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Lisa Edelstein: I'd like to adopt!



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Noeloe said:
Aw! She's so sweet!:) She would be a great mom:) The comment Krys left gave me a good laugh btw;) The world is just full of Hulies XD
posted over a year ago.
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I know, right? I laughed too :)
posted over a year ago.
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Thx for posting :-) I'd already read somewhere in the past about her considering adopting a child...find it very sweet of her :-)
posted over a year ago.
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LisaLover said:
Could someone translate it, pls? :P
It's a pity that her great genes will go to waste...
posted over a year ago.
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Translation :D

It bursts the screen in the role of Dr. Lisa Cuddy alongside Hugh Laurie in the series Dr House. In life, Lisa Edelstein, 42, is single and without children. But she confides in Closer this week that it has still not given up a family.

"I have already considered. But after reflection, I am much more comfortable with adoption. I find it incredibly nice to allow a child to have a house. It is said that the adoption has become fashionable in Hollywood but I think people are now aware just how important it is to allow a child to have a home and a family."
posted over a year ago.
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Thanks BID.:) That was sweet of her...
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Tx Bree for adding translation!
posted over a year ago.
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Pretty old article ... february 2009 :s
posted over a year ago.
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Oh KK that's why I'd already come across that then *lol* thx anyway Nikkie! :-)
posted over a year ago.
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It's great :) Not Huli ? Who knows ;) I think that she wants have a family. Maybe she is waiting for Hugh's decision about their life. Adoption is the first step :) or maybe it's just my wishful thinking
posted over a year ago.
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I hope she doesn't adopt! No offense to Lisa or the fans, because I'm crazy about her too, a little too much, but she'd make a bad mom. She's too much of a party girl, even now. She doesn't have time for a baby. If she's not working, she's out cutting it loose or picking up these random guys. She seems to enjoy it too much to give it up for a baby. But that's just me. I've always been somewhat of a pessimist when it comes to Lisa. Not sure why. A Huli baby though...that would be nice. I'll go with that one :D
posted over a year ago.
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^^^^I do want her to have a child. I think that would make her more mature and besides I know she's beeen longoing for one since she was with Gio.... And exactly my thoughts a Huli baby would be awesome but they better hurry up since her biological clock is ticking!!!
posted over a year ago.
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TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK-TI­CK-­TOC­K-T­ICK­-TO­CK-­TIC­K-T­OCK­...­.Hu­ghh­hhh­hhh­hhh­hhh­hhh­hhh­hhh­, man, what the heck are you waiting for?? Don't you hear the clock?? LMAO
posted over a year ago.
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lisa49 said:
posted over a year ago.
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She's so kind!! :)))))
I love her so much!!
posted over a year ago.
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Gtalisa said:
She's amazing.
posted over a year ago.
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Holy shit. I was on twitter and I see one of my followers' tweets and it says Lisa is adopting and I'm like AHHH so then I run over here and searched my updates thinking there would be a whole page about her adopting and all I see is one link and I'm like wtf. LOL!!! I think it's great that she's adopting. I don't know why but...actually I do have some speculation on why...when we got the news she was supposedley dating Norman Kali i was like all pissed off and throwing a bitch fitn (that was a bad week. I was storming around the house cursing and if I were to find out she's preggo with...well not Hugh's eggo I'd be the same way but I find comfort in the fact that she's getting someone else's *thinks for another word for baby that rhymes with eggo and preggo* leggo. I think she'd make a great mom (Hugh's an experienced dad...just throwing that in there) and I think the child woud grow up...OMG!!! What a lucky fucking child!!! 'Hey. My mom is Cuddy from House. Sometimes mommy tells me to go downstairs while her and that guy named Hugh play upstairs.'...XDDD Oh boy, if Lisa or Hugh ever saw the things we say/write...well, I really don't know what would happen. We'd probably see someone named not_hl_or_le commenting on our things...LOL!!!
posted over a year ago.
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lydille said:
I' d like to know what Hugh thinks about the adoption !
I suppose that he has his say in the matter concerning Lisa !
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I saw this when you posted facebook status is related to it...and im gonna say it here...
posted over a year ago.
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Lol I agree huddy_amiee! lol You can adopt me part time! Lol my mom wouldnt let me go except for part time lol huddy_amiee if she does adopt you you have to let me talk to her! lol
posted over a year ago.
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NO!!! she'll be my mum and i would tell you not to stalk her...MWAHAHAHA...she'll be mine!!! all mine!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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waa no wait Lisa adopt me!! hahahaha
posted over a year ago.
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LisaLover said:
"Hey. My mom is Cuddy from House. Sometimes mommy tells me to go downstairs while her and that guy named Hugh play upstairs.'" LMAO xDD
posted over a year ago.
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lydille said:
LisaLover ,

If Lisa had a child , i imagine that this scene could happen
very often !!!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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posted over a year ago.
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Hot Lisa Edelstein having sex
Private Sex Tape here:


posted over a year ago.