Duncan and Courtney Club
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posted by Makathia
Me desperte muy temprano. Me dirigia al baño para bañarme y vestirme. Me bañe, me puse crema...espere...y me vestí. Saliendo del baño, me encontre con Duncan...parecía un zombi por tanto sueño que tenía! XD
_Hola duncan! ^^
_Aaa???....ANNA!!!:O bu-buenos di-dias!!
_Buenos y dias nunca van en la misma oración ¬¬...pero gracias por preguntar! ^^
_AA!...esque te ves muy bien con esa ropa...
_De verdad lo crees??_ dije eso haciendo una pose algo extraña :D_
_Jajaja!! XD si...lo digo en serio...._y se me quedo mirando igual que ayer!!_
_Duncan?.....estas bien???
_AA?? A! si.....tengo mucho sueño...debo despertarme...
_Si...se nota XD...porque estas despierto a esta hora???
_Harold me desperto con sus ronquidos...y no pude seguir durmiendo ¬¬...y tu??
_Tengo que trabajar..... :O
_Te das cuenta que...no has tartamudeado en harto rato!!! ^^
_De verdad!! WOW!! Que ge-genial....¬¬
_XD bueno....ya debo irme ahora!nos vemos despues!
Despues de esa larga conversación con Duncan, me fui a trabajar, y vi a Cris.
_Hola Cris! ^^
_Como estas?
_Bien gracias ^^ bueno...debo ir a trabajar ahora...asique me debo ir..._y estaba por irme y..
_A?? que pasa??
_No..nada :S
_Bueno ^^ adios! :D
Despues de esa rara conversacion, me fui a trabajar (he dicho esa frase mas de mil veces!)
Fui a la cocina del cheff, y estaba con su uniforme de la milicia. Me dio un poco de miedo:
_Buenos dias soldado!!
_Buenos dias Señor!
_Ahora escuchame bien gusano! No me importa que seas mujer, te voy a tratar igual como me trataron
en la milicia, asique ni se te ocurra reclamar o quejarte de nada!! ESCUCHASTE??!!
_Señor,si,señor!!! Obedecere cada orden que usted me de y no reclamare nada!!
_Muy bien soldado! ahora a trabajar!
_Señor, si, señor!! que cocinaremos para los concursantes hoy señor??
_:D Cocinaremos...algo que me trajo un tipo de la carretera...atropello un zorrilo!...esos gusanos ni siquiera querran comer!
_Pero...no cree que les gustaria algo mejor señor?
_Estas contradiciendome soldado??!!
_No!! digo si...digo no...en realidad si...pero...
yo creo que los concursantes deberian comer mejor...que tal si yo cocino y usted lo evalua despues??
_Mmm...buena idea...veremos si funciona...¡A cocinar soldado!
_Señor, si,señor!! :D
Despues de eso, empeze a cocinar mi pasta rusa especial!!!....si...pasta rusa especial! XD
Cuando llegaron los concursantes para comer, me vieron con una malla en el pelo...y todos :O
_Hola a todos, soy la nueva asistente del cheff!! y cocinare para ustedes por el resto de la temporada....si esque no muero primero ¬¬...pero! espero conocerlos a todos y pasarla bien!
_O sea...eres el remplazo de D.J???_dijo Lindsay.
_Emmm...podriamos decir que si...solo que a mi me pagan...supongo ¬¬....pero...quien quiere comer!!
_YO!!!_dijeron todos al unisono! XD
Cada uno fue pasando, paso Duncan...con ojeras todavia! XD
_Aqui tienes Duncan! ^^
_Siiiip??? =)
_Que...que es esto?? XD
_Aaaa....es mi pasta rusa especial ^^....si...pasta rusa especial!! XD
_Bueno...se ve mejor que la comida del cheff!!
_Sii!! XD gracias ^^...ahora avanza que estas retrasando la fila!!!
_SII!! tienes razon! :D
_Siguiente! :D
Y asi fue el dia, hable con muchas personas....iba en camino a mi remolque y todas las chicas me arrinconaron y me dijeron:
_HEY!Que demonios le hiciste a Duncan???
_Que por que??!!!
_No para de hablar de ti!! ¬¬
_Y es casi de lo unico que habla!! ¬¬
_Por que no contestas??!!
_porque...nose que decir....
I was dancing to the song on the radio. The song 'Replay'. I love that song, it was one of my favorite song. I would love for someone to sing me that song. It would be so romantic. I also love to sing. I've one over 50 medals from singing. the songs I usually sing, are some I made up. This year, my mom signed me up for the singing contest. It's were, who ever makes up there own song, and can sing it well with get the grand prize, 1,000,000 dollars. There theme is 'love when I don't see it'. That means, I have to make up a song, telling about you act like your not in love when you really are....
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posted by lolibarbie
Courtney woke up that morning with an antisipating look on her face.

She stretched her arms over her head, jumped out of bed, and got into her swimsuit then sprinted to the pool. She remembered that it was only 8:00 and no one, I mean NO ONE was awake yet so she decided to stand by the pooled thinking.

He woke up at the same time and got his swim trunks on and ran down to the pool. She was already standing there so he decided to suprise her.

He snuck up on her then wrapped his arms around her waist and jumped in the pool dragging her down with him. When they got up for air she said, "What was...
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"Do you want me? Courtney asked.
"No" Duncan replied.
"Do you like me?" Courtney said.
"No" Duncan answered.
"Would you cry if i walked away?" Courtney wandered.
"No" Duncan said, his face placid.
Courtney started to cry and turned around to walk away when Duncan grabbed onto her shoulders and pulled her into a hug.
"I dont want you, i need you. I dont like you, i love you. And i wouldn't cry if you walked away, i would die" Duncan kissed her softly on the lips.
"Oh" Courtney gasped and kissed him back.
*this is me talking- sorry i have not been writing and sorry i have not been reading your stories ive been busy so enjoy this story*

*courtney's point of view - the new challenge

i get up to see duncan laying on me i push him off and yell "what the hell!" that wakes everyone up "what babe arn't we like officially together cause of the baby and all i can't sleep with you any more?" i give him a look of discust "get out!" i yell at him then he smiles and sucks in some air "no.." he replies calmly "ugh" i shout leaving the room with my tooth brush in my hand he follows figures i dont talk to him...
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*just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, took the midnight train going anywhere...* Courtney's phone was ringing "Dont stop believing" by the Glee cast. She answered it.
D~hey, i gotta tell you something
C~ok, what is it?
D~my parents have suddenly decided that i HAVE to go to boarding school
C~no! Isn't there a way to persuade them to not make you go?
D~nope, they've already payed so im going
C~Oh my god! But thats not fair! I'll never see you again
D~i know, i gtg, bye
She hung up
posted by dxcfan
Duncan' P.O.V

From the day that i saw you,
you open my mine.
You give me the feeling,
to do something right.

You came up to me,
saying what's wrong.
And i say don't no,
just hate this song.
Because reminds me of youuuuuu.

Can't get you out,
of my head.
You now that..

Your a love virus,
that can spread.
Can't you feel the love,
that's here tonight...

I say love,
she says hate,
she just denies,
and debates.
That i'm the only,
star in the sky.

Can't get you out of,
my head.
You now that....

Your a love virus,
that can spread.
You now that i'm,
the missing key.....

She says no,
i say fine.
I walk away,
she starts to cry.
She's just holding back,
what's inside....

I come back,
say i love you.
She says that cares,
and loves me too.

Now she says what she was missing,
was me...
I opened my eye's and my mouth flew open in shock. "Well?" Duncan asked, "it's beautiful! The most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me" i said, tears in my eye's. Pancakes in the shape of hearts with dXc spelt in syrup on them, 12 red roses and a little box. I picked up the roses and noticed one of them was fake. "Why is one fake?" i asked, "I've given you 12 roses, 11 real, one fake. My love for you will end when the last rose dies" he said. He picked up the small box and went down on one knee...
*duncans point of view*

we got to the store and they made me and geoff go into a frilly pink store they both kept piling stuff on us to hold "why cant you two hold your own clothes" i ask rolling my eyes "because duncan no ands ifs or buts" she said yelling she was so hot when she yelled "duncan!"i heard a voice from behind me it was trent "oh hey trent whats up" he looked annoyed then huffed "i have to carry gwens clothes in the stores and all of her bags now she wanted to get more stuff from here cause they have a sale on black lip stick" geoff and me sighed too "we have to do the same thing"...
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(Duncans POV) One ordinary day in southern ontairio mom called me down for one reson and one reson only. Courtney. I was in a snazy outfit patheticley metitating. Breathing hard,I opened the door.(courtney`s POV) When i opend the door his breath was hot and welcoming i wanted to break down and cry but i did not want to make a fool of myself. we walked upstairs and i sat next to him. i put my hand in my pocket and took out a black box. Duncan grined and picked me up and played with the box until he took it and did what i wanted to do. he grined and nelt down and in quote he said ''will you marry me?''
posted by tdilovestories

when we got home I put our little Mamma Mia down in her crib for her a nap. I stood there for a while just looking at the little angel sleeping. I didnt even know anyone was watching me until two strong arms rapped around me.

I didnt even have to turn around to know it wasnt Duncan or any of the gang.

His harsh voice was right in my ear "Dont say anything if you dont want trouble."

I looked down at my little angel sleeping there and new I couldnt risk it. "Ill do anything you want me to do as long as you dont hurt my baby"

He chuclked slightly "Oh.... I know you will"

He tightened...
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*when they get home*
*duncans point of view*
"duncan that was so much fun"courtney yelled nearly making me jump out of the couch "glad you liked my company" i say sighing she looks at me and turns her head confused"what i ask" she still stares "courtney why are you looking at me like that?" i ask confused "its just that you arn't even that i dont know excited right now whats up with you ever sinse i told you we were having a baby you seemed so distant" i look at her then frown"its just that i am worried for your sake because i dont want you to get hurt from the baby cause i love you and you know...
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posted by rhinolover
Duncan's point of view: (thinking) yes i got her back yes!yes!yes!*courtney walks up* "hey bad boy" she says sweetly "hi princess"*she kisses him and he kisses back* "woah" i say out of breath " hahaha" she says laughing "what?" i ask confused."your cute" she says winking.then all of a sudden i see harold and leshawna"hey dweeb" i say to harold"stop it gosh!" he yells leshwna says "hes just playin baby" then courtney took me off to the side and she said"hey i realy missed you do you wanna make out?""sure" i say excited *we start making out* then DJ walks up and said "ok this is akward im gonna...
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posted by tdilovestories

It had been eight days since we told my mother about the maybe baby and she was just now coming around to the idea that we would be parents and she would be a grandmother. But she was starting to lighten up. I remember when she first found out, she called Courtney a whore and that she couldnt beleave I was staying with a girl that cheated on me. When she finaly understood that I am the maybe father, she got mad at me for nocking the "sweet heart" up! She said I was a trouble maker and of corse Courtney definded me. She left mad. Then a couple of days latter she came over a said...
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Courtney's POV:
"Of course I'll go out with you, Drake."

"Thanks." He was so sweet, and so hot!!

"Tomorrow? Pick me up here at 6." I handed him my address.

"Of course Courtney!"

"Bye, Drake."

"Bye." I immediatly got my phone and called my best friend Daniele Mathews. When she answered i screamed in her ear, "I GOT A DATE WITH DRAKE COHEN!"



"The most POPULAR guy in our school?"


"OMG I'M SO HAPPY FOR- wait? What are you gonna do when 'it' comes back?"



"OH, that, 'it' uh i told him before he went to Germany that I would meet people and he would too!...
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posted by lolibarbie
Duncan's POV:
I walked back for a while listening to sad and depressing songs on my ipod, i mean she said she loved me but couldn't be with me? WHAT IS THAT!? I swear i mean i shouldn't love her anymore but i love her way more now! WHAT ISSSS THATTTT?! MAybe 'cuz shes really hot when she's angry and it makes me want to kill myself when she's crying
So when i got to the interns part of the plane, since geoff wasn't a contestant only an intern, I said, "I messed up, again." And all interns had to be up early for 'usage'.

"What did you tell her THIS time?"

"Well i took her to the eiffel tower and...
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The series is called "The Element Of Surprise!"

Each chapter will have a name unlike my last story "Back Together Again???"

Duncan has just moved next door to Courtney, what will happen???

There will be more parts in this fanfic!!!

I hope you enjoy the story and my idea's LOL

Pls tell me what you think in comments!!

posted by lolibarbie
Duncan's POV:
The plane ride was like 15 hours long, so 3 hours into it, it got a little interesting.

"Princess, i happen to know for a fact that you do not have 15 hours worth of music, you have to talk to me sometime."


"He's joking right?" She asks me scared.

"No." I say hopefully being wrong.

"Duncan, for once I am going to beleive you."

"Thank You?"

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Where i got the quote from, this pretty picture!
Where i got the quote from, this pretty picture!
Courtney's POV:
"I have to go to the restroom, I'll be right back." I said as i scurried off to the bathroom.

"Courtney, get it together, I got it, Amii, come through for me!" She opened her phone and went to 'contacts' and pressed 'Amii'.

"Amii, I need you!"

"What did Duncan do to you?"

"He gave me his great-grandfather's class ring from high-school and he told me he loves me. Wait there's something written on the inside of the ring." I took the ring off and it said:

Let your love be like the misty rains coming softly, but flowing like the river

I told my sister that and she said, "Okay it was his...
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A thought just crossed my mind. I think i should turn my opinion-"If dXc Broke Up"-into a fanfic/story with different chapters and stuff. It will be in Courtney and Duncan's POV each chapter so, the 1st chapter will be in Courtney's POV, the 2nd one will be in duncan's, and so on, in that order till i run out of ideas. If you have any suggestions as to what could happen in the chapters, im taking request's as of now, so just leave a comment on this or any of the chapters if you have any idea's for me! Thanx
posted by milorox18
it's a series of DxC songfics! I'll be doing a different storyline each time. But each story will either be about how their relationship started‚ what duncan or courtney thinks of the other‚ or whatever‚ it will just be about them. I know for surely some songs i'm doing‚ but i'm also taking suggestions. i might take them‚ or i might not‚ but i appreciate it if you do‚ and if it's really good‚ i'll give you a prop. and if you could give me some ideas for the songs i am doing‚ it would be really great!

here are the songs i'm doing:

All the Right Moves- OneRepublic
America's Suithearts-...
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