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Buddy TV Review - Massage Therapy - Unenthusiastic. I can't say I disagree :(



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HuddyBea said:
But I must say I am not that thrilled about the Huddy moments, either. Long story. But anyway. At least this wasn't so bad. I could have been more critical.
posted over a year ago.
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I sort of agree with them. I didnt like that the patient turned out only to have schizophrenia...that was a little...lame. And rather confusing! I had a very hard time following it at points because they jumped around a lot.

As for the Huddy stuff...i loved it! Like he mentioned, it was rather generic at times but you gotta have that stuff when building a relationship! besides this show is into the 7th season! Coming up with completely brand new plotlines is hard to do i see nothing wrong with borrowing a basic idea from 5 seasons ago like come on! cut em some slack!

LOVED the Rachel stuff. and him saying "youre adorable" was just great! i think those 2 are gonna form a bond :)
posted over a year ago.
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HLforever said:
Yeah they did kind of build the POTW's story up a little too much (from the promos I thought she was gonna be some exciting criminal-esque person), and the skitzo revelation was disappointing.

BUT the Huddy scenes were still :D for me. They're definitely progressing in this relationship, and I love the fact that they're both starting to make sacrifices. Of course, I look forward to the problems they'll have in the future, but for now a few sweet scenes are enough.

I'm also not too worried about "Unplanned Parenthood". House+Wilson+baby just cannot go wrong for me. And I trust the writers to make it as lovely and Housian as everything else this season.
posted over a year ago.
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I loved this episode!
posted over a year ago.
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I really enjoyed this episode. The House and Cuddy's intimacy was more than implied. His bed looked like a war zone while she was dressing! That means THEY played too. I would have liked a little physical contact after their chat in his office. Maybe him pulling her in for hug and a soft kiss.

Their difficulty in getting past a few issues was well done. Cuddy's jealousy and unhappiness about the "hooker massage" and his lack of understanding for her reaction. The fact that he accepted the depth of her unhappiness by her "I won't see you until you stop seeing her." AND then, his hurt feelings at the fact she won't have him sleep over at her home or have him meet her child. He really is unhappy about that. The fact that he told the POTW's husband that "it's always hard" when discussing relationships, means he knows he has to work at it, but it will get easier.

I LOVED that twice he reached for Cuddy, ran his hand softly over the bed feeling her in his bed. He wants to wake up with her/next to her. The second time was very intersting, cause there we see he is thinking about the fact that she is NOT there!!

I HATE that he is playing video games, and I HATE it even more that it is in his bedroom. Grown men playing video games is a HUGE turnoff, and a telly in the bedroom, well that's a passion killer......Get rid of the TV Cuddy!! If he wants to play video games he can do it when he is alone!!!

I thought Rachel very cute. Her following their conversation, her eyes darting between them as they spoke and then her reaching for the cane as Cuddy leaves the room. Rachel wants House's attention and she got it. House, that is what happens when you leave stuff within grasping distance. I LOVED that she bit it. Hopefully leaving her little teeth marks on it. I predict he fall's in love with her too.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago