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One King to rule the all
One King to rule the all
So did a countdown for best ruler for the princesses and the princes. All around at the end of the film the princes change (sometimes more than the princesses) and so some could be better rulers than others. Now time for the rankings.

10: Naveen
The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince

I know Naveen was going go out first because of being the prince that got kicked out of his kingdom. Everyone said he just get bored and leave the palace to go play ukulele. But now that he’s with Tiana he may be a better ruler.
"He'd be too preoccupied with the fun part of life, to actually pay attention to his duties as a ruler." BelleAnastasia
"I agree...he doesn't even manage to concentrate on serving, I can totally see him just leaving an important meeting because it bores him." Swanpride

9: John Smith
The adventures ruler
The adventures ruler

I have to disagree with John Smith going out so soon and leaving worst rulers. He would have used his world smarts to keep peace in a kingdom but as people pointed out peace wouldn’t stay like that for long.
"Difficult, but I think that John Smith would want excitement too much- he might go starting a war just for a change of scenery." rhythmicmagic
"I don´t think he would stay in one place as he´s too adventurous. So he wouldn´t be able to rule in a proper way." CodyVenusTrent
"John Smith has clearly shown that he is good with leading and with people, and he is one of the more responsible princes." Jayden-G

8: Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider
The Ruler of the Smolder
The Ruler of the Smolder

His thieving ways would make him an awful ruler everyone said and that the king and queen were playing favorites by not killing him. I really disagreed. He would have been a great ruler maybe top 3 (which was a kind of disappointing top three), he could have used his wisdom of what was wrong with the kingdom to make the kingdom better and robber free. But no one agreed while a worst ruler kept one jump ahead still.
"I know Aladdin lied (Jasmine at least understood why he did it) but overall he does try to do what's right. Flynn did an unselfish thing in the end, which is good, but shows no remorse at all for his entire history of stealing (and he's dishonest, too). I'd like to see the scene where her parents realize it was him that stole the tiara. Haha." AudreyFreak
"I originally chose Aladdin, but then I thought about it. Flynn is not very responsible or trustworthy as well. He does not seem interested in being a royal, and he tried to rob from them. He did not show any remorse for his selfish actions (unlike Naveen and Aladdin), and is not one to keep his word (Sabbington Brothers). Aladdin is for sure next"Jayden-G

7: The Beast/Adam
The Prince that his kingdom has forgotten about him
The Prince that his kingdom has forgotten about him

I don’t know what to say about Adam because we don’t really know anything about him as a ruler in fact where are his parents! He was 11 when he became king so he wouldn’t be that wise. But how come no one in the village knew about this castle, king or Beast? So that’s why he went out with someone still one jump ahead.

"Aladdin too. But Aladdin obviously cared for the people of Agrabah (shown at the start of Return to Jafar), he would be my next pick though. The Beast, or Adam, would not be that great in my opinion. He still would have a temper, he doesn't really know how to deal with people, and he might end up being just like he was at the start of the movie, spoiled and selfish. I dunno, but he's my choice." Animated_Paint
"He clearly wasn't close to the people before he was transformed- as in, nothing changed once he transformed and stopped ruling for 10 years- BUT I will defend him to the death against the Enchantress (he's 11, without parents, being stuck up isn't THE MOST TERRIBLE thing, and he can't go letting in every beggar who comes to his door- first of all, that would be trespassing on the Enchantress's part, second of all that would be a great way for him to get himself killed.) Also, if something were to go wrong, I could see him flying in a temper and getting very angry." rhythmicmagic

6: Aladdin
The King that sits on the Throne of Lies!
The King that sits on the Throne of Lies!

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t ask me how did he make it past three rulers who would have been better. He is in the same boat as Flynn but unlike Flynn everything that comes out of his mouth is lies!! He would just get bored as king and just hop on his magic rug and fly away leaving Jasmine to do the rest of the work. If he was Sultan he would sit on the throne of lies (Buddy the Elf).
"(Snape voice): Ob-viously" rhythmicmagic
"I'm absolutely bewildered that he's still here."

"Aladdin said himself that he is not the regular royal. There is also the fact that he is not responsible, rebellious, adventurous, seems like he has ADHD, and is sort of a compulsive liar. Him and Jasmine would probably play hooky a lot" Jayden-G
"Well, yeah Flynn is not really that trustworthy... but if you see the end... we don't know much about him and for all we know he's probably a good guy who steals for a laugh or too and gives in back. Don't get me wrong, I think Aladdin will be a nice ruler. All of them will be. I just don't think he'll participate willingly or without being asked. I see him having opinions and thoughts and values, but maybe Jasmine can explain better, I can see her really shining when she makes a speech. Aladdin will, too- but I don't think he'd say anything about a HUGE issue like helping China defeat the Huns XD Maybe he'd be good for smaller topics though. Like punishments for people who steal or lie." hajirah4

5: Eric
The Smiling Prince
The Smiling Prince

I voted for him as soon as Aladdin went out and he went out just like that! I thought I would be the only one to vote for him but something is wrong with his fan club right now. Anyway he didn’t do anything just stood around and smiled while Ariel did something stupid plus his let her where the pants of the family while he played the flute. Great king right there.
"Firstly, he does not seem to be the brightest bulb out of the pack. Even though he could have had education, it is obvious that he spent a majority of his life sailing. He might be illeterate, since he never asked Ariel to write to him. Also, he does not seem to be the one to have the first say, and let things be for the most part. He is a bit too humble" Jayden-G
" He lets Ariel wear the pants in the family, obviously. so he's a bit submissive for a guy (if it's bad for girls to be submissive it should be for guys also -_- ), when as king he needs to be more take charge with Ariel supporting him. instead it's Ariel deciding to do whatever while he just sits there and lets her." AudreyFreak
"i just think the others are better, as others have said here, he isnt all that smart and lets ariel run their kingdom for him
he's a nice guy ^^ just maybe, not the best ruler.." girlygirlspwn

4: Prince Charming
The Charming Ruler
The Charming Ruler

At this point of the countdown I feel like we were left some good kings. Fact that I just remembered for everyone who voted against PC (I was one of them!), he was gone doing kingly stuff in his kingdom and just came back and didn’t want the ball so I guess maybe we were a bit hard on him.

"Based on what we see of him (he's too lazy to get Cinderella himself, and falls in love with her based on looks alone [no, Phillip and Aurora did get to know each other a bit]), and is probably more of a spoiled prince than good leader material, like how British royals are today. The Prince at least is dedicated and loving." AudreyFreak
"I can't believe he made it into top 4!" BelleAnastasia
"He's No-Action-Man. Not exactly a politician trait." Popcornfan

3: The Prince

I think people forgot about him until the end. He was just going off looking for a girl. And his castle was in the sky so who knows what’s he’s the king of, Heaven?
"He's too romantic, he just wander around kingdoms to find one girl." fiina
"Like others have said, he wanders around in the forest. What is the state of his kingdom, and what about his you know... responsibilities?" Jayden-G
"The three classics and Shang- I never thought I'd see that be the final in a countdown!
He goes off after Snow White leaving the kingdom in the hands of- who?" rhythmicmagic

2: Prince Phillip
The Dragon Fighting Ruler
The Dragon Fighting Ruler

At this point of the countdown I knew we were left with the best. Unlike my last countdown I wasn’t face palming at my laptop, I was chewing my nails on who to pick. Phillip shows just about everything a king needs to be from brave too willing to fight got what you love. But the Man he was against showed him that being a king is the same thing as being a man.
"Not sure if Phillip is such a great ruler...wanting to give up his throne, spending time in the woods...." Swanpride
"Phillip would make a really good ruler, so it was hard to choose but Phillip would also give up his crown and throne for love. So I agree with Popcornfan and rhythmicmagic." CodyVenusTrent[/i[

1: Shang
The Warrior King
The Warrior King

This was a no brainer for a lot of people. Shang who was a kickass captain of the army would make the best king. If I was in his kingdom I would feel save knowing that he would have everything set and readying for just about anything.
[i]"Shang is a man that knows the world, or at least his country. He can also see when he's made a mistake and repair it-that's important.
Phillip did well in following his heart and want to get married to the peasant girl (Briar Rose), but it's not a ruler's quality. At least, not an important one." Popcornfan

"Shang DID lead his men, and he was very deft at it. He was tough and harsh when he needed to be, but he was also kind and compassionate under that. Shang was a selfless ruler who gave everything for his country and the people he led. And he wasn't even the leader of the whole country, just a small battalion.
Someone pointed out last round that Phillip's decision to marry Briar Rose instead of Princess Aurora could have led to strong political tensions- heck, the two kings were about to declare war when Stefan said he wanted time with Aurora." rhythmicmagic

Thank you for reading and thank you for the voters who commented. Please comment and tell me if you agree with the placing (Please remember they’re not my own) and you can comment your own ranking if you want to.
Here is Mine!
10: Aladdin
9: Naveen
8: The Beast
7: The Prince
6: Prince Eric
5: Prince Charming
4: John Smith
3: Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider
2: Prince Phillip
1: Shang
Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tabletop roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend you give it a try if you ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favorite hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Ok I'm giving this a second chance. So without furtherordo, here's my very own list of the most beautiful disney princesses.

17. Snow White
Snow being the last on this list is not to say that I think she's ugly, infact I find her rather cute but she starts the list of dps whom I love not for their looks but for their personality. She's as sweet as a treat.

16. Aurora
Same thing with her as with snow white but I have to say, her figure is quite statuesque also her hair is awesome.

15. Cinderella
I find Cinderella's smile to be her best physical feature but being one of the princesses with the...
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I know that once a month my list changes. Every month there is a change in the list of my favorite princesses. Sometimes I write about princesses missing from my list, sometimes about something I'm not sure about. But today I'm really going to rank princesses from least favorite to my favourite, and I'm going to try to be really honest. I count Megara, Esmeralda, Elsa and Anna too. I promise, this list will never change again.

16- Ariel
You may find it absurd that Ariel would suddenly drop to the bottom of my list when Ariel was in the middle of my list, but yes. I DO NOT hate Ariel. But I don't...
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added by PrueFever
Source: Aladdin
" Punz, have you ever wondered why I don't cut your hair?"
" Punz, have you ever wondered why I don't cut your hair?"
Disney's "Tangled" was such a good movie that Tangled had great characters. Of course, my favorite was Rapunzel, but I also loved mother Gothel. It's weird that I don't like mother Gothel. Because I hated every bad guy except Audrey and Hades. Audrey and Hades had points that sounded similar and logical to me. For example, Audrey was stabbed in the back and Hades was wronged, and it was funny, so I loved them both.

I've watched Tangled about seven times, and it's only the seventh time I've come to love mother Gothel. After all, Gothel was separating Rapunzel from her family, using her, and raising...
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posted by elsafan1010
Disney is a truly incredible studio, with great movies, novels, and terrific drawings that surpass Picasso. I love all of Disney's movies and they're really amazing. I can sit and watch Disney movies for hours. Today I'm going to share my Top 10 favorite Disney movies with you, and also explain why I love them.

10- Pocahontas
I don't like John Smith in the movie Pocahontas and I hate Poca and John's relationship. John Smith really embarrasses me and the scenes with him are disgusting. But frankly, I love all the characters except John Smith. Percy, Nakoma and Pocahontas are great characters....
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For those of you who don't know/remember Legend of Mor'Du was a short that was included on the Brave dvd. It started out like how Elinor explained it to Merida; the King leaves the kingdom to his 4 sons to rule together instead of leaving it all to the oldest, the oldest starts a war, and the entire kingdom falls to ruin. The short explains how Mor'Du met the witch and became a bear and what happened after.

Today's rewatch: Legend of Mor'Du
Last time watched: 2012

How much did I like this short when it came out?
When I watched this short I didn't know what to expect, especially with the witch telling...
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posted by elsafan1010
The most beautiful princesses are my favorite princesses, Elsa and Anna. Third, there's Belle. This article is about ugly princesses. I'll rank them from least ugliest to ugliest.

4- Mulan
Mulan isn't that ugly, she just has thick eyebrows when she's a man. Mulan's eyes are so ugly without makeup. If Mulan had stayed with make-up and long hair throughout the movie, she wouldn't be on this list.

3- Merida
The only thing I love about Merida is her long curly orange hair. His face and eyes are very round.

2- Kida
Kida's hair is white and her bangs are crooked. Also, her bangs are rectangular, which...
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İn my last article, I was talking about beauty of princesses. My Top 3 was like this:
1- Elsa
2- Anna
3- Aurora

But today, my article is about a more important thing. My value that I give to the Disney Princesses.

4- Princess Rapunzel

I love her. First of all, she is a kind and a cute princess. She really knows what love is, and she even loves DAME GOTHEL! When Dame Gothel fell out of the tower, she stretched out her hands towards her. Also she is a very clever and busy girl who has a lots of hobbies. I really liked her confident demeanor. Her hair is really long, and she knows how to use it....
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I liked Mulan very much because she was a brave girl who thought of her family and homeland. However, I admit that Mulan is a little ugly and is at the bottom of my beauty list. Some things that make this girl ugly. That is the subject of this article. And if you disagree with me, just state it in the comments. You don't need to hate me.

1- Eyebrows
Mulan's ugliest limb is her eyebrows. Mulan's eyebrows are too thick. They also rise much higher than they should. Fortunately, Mulan's eyes are so beautiful that she can hide the ugliness of the eyebrows in some photos.

2- Eyes and hair (when male)
Mulan looks beautiful with slim eyes and makeup, but I can't understand how she looks so big and ugly when she puts her hair in a bun and turns into a man. The shape of the hair she turned into a man does not suit her at all.
added by belle_ami
added by belle_ami
added by belle_ami
posted by whatsupbugs
Raya and the Dragon is a Disney animated film that was released in 2021. Like with a lot of Disney animated films, it's been getting great reviews. Does it deserve that? Does it live up to the hype? That's what this review is about.


Raya and the Last Dragon's plot is about people of different nations, who used to get along with each power, becoming rivals who fight over pieces of power. Raya's father dreamed of bringing peace to the nations, but it's Raya herself who will have to make that happen. It's up to her to find the last dragon, Sisu, and get her to bring peace to the world. Raya...
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Love is in the Air!
Love is in the Air!
Hi guys, since Valentine Day is today! Here are more songs from movies and musicals for this lovely day, ready?

1) (Everything I Do) I Do It For You

This theme from the 1991 film, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves would serve as the song for Snow White, Cinderella and Princess Aurora when their respective loved ones will sing to each other.

2) I Will Always Love You

Ariel and Eric will definitely sing this to each other at different location.

3) Book of Days

Since Belle love to read, this Enya song from the Far & Away is when Belle got her wish when she meets her Prince Charming in a gruffy form!...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
posted by whatsupbugs
Note: I don't have the technology to take pictures of my dolls and display them on here. In order to see what they look like, I suggest going to websites like Amazon for the first couple of dolls that I'll be reviewing.

For Christmas, I wanted to expand my Frozen doll collection. Thankfully, that did happen. The first Frozen film had several dolls, but they only made dolls of four characters: Princess Anna, Queen Elsa, Kristoff and Prince Hans. I was able to collect one of each in addition to getting a second Elsa later on. The second Frozen film has a more impressive line of dolls. There's...
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21 Languages used: Filipino, Afrikaans, Scots Gaelic, Hindi, Hawaiian, Punjabi, Japanese, Pashto, Bengali, Latin, Maori, Tamil, Marathi, Urdu, Russian, Finnish, Malay, Hungarian, Gujarati, Telugu and English.

I copy and pasted the information from link by clicking on the princesses names and copying the plot text in parts which were related to the couples whether referenced or physically in same scene.

Shang and Mulan's Translated Love Story

Snow flew over the hill. Facebook Facebook logo Sign up for Facebook to connect with Maurya Shanka Celebrating a win-win, Chinese football. Milla was like...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: https://dapsmagic.com/2020/10/disney-releases-trailer-poster-and-images-for-raya-and-the-last-dragon
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me