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One King to rule the all
One King to rule the all
So did a countdown for best ruler for the princesses and the princes. All around at the end of the film the princes change (sometimes more than the princesses) and so some could be better rulers than others. Now time for the rankings.

10: Naveen
The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince

I know Naveen was going go out first because of being the prince that got kicked out of his kingdom. Everyone said he just get bored and leave the palace to go play ukulele. But now that he’s with Tiana he may be a better ruler.
"He'd be too preoccupied with the fun part of life, to actually pay attention to his duties as a ruler." BelleAnastasia
"I agree...he doesn't even manage to concentrate on serving, I can totally see him just leaving an important meeting because it bores him." Swanpride

9: John Smith
The adventures ruler
The adventures ruler

I have to disagree with John Smith going out so soon and leaving worst rulers. He would have used his world smarts to keep peace in a kingdom but as people pointed out peace wouldn’t stay like that for long.
"Difficult, but I think that John Smith would want excitement too much- he might go starting a war just for a change of scenery." rhythmicmagic
"I don´t think he would stay in one place as he´s too adventurous. So he wouldn´t be able to rule in a proper way." CodyVenusTrent
"John Smith has clearly shown that he is good with leading and with people, and he is one of the more responsible princes." Jayden-G

8: Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider
The Ruler of the Smolder
The Ruler of the Smolder

His thieving ways would make him an awful ruler everyone said and that the king and queen were playing favorites by not killing him. I really disagreed. He would have been a great ruler maybe top 3 (which was a kind of disappointing top three), he could have used his wisdom of what was wrong with the kingdom to make the kingdom better and robber free. But no one agreed while a worst ruler kept one jump ahead still.
"I know Aladdin lied (Jasmine at least understood why he did it) but overall he does try to do what's right. Flynn did an unselfish thing in the end, which is good, but shows no remorse at all for his entire history of stealing (and he's dishonest, too). I'd like to see the scene where her parents realize it was him that stole the tiara. Haha." AudreyFreak
"I originally chose Aladdin, but then I thought about it. Flynn is not very responsible or trustworthy as well. He does not seem interested in being a royal, and he tried to rob from them. He did not show any remorse for his selfish actions (unlike Naveen and Aladdin), and is not one to keep his word (Sabbington Brothers). Aladdin is for sure next"Jayden-G

7: The Beast/Adam
The Prince that his kingdom has forgotten about him
The Prince that his kingdom has forgotten about him

I don’t know what to say about Adam because we don’t really know anything about him as a ruler in fact where are his parents! He was 11 when he became king so he wouldn’t be that wise. But how come no one in the village knew about this castle, king or Beast? So that’s why he went out with someone still one jump ahead.

"Aladdin too. But Aladdin obviously cared for the people of Agrabah (shown at the start of Return to Jafar), he would be my next pick though. The Beast, or Adam, would not be that great in my opinion. He still would have a temper, he doesn't really know how to deal with people, and he might end up being just like he was at the start of the movie, spoiled and selfish. I dunno, but he's my choice." Animated_Paint
"He clearly wasn't close to the people before he was transformed- as in, nothing changed once he transformed and stopped ruling for 10 years- BUT I will defend him to the death against the Enchantress (he's 11, without parents, being stuck up isn't THE MOST TERRIBLE thing, and he can't go letting in every beggar who comes to his door- first of all, that would be trespassing on the Enchantress's part, second of all that would be a great way for him to get himself killed.) Also, if something were to go wrong, I could see him flying in a temper and getting very angry." rhythmicmagic

6: Aladdin
The King that sits on the Throne of Lies!
The King that sits on the Throne of Lies!

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t ask me how did he make it past three rulers who would have been better. He is in the same boat as Flynn but unlike Flynn everything that comes out of his mouth is lies!! He would just get bored as king and just hop on his magic rug and fly away leaving Jasmine to do the rest of the work. If he was Sultan he would sit on the throne of lies (Buddy the Elf).
"(Snape voice): Ob-viously" rhythmicmagic
"I'm absolutely bewildered that he's still here."

"Aladdin said himself that he is not the regular royal. There is also the fact that he is not responsible, rebellious, adventurous, seems like he has ADHD, and is sort of a compulsive liar. Him and Jasmine would probably play hooky a lot" Jayden-G
"Well, yeah Flynn is not really that trustworthy... but if you see the end... we don't know much about him and for all we know he's probably a good guy who steals for a laugh or too and gives in back. Don't get me wrong, I think Aladdin will be a nice ruler. All of them will be. I just don't think he'll participate willingly or without being asked. I see him having opinions and thoughts and values, but maybe Jasmine can explain better, I can see her really shining when she makes a speech. Aladdin will, too- but I don't think he'd say anything about a HUGE issue like helping China defeat the Huns XD Maybe he'd be good for smaller topics though. Like punishments for people who steal or lie." hajirah4

5: Eric
The Smiling Prince
The Smiling Prince

I voted for him as soon as Aladdin went out and he went out just like that! I thought I would be the only one to vote for him but something is wrong with his fan club right now. Anyway he didn’t do anything just stood around and smiled while Ariel did something stupid plus his let her where the pants of the family while he played the flute. Great king right there.
"Firstly, he does not seem to be the brightest bulb out of the pack. Even though he could have had education, it is obvious that he spent a majority of his life sailing. He might be illeterate, since he never asked Ariel to write to him. Also, he does not seem to be the one to have the first say, and let things be for the most part. He is a bit too humble" Jayden-G
" He lets Ariel wear the pants in the family, obviously. so he's a bit submissive for a guy (if it's bad for girls to be submissive it should be for guys also -_- ), when as king he needs to be more take charge with Ariel supporting him. instead it's Ariel deciding to do whatever while he just sits there and lets her." AudreyFreak
"i just think the others are better, as others have said here, he isnt all that smart and lets ariel run their kingdom for him
he's a nice guy ^^ just maybe, not the best ruler.." girlygirlspwn

4: Prince Charming
The Charming Ruler
The Charming Ruler

At this point of the countdown I feel like we were left some good kings. Fact that I just remembered for everyone who voted against PC (I was one of them!), he was gone doing kingly stuff in his kingdom and just came back and didn’t want the ball so I guess maybe we were a bit hard on him.

"Based on what we see of him (he's too lazy to get Cinderella himself, and falls in love with her based on looks alone [no, Phillip and Aurora did get to know each other a bit]), and is probably more of a spoiled prince than good leader material, like how British royals are today. The Prince at least is dedicated and loving." AudreyFreak
"I can't believe he made it into top 4!" BelleAnastasia
"He's No-Action-Man. Not exactly a politician trait." Popcornfan

3: The Prince

I think people forgot about him until the end. He was just going off looking for a girl. And his castle was in the sky so who knows what’s he’s the king of, Heaven?
"He's too romantic, he just wander around kingdoms to find one girl." fiina
"Like others have said, he wanders around in the forest. What is the state of his kingdom, and what about his you know... responsibilities?" Jayden-G
"The three classics and Shang- I never thought I'd see that be the final in a countdown!
He goes off after Snow White leaving the kingdom in the hands of- who?" rhythmicmagic

2: Prince Phillip
The Dragon Fighting Ruler
The Dragon Fighting Ruler

At this point of the countdown I knew we were left with the best. Unlike my last countdown I wasn’t face palming at my laptop, I was chewing my nails on who to pick. Phillip shows just about everything a king needs to be from brave too willing to fight got what you love. But the Man he was against showed him that being a king is the same thing as being a man.
"Not sure if Phillip is such a great ruler...wanting to give up his throne, spending time in the woods...." Swanpride
"Phillip would make a really good ruler, so it was hard to choose but Phillip would also give up his crown and throne for love. So I agree with Popcornfan and rhythmicmagic." CodyVenusTrent[/i[

1: Shang
The Warrior King
The Warrior King

This was a no brainer for a lot of people. Shang who was a kickass captain of the army would make the best king. If I was in his kingdom I would feel save knowing that he would have everything set and readying for just about anything.
[i]"Shang is a man that knows the world, or at least his country. He can also see when he's made a mistake and repair it-that's important.
Phillip did well in following his heart and want to get married to the peasant girl (Briar Rose), but it's not a ruler's quality. At least, not an important one." Popcornfan

"Shang DID lead his men, and he was very deft at it. He was tough and harsh when he needed to be, but he was also kind and compassionate under that. Shang was a selfless ruler who gave everything for his country and the people he led. And he wasn't even the leader of the whole country, just a small battalion.
Someone pointed out last round that Phillip's decision to marry Briar Rose instead of Princess Aurora could have led to strong political tensions- heck, the two kings were about to declare war when Stefan said he wanted time with Aurora." rhythmicmagic

Thank you for reading and thank you for the voters who commented. Please comment and tell me if you agree with the placing (Please remember they’re not my own) and you can comment your own ranking if you want to.
Here is Mine!
10: Aladdin
9: Naveen
8: The Beast
7: The Prince
6: Prince Eric
5: Prince Charming
4: John Smith
3: Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider
2: Prince Phillip
1: Shang
This is chapter one of my new fan fiction, The Neverending Sadness inside. It's a duel perspective story, so when you see * * *, it means the perspective has changed from one character to another. Thank you so much for checking this out, and I hope you all enjoy!! (Warning, this will be prettyyyy depressing..) :)

It's been thirty days since I got the news. An entire month since I got the news that would change my life, well it should've at least. Nothing has changed though. I'm still stuck in this rut that I've been in all my life.

I slowly put on my gloves and sigh. Anna's right outside the...
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Since I am trying to make the Princess Of The Month more popular, this is another one of my ideas. In the end of each month I'll post articles, based on the countdowns for songs, hairstyles and outfits. There everybody will have the chance to discuss whether they agree with the results, what corresponded to their expectations, and what they wish would have been different!

I was recently informed that the problem with the pictures in the articles is gone, and now the pictures can be put inside the text. However, I'm going to continue using mainly pictures for my articles, because first of all, that's what I've been doing for the rest of the articles from these series, and second, I like this way of doing articles! So maybe at some point I will switch back to the explanatory and sophisticated words articles, but for the time being I will stick to my picture articles!

Here are the results of the POTM Hairstyles Countdown: ~*Pocahontas*~ (May 2013)! Enjoy and share your opinion!
"This is terrible but funny. :)" - Siren-Lamia
"This is terrible but funny. :)" - Siren-Lamia
"the most deformed" - Popcornfan
"the most deformed" - Popcornfan
"Silly hairstyle." - miltonGANZ
"Silly hairstyle." - miltonGANZ
"pretty funny XD" - tiffany88
"pretty funny XD" - tiffany88
"Terrible." - BraBrief
"Terrible." - BraBrief
"Ugly" - LightningRed
"Ugly" - LightningRed
"I also like Pocahontas with the helmet" - rhythmicmagic
"I also like Pocahontas with the helmet" - rhythmicmagic
"I like the ball updo, it's regal and elegant" - rhythmicmagic
"I like the ball updo, it's regal and elegant" - rhythmicmagic
" the messy up-do is amazing" - Jessikaroo
" the messy up-do is amazing" - Jessikaroo
"I just love the braid" - Jayden-G
"I just love the braid" - Jayden-G
"Loose is gorgeous" - Jessikaroo
"Loose is gorgeous" - Jessikaroo
Since the last time I wrote this article my list has changed a bit and I also decided to write this article again so that I could include Anna and Elsa. Also want to point out none of these screencaps are from disneyscreencaps.com, I found them on Disney Wiki so I don't know their original sources

13. Tiana

I like Tiana despite having her as my least favorite Disney Princess, but she's a person that I'm not striving after being more like and of course I can't relate to her at all except we both have a passion for food, other than that we're each others opposites and I find Tiana too realistic...
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added by sweetie-94
With Frozen less than a month away, I figured I should do this before we add them into the mix of things. It took me quite a while to get this together and I'm not completely positive of my top 4.

11. Cinderella (Previously 11)

I'm just not a fan. Lots of people find her stunning, but not me. /; Her eyes and mouth kinda creep me out a little. I don't even think she has a nose, it's that invisible o-o A lot of her wardrobe I like though, especially her wedding dress which is my favorite of all time.♥

10. Snow White (Previously 10)

I'm sure if Snow was matured and older, she would...
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added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
The new princecatcher93
The new princecatcher93
I updated again after a movie party link. And now with a new movie out I get to rank it (It will be spoiler free) and I learned to like some other ones more, learned to dislike some, and learned to love others a lot move. I’ll be giving each film a chance to get four stars (my newspaper does four so I go by the half stars) they have nothing to do with the ranking, just how many I would give it, if I wasn’t doing a summary ranking. So here it is my updated ranking (My Favorite Movies changes almost every week so this is just for this week.) Oh something big that will be playing out for me...
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posted by PrincessVT
"Cleo, I'm going to the super...stay put," Cleo's dad said opening her princess stickered door. She was 7 and had an obsession of princesses!

Cinderella has a beautiful dress!
Tiana has a voice of an angel!
Ariel is a mermaid!
Merida is so brave!
Aurora looks beautiful while she sleeps!

Cleo was playing with her princess action figures. She used her Tiana. "Oh no it's Bigfoot run!" Tiana screeched

"I can save t' day with me bow and arrow!" Merida said. "Here we go again," Jasmine said

Until a magic portal popped up on Cleo's pink painted wall. It was no other than Timon and Pumbba!

"Hey Cloe!" Timon...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
How is it that my list, besides numbers 1-3, is constantly changing? I love them all, just some more than others. Yet everytime I rewatch one of their movies, it's like seeing them for the very first time. And of course I am a woman, and we are known for always changing our mind ;) Anyways, here is my updated favorite Princess list.

9. Aurora
She used to be my 7th favorite, now she is 9th. It doesn't mean I love her any less; it basically boils down to the fact that I just want to see more of her. Anytime I watch Sleeping Beauty, I'm always skipping to the parts with her in it, and before I know...
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posted by DreamyGal
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I hope no one sees through my disguise.
I know what I’ve done is not very wise.
But I stand behind my choice.
When this is all said and done hopefully my family will rejoice.
My Father is just too old and weak,
And won’t take any of our critique.
So I decided to go in his place.
I left in the middle of the night without a trace.
I have to act brave and strong,
And hopefully nothing will go wrong.
But something has messed up my plan.
I think I’m falling in love with a man.
No, not a soldier, my Captain!
I don’t really know how it happened or when.
I do know that he doesn’t feel the same.
I am, after...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://tinkeperi.tumblr.com/post/64857305938/disney-princess-snow-white
EDIT: Since I watched Frozen thanks to the amazing dclairmont and the equally amazing Safira-09, I decided to include Elsa and Anna in this list.

Hello, hello. Welcome to my first countdown. Today, my pupils, we're going to read "Silverrose1991's Prettiest Princess". Before we start, silverrose1991 wants to remind you that all characters mentioned in this article are owned by Disney.

Let's get started.

13. Rapunzel

Rapunzel is cute. Not beautiful, but plain and pretty in a childlike way. Her seventy-feet long golden hair is her best feature, but the freckles in her face are a very nice touch too....
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://disneyprincessanna.tumblr.com/post/55771256935/frozen-costumes-anna-and-elsa
added by justinfangrrl
Source: ?
posted by princesslullaby
In this article we wrote about Megara's opinion on the princesses with her personality at the END of the movie.
This article was written collectively by: princesslullaby, diluka96, DreamyGal, cromulanfav, JonnaSe, & Doggy

Megara would think Aurora is the typical air-headed love obsessed blonde girl that she's trying to avoid. I t would bother her that Aurora is so sensitive, that she just started crying when fairies told her she has to marry prince. Aurora might remind Megara of the girl who stole her boyfriend away.

9.Snow White
Megara would find Snow White too perky-positive,...
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added by jessowey
Source: disneywallpapers.info
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the anticipated, the nerve-wrecking...
Ack. This looks girly, I know. But I was in a rush, and I really liked this and so I just smacked on some fonts and... tadaaaa!
Ack. This looks girly, I know. But I was in a rush, and I really liked this and so I just smacked on some fonts and... tadaaaa!

Let us start with...

No doubt about it, he's very logical, down-to-earth, intelligent, creative, and has a great sense of humor! He seems like the kind of person who could grow up as a writer or journalist, and always works hard. This guy, like Roger Radcliffe, will never give up!

Next up is...
Don't pretend like you didn't see this coming!
Don't pretend like you didn't see this coming!

She's bold (literally),...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
1 = Rapunzel makes the best out of living in a tower with her pet chameleon. She has no internet, no phone, nothing. Which is why I don't like it when people say she can do too many positive things, or she has too many positive traits. Her step-mother probably taught them to her so that she wouldn't be bored everyday while she's stuck up there.

2 = Rapunzel doesn't rebel the first time. She listens to Mother Gothel, and stays put. When she see's Flynn, she doesn't welcome him in. And when she does knock him out, she's proud to tell Mother Gothel.

3 = After she's out of the tower, she keeps thinking...
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posted by Beauty230405
15. Peter Pan- I find him to be more cute than hot. He reminds me of a little boy and I find that so cute. When I was younger I wanted him to be my boyfriend though. I guess since I'm older I'm into the more manlier men in Disney.

14. Hercules- I don't know what it is.. but I just don't find him all that hot. Sure, he's manly and strong but when he was skinny and weak I prefer him. They made him too strong and his body was weird to me.

13. Flynn- Blame it on the animation that he's so low on the list.. If he was animated like the rest of the Disney guys I would definitely put him higher. He's...
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