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The Red Devil's Chronicles

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called The Red Devil's Chronicles - thereddevilschronicles's JimdoPage!
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Welcome to The Red Devil Chronicles, a Devil May Cry Fan Site dedicated to fans of the series.
Due to DmC not being part of the Devil May Cry series, there is NO DmC content on this website except for my review of the game.
Anyway, please click the following on the left of the page to browse images, links, etc. If you\'re experiencing some troubles viewing the images, I suggest you use Firefox or Google Chrome (they\'re free ;)) as your browser instead of whatever browser it is that you\'re currently using.
Also, all images on this website will not allow you to save them. So if you have a keyboard meant for Windows or Dell computers, use the "prt sc" button to take a screenshot, then crop it on whatever program you have that requires cropping. If you\'re not satisified with the image sizes, you can leave a comment or message me (check the Links/Videos section) about getting bigger images. This site only requires one size images.
And comments being made on this site do not require a reply button, so if you leave a comment on this website, make sure to check in once in awhile for a reply ;)
(Keep scrolling down to see the latest news & gallery updates)
[Posted Nov. 4, 2012] Due to a lot of memory filling on this website, I will be deleting My Personal Fave Photomanips and My Personal Fave Mods galleries, and transfer the images to my Photobucket account ->
[Posted Jan. 8, 2013] Due to DmC not being part of the Devil May Cry series, all DmC images and trailer videos are removed.
[Posted Nov. 17, 2013] A new gallery opened for Street Fighter X All CapCom characters ->
[Posted July 4, 2014] Mission 20 (final mission) screenshots of DMC3 reuploaded in the DMC3 gallery ->
More promotional artwork added in the Devil May Cry Anime gallery ->
[Posted Jun. 20, 2014] 52nd fact added in the Series Trivia section (scroll all the way to bottom) ->
           (Keep scrolling down for the newest entries)
[Posted Sept. 30, 2012] All September updates for Devil May Cry series ->
Posted Oct. 31, 2012] All October updates of Devil May Cry series ->
[Posted Nov. 30, 2012] All November updates of Devil May Cry series ->
So I guess my Devil May Cry website got reviewed and rated without letting me know there was gonna be some reviewing :) And I have to say, I\'m very proud of this mark they gave to this website :D
[Posted Jan. 8, 2013] Due to DmC not being part of the Devil May Cry series, all images and trailer videos have been removed from this site. But my review of the game will stay.
[Posted Feb. 28, 2013] Here\'s a couple good news in a blog entry I made on Deviantart of what\'s going on with our beloved series :) ->
[Posted Mar. 31, 2013] Here\'s a few more updates in a blog entry about what\'s going on with the series ->
[Posted Apr. 30, 2013] Updates for this month ->
[Posted Aug. 1, 2013] New fighting game with Dante and Vergil as playable characters ->
[Posted Sept. 30, 2013] All September updates of Devil May Cry series ->
[Posted Oct. 31, 2013] All October updates of Devil May Cry series ->
[Posted Nov. 30, 2013] All November updates of Devil May Cry series ->
[Posted Dec. 31, 2013] All December updates of Devil May Cry series ->
[Posted Jan. 31, 2014] All updates from this month in my Deviantart group journal here ->
[Posted Feb. 28, 2014] There were originally 2 updates for this month but this blog entry I made makes it clearer of what\'s been going on ->
[Posted May 29. 2014] According to the description of this image, there\'s a rumour surfacing that CapCom revealed a silhouette pic of a familiar character we all love, that will be revealed at E3. Turns out the pic is a fake. Here\'s the original ->
Due to the group\'s setting, the pic may not be able to be seen. But what the pic is is of RE6 Leon\'s silhouette with Rebellion and the coat drawn on. That\'s one hell of a troll right there :/
An unbelievable blog. This blog will indisputably be definitely recommended to my friends as well.
I guess I haven’t read such unique material anywhere else online.
I just shared this on Facebook! My buddies will really like it!
I don\'t want to think about the reasons for why they might be thinking of making a DmC 2, and I don\'t want to think about or see what bullcrap they\'re going to say about it, so *Takes your invisible gun and pretends to shoot myself in the head*
Oh cool Dante has Alastor in that Onimusha game :D
So VINO basically turns into Vergil in his devil trigger? And DINO basically turns into Dante with the color scheme in his devil trigger. So what are they saying? That they think the old designs were cool? Hmmmmmmmmmm... there\'s not even any point mentioning this anymore is there -.-
Well I guess CAPCOM must have really intended to replace the old series with DmC if the save files are called DMC5 saves. So EVEN IF CAPCOM DOES go back to making the old series, anything they say about how DmC was never meant to replace it seems like bullshit
I hope this Operation Crazy thing goes well ^^ I wanted to get the HD collection for my 360 as well anyway so I guess I can actually support somebody in a cause like this for once by buying a 360 copy next time I see one
Hooray! The fact that Project X Zone is coming here deserves celebration! I hope since the whole project isn\'t being controlled by CAPCOM they won\'t be allowed to change Dante to DINO for the north american release (cause from what they\'ve been doing it seems like something they\'d try to do). Or maybe they WANT to have a new game out in north america with the real Dante in it because now that DmC is out they think it\'s not working out XD
I\'m not gonna say for sure that I think they DID steal ideas from that mugshot style image, but with all they said about it it seems pretty likely that they were highly influenced by it. And besides I wouldn\'t be surprised if absolutely every inch of DmC is a copy of something. I think it\'d be pretty cool if someone went through the trouble of finding everything that Ninja Theory/Capcom could\'ve stole from and made a big article about it XD
(As long as that person has nothing better to do for good reasons and is just doing it for fun)
Wow. The Japanese do a good job of making DmC actually LOOK cool. Oh and Mundus in that video says he\'s a god and then seemingly calls himself a piece of shit afterwards thanks to the editing XD
I don\'t get it. They say by the time they made dmc4 with Nero and his approach to more casual gamers, not many new people wanted to play anyway because of how DMC has been in the past. Soooo..... Why is this new game called DmC Devil May Cry then? Why didn\'t they call it something different? If they\'re saying that even if they make the gameplay more casual then new people still won\'t wanna play it since it\'s Devil May Cry, what makes them think any of those same people are gonna wanna play a game called "Dmc: DEVIL MAY CRY". If they really wanted new people to be able to get into it and learn stuff like they\'re saying, why didn\'t they just make a completely NEW series with DMC style gameplay and go on about how it\'s meant for casual gamers
I agree with you about the on-disc dlc thing. Like I don\'t think it\'s IMPOSSIBLE for them to not have on-disc dlc, but I have no reason to take their word on it. And I don\'t think anyone who already has a problem with things like that should trust them either
That sure is some score they gave your site XD I\'m so happy for you ^^
@Caitax Bookmarking: Thanks :) And don\'t you mean sis?
Great webpage brother I am gona inform this to all my friends and contacts.
(Not sure if this will reply back) Hey Ninja-Rabbit! :3 Thanks for the comment :D
First comment, t =) It\'s ninja-rabbit from DA and I quite enjoy the site, so informative, and loovvve all the pictures! keep up the awesome work!!
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