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SPOILERS: More Huddy action in season 5?



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CANT. WAIT. @*(_(RYWH(*HF*_(HF*(_@H**HF*(H*H@(T
posted over a year ago.
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Fabouluz said:

Another kiss!! && S6 starts with the fall-out from House's trauma arc!! OMFG!!!

Who's gonna leave?? I have no clue, and from KJ said I'm not even going to speculate on the end of the season, because I wanna experience 'the journey' XDDD

one more time OH.MY.GOD.

posted over a year ago.
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*GASPS* I was doing so good to not thinking about Huddy. I went a whole hour too!!! I have some serious problems if I start breathing irregulary when I think about H-...the 'H' word. Lol! I CAN NOT WAIT FOR ANOTHER KISS!!! I CANT WAIT FOR THE UPCOMING SEX IF THE RUMORS ARE TRUE!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Fabouluz said:

posted over a year ago.
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Yes! Another kiss! :D Maybe it'll be slow and sweet this time instead of fierce and raw like last time. ;)
posted over a year ago.
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AHHH I am so happy that we are not going to get jusy after SMEX scenes, I mean I didn't think we would but now we have confirmation!! But I wish KJ would just say whether or not its real, it better be real!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Yay for another kiss! I'm excited. :-] But still a teeny bit nervous about the Huddy sex not being real. That would just burst my happiness bubble.
posted over a year ago.
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Fabouluz said:
Does anyone else think that parts of the interview gave out signs that Rachel could be leaving??

I hope she doesn't get killed off, but taken away somehow. It'll go with the 'characters re-assessing their lives' thing--and a change in the hospital, since Cuddy will be depressed and grabbing at straws. Not forgetting the icredibly 'low lows'

posted over a year ago.
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PotterGal said:
Another kiss! Amd yes K!!! I agree, it should be a slow one this time! HOLY MOLY, i am so excited for the rest of this season.
posted over a year ago.
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Fabouluz said:
I'm worried about the week of incredibley low lows, I hope they don't leave us hangin' between mini-breaks. I might go crazy XD

posted over a year ago.
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IK, to say that I am excited for the rest of this season would be a major understatement! I think the last few eps are going to rock everyone's world!!

Also, maybe Cuddy is the one who will be leaving temporarily. I mean the finale's tend to have House evaluate his relationships, season 1 was Stacy, season 2 his leg/pain, season 3 the ducklings, season 4 Wilson, so Cuddy would be the logical character for this seasons finale.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I honestly don't know which character will be leaving. There are so many theories, and most of them are plausible. I have given up trying to guess. I'm just gonna wait and see!
posted over a year ago.
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Fabouluz said:
K, you might be right. So much of this season has been focused primarily on 'relationships' in general, so Cuddy temporarily 'leaving' and putting the hospital out of whack;which affects everybody, like KJ said, would be a plausible idea.

'Pretty much' are two words I'm going to be disecting all weekend XD

posted over a year ago.
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I really don't want Cuddy to leave the hospital (even if it is temporarily). I don't know if I could survive her absence!
I really can't wait to watch the rest of the season, it is going to be AMAZING and very interesting. *Yay! More Huddy kisses!*
posted over a year ago.
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I'm upset atm for personal reasons so I dont even want to tell you guys what theory popped into my head just 10 mins ago after I became upset (again for personal reasons) after reading this spoiler. I mean ser, you really don't want to hear it.

posted over a year ago.
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LailaLE said:
OH MY GAWWD! More Huddy kissing! :)))) Although I am a bit nervous about KJ not confirming if the smex is real or not, and also about which character is leaving. If the season is ending with something that shakes up all of the characters, it makes sense that Cuddy leaving would do that, but I really really hope not.
posted over a year ago.
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Ayma said:
(I think) I don't care if the Huddy sex is real or not (as long as we can watch it, a little bit at least!). The lap dance was in House's head & it was awesome, but I don't think so... again just a fantasy? Blerg!

Anyway, I don't wanna think too much about it, who leaves, real/fake sex, one more kiss, Huddy ending bad: my brain's going to explode!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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oh my!!!! They're going to kiss one more time! Their first kiss was hot, but it was an unexpected, spur of the moment type kiss! I can't even begin to process how hot a kiss between them could be if they're both READY and WILLING.

the thought sends tinglies down my spine. ^_^
posted over a year ago.
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koch89 said:
Are ship rules! even if it does not work out the Huddy ship will official become a Cannon! I dont want huddy to end though T_T
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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wendus92 said:
OMG!! another kiss...yay!!! but im a bit suspicious about the sex scene...katie jacobs said "complicated"..why would that be??
anyway, the kiss just made my day!!!
posted over a year ago.
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You will see them kiss one more time before the end of the season."

posted over a year ago.
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Katie wants to drive us crazy and that's why she is not telling us anything about the sex! IT WILL BE REAL!!!! How many times do I have to say it????

As for our one more kiss, SEX ASIDE, I could not be happier!!!! And K is right, Cuddy leaving so that House evaluates his relationship with her is an idea I hadn;t thought of. I am still thinking that House will leave and Cuddy with Wilson will try to bring him back... We'll see!
posted over a year ago.
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bones3 said:
Thirteen is by far the least interesting character (although, the bisexuality makes her much more intriguing), so I hope she goes.

I'm concerned that there is too much High Hope for Huddy Sex in "Locked In." As I recall, all that was said was that their relationship "progresses" in this episode. Wouldn't TPTB save The Big Event for closer to the season's end? Perhaps "Locked In" gives us the second kiss . . . I'd like to think another kiss precedes Hubba-Hubba.
posted over a year ago.
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OMG! I'm soooo dead!!!(I read this this morning and I swear my classmates had to bring me back from the dead several times, thank god i'm a medstudent xD)
This is soooo what I needed after a week of horrible tests;)

I think the kissing will be in 'Locked In'...

And for the Huddy Sex, why should it be or a dream or a fantasy or for real, why can't it just be and and and, so we get to see it 3 times =P (Yeah I know, I'll just keep on dreaming on my big pink huddycloud;))
posted over a year ago.
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cicino1 said:
OMG another huddy kiss yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cnt wait XD
posted over a year ago.
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Like K said, I think the person with the timeline thing was right (I also think they know something we dont because they r EXTREMELY accurate). I think Cuddy will take a Leave of Abscense (of course, she wont be leaving the show) and then House will try to get her back ;)
posted over a year ago.
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-kt said:
fall-out? from what? am I being dense and missing something here? lol
posted over a year ago.
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koch89 said:
The EW Mag says that their is going to be a romantic twist at the end of the season I wonder if it has anything to do with either of them leaving the show temporarily. God I just hope that the twist does not involve Wilson having the posiblity of having a romance with Cuddy. please god!
posted over a year ago.
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Fabouluz said:
Fall out from teh sex -kt

posted over a year ago.