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Things for Cuddy just hadn’t been going very well lately. Since Cameron bailed, Cuddy was having a hard time. She really couldn’t blame Cameron though, it wasn’t her fault. She had done a great job with everything, even House, but she was right, Cuddy was the only one for the job. Even though she had been having a rough week at work, things hadn’t been nearly as bad as they were about to get. She knew that the current medical examiner had retired, that’s why she had hired a new one two weeks ago. What she hadn’t known was that he had taken a vacation in Mexico the week after she hired him.

While he was down there he had gone parasailing and been in an accident. She hadn’t found this out until the day he was supposed to come to work and hadn‘t, today. She had called his number and his mother had answered. Apparently, he had broken his both his legs, his pelvis, and his left arm. He had multiple smaller injuries as well and they were keeping him in a medical coma for the time being. It looked like he wouldn’t be able to accept the job after all.

Cuddy had a few of the doctors around the hospital on call for the time being, but that was only a short term solution, a very short term solution. She was supposed to have today off to spend with Rachel, and now she was stuck here, dealing with this.

Things got worse from there when her nanny called to tell her that she had a family emergency and couldn’t stay with Rachel. Cuddy didn’t even have the energy to be slightest bit angry. She just told the nanny to bring Rachel and supplies to the hospital. As soon as she hung up, her phone rang again and she answered it. It was a doctor she had met at a conference a few years ago, Dr. Marsh. They had stayed in touch and occasionally did favors for each other. Dr. Marsh told Cuddy that she heard about her problem and might have a solution.

About a week ago a young forensic M.E. working for the FBI had been working at Dr. Marsh’s hospital on a case. Marsh said that the M.E. had been heading to NJ on her new case, but that she was just a filler and that her contract was up with the FBI. The M.E.’s name had been Dr. Syrrin and she was looking for a less stressful and more stable job. Dr. Marsh gave Cuddy Dr. Syrrin’s number Cuddy thanked her, hanging up. Cuddy had no idea who this person was, but she worked for the FBI and Dr. Marsh had given her a good reference, so she must be good. Cuddy called the number Dr. Marsh had given her and hoped that Syrrin was still in NJ. To Cuddy’s surprise and relief, Syrrin was still in NJ and she said that she could come in for a meeting right away. She could be there as soon as twenty minutes.

Not five minutes after Cuddy hung up with Dr. Syrrin, the nanny brought Rachel in. As soon as the nanny had left Cuddy tried to tidy up her recently disheveled office, she had made a real mess looking for a replacement M.E. Cuddy had hoped that Rachel, who was asleep when the nanny brought her in, would sleep through the meeting, but as soon as Cuddy sat down she began to fuss. As soon as Cuddy picked Rachel up, she knew that she needed a diaper change and brought everything over to the couch to quickly get Rachel situated again.
Of course as soon as she began the diaper change there was a knock on her door and it opened. She looked up at the young woman who just stared at her for a moment.

“Dr. Lisa Cuddy?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry, my nanny had an emergency and -” Cuddy tried to explain but was cut off by a waving hand as the girl stepped into the office and closed the door.

“It’s fine, babies are cool. They don’t say much.” she said sitting in the large chair next to the couch.

Cuddy finished with Rachel and put her back in her stroller while she cleaned up and looked this young woman over. She wore dark jeans, a black t-shirt with a red vest, a gray jacket, and gray slip on flats. She carried only a manila envelope with her, had sat down in a sofa chair for an interview, and didn’t seem to be acting too formal. However, Cuddy had been changing a dirty diaper when she knocked. Still, she hadn’t introduced herself yet and she was dressed pretty casually. Cuddy didn’t know what to make of her quite yet.

When Cuddy was done cleaning up she stood up.

“Excuse me for just a moment.” she said, going to the bathroom to wash up.

When Cuddy came back out of the bathroom she found the assumed Dr. Syrrin squatting in front of Rachel’s stroller with Rachel holding her finger.

“She’s cute.” said the young woman, slipping her finger from the baby’s and standing up.

“You like babies?” asked Cuddy.

“They’re fine, better than most adults.” she said, sitting back down in the chair.

“Really?” asked Cuddy, going back over to the couch.

“Sure. Oh, wow, I just realized that I completely forgot to introduce myself! I’m Dr. Emmelythis Tyrican Syrrin. Everyone just calls me Emme or Mets, for my initials.” she said, shaking Cuddy’s hand.

“I figured.” said Cuddy smiling.

“Sorry about my appearance. I don’t really wear a lot of nice clothes in my line of work.” said Emme.

“It’s fine, I’m just glad that you could make it on such short notice and that you were still in town.” said Cuddy.
The next thirty minutes were spent talking about Emme’s resume and the job offer. Emme didn’t outwardly show much interest in the job, but she seemed genuinely excited about the prospect. There were a few mentions of how she did have a few problems with taking orders or with interacting with others. Still, they weren’t really bad and every reference said that she was great at what she did. Cuddy thought of how this resume reminded her of another doctor when he was younger. Only Emme seemed a bit nicer, if not a bit more weird. Plus it wasn’t like she would be working with a lot of live patients anyway. Cuddy had made up her mind and was just about to finish things up and give Emme a final offer when her door burst open and the previously mentioned doctor limped in.

“Why the hell am I scheduled for two extra clinic hours a day for the next two weeks?” yelled House, not noticing or caring that Emme was there.

“Because you don’t have a case and you gave a guy with a piece of a pencil stuck in his tongue an MRI so you could watch your soap.” Cuddy said calmly, hoping Rachel wouldn’t wake up.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” House screeched.

At this Rachel stirred and started to whine.

“House, please.” said Cuddy with a pleading look.

“What, am I screwing with your personal time?” asked House loudly and sarcastically, making Rachel start to cry.

At this Emme stood up, looking coyly at House as Cuddy picked Rachel up and tried to soothe her. Cuddy noticed that Emme had a wry smile on her face as she looked at House, getting his attention.

“You must be the infamous Dr. House. I’ve heard about you just about every place I’ve been to. I’m Dr. Syrrin, could I just borrow you, privately, for a moment?” asked Emme, acting like a school girl with the quarterback of the football team and walking over to Cuddy’s desk.

“Yes, actually, I am Dr. House!” he said, finally glancing at Emme with a sly smirk and slightly tilted head as she walked away from him.

He limped over to her where she stood at Cuddy’s desk and Emme leaned in to whisper in his ear. She began to whisper something and Cuddy almost thought she heard a small whimper come from House. When Emme pulled back from House’s ear she wasn’t smiling anymore. Instead, she looked like she had just scorned an animal or something. House didn’t even glance back at Emme as he turned around and promptly proceeded to exit Cuddy’s office. He did still have enough steam to glare at Cuddy as he limped out, holding his hand a bit strangely. Cuddy stared at his back, mouth slightly open, as House left her office. Cuddy’s attention turned back to Emme as she came back over to the sofa chair. She just looked at Emme questioningly and in shock for a moment before speaking.

“How…what?” asked Cuddy.

“It must have been something I said.” said Emme, feigning surprise.

“When can you start?” asked Cuddy suddenly.

She hadn’t meant to blurt it out quite like that, but she was so surprised. If Emme had some kind of leverage over House, Cuddy could really use her.

“Uh, is tomorrow alright?” asked Emme, the corner of her mouth turned slightly up.

“See you then, and welcome to PPTH!” said Cuddy, holding her free hand out to Emme.

“Thanks.” said Emme, shaking Cuddy’s hand.

The next day Emme showed up for work and was even early, saying she wanted to get acquainted with the facility. From day on, everything went smoothly and Emme did an exceptional job, at least for a few weeks.
OK, I don´t own Chase, House, J.D., Dr. Cox, Wilson or Nurse Brenda, neighter do I own J.D.s awesome prank. This is just a silly thingy I put together being really bored. I don´t think it´s even to be called a "very funny fanfic", but it really helps the title get attention :Þ
Warnings: Very silly, VERY random, only funny if you share my weird sence of humor...
Perfect background music: Lazlo Bane - Superman

Dr. Robert Chase was exhausted after a long day at work. The team was trying to diagnose a girl with cronic pain who keept fainting every fifth minute or so. There had been hours of differentials...
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Original character, cursing and mentions of abuse all in one? That's my story. D's story to be exact. She's the main character of my original story Green Eye Blind... and now she's here, with Wilson and House, and Cuddy... and she's scared, they help her.

Not as melodramatic as it sounds... rated T, lots of angst...


Tie Bound

The red laces of her All-Stars dragged across the pavement as she stumbled across night-time New Jersey... Letters D&G faded, but present on her T-shirt, Jack&Jones leaving their signature on her jeans: If her shoes hadn't been caked in mud, shirt hadn't...
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posted by Cuddles
A/N: I love Mascha Kaléko and her poems. The one I am using here inspired me to write this oneshot. If there are any mistakes in it (in the poem I mean *lol*...well also in my oneshot -___-) it's because I translated the poem from the German as I can't find a translation on the internet. Yeah well...that's the result.
I splitted the poem up. And now enjoy. Comments and ratings would be great ;)


I often wonder
And get on my own nerves in doing so
Because it is a question in several stanzas:...
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"Where the hell is he?"
Cuddy had barged into Wilson's office. She hadn't seen House at his clinic duty so she decided to ask Wilson what plan he was pulling.
"He owes me clinic and I haven't seen him."
"You really expect to?"
"He said himself--"
"Just because he said it doesn't mean he meant it."
"So he's avoiding me?"
"I would too." Wilson looked back down and began working again, despite the fact that Cuddy was still venting. Then Cameron walked in, along with Chase and Foreman.
"Where's House?" Foreman asked.
"He has a patient due in OR. I need a patient to operate on, and the doctor who...
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posted by salemslot
"Hey,you prick!Wake up"!

House opens his eyes in surpise,trying to figure out where he is.He is sitting on a bench.Grass is tickling his bare feet and a soft breeze is making him shiver,as he's wearing only a hospital gown.How the hell did he end up here?The last thing he remembered was being in his apartment,drinking himself silly,looking at a syringe on his table.


"Exactly,you douche bag",the mysterious voice said.

House turns around and sees a man in his early thirties,leering at him.He is wearing a pair of worn-out trousers and a gray raincoat.

"Where am I"?

"Why do they always ask...
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posted by lizzie22xo
I hide myself from the world,
building up walls to keep people out,
I try to keep them up, but instead,
you just knock them right back down.

Why do you really care if I'm happy?
Is it just you caring or is it love?
I want to ask you so many questions,
but it's rather hard to do,
because there is so much I want to confess to you.
About how my love grows for you deeper and deeper everyday,
and how everytime I see you, I could fade away.

Though I'd never protest my love to you,
in the way I'm saying it now.
But, I promise one day, I'll show it,
some way, some how.

Sorry guys if it's not really good,
it's my first poem.:/
posted by Irene3691
Some weeks go by and Greg starts thinking of preparing something special for Christmas. He doesn't celebrate it usually but he'd like to make her have a good time. House thinks of a party with workmates and presents, but he still has time, so he'll have to think about it...
Gradually the holidays are coming and they start decorating the hospital. These are House and Cuddy’s first Christmas together not only at work, and she wishes they were special but she knows that he doesn't like these kind of celebrations, so she guesses they will be as they have always been...
House keeps spinning his...
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posted by Irene3691
Next morning they wake up and Lisa seems sad. ‘If you’re like this because of what happened last night... there’s no need... I don’t wanna put you in a hurry… I’m sorry if I went too fast…’ He says.
‘No, Lucas... it wasn’t you... I’m sorry.’ She has been thinking the whole night about what she really wants, and it’s not fair for Lucas at all, but she doesn’t wanna lose House again. ‘Lucas I’m so so sorry, and you don’t deserve this, but I have to go. I know you will hate me after this, but I... need him. I’m sorry.’ Cuddy takes her stuff and goes out of...
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posted by HouseAddict87
Perfect Little Family (Rough Draft Copy)

Chapter 1: The Revelation

“I’m not sure what it was but something kept drawing me towards Dr. Remy Hadley. I felt like I needed to protect her for some reason. Looking at her employee file now I know why… she’s my daughter.” Dr. Lisa Cuddy thought to herself.

Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital- Employee File:
Employee Name- Remy Marie Hadley
    Title- Medical Doctor
    Specialty- Internal Medicine
    Department- Diagnostic Medicine
    Supervisor- Dr. Gregory House...
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posted by HuddyBrave
here is the next chapter...Some spoliers....hope you like it....Its in Cuddys POV. :]

Chapter 2
The Explanation

“Oh sorry Cuddy…..House I got your page.” Wilson said recovering.
“ House….” I said gritting my teeth.
“ Wilson pay up.” House said cutting me off.
“ House I have a reputation I would like to keep.”
“ Well, Ill just leave now.” Wilson said turning pink, and backing away.
“ Ok Ill come with you.” House said walking away. He was so fast I didn’t have time to protest.
Now more than 20 minutes late for Clinic I started doing my hours,...
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Ease Of Mind
Ease Of Mind
Hey :) Thank you for reading the second chapter. I hope you'll like it. Feel free to tell me what you didn't like and what you liked. I'm always trying to get better. I was listening to "Wicked Game"- by Chris Isaak when I wrote this chapter. Love the song <3 link

Chapter 2- Ease Of Mind

„I’m DEATH and I’m going to make you two an offer.“
Cuddy stared at him, not knowing what to think. After some seconds she seemed to pull herself together though, turning around and facing Wilson. „Don’t stop! It has only been 3 minutes, there’s still a chance-„
„I’m your only chance.“...
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posted by iluvhousemd
A poem I wrote while I was bored. It's about House and his pain. How his pain keeps him from dealing with his problems.

Pain: A House poem.

Pain, It distracts me,
It keeps me from being angry,
It blocks out problems I don’t want to face
Scars vanish without a trace

Pain, It makes me forget
All of my regrets
About those I pushed away
When I really wanted them to stay

Pain, It takes away my fears
Like, if I will be alone the rest of my years
Left here to drown
In all of my secret tears

On pain I am now dependant,
Though it is my assailant
I am as addicted to the pain
As I am to drugs I use to make it no longer remain

Thanks for reading!!! Plz comment!!!
posted by TheHiddenCane
New style... new fic, same results?
Alternate take on the end of Merry Little Christmas. House doesn't steal the pills, doesn't OD, Wilson still finds him on the floor... while helping House through the pain, Wilson realises something... this epiphany is long overdue. House Wilson friendship, of course! Rated T.

House has been on this floor far to many times... he has almost memorized the texture of the wood underneath his scalp, actually; that's what he entertains himself with in this particular position. When he is ruled by pain and hopelessness, he marvels openly about the insignificance...
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posted by midnyte007
Prompt: House, magic.

Summary: House's uncle teaches him a valuable lesson about faith using a magic trick when House was a young lad. Will House still remember this lesson 39 years later?

Greg House watched as his Aunt Jane cried into his Uncle Tom’s shoulders after the doctor told them that their son, William slipped into a coma after sustaining severe injuries in a car accident.

    “We should all go to the chapel and pray for Will,” she said when she finally stopped crying a few minutes later.
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Hey guys. So i've been thinking about doing this for AGES and i finally got up off my ass and decided to just go for it. So here are eight drabbles (more than five i know, sorry!) i wrote based on the music drabble challenge thing Om posted in the forums a while back. Most of them are Huddy because that's just the way i am (live with it!) but a few aren't! Enjoy.
Oh and also, i posted a line or two from each song before each drabble. Just because it's cool. ;)


Everything by Michael Buble

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
Wilson looked upon the vacant chair as he hovered near the doorway, one foot placed cautiously in the room while the rest of him lingered outside, keeping vigil in a way that reminded him he had no right to. D's sick pallor and many scratches had made her skin to look like marble: like Michelangelo's David chiselled out of hardship and bitterness... as she trashed in her delirium, her eyes were equally void of colour. As she fell limp again, she seemed to be posing: A moving sculpture shedding its soul one chip at a time.

Yet, he just stood there, pulled further and further into the room until...
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posted by housefrk
Don't make fun of my music selection XD I feel like I need to explain the last two. They're on my Rugrats playlist because I used to like them when I was younger. Just so you know. :D Adn the first one's on there because we were using it for winterguard

Not Ready to Make Nice- Dixie Chicks
“Come on,” House said as Cuddy shut the grass doors of her office in his face. She wouldn’t even let him her office today. “How was I supposed to know the hospital was being inspected?” There was no answer. “It was just cost you a fine. It wasn’t even your job.”
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posted by Irene3691
Some days go by and Cuddy has to take another pregnancy test. House is sitting on the sofa waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. She goes out and sits next to him. ‘Okay, let’s do it again.’
‘Fingers crossed... I have a good feeling today...’ House says.
‘Hope you’re right...’ She lies her head on his shoulder. ‘I’m starting to lose hope...’
‘Don't worry... it will come sooner or after...’
She sighs and they wait in silence for some minutes. Greg hugs her and rubs her arm sweetly but he is very nervous for the results. The alarm clock sounds. ‘Here we go again......
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posted by Irene3691
Some days pass and they keep on trying to have a baby. They go back to work and go on with their life. One day House and Cuddy come back home after a long day at the hospital and lie on the couch together.
‘What are you thinking?’ Lisa asks.
‘I just... was daydreaming... I imagined us with a baby...’
She smiles and imagines it too. ‘Nice picture...’
He chuckles. ‘An odd one...’
‘Actually yes... but it will be nice...’
He hugs her and kisses her forehead, and then she lies her head on his chest. ‘In a few weeks I’ll take the pregnancy test, and I’m already nervous.’
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posted by Irene3691
Cuddy wakes up after a making-children-night. House is still asleep and Lisa smiles looking at him and thinking how cute and nice he looks when he’s sleeping. Finally House sighs and opens his eyes slowly. ‘Morning...’
‘Hey...’ Whispers Cuddy. ‘Did you sleep well? Happy New Year, and I warn you, I will say it during the whole day.’
He chuckles. ‘I slept very well and... if you're gonna say it the whole day, I'll ignore you the whole day...’
‘Okay, I will say it just a few more times, I don’t feel like you ignoring me the whole day.’
‘Good... nice choice...’ They smile....
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