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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 7
***Alice's POV***

“This is the only way out, every other way..” I thought as I mentally shivered, knowing that Edward was seeing the same things I had seen.

“Can we trust her?” He wondered.

“I don’t know, but this is the only way out..every other senario ended even worse…I’m not sure but I think we’re safe.” I said, knowing he knew exactly how unsure of all this I was.

“It could be a trap.” He thought as I rolled my eyes at him.

“You’re the one who can listen to her…” I thought as we picked up the pace, our legs moving just a bit faster then they had been a few minutes ago.

“What did you see?” Jasper asked as he squeezed my hand. I knew he wasn’t being nosey, he was just trying to figure out what had me feeling as anxious and nervous as I was at that moment.

“We had to get out of there,” I said as I turned and smiled at him. “This is the only way, she helped me find the only path that would lead us out.”

“Or she showed you the path directly into their hands.” Jasper said softly as we continued running into the unknown.

Chapter 8
***Edward's POV***

Bella's hand was gripping mine as hard as she could as we ran down the dark hallways far below the ground. Her silence as usual was a blessing and a curse in that I could not hear her thoughts as I could hear the others, their fear yelling at me from every direction..but at the same time the fact that I couldn't hear how she was feeling scared me more then the others thoughts.

"How are you doing?" I said softly as we ran into more darkness.

"Really?" She said softly, her breath coming faster as she began to tire from the running. "How am I doing?"

"I could always carry you." I said as I smiled down at her, for which I was rewarded by a small laugh and a shake of the head.

"Edward" Alice's voice echoed through my head. "Can you get anything from her, I keep getting this bad feeling that she is leading us directly into their hands."

The terror in Alice's voice almost made me stop, in all of the years that we'd been family I had never heard her so..terrified. I glanced back at her as I shook my head and then tried to focus on Tallulah's inner voice.

She was scared, scared that someone would find her, and if that someone did find her then she would be punished or most likely killed. she was wondering if the vision she had with Alice was true, if that was how this was going to ed, with all of them running out the tunnel system to be free, or if someone would get her and end everyone. As I was listening, trying to get a hint of who or what this someone was she turned and looked at me, her dark eyes looking deep into mine as she wondered if we would ever help her.

"We would." I said softly as she slowed down and looked at me. "You may not trust us, but for helping us we will help you however you need it."

She paused for a moment, her eyes getting larger as she glared at me. It was obvious that she hadn't had anyone to help her or that she could trust in a long time..if ever before.

"Thank you." She said as she averted her eyes and looked to the ground before she started jogging again. "The exit is just ahead."

The rest of the family's responses were full of encouragement and a little distrust, but as far as I was concerned she hadn't done anything so far and her thoughts gave away nothing that would make me think she was double crossing us.

I was so lost in her thoughts, trying to find something that would give her away when I heard Bella gasp. I instantly was brought back to the present where my family was all crouching defensively as a door at the end of the hall opened on it's own and sunlight flooded all of our vision.
posted by just_bella
Yeah I don't know what to say. Thank you to everyone who has been reading this and encouraging me, you are all amazing and grateful.

End of Chapter 8

Michael threw the blankets into the bin and was running at me as I realized that I was falling with my hand out, just like in my dream. I was bracing myself for the impact, waiting for the snapping sound when I felt strong hands wrap around me and pull me up. I looked over and saw that Michael had picked me up like in the dream, holding me close against him.

"I guess I have to keep you safe." He said as he smiled at me.

"Sorry." I said as I blushed...
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posted by just_bella
I don't have any good excuses why I haven't written this so...here's the next one.


End of Chapter 33

"I think we should give them a chance." Emmett said as we all turned and looked at him. "Wait, Jasper do you fight..er wrestle?"

"Yes, I do." I said as everyone laughed.

"Ok then yes, they should join." Emmett said as he looked down at Rosalie and smiled at her. "Come on love, give them a chance. I bet Alice likes to shop."

I laughed as I looked down at Alice who stuck her tongue out at me. Edward started laughing and we all looked at him, wondering who's thoughts he was listening to.

"Oh, sorry....
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posted by just_bella
OMG I forgot how I ended the last chapter!!! I need to apologize to _madz_. Hon, I honestly tried NOT to have a cliffhanger last time....BUT failed. I will TRY this time...I swear...well I will TRY.

End of Chapter 18
***Jasper's POV***

"Jasper, I saw some of the things she saw while she was unconscious, and what I saw was horrific." He said as he closed his eyes.

"So she wakes up and now she fears me, I know what I felt when she woke up. She was horrified when she saw me." I said quickly, my own anger rising.

"She still loves you Jazz, it's just what she saw." He said as if that would clear everything...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I know...I don't write this often enough. Here's the next one, hope you all like it :)

End of Chapter 65

"Yeah, I'm still trying to figure that out. Keep your phones handy, I'll call as soon as I figure anything out. Oh...and Edward," Alice said sweetly.


"Don't answer the door." She said as she ended the call.

I shook my head, knowing that Alice was somehow enjoying that last line. I knew that she wasn't enjoying the entire family being separated, but she was enjoying that she could tell us what was going to or possibly would happen.

"Did she just say not to answer the door?" Rosalie...
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posted by just_bella
I am SO happy that you guys like this story!!! It means SO much! Thanks guys!! Ok here we go...

End of Chapter 6

"Young human," A voice called. I heard a high pitched laughter as I looked around for the owner of the voice. "Down here."

I slowly looked down and saw a man no more then three feet tall, his long beard almost touching his feet. He smiled at me as he laughed, I assumed he had gotten this response before. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure if I should be afraid of him or pick him up and hug him.

"I would not suggest the second." The little man said as he grinned.

"How?" I stuttered....
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 5

"I don't believe so, we just moved back. We moved away when I was a baby, but my mother often spoke of you and your family. OH." He said as he looked down and noticed that his hand was still wrapped around my upper arm (not that I minded.)

"I told you they would." I heard my aunt Carol say.

I looked over and realized that everyone was watching us, instantly I was blushing my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I looked down as I tried to avoid everyone's gaze, but had to look back up when I heard Michael laugh quietly.

"What?" I said, my frustration noticeable in my tone.

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added by just_bella
added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
I know I ended this at a strange point last time, if I would have kept going it would have been too long and well...I was getting tired. SO here's the end of Jasper's POV and there might be another POV if it isn't too confusing.

End of Chapter 17
***Jasper's POV***

"Emmett," I said, wanting to argue with him but feeling the same emotion that he was at that moment. "We can discuss all of this if things change for the worse."

"We need to discuss it now, before anyone finds out and tries to stop us."

"No, I can't. I need to get back to her." I said as I headed for the door.

"Emmett." Someone called,...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4

"Maija, come with me." She said again as she stepped closer.

"No." I said, avoiding her gaze.

"Maija, you will come with me." She said, her face inches from mine.

"Fine." I said, my temper beginning to rise.

We started walking into the woods when Celest stopped suddenly. She turned and glared off to her right, her hands raised slightly.

"You know better, we agreed we would meet in the usual area." She said, sounding terribly angry. "Now go, and don't ruin this."

I was just about to ask her who she was talking to when I heard a giggle and saw what looked like a brown tabby cat run...
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posted by just_bella
Don't know what to say...other then this one's for you Nagel. Thank you for all the support and everything you do!!!

End of Chapter 3

I am so sorry to have to leave this on such open terms, but the rules are the rules and even on my death bed I will not break them. Know that I love you and miss you very much. It all rests on you, the future of many people rest on you.

Love you forever,


I sat there, rereading the entire letter twice before I set it on the floor in front of me and grabbed the package. I ripped it open and gasped when I saw the necklace that my mother had worn every day...
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