Duncan and Courtney Club
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did anyone read part three? cause I got no comments on it. if you did read it tell me.

I turned around to see Duncan and buddy Geff looking at us. "what are you doing her?" he asked again. "we kind of got stranded here," I said making a silent promess with briget not to tell anyone about this "problem" we had gatten ourselfs into. "stranded hu?" asked duncan who looked at Jeff. I could tell that look ment somthing but I did not know what. "wait," I said ",How did YOU get here." They exchanged a glance the I knew ment eather "what do we say", "we're caught", or "Think of somthing!". "uhhh...." said jeff speaking for the first time. "We swam. The bay is not far from here." Duncan gave him a look that I took to mean "great dude you ended us!" but I desided to give them a break "then you must be good swimmers," I said. Duncan looked surprised then said "Oh yea! really fast too!" Then I desided not to. "Let me see how fast you go!" "What?!" said duncan jumping back a bit. "I mean...... I can't. Hurt my leg. OW! OW! hurts now." "Then how did you swim here?" I asked knowing I had won. "I'll race ya," I said. Brigett leand over and wispered to me "What are you doing!" "Don't worry," I wispered back "I got both of them figured out." Duncan and I steped to the shore line and jumped in. WE both came up. Duncan ,who now was missing a shirt, had a long deep blue tail. "You too!" he said. We both got on shore and dried off. "Me too." said brigett. "Jeff is too," said Duncan "We thought you two might be but it is embaresing to say we are part shiney, glittery, magical fish." Brigget and I giggled. "You guys got to prmis with us you'll never tell" said brigget and Jeff at the same time. Brigget blushed and Jeff winked and we all shook on it. We then all dove in and swam back to the bay.
how do ya like it? plz comment. That is how I see how many people read it. Also fan it PLZ!!!!!

Finally, Im getting out of this dump! But there was just one thing bugging me.

I'd said those three words and they hadn't been returned.

Maybe she was too scared too.

"Oh man, I've scared her off" I mumbled to myself.

"Whats up, senior?" I looked up to find Alejandro looking concerned at me.

"Hey dude. Just stuff. I said something to Courtney that might have scared her off" I hung my head in embarassment.

"Senior," he replied in his velvety accent, "trust me, I don't think she'll be scared off. I saw her in TDI, it's love"

"What?" I gasped.

"Just go see your Princesa" he smiled and walked towards...
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"I don't have to tell you anything" I replied hotly.

"So you are hiding something then" Courtney jeered, her eyes narrowing.

"I'm not hiding anything" I said.

"I think you are, now why are you here?" she folded her arms across her chest.

"I don't know, ok" I exsaperated.

"What? You must know! What are your charges?" she exclaimed, failing to keep her cool.

"Perverting the court of justice" I explained.

"What have you done?"

"They think I've lied about the rape" I replied in an emotionless tone.


"Your ex told them something that is held against me"

"So. they think you lied about him raping...
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A/N: I have no life at the moment so Im able to update like craaaazy. Lucky for you guys... :D


Ugh, Duncan was getting right on my nerves now.

How dare he use my own words that I used against him, against me!

"Whatever" I repeated for what felt like the millionth time that morning.

I layed down on my bunk, closing my eyes.

"You'll get your commupance" I heard Duncan whisper before falling into a deep slumber.

I was woken up by an ear piercing sound.

"Visiting hours. Visiting hours" Evelyn the warden shouted.

"Ugh, greeeeeat"...
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posted by james55
Duncan's pov.................

Alejandro thinks he can just hit on princess and just get away with it well not anymore heis getting it big time. So I went.............

Oh alejandro "Duncan you want me because". Because your hitting on my girlfriend. "am I". Yes you are. "oh I'm so scared......anyway what are you going to do about it". I'll hurt you. "sure you will"

I then grabbed his shirt and pulled him to the wall. I will hurt you

I then pushed him away and left.

Alejandro's pov...............

Duncan thinks just because he's a tough guy makes him unbeatable well Duncan doesn't no how he's messing with because I have the brains and no one and I mean no one can stop me.

Courtney's pov............

I really think duncan should stop fighting with alejandro and Im scared that something might happen to him alejandro is just not worth it.............................

What will Happen on Why Duncan part 20?
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! ITS UN LUCKY #13!!! And that means if you don't comment, the killer cakes will come back from the dead, AND THEY'LL TASTE LIKE ROTTEN EGGS! Then my army of wombat zombies will take away your computer AHHHHHHH! the reason I didn't update this morning is cuz I was FORCED to go to the beach! Uhhh, I hate sunburn, so I didn't go in the sun.
Duncan's P.O.V
I was happy to see Courtney walk through the door. "COURT" I said "I was getting worried, your usually back by 5pm and it's 10 at night! Where were you, you didn't even answer your phone?" She...
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posted by Lollipop97
Hiya evryone! Just some info before reading this, K? Okay, i relly did'nt have time yesterday, cuz i was together with my friend, and after that i was too tired to write, so i worked on my OC. And this one is for rubberduck23! "Woohoo!" for her XD

Well, i hope you all like this part!

Duncan's POV

I was so glad that i had dumped Courtney, and she aceptet me as a friend. I just hoped that it would'nt bring anymore drama, cuz i had a little thought about that Gwen might be cheating on me with somone. I do'nt know who, but if he mess with my girl,...
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A/N: OK, now... I am so, truly, deeply, with all my heart sorry I didn't update this sooner. I had writers block. Again. I thought I'd overcome it when I wrote Part 7, but sadly, as soon as I started writing this, I froze... And im still a bit stuck for idea's... But, without further hesitation... HERE YA GO!!! (PLEASE DON'T KILL ME...!)



I smiled at Duncan, leaning closer to him.

"Care to come upstairs for a little while? My head is hurting with this loud music, please?" I pouted.

"Hmm... ok" he caved.

I lead him upstairs and lay down on the bed. (Don't worry, there's no graphic stuff...
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posted by james55
I haven’t written this chapter in pretty long ok well here I go……………….

Duncan’s pov………………..

Every thing was great I was finally with Courtney and Trent finally left me alone

“Hey Duncan” oh hey Gwen “ok well bye I have to go” why.

She just left I was trying to check why she left and then I saw her go to Trent I couldn’t believe it one of my best friends going out with the man she broke up with what a true friend. I really thought she was better than that but I guess I was wrong.

Courtney’s pov……………………..

Finally every thing was in one piece...
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Courtney:When I was watching TV duncan texted me saying Me and my friend are gonna go shoot hoops and I want you to come and meet him!I texted him asking when?he texted back saying now!So I ran to the park and to the basketball court and met his friend,Mennezino!He told me not to be racist!After they were done Mannezino left but Duncan and I stayed.He took his shirt of and then I hugged him!Then we made-out,again!Then we went to his house and then we talked saying it might be the right time!He was alone for 3 months.So then,we had sex.After it I had to leave I couldn't beleive what I had done!I thought I was a whore!But I knew we had been together for awhile so it was ok!I guess?

posted by dxcfan
I showed her were to go, as she quickly sped me across the non-landscape land. In the middle of the 46 acre, was like a little hunt were, a tribe lives. They're called the White Hairs, which I have know idea why, because when the shape shift their fur isn't even white.

Some guys with really buff arms were just playing around in the front yard. But you know, they're not as buff as me.

We marched over there as I heard one girl that was sitting thr steps of the hut, growl at Courtney. Courtney hissed back getting in her defense pasition. I got in front of her so they wouldn't start a fight, as I...
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"But it wasn't me!" I yelled, as the policeman handcuffed me.

"Why? Why did you do it?" Courtney cried.


"But nothing! You are a disgrace to the Renez family name! We trusted you with our daughter and you threw it back in our faces!" her father bellowed.

"You'll never see Courtney again, for as long as you live!" Courtneys mother and sister scolded me.

"But-" I tried again, only failing in having my voice heard.

"Just. Take him away" Courtney sneered.

She seemed out of character. COMPLETELY out of character.

This wasn't like her at all. Normally she would've tried to hear my side of...
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duncan pov

"soo then i had to just try and live by myself i had no brothers or sisters and well weve just walked around half of this boat made light conversation about the weather and youve listend to my drone on about my life why did you really seek me out?" i asked courtney as we walked along the 1st class deck
"well i came to say thank you for saving me" she started "and i know what your thinking 'poor little rich girl what dose she know about being upset" she said looking staight at me with those buetiful onyx eyes
"no i was thinking how could her life be so bad that she thinks theres no...
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Courtney's POV

I finaly arrived in England! The plane slowed down until it did'nt move. All the passengers got out, and walked up to the conveyor to get their luggage.


The Stewadess's POV

Finaly all te passegers left, maybe there would be a short break for me and the rest of the crew.

I sudenly heard a tiny voice say:

"Mum, are we going to fly with this plane?"

"Yes honey, and it's gonna fly, just in a minute! Are you excidet that we're goin to Japan?"

"Very! I can't wait!"

I shut up my eyes and thought:

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Duncans pov.............

i couldnt believe my eyes courtney sitting next to that snake alejandro why would she do that " oh hay duncan" hey gwen whats nothing so looks like cody likes you "hahaha duncan not funny

Courtney pov............

what do you want alejandro "why are you with that idiot" i do not like him " ok then go out with me" no yuck now i feel sick

hey bridgette this is so sick alejandro likes me "sick what a weird-o" i no "and any way you like duncan." no i dont "sure you dont"

i couldnt believe ot alejandro was such a snake and once again duncan sitting next to gwen well just amybe...
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posted by Lollipop97
Courtney's POV

"What about him?" i asked Bridgette

"Uhm, he kinda kicked me out of the house. . ."

"Oh, Okay, you can live with me"

"Okay, can you pleas take these suitcases?"

"Yes, but what are you ganne carry?"

"My other stuff ofcourse!"

"Uhm Oka-"

But she was gone. Wow those surfers where fast! I should seriously start to surf. . .

Then she came back with her lamps, Pillows and alot of other stuff.

"Okat, so where's my room?" she asked.

"Uhm, i did'nt know you where gonna live here, so i have'nt made a room for you, but you can have the guest room until we makes you your own room."

"Okay great!"

I leaded...
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Courtney's POV

No! I could'nt live without him in my life! That would be impossible!

"Duncan, if you die, then i will die with you!" i said, close to be screaching.

He slowly shaked his head, and took my hand and warmed it with his warm hands.

"I relly hope Bridgette and Geoff comes back, and we'll be saved. Then i'll never leave you." he said, and i belived him. I knew he told the truth. I just hoped he would'nt follow me into the bathroom, when i needed to pee. That would be kinda embarrasing. . . .

We sat like that for a couple of minutes without a wordpassing our lips.

"Uhm, Duncan?" i said.

"Yeah Princess?"

"Uhm, i'm still freezing a little."

"Would you freeze if i do this?"
Okay, at first i'm gonna give an ENORMUS "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" to everyone who've comented my articls so far, and i hope you love to read them, as much as i love writing them!

And this part is for DxCfan14, Courtneyfan101, 232dxc and DxC_fan98! You guys are the best!

No one's POV

Sudenly The jeep crashed into some random (annoying) tree.


Duncan's POV

I sudenly woke up, feeling the cars airbags jump out from the car in my face.

I looked around to see if everyone was O.K.

Yeah, it looked like Bridgette...
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posted by lolibarbie
I am SOOOOOOO sorry that I haven't updating in like, 4 days, I've had writers block for ALL of my stories and a lot of people have been PMing me like, "UPDATE YOUR STORIES!" and I'm like, "I CAN'T! I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK!!" and it was sad. So here:


Duncan's POV:

I can't believe Courtney, I cannot believe she has not cracked. We are gonna be there in like 10 minutes. I have to get her to crack NOW.

She was talking to Bridgette about how boring TDA was gonna be.

I had to get her to kiss me, I had a few theories.

1) Just...
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Courtney POV

I sat on the toilet and cryed for minutes, and i could hear Duncan knock on the bathroom door. I also heard Bridgette and Geoff making out in the room next to this. Good to know that THEY where happy!

I had a million questions to ask somone.

Why was Duncan always so tough?

Why would'nt he just admit that he was scared?

Would'nt it be better if he was honest to me?

My heard was just about to explode, but i tryed to not make it explode. It would be a little gross to clean a brain up. . .


Duncan's POV

Why do i always mess everything up?!?...
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posted by Depressed671
For the last few days of school, everybody would look at Courtney like she was crazy, or they would maybe feel total pity for her. Duncan wouldn't ever leave her alone, he was scared for her, and he promised Trent that he would take care of her, and make her happy. To Duncan, Trent was like the brother he never had, he always had his back, and he would bail him out whenever he got into juvie, and Duncan thought that if he could do anything to repay him, it was to watch over the girl that Trent loved.

Courtney walked to her car in the pouring rain, her mascara running down her face, she looked...
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