Duncan and Courtney Club
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posted by Makathia
Me desperte muy temprano. Me dirigia al baño para bañarme y vestirme. Me bañe, me puse crema...espere...y me vestí. Saliendo del baño, me encontre con Duncan...parecía un zombi por tanto sueño que tenía! XD
_Hola duncan! ^^
_Aaa???....ANNA!!!:O bu-buenos di-dias!!
_Buenos y dias nunca van en la misma oración ¬¬...pero gracias por preguntar! ^^
_AA!...esque te ves muy bien con esa ropa...
_De verdad lo crees??_ dije eso haciendo una pose algo extraña :D_
_Jajaja!! XD si...lo digo en serio...._y se me quedo mirando igual que ayer!!_
_Duncan?.....estas bien???
_AA?? A! si.....tengo mucho sueño...debo despertarme...
_Si...se nota XD...porque estas despierto a esta hora???
_Harold me desperto con sus ronquidos...y no pude seguir durmiendo ¬¬...y tu??
_Tengo que trabajar..... :O
_Te das cuenta que...no has tartamudeado en harto rato!!! ^^
_De verdad!! WOW!! Que ge-genial....¬¬
_XD bueno....ya debo irme ahora!nos vemos despues!
Despues de esa larga conversación con Duncan, me fui a trabajar, y vi a Cris.
_Hola Cris! ^^
_Como estas?
_Bien gracias ^^ bueno...debo ir a trabajar ahora...asique me debo ir..._y estaba por irme y..
_A?? que pasa??
_No..nada :S
_Bueno ^^ adios! :D
Despues de esa rara conversacion, me fui a trabajar (he dicho esa frase mas de mil veces!)
Fui a la cocina del cheff, y estaba con su uniforme de la milicia. Me dio un poco de miedo:
_Buenos dias soldado!!
_Buenos dias Señor!
_Ahora escuchame bien gusano! No me importa que seas mujer, te voy a tratar igual como me trataron
en la milicia, asique ni se te ocurra reclamar o quejarte de nada!! ESCUCHASTE??!!
_Señor,si,señor!!! Obedecere cada orden que usted me de y no reclamare nada!!
_Muy bien soldado! ahora a trabajar!
_Señor, si, señor!! que cocinaremos para los concursantes hoy señor??
_:D Cocinaremos...algo que me trajo un tipo de la carretera...atropello un zorrilo!...esos gusanos ni siquiera querran comer!
_Pero...no cree que les gustaria algo mejor señor?
_Estas contradiciendome soldado??!!
_No!! digo si...digo no...en realidad si...pero...
yo creo que los concursantes deberian comer mejor...que tal si yo cocino y usted lo evalua despues??
_Mmm...buena idea...veremos si funciona...¡A cocinar soldado!
_Señor, si,señor!! :D
Despues de eso, empeze a cocinar mi pasta rusa especial!!!....si...pasta rusa especial! XD
Cuando llegaron los concursantes para comer, me vieron con una malla en el pelo...y todos :O
_Hola a todos, soy la nueva asistente del cheff!! y cocinare para ustedes por el resto de la temporada....si esque no muero primero ¬¬...pero! espero conocerlos a todos y pasarla bien!
_O sea...eres el remplazo de D.J???_dijo Lindsay.
_Emmm...podriamos decir que si...solo que a mi me pagan...supongo ¬¬....pero...quien quiere comer!!
_YO!!!_dijeron todos al unisono! XD
Cada uno fue pasando, paso Duncan...con ojeras todavia! XD
_Aqui tienes Duncan! ^^
_Siiiip??? =)
_Que...que es esto?? XD
_Aaaa....es mi pasta rusa especial ^^....si...pasta rusa especial!! XD
_Bueno...se ve mejor que la comida del cheff!!
_Sii!! XD gracias ^^...ahora avanza que estas retrasando la fila!!!
_SII!! tienes razon! :D
_Siguiente! :D
Y asi fue el dia, hable con muchas personas....iba en camino a mi remolque y todas las chicas me arrinconaron y me dijeron:
_HEY!Que demonios le hiciste a Duncan???
_Que por que??!!!
_No para de hablar de ti!! ¬¬
_Y es casi de lo unico que habla!! ¬¬
_Por que no contestas??!!
_porque...nose que decir....
posted by lolibarbie
I NEED IDEAS FOR A SERIES BECAUSE I HAVE THE MOST SEVERE CASE OF WRITERS BLOCK I'VE EVER HAD SO HELPP!!!!! Please and thank you, and enjoy the very poor-made story you're about to read...
Lyrics are bloded and just kinda go with the story so that's how they're incorperated...enjoy? and I'm skipping the chorus until the end...lol you'll understand why when you reaad the lyrics also!

Courtney's POV:

Hi, I'm Courtney Langcaster, I know wierd name, but I didn't choose it. And this is a story on why I will never fall in love.

When I was young I saw,
My daddy cry
And curse at the wind....
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1. I've Had The Time Of My Life~ Bill Medley feat. Jennifer Warnes
2. Heaven (slow version)~ Bryan Adams
3.Every Time We Touch~ Cascada
4. See The Light~ Paradise
5. Tell It To My Heart~ Kelly Llorenna
6. Your Caress ( All I Need)~ DJ Flavours
7. Come With Me~ Special D
8. L'Armour Toujours (Dancing DJ's Mix)~ Gigi D'Agostino
9. Poison~ Groove Coverage
10. Summer Rain(Alex K Mix)~ Slinky Minx
11. All Out Of Love~ Keira Green
12. I Think We're Alone Now~ Pascal feat. Karen Parry
13. Hungry Eye's~ Eyeopener
14. Fading Like A Flower~ Dancing DJ's
15. Good Girls Go Bad~ Cobra Starship feat. Leighton Meester
16. Fire Burning~ Shaun Kingston
17. Lost In Stereo~ All Time Low
18. Dancing In The Dark~ Micky Modelle v Jessy
19. Rise Again~ Breeze v Lost Witness
20. Leave Out All The Rest~ Linkin Park

All Of These Songs Remind Me Of DxC In There Own Ways...
Where Lovers Dwell


Normally around this time I would go and hong out with my social outcast friends, but now around this time I go and see Her. She's so graceful and cunning, and sort of sly if you pay attention, I do so I notice. Her hair is so soft and full, of course I've never ran my fingers through it yet because she's promised to another. Lord how I wish she was mine, mine to hold, love, cherish, admire, and be with. But no, her heart doesn't belong with me for it belongs to someone more intelligent, caring, and I'd hate to admit it, but more of a man than I'll ever be.

Her heart...
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It had been four years (i decided to change it so the ending played out better So, they are 20 years old now)since they last saw eachother. Both of them still wanting the other, staying faithful and not even thinking of dating anyone else.

Duncan was in the car on the way to the airport, he had a specific place in mind, Washington D.C. (heehee in honor of me leaving to there tomorrow)

He got to the airport and got on the plane.


She was sitting in the Supreme Court (im going there!! Lol, im obsessed with my trip) sitting...
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Courtney's car
Courtney's car

My name is Courtney Daniels. I am 21 years old and i Live with my Fiance, James. Now you might think I'm just an anverange girl...NOPE Wrong. I'n not just Courtney Daniels, I am a super-hero. I go around every day saving peoples live from crucks, badets, theifs, and all crimals. My super-power is that i can control earth with the power of my grip, and i can read other's mines. I have beaten every single vilan that i faced, no one can beat me...until i met my match today.....


I got up at 9:00 am for work. James had already made me breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and gave...
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After I dropped Courtney off in our bed I got in too, but I was thinking. How are we ever going to afford to have a baby, and what if there are twins, or triplets?! I’d have to support Courtney through thick and thin, I’m not saying that I would leave her or something, but a kid…this just sums our lives right up.

Oh freaking god I forgot! What about her parents?! They wanted a restraining order put on me, let alone have grandkids from me! God, I don’t even want to think about what they’ll do to Courtney.

I turned over while Courtney was shivering in her sleep. I pulled the blanket tighter...
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“One more time?”

“No. It was just a... thank-you kiss. For making me feel better about running away from home.”

“You’d make me feel better if I got another kiss.”

Courtney rolled her eyes as she and Duncan rose up to the 23rd floor of the hotel elevator. Of course, Duncan was heckling Courtney just to piss her off. Secretly, Courtney did want to kiss Duncan again. But she would never admit it.

“Seriously Duncan. Stop asking me to kiss you again.”

“But why-hy-hy?” he whimpered.

Courtney smirked as she handed Duncan his room key.

“Good ni-ight.” she said mockingly as she walked...
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posted by tdilovestories
bridgette's xmas gift
bridgette's xmas gift
sorry it took so long. this one picks up after they get home from the mall..... enjoy!

courtney's point of view:

"I cant believe we just spent all day at the mall!" said duncan as we walked into the apartment (its really a loft).

"well we got pretty much every one I believe" I said as we walked into his room.

"lets see.....

Bridgette.......... (soft blue dress with darker blue ribbon and sparkly. crew neck.)

Geoff........ (gift card to party party party... best place to get stuff for party)

Gwen…………. (little black dress that is shine and flowy. Short)

Trent........ (new strap for his guitar)...
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Duncan’s POV

You know that painless second after you stub your toe— that small moment before the feeling has had the chance to rise? That certain knowing that you can’t take it back, what’s done it done, and you just have to face the outcome when it occurs?

See, this is just like that. Except, maybe, oh— one hundred times worse. Certainly more painful.

It’s not just the situation that’s killing me. The whole, ‘I was an idiot and I regret it only now that things are messed up even further— thanks to me,’ really sucks, no lie, but get this: if I hadn’t been so stupid, things...
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Today was an ordinary day, i was out with my husband and daughter. But what was wierd is even htough i haven't heard from him since TDM, duncan was all i could think about. Jimmy and I had another date. What can i say he's my husband. My duaghter, Ashley, though i never told my husband, was named after duncan's little sister. Then i got a call from an unknown number. I thought it was someone calling to say they want me to be their lawyer, well i was right but i couldn't beleive who called me. Duncan Kennedy, the duncan i fell in love with when i was 6teen, i was going to marry...
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I woke up in a hospital bed to find Duncan nowhere in sight,but my doctor,the incompetent intern Glen,right beside me."You didn't tell him did you?" I asked. "No." my doctor said. "I covered it by saying he passed you a sickness.A mild one." he added. "ARE YOU CRAZY??" I yelled. "HE'LL BE DEVASTATED!" "H-he seemed fine." Glen said in a tiny voice. "WHERE IS HE!?" I demanded. "In the lobby." I jumped out of the bed to get out towards the lobby throwing off my hospital gown."Uh,sure,you can uh... leave now." I heard Glen say behind me. I ran to the lobby to see Duncan looking depressed staring...
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Geoff: So whats this challenge then? Im majorly confused.

Courtney: *mumbles* Why doesn't that surprise me?

Bridgette: *glares* What?

sJs: Come with us.

Courtney: Ugh, fine. *walks beside sJs*

Bridgette: Ok *follows Filip*

Geoff: Where are they going?!

Chris: Settle down and i'll tell you.

Duncan: Just tell us, so i can get off this crappy island.

Chris: Ok, as you can see, Bridgette and Courtney are gonna be tied to chairs in the middle of the forest. All you two prince charmings have to do is answer a question correctly and then you have to find your lovers, somewhere in that forest, when you do and...
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Prince Duncan asked, "Would you like to dance with me, Princess?"

"Ofcourse, but im not really a Princess" a chargrin blush stained her cheeks as she whispered into his ear, "im just an ordinary servant girl"
"Well, you look like a Princess to me" he smirked.
She giggled and kept on blushing.

They danced around the ballroom as the same thought passed through everyone else's minds "Who was this mysterious Princess that Prince Duncan had taken such a great liking to?"

"Do we know her?" Drizella sighed.
"The prince seems to," Anastasia huffed, jealous at the girl for dancing with the Prince longer than...
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The bell for break went. Courtney was out first. She walked upto her boyfriend, Brandon, and kissed him, "hey, how'd the test go?" he asked her, "Oh it was fine" 'except for a certain green haired punk flirting with me' she thought. "cool" Brandon replied, gazing dreamily into courtney's eyes, and before either of them knew it, they started snogging, "get a room" someone exclaimed, they turned around to face the person who the voice belonged to,"Duncan?" Courtney said, Ugh! What d'ya want now?
"Im so calling my lawyer!"
"Im so calling my lawyer!"
posted by lolibarbie
the veiw of the eiffel tower at night, except in the story only the tower was lit
the veiw of the eiffel tower at night, except in the story only the tower was lit
Duncan's POV:
Courtney won the challenge- what else is new? I was asleep then at eleven o'clock i woke up and went to the eiffel tower, it was awesome-looking at night. I sat in-front of the tower until midnight listening to my own ipod the song playing went like this:

imma pick u up,
imma pick you up,
whatcha trying to say to me
catch the train at 2
whatcha tryin to do
are you gonna playyyyy with me
alll my life, i've been waiting
as my time procrationating now
its a trip
i'm a flip
flash right through the scene
can't you see what i mean?
breaking through the boundries

what i didn't realize is that i was...
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COURTNEY'S POV: I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel round myself & i started to sing. "All the single ladies... now put your hand's up!" i sang lustily. I walked onto the landing and made my way to my bedroom. I started to wiggle my hips as i sang. I spun around and screamed in shock.
"Hey sexy!" a guy with a green mohawk, who had piercings (ew!) and had the most GORGE teal eyes winked at me, or rather, my CHEST!
"W-who are you?" i asked
"Your NEW neighbour!" he said. Woah...
A BIG shock!
posted by TditdaCourtney
Courtney's POV:

It was 8:00 p.m when Duncan came to my house,we talked we fought we "did some stuff".The next day at school i felt weird.I felt like i was being watched.I finally found the guys "Hey guys" i said if there were nothing to hide."Hey Courtney wat up?!"Trent asked nicely.I hugged them and told that i felt like i was being watched.They lefted me in the middle of the hall and came back with Duncan."Soo Courtney wanna talk to me alone?""Sure Duncan""So u feel like someone is following u?""yeah....Why""just askin."Then he left for CLASS(shocker!!).I was left alone i didn't go to my classes i left school that day,i went walking around town.

Duncan's POV:

It was lunch i was looking for Courtney she was no where to be found.I was so that this guy named Michael took her.I guess when i find i have tell her the Truth.
posted by TOTALFan
SO, I was on the computer looking at everybody's characters from TDI, so i thought about how much Courtney had my hair and had my eyes, but i'm way whiter, so I took some pic's of her put my skin color and tht's pretty much all that i needed to do, but then i realized i can't just leave it like tht!I have a very different style from her except the personality, I can be a little rough and tough at times and I am pretty confident, so I thought of how INSANE AND ROCKER I can be so I took some pretty awesome colors and added all this kind of style, and i created it! The perfect character for me!But...
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"Let's play spin the bottle!" i exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Geoff exclaimed, loving my idea.

"Ugh, that game is so immature!" Courtney scoffed, glaring at me.

"C'mon Court! Lighten up, it'll be fun!" the mocha-haired teen's best friend, Bridgette, tried to persuade my on/off girlfriend, to join in.

"Just join in, princess, or are you too chicken?" i challenged her as i flapped my arms about like a chicken.

"Duncan, i am NOT a chicken, it's just that your playing, you'll probably come up with the most sick dares for me" she ranted.

"Fine, if were not gonna play 'T or D', then we'll play '30 Minutes of Heaven'"...
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I gazed absentmindedly at the television before me. I was currently on the couch, laying on Duncan’s lap while he was stroking my big bulge of a stomach. Normally I would have treasured this kind of moment but I was too distracted with a piece of information I had recently acquired.

Today I went in for an ultrasound, Duncan would have come, but he had to work. I found out with much shock that I would be having twins instead of one child. How were we going to handle two babies around the apartment? We cant raise two kids in an apartment. And how was I going to break it to Duncan?

I guess the...
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