hoped that this wouldn't change things, it seemed like we were getting along.

"It won't change things, but why MY room?" He whined, the sound making me laugh.

"It's larger." Alice said sweetly.

"Argh." Edward said as he turned and walked into the house.

"I'm sorry, I hoped that we would be able to talk to him about that. It seems he knows now, don't worry he'll get over this. Let's go in the house shall we? I believe that Emmett would like to meet...
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posted by just_bella
Well, I'm glad you guys seem to like this story. It's something I've had in mind for quite a while..and haven't been brave enough to write. Thank you again to my nagel for the push, and this one's for you.

End of Chapter 1

I had just opened the side door when I heard something move on the back side of the barn. I figured it was just a barn cat, or something else and paid no attention to it. I made my way into the barn, heading straight to my brown quarter horse. Piper lifted her head and moved to the rail, waiting for me to go and greet her. I smiled as I stood up on the bottom post, running...
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posted by just_bella
Ok all, this is my original story. I'm freaking out just posting it...LOL. Thanks love for reading it, and giving me the push. Love you!

I rolled over, wishing nothing more then to go back to sleep. I hadn't gone to bed until late, my mind racing as I tried to figure out the riddle that I had been told my entire life. I shook my head, my long black curls falling around my face. I did my best to blow them away, but with this much hair it was impossible to control without a band.

I reached one hand under my pillow, pulling back a blue scrunchey that I had taken out of my hair before I fell asleep....
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 11
***Rosalie's POV***

I was giving up hope, I screamed and cried. My only thought was how was Emmett taking this, I forgot all of my own worries and fears and focused on Emmett. He must be so scared, we've never been apart...and now I was somewhere that he wasn't. I was so busy thinking about that that I didn't hear the voice until it was screaming in my head.

"Bella, ask Bella. The red light! Ask Bella, she will be the answer!" Alice's voice screamed as I felt the strangest sensation. It was like someone was pulling me backwards through my back and anchored to my belly button....
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added by just_bella
just bella
added by just_bella
OMG I love this song!!!
added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
Well...I'm not sure how to do this so lets just see how this works.

End of Chapter 10
***Edward's POV***

I ran my fingers through her hair, an automatic thing. I was humming softly as I played with her hair, and would have been happy to stay there for the rest of time. BUT...at that exact moment I heard footsteps running down the hall. I gently moved Bella slightly so that I could sit up, her head still on my chest.

I heard Emmett's thoughts..no screams as he opened the door. I was instantly on my feet, moving to the door as Bella looked at me. I reached one of my hands out, smiling as she...
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posted by just_bella
Ok...Taken. Well, it seems a bunch of you missed this story and I apologize for making you wait. I promise to try and write this more often. Thanks!!

End of Chapter 62

"I'm in Vermont dad, I got away...dad there's so much to explain. Where are you?"

"About ten miles outside of town, there was a accident. A logging truck ran into a car that thought it could make it, we're trying to get people out of the car still...it's pretty messy."

"Oh, Charlie are you there alone?"

"Nooo...why?" He asked, unsure what Bella was asking him.

"Just wondering, Charlie I'm tired. Can I call you in a bit?" Bella asked...
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posted by just_bella
Alright, so I'm not sure how I'm going to do this. This is one time I wish i had my stories planned out before I wrote them. Well....let's see how this goes.

End of Chapter 31

"Hmmmm well, I want you to kiss me." She said as she grinned. "And, I want you to not get mad at Emmett and Edward, they are going to be very...standoffish when they get back."

I walked over and kissed her very passionatly, smiling as she pulled back from me. As for the other part of her prize..I guess I could try to be patient with these two men. I reached down and pulled her to her feet, wrapping my arms around her...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I'm going to try and write as much as I can today, we'll see what I can get done. Thanks all!!!

End of Chapter 9
**Edward's POV***

"Alice." I whispered, knowing everyone heard me.

"Alice?" Jasper said...and one second later he was leaning in front of me. "Did you see her?"

"No." I whispered. "I..communicated with her."

"And?" Emmett asked. "What about Rosalie?"

"Alice is scared, she kept saying the same thing over and over..well except for the last time. She said red light." I said as I looked at Carlisle.

"Red light?" Esme asked.

"Yes, red light."

"What about Rosalie?" Emmett asked.

"No I didn't...
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posted by em_blake
I look up surprised, and turn my head to the back of the church to see who had opened the big, wooden doors so harshly. I stand up and rush to the doors to greet the late night church visitor but there was no one there. I take a quick look outside and only hear the dark wind in the distance and the cold wip of the snow against my face.

I turn back to the cold and pushed the big wood doors closed. After securly closing them, I turn my attention back to the church. I have been thinking about poor Susan Thomas all day and how her husband, Jim Thomas was found dead with a terribly big gash in his...
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posted by em_blake
I opened my eyes to find my father knocking on my door to wake me. I folded my blanket off my body, and swung my knees over my bed. I changed out of my pajamas and into my white button up shirt and black pants.

I left the my room to find father at the table and mother working over the sink.

"Good morning Carlisle, I hope you had a good sleep"

"Yes mother," I said, too tired anything else.

Last night, my father had arranged another night raid against the monsters haunting and killing people during the night. Some people even call these monsterous beasts vampires, but I don't believe in such things....
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posted by just_bella
Hmmmmm not sure what to write here. Here we go again? Oh...I know, thanks LL and Nagel for the support you are both amazing and I'm truly lucky to have met you both.

End of Chapter 8
***Bella's POV***

"Bella." Esme said as she knelt next to me. "Bella, I don't know if he can hear you, but if he can..then you are what he would want to hear."

I turned and looked at Esme, my glare anything but friendly. I was beginning to loose myself in my sorrow when I looked up and realized that Esme must be suffering as well. Three of her five children had been struck with a mystery illness. I reached out for...
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