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posted by nduns
Alright, I'm gonna try to hold back on statements regarding the backlash this film... very unfairly... received months prior to its release. So many people doubted this one. Well, now that I've finally seen it, I'm gonna tell you all what I thought... again, I'm gonna try to mention the backlash as little as possible.

Alright, so here's the story. Anna and Elsa are the princesses of the kingdom a Arendelle. Elsa has been born with the power to control ice and snow, and when she ends up accidentally hurting Anna with her ice powers, she is forbidden from ever using them again. She finds it so...
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Wanna....see the world?
Wanna....see the world?
The songs in the classic disney movies are some of the most beautiful, catchy, moving songs in the history of the world! Here's a lit of my personal favorites. There are so many to choose from!
10. He's a Tramp-Lady and the Tramp, he's a tramp, he's a rascal
I really like this song and it was sung so well in the movie! It perfectly captured the essence of Tramp, well being a tramp.

9. Belle- Beauty and the Beast, it's no wonder her name means beauty, her looks have got no parallel
This song is super catchy and I love how it perfectly introduced Belle. It's also hilarious when Gaston sings his...
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posted by nathancreek
This is a list of the Disney Princesses. The first three sections are official, the other two are not.

Snow White



Ting-Ting, Su and Mei

Minnie Mouse
Daisy Duck
Charlotte La Bouff
Maid Marian
Vanellope von Schweetz
posted by AsTheyJingle
Heya! I'm fairly new here, but have been DYING to post a article :O So, I thought why not do one on Disney's best sidkicks? Because, without 'em, there wouldn't be a true Disney movie =P Here are my personal choices for the best, enjoy. (my opinion, please don't get all Hipster on me)

Number 10: Zazu From the Lion King
There's a pretty good reason I'm putting him so low on this, he's not *really* a sidekick. But, I'll be darned if I didn't atleast mention him =P He's also voiced by Mr. Bean, so that helps! xD

Number 9: Pascle and Maximus From Tangled
Okay, I put these two together, becuase I think...
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posted by BKG201
15. Emperors New Groove- A new film that might not be considered as a classic by some people. But in my opinion it is funny and a great watch.
15. Emperors New Groove- A new film that might not be considered as a classic by some people. But in my opinion it is funny and a great watch.
Some of you Disney fans may not agree with this list but this my opinion and I want you to know about it.
The Disney films I like are usually underrated ones (like the Rescuers or the Great Mouse Detective) Or the Disney Renaissance comedy type films ( like Mulan, Hercules or Aladdin.) So read on and Enjoy.
Take note that Pixar films are also included on this list
Some of these films are ones that are unexpected or ones you were shocked at of being so low or so high. I know I have a weird taste in films so.
This is the second part so enjoy from the 15th spot film to the 1st
14. The Jungle Book- A musical adventure with a simple plot.  A real jem in disneys crown.
14. The Jungle Book- A musical adventure with a simple plot. A real jem in disneys crown.
13. Hercules- A musical that is funny and sad but has a great plotline.
13. Hercules- A musical that is funny and sad but has a great plotline.
12. Beauty and the Beast- I haven't seen this film in years but of what i can remember it is a great film and a classic to remember.
12. Beauty and the Beast- I haven't seen this film in years but of what i can remember it is a great film and a classic to remember.
11. The Rescuers Down Under- This film is a great sequel to a great film. Also I live in Australia so it is extra special.
11. The Rescuers Down Under- This film is a great sequel to a great film. Also I live in Australia so it is extra special.
10.Oliver and Company- A very good musical with a twist on a good story. Also has funny characters.
10.Oliver and Company- A very good musical with a twist on a good story. Also has funny characters.
9. Walle- the second Pixar film on this list, this film is funny aand the characters are so cute.
9. Walle- the second Pixar film on this list, this film is funny aand the characters are so cute.
8. Peter Pan- A great classic with action and adventure about childhood.
8. Peter Pan- A great classic with action and adventure about childhood.
7. Lilo and Stitch- The best 2d film of the last decade it is great with a meaning about family.
7. Lilo and Stitch- The best 2d film of the last decade it is great with a meaning about family.
6. Finding Nemo-The last pixar film on this list, it is funny and has lots of adventure.
6. Finding Nemo-The last pixar film on this list, it is funny and has lots of adventure.
5. 101 Dalmations- A true classic that has adventure and action that I always watch.
5. 101 Dalmations- A true classic that has adventure and action that I always watch.
4.Aladdin- A great film that is funny and has great fightung scenc. Very action packed.
4.Aladdin- A great film that is funny and has great fightung scenc. Very action packed.
3. The Great Mouse Detective- A very underated film it is full of wit and adventure.
3. The Great Mouse Detective- A very underated film it is full of wit and adventure.
2. Rescuers. The most underated film drawing with The Great Mouse Detevitve it is a musical that is sad and has a lot of adventure.
2. Rescuers. The most underated film drawing with The Great Mouse Detevitve it is a musical that is sad and has a lot of adventure.
1. Mulan- The best disney film in my opinion it has a great meaning and has great action scences.
1. Mulan- The best disney film in my opinion it has a great meaning and has great action scences.
Hey yal it's time to get back to the story and let me tell ya it's really dramatic. Lets get to the part about me since I'm unfortunately the damsel. Those cat ladies want me to tell them where I keep my magic book, but they'll never get me to talk. Besides these girls aren't exactly the sharpest pitchforks in the barn. Now for the part where I get saved which is a twist, it's the brave little girl coming to the rescue. She sneaked up behind them grabbed their ponytails and tied them together. She than grabbed some rope to try to tie them up when she's done messing with them.

"Oh girls! Forget...
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posted by LisaForde
At the point in the film where this song is sung, Ariel has already been turned into a human by Ursula, but can no longer speak. Unless Ariel can get her true love, Prince Eric, to kiss her before three days is up, she will turn back into a mermaid and Ur
At the point in the film where this song is sung, Ariel has already been turned into a human by Ursula, but can no longer speak. Unless Ariel can get her true love, Prince Eric, to kiss her before three days is up, she will turn back into a mermaid and Ur
Ok here are my favourite songs

#1.So Close(Enchanted)

I love this song as it focuses on Giselle and Robert's relationship.

Favourite line: Almost believing this was not pretend now your beside me and look how far
we come so far we are So Close.

Keep your ears open for Robert singing
to Giselle. So romantic.

#2. Under the sea(The Little Mermaid)

I loved this song as it is catchy and awesome. Sebastian tells Ariel that life is better
down here.

Favourite line: Down here all the fish is happy .....

#3 Son of a man(Tarzan)

This song is my fav as it shows Tarzan growing up.

Fav line:Someday you walk tall...
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The following day was the big day, the day of the Lil’ Miss Duckburg pageant. Webby woke up bright and early that morning; feeling very excited and a little nervous. “Uncle Scrooge! Uncle Scrooge! It’s pageant day!” She called burst open the door of his bedroom, where he slept.

The sound of the door slamming against the wall, along hundreds of gold coins being knocked off the desk on to floor, startled him awake. “What?! What is it, darling?!” He shouted as he sat straight up.

“Only pageant day!” Webby exclaimed.

“Oh…um… so it.” Scrooge said trying smile, then he yawned,...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 6: The Mysterious WolfWorld! (Part 2)

*Team Q6's base*

Nick Wolfe: We need a way to learn more about this mysterious place.

Chiffon: Maybe that white wolf thing might know something about it...

Nick Wolfe: Maybe we need to go deep into that forest and then we might get our answers.

Chiffon: I have an idea! I can go distract that thing while you go look for that guys base.

Nick Wolfe: *Gets up* Not happening! I almost got beaten by that guy, and I don't want you to get hurt...

Chiffon: Then...why don't we get the other Battle Teams into it?

Nick Wolfe: That's actually a good idea. Alright,...
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- In the Grimm tale, Snow White is but a 16-year-old girl.

- The dwarfs (more than 7) DEMAND that Snow White work and cook for them in order for her to have their protection.

-The evil queen step-mother actually tries to kill Snow White on three different occasions. First she ties Snow White up and leaves her for dead, only to discover that the dwarfs have freed her just in time. Second, she disguises herself as a poor peddler and combs Snow White's hair with a poisoned brush but is again unsuccessful when the dwarfs come to save her. And finally, the part we all recognize, Snow White is poisoned...
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The results of the third countdown I posted to determine which heroine is the kindest of them all.

The Kindest Heroine

1. Cinderella (Cinderella)
2. Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
3. Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
4. Duchess (The Aristocats)
5. Perdita (101 Dalmatians)
6. Maid Marian (Robin Hood)
7. Lady (Lady and the Tramp)
8. Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
9. Bianca (The Rescuers)
10. Giselle (Enchanted)
11. Mulan (Mulan)
12. Jane (Tarzan)
13. Vixey (The Fox and the Hound)
14. Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)
15. Faline (Bambi)
16. Nala (The Lion King)
17. Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
18. Pocahontas (Pocahontas)
19. Eilonwy (The Black Cauldron)
20. Wendy (Peter Pan)
21. Lilo (Lilo and Stitch)
22. Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
23. Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
24. Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
25. Jasmine (Aladdin)
26. Megara (Hercules)
posted by lhotp1
Even the word Disney evokes a flood of memories. Most of which are child-related. Perhaps, you remember seeing a movie by them as a child, going to Disneyland, or seeing a kid's face light up when they do. But, really, there are countless film studios, each with impressive resumes of films to their credit. But what makes Disney Disney? Walt Disney was a pioneer in every sense of the word. He revolutionized animation and filmmaking tactics which have become common in the industry. Disney was a king of firsts, First cartoon with sound, in Steamboat Willie. Who could forget the first full-length...
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posted by breebree446
What is your favorite Disney movie?
What is your least favorite?
Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
Who is your favorite Disney Prince?
What is your favorite Disney animal sidekick?
Who is your favorite disney animal?
What is your favorite Disney couple?
What is your favorite made up Disney pairing? Ex; Jim from Treasure Planet and Ariel)
Who is/are your favorite Disney parent(s)?
What Disney character would totally be your best friend?
What Disney character would be your worst enemy?
What Disney Creature would you want as a pet?
Okay to start off, I don't have any pictures, I'm writing this on my IPad and frankly, I'm too lazy to find possible methods to post pictures on this device—if possible. Anyways, keeping the intro short, this is based on my opinion, I've seen other top tens and they all seemed more biased than anything, so here they are:

10) Megara

I've seen her fall last in some of the articles, and I can only agree on the way they describe her. She has an odd kind of beauty, I personally find her pretty cute, and in some scenes-hot. But she wears make up (not that it makes a huge difference). Take a close...
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posted by Pyjamarama
In New York, there was the man called Prince Pyjamarama Scrooge and he used to have a business partner called Jafar, but he died for seven years. It was Christmas eve, but Pyjamarama or Scrooge you might call him, hated Christmas. “Bah Humbug!” Snarld Pyjamarama. In Texas Pete’s hideout, there was the greatest superhero of all time, Superbulk with his best friend, Skeleton. Now that Texas Pete was in jail, Bulk and Skeleton could do anything they wanted. They could watch tv, read books, go to the restaurants, watch dvds, go on the internet, save people from dangers and everything. “What...
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Okay I’m a week late but here is my article about watching Sleeping Beauty for the first time in years!

Like the article for Snow White and Seven Dwarfs I will write about;

1. How much I enjoyed/disliked the movie as a child

2. How much I have forgotten

3. Princess (will she be higher on my list or lower?)

4. Movie (will the movie be higher on my list or lower?)

5. Rating

6. How much has my opinion changed?

7. Would I watch it again?

Tonight's rewatch: Sleeping Beauty
Last time watched: February 14, 2009 (had a movie marathon that day)

So, how much did I liked or disliked this movie as a child?

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posted by Rozaliciousness
Where I was stood it felt like flying. I could feel the soft breeze caressing my face and lifting tendrils of my long black hair. I smiled slightly as the wind reminded me of my mother. She was always with me, just like she said she would be.
I opened my eyes slowly to look at the beautiful world around me. Standing on a piece of jutting out rock next to the waterfall, I could hear the water rushing and cascading downwards. I could see all the trees laid out beneath me, lush and emerald green, only separated by the wide, glistening blue river that carried on the waterfall I was next to.
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Most of you knows I'm a big fan of Snow White so I decided to write different lists where she's number 1, but now I'll give other characters the spotlight. It was suggested by Swanpride so thank you for giving me this idea though she suggested that I would write a top ten list of something I had already done, but I decided to put my favorites together :)

Favorite Disney Heroine: Maid Marian
Such an underrated, but great character. She's not supposed to be the main character in her movie so I don't mind her lack of screentime too much

Favorite Disney Movie: Bambi
This movie has such beautiful animation...
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posted by Renegade1765
Oh music! What would we be without you?
Oh music! What would we be without you?
Well,it's been a while since I wrote an article.
You have to forgive me but there was the holidays as well as my personal life so I wasn't really in the mood for writing articles.But now I'm back so let's start.
If you read my previous articles then you might have seen that I'm a huge fan of music.I can't live without it.Disney,throughout the decades,has produced some timeless songs,but in instrumental and vocal form.They’re meant to tell us the thoughts of a character and progress the story in musical form.
Everyone has they're favorites,and here are mine.
But first,some ground rules.
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