House MD Fanfiction Club
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Things for Cuddy just hadn’t been going very well lately. Since Cameron bailed, Cuddy was having a hard time. She really couldn’t blame Cameron though, it wasn’t her fault. She had done a great job with everything, even House, but she was right, Cuddy was the only one for the job. Even though she had been having a rough week at work, things hadn’t been nearly as bad as they were about to get. She knew that the current medical examiner had retired, that’s why she had hired a new one two weeks ago. What she hadn’t known was that he had taken a vacation in Mexico the week after she hired him.

While he was down there he had gone parasailing and been in an accident. She hadn’t found this out until the day he was supposed to come to work and hadn‘t, today. She had called his number and his mother had answered. Apparently, he had broken his both his legs, his pelvis, and his left arm. He had multiple smaller injuries as well and they were keeping him in a medical coma for the time being. It looked like he wouldn’t be able to accept the job after all.

Cuddy had a few of the doctors around the hospital on call for the time being, but that was only a short term solution, a very short term solution. She was supposed to have today off to spend with Rachel, and now she was stuck here, dealing with this.

Things got worse from there when her nanny called to tell her that she had a family emergency and couldn’t stay with Rachel. Cuddy didn’t even have the energy to be slightest bit angry. She just told the nanny to bring Rachel and supplies to the hospital. As soon as she hung up, her phone rang again and she answered it. It was a doctor she had met at a conference a few years ago, Dr. Marsh. They had stayed in touch and occasionally did favors for each other. Dr. Marsh told Cuddy that she heard about her problem and might have a solution.

About a week ago a young forensic M.E. working for the FBI had been working at Dr. Marsh’s hospital on a case. Marsh said that the M.E. had been heading to NJ on her new case, but that she was just a filler and that her contract was up with the FBI. The M.E.’s name had been Dr. Syrrin and she was looking for a less stressful and more stable job. Dr. Marsh gave Cuddy Dr. Syrrin’s number Cuddy thanked her, hanging up. Cuddy had no idea who this person was, but she worked for the FBI and Dr. Marsh had given her a good reference, so she must be good. Cuddy called the number Dr. Marsh had given her and hoped that Syrrin was still in NJ. To Cuddy’s surprise and relief, Syrrin was still in NJ and she said that she could come in for a meeting right away. She could be there as soon as twenty minutes.

Not five minutes after Cuddy hung up with Dr. Syrrin, the nanny brought Rachel in. As soon as the nanny had left Cuddy tried to tidy up her recently disheveled office, she had made a real mess looking for a replacement M.E. Cuddy had hoped that Rachel, who was asleep when the nanny brought her in, would sleep through the meeting, but as soon as Cuddy sat down she began to fuss. As soon as Cuddy picked Rachel up, she knew that she needed a diaper change and brought everything over to the couch to quickly get Rachel situated again.
Of course as soon as she began the diaper change there was a knock on her door and it opened. She looked up at the young woman who just stared at her for a moment.

“Dr. Lisa Cuddy?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry, my nanny had an emergency and -” Cuddy tried to explain but was cut off by a waving hand as the girl stepped into the office and closed the door.

“It’s fine, babies are cool. They don’t say much.” she said sitting in the large chair next to the couch.

Cuddy finished with Rachel and put her back in her stroller while she cleaned up and looked this young woman over. She wore dark jeans, a black t-shirt with a red vest, a gray jacket, and gray slip on flats. She carried only a manila envelope with her, had sat down in a sofa chair for an interview, and didn’t seem to be acting too formal. However, Cuddy had been changing a dirty diaper when she knocked. Still, she hadn’t introduced herself yet and she was dressed pretty casually. Cuddy didn’t know what to make of her quite yet.

When Cuddy was done cleaning up she stood up.

“Excuse me for just a moment.” she said, going to the bathroom to wash up.

When Cuddy came back out of the bathroom she found the assumed Dr. Syrrin squatting in front of Rachel’s stroller with Rachel holding her finger.

“She’s cute.” said the young woman, slipping her finger from the baby’s and standing up.

“You like babies?” asked Cuddy.

“They’re fine, better than most adults.” she said, sitting back down in the chair.

“Really?” asked Cuddy, going back over to the couch.

“Sure. Oh, wow, I just realized that I completely forgot to introduce myself! I’m Dr. Emmelythis Tyrican Syrrin. Everyone just calls me Emme or Mets, for my initials.” she said, shaking Cuddy’s hand.

“I figured.” said Cuddy smiling.

“Sorry about my appearance. I don’t really wear a lot of nice clothes in my line of work.” said Emme.

“It’s fine, I’m just glad that you could make it on such short notice and that you were still in town.” said Cuddy.
The next thirty minutes were spent talking about Emme’s resume and the job offer. Emme didn’t outwardly show much interest in the job, but she seemed genuinely excited about the prospect. There were a few mentions of how she did have a few problems with taking orders or with interacting with others. Still, they weren’t really bad and every reference said that she was great at what she did. Cuddy thought of how this resume reminded her of another doctor when he was younger. Only Emme seemed a bit nicer, if not a bit more weird. Plus it wasn’t like she would be working with a lot of live patients anyway. Cuddy had made up her mind and was just about to finish things up and give Emme a final offer when her door burst open and the previously mentioned doctor limped in.

“Why the hell am I scheduled for two extra clinic hours a day for the next two weeks?” yelled House, not noticing or caring that Emme was there.

“Because you don’t have a case and you gave a guy with a piece of a pencil stuck in his tongue an MRI so you could watch your soap.” Cuddy said calmly, hoping Rachel wouldn’t wake up.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” House screeched.

At this Rachel stirred and started to whine.

“House, please.” said Cuddy with a pleading look.

“What, am I screwing with your personal time?” asked House loudly and sarcastically, making Rachel start to cry.

At this Emme stood up, looking coyly at House as Cuddy picked Rachel up and tried to soothe her. Cuddy noticed that Emme had a wry smile on her face as she looked at House, getting his attention.

“You must be the infamous Dr. House. I’ve heard about you just about every place I’ve been to. I’m Dr. Syrrin, could I just borrow you, privately, for a moment?” asked Emme, acting like a school girl with the quarterback of the football team and walking over to Cuddy’s desk.

“Yes, actually, I am Dr. House!” he said, finally glancing at Emme with a sly smirk and slightly tilted head as she walked away from him.

He limped over to her where she stood at Cuddy’s desk and Emme leaned in to whisper in his ear. She began to whisper something and Cuddy almost thought she heard a small whimper come from House. When Emme pulled back from House’s ear she wasn’t smiling anymore. Instead, she looked like she had just scorned an animal or something. House didn’t even glance back at Emme as he turned around and promptly proceeded to exit Cuddy’s office. He did still have enough steam to glare at Cuddy as he limped out, holding his hand a bit strangely. Cuddy stared at his back, mouth slightly open, as House left her office. Cuddy’s attention turned back to Emme as she came back over to the sofa chair. She just looked at Emme questioningly and in shock for a moment before speaking.

“How…what?” asked Cuddy.

“It must have been something I said.” said Emme, feigning surprise.

“When can you start?” asked Cuddy suddenly.

She hadn’t meant to blurt it out quite like that, but she was so surprised. If Emme had some kind of leverage over House, Cuddy could really use her.

“Uh, is tomorrow alright?” asked Emme, the corner of her mouth turned slightly up.

“See you then, and welcome to PPTH!” said Cuddy, holding her free hand out to Emme.

“Thanks.” said Emme, shaking Cuddy’s hand.

The next day Emme showed up for work and was even early, saying she wanted to get acquainted with the facility. From day on, everything went smoothly and Emme did an exceptional job, at least for a few weeks.
posted by Irene3691
It's New Year's Eve and they agreed to spend that night at Lisa’s sister's. House is not very sure about it, but he is still working on trying to make their first Christmas holidays together the best ones. They have dinner with Julia and some friends and they keep talking and joking for a while. House and Cuddy have a moment alone and talk.
‘Are you having fun? Are you already tired?’ Asks Lisa to her boyfriend.
‘Yeah, I'm fine... I'm a bit tired but we can stay here if you want.’
‘We can stay for a while if you're comfortable with these people.’
‘Yeah, yeah... I'm okay...’
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posted by Irene3691
It's Christmas Eve and yet they have to work some hours in the hospital.     When they get home after a hard day of work, they make their Christmas dinner together and sit at the table. Some time later they finish eating. ‘Wow I'm full...’ Lisa says.
‘Yeah... you look like a turkey in Thanks Giving...’
‘Your compliments are getting worse with time...’
‘I mean... like the most beautiful turkey in a farm...’
She chuckles. ‘That doesn't make me feel better...’
‘Fuck... well... I tried...’
‘You wanna eat something else?’
‘Nope... don't wanna know how...
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posted by Irene3691
Finally the weekend comes and they go together to a country house.
Cuddy and Lucas park the car under the porch. The house is not very big, but it’s cozy and surrounded by countryside. Lisa is so excited about their weekend together. They get into the house and Lucas smiles at her. ‘Well... what do you think? You like it?’
‘It’s so beautiful.’ She answers.
‘Not as much as you.’ He smiles at her. ‘This is the house where I used to come with my parents on Summer holidays... I thought it could be a nice place to spend the weekend.’
They get into the lounge and there is a table...
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posted by Irene3691
Some days later, after their little almost meeting in her car, they haven’t talked, just for strictly necessary medical stuff, but they haven’t even looked into each other’s eyes.
House is in his office doing some paper work when Cuddy goes there. ‘New case.’ Says without looking at him. ‘You know what you have to do.’
‘Yeah... I know...’ He looks at the file and then at her.
‘Well... "have fun"’ She walks to the door.
She turns around and finally looks at him, but then she looks at the floor again. ‘Yes?’
‘Uhh... are you... is... your car already working...
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posted by Irene3691
House picks up his things from the office and takes a bus to go to her house. There, he goes back and forth from one side to another of the room and finally puts all his things in his suitcase. When he’s about to leave, he writes a note and leaves it on the sofa with his key’s copy.

After her little encounter with Wilson, Lisa goes to her office and draws the curtains, then sits down on the couch with her head between her hands and remains thinking about what she just did.

House gets to his home and leaves the suitcase on the floor. He sits on the sofa and thinks about what has just happened......
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa wakes up early and goes to the room where Greg is sleeping, he opens his eyes slowly and sees her. Cuddy lies on bed next to him. ‘How do you feel?’
‘Better. I haven't slept very well, though...’
‘Does your leg hurt less?’
‘It hurts the same... but my body's starting to feel better...’
She nods. ‘That’s good. I’m so proud of you.’
‘I haven't done anything yet... this is just the beginning... I could disappoint you tomorrow... I'm not as strong as you may think.’
‘I know how you are, I know that you can do this, and I know why you’re doing this.’...
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posted by Irene3691
They stay huged for a while watching TV until someone knocks at the door.
‘I’ll go.’ Lisa stands up and opens it.
‘Hi... how is he? Is he here? Why didn’t you tell me that he had awakened from the coma?’ Asks Wilson.
‘Yes, he is here. Come in.’ Lisa opens the door and he comes in.
‘Oh God...’ Whispers House.
‘Hey how are you? How do you feel? I was... we were really scared.’
‘I'm much better... thanks...’
Wilson nods and stares at him, finally he gives Greg a hug. ‘I'm not gay, I just have missed you this time. As a friend.’
House rolls his eyes and hugs him back. Lisa...
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posted by Irene3691
House can’t move very well, when he opens his eyes the light blinds him for a moment and then he sees Lisa sleepling next to him. He starts breathing deeply in order to talk but he can’t, then he tries again and whispers her name. ‘Lisa...’
When she hears him, she starts opening her eyes and sees him staring at her, she can barely talk. ‘Greg... Greg! You’re awake. Oh God, thanks!’ She sits up and caresses his face.
‘I'm... how long have I been here...?’
‘You’ve been in a coma for almost two months... God, you’re back!’ She kisses him softly on his forehead. ‘I was...
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posted by Irene3691
House and Cuddy get to Michigan in the afternoon, and after leaving their suitcases at home, they go to buy some food. They have dinner and sit together on the couch, where they talk and laugh until bed time.
‘Well... I think we should go to sleep... I mean... each of us to our respective rooms...’
She smiles. ‘Yes, it’s late.’ They go to their dorm’s doors. ‘Tomorrow I’m leaving early, so I won’t see until Sunday night...’
He nods. ‘Have fun with your family then.’
‘Thanks.’ She smiles and goes to her dorm to sleep.

In the morning Lisa gets up early and takes a shower....
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa can barely sleep and wakes up early. She gets dressed and stays there lying on bed the whole morning until House knocks at her door. ‘Hi...’ Says she opening it.
‘You think it would be very dangerous if we went to have breakfast together? Is my life at risk?’
‘I don’t think so... I’m not very hungry, but I guess we won’t find William at the cafeteria at this time.’
They go together and take a seat. Unfortunately, Will is there with his friends, and when he sees both coming in, he thinks: “Great, finally you fucked him...” He finishes his breakfast,...
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posted by Irene3691
When Lisa gets home, goes to her dorm and sits on the edge of the bed. Greg gets there some minutes later. ‘Anybody here?’
‘I’m here.’
He goes to her dorm. ‘How did it go?’
‘Very well thanks. Where have you been?’ Answers Lisa selfconfident and trying to avoid questions about her date.
‘Out there...’
‘Yeah, I guessed that when I didn’t find you here.’
‘Smart girl. And that guy... did you like him?’
“No, I think I like YOU!” thinks Lisa. ‘Yes, sure. He's handsome, nice, interesting... a good guy.’
‘Good... well, I'll go to read a little...’ House goes to his...
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posted by Irene3691
They go on board and when not even an hour of flight has passed, they are bored.
House moves in his seat. ‘What if... umm... we play some kind of challenge game?? Each of us asks a question to the other one, if we don't answer we have to pass a challenge proposed by the other person. Right??’
‘Hmmm ok-ay...You go first.’    
‘Sure.’ He thinks. ‘Hmm... Isn't it true that you felt happy when you knew we were gonna travel together??’
Cuddy sighs ‘Yes...’ and he smiles. ‘Okay, here I go. It’s true that you bought the tickets thinking that I was gonna invite...
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posted by Irene3691
They arrive to the hotel soaked and holding hands. The reception guy looks at them and House talks. ‘Buongiorno!’ They get into the elevator. ‘My Italian is going better and better... I'm so proud of me!’
‘Yeah, it's true, now you can flirt with Italian guys.’
‘Ha ha... In fact I rather flirt with American women... specially with those who run a hospital.’ He approaches to her and kisses her passionately.
Cuddy opens her eyes surprised. ‘House this is the elevator, not our bedroom.’
House presses the STOP button and kisses her again. ‘I’ve noticed.’
She separates a bit...
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posted by Irene3691
After washing and dressing, they arrive to the Coliseum. It's a sunny and very hot day. They put on their sunglasses and buy two ice creams to get a bit cooler. Then, they go for a walk around the building and come in. It’s still very hot and the ice cream helps just a little. They sit down in the shade to rest for a while. House takes off his glasses and lean his cane on the wall. ‘It’s so hot today!’
‘Yes, very very hot... I have a bit of headache because of the heat.’
‘Let’s stay here until you feel better.’
‘Yeah, thank you.’ She looks at the ice cream left. ‘I would...
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posted by Irene3691
They remain in silence thinking about this strange situation and how they feel being just a few inches apart. House falls asleep first but she can’t and stays awake for a while more, until House, unconsciously, turns and puts his hand gently on her waist. Then she opens her eyes, but she smiles and finally falls asleep, too.


Step one completed, they’ve spent the night in the same bed and nothing has happened. When House wakes up, he looks at her sleeping and thinks “Ahh... too good...
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posted by Irene3691
Well, this is our first fic ever and we put a lot of enthusiasm on it. We wrote it in English so it is accessible to more people, but it’s not our mother tongue, so we beg you pardon for all our possible mistakes. It is mainly written by three of us, with a special participation. Each of us took a character so we could give different points of view to the story. We’ve been writing this fic for nine months or so and it’s already finish. We wrote it while the TV show was being broadcast so many things don’t coincide with the show. We’re still editing it so, if you have any consideration,...
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posted by livethislifeup
Sticking to one shots for now until my real fan fics can materialize into fixed ideas. Until then, enjoy all my one shots.
Consider this--post EF.

If the nights were this easy,
and the days were longer than said,
for once I'd be capable enough,
to release you from my head.

For every toss I plan to make,
it replies with constant turning,
and escaping by shutting my eyes,
the attempt just leaves me burning.

For every smile that grazed your face,
for every stare left broken,
for the laughter that you gave,
the dreading words unspoken.

The guilt stands beneath...
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posted by Olivine
Chapter 2: Cutthroat bitch junior

„Irregular heartbeat“, she ascertained, organising a bed for the patient, „Amber, this is not the right place for a five year old.“ Cameron quickly tied her hair up once again, before grabbing another chart and checking the next patient. It was one of the especially stressful days in the emergency ward.
„She insists on being here.“, Amber shortly replied, examining a patient’s open wound. Her relationship to Dr. Cameron was a good one since she had started to work here in the emergency ward part-time, 2 years ago, from 8 in the morning until midday....
continue reading...
posted by ToEkNeE
"What do you mean he broke out and left?"
I was already crying, apparently without my own consent. This was the last thing I needed for the night-for my slight nightmare to come true.
"The hospital called me fifteen minutes ago. I rounded up Thirteen and Foreman. I couldn't get a hold of Taub however. I didn't think I'd need to call you because I figured they called you."
"I was asleep."
"Go figure."
"Hold on."
She went into her room and grabbed a jacket and then her robber shoes.
"Let's go."
"You don't want to change?"
"You really think we have time for any questions?"
"I'll drive."
"That's what I thought."...
continue reading...
Lisa Cuddy
Princeton Plainsboro
Teaching Hospital
506 Maple street
office #326


Wilson has been writing to me. I know whats happening to you.

Your doing a really bad job of covering this up.

Im serious. People are going to start asking questions. People besides wilson.

Speaking of wilson, dont let this slip to him. He'll let it slip to.....well, everyone.

But i want to "keep" this secret. So dont change anything.

Take care of yourself, Cuddy.
