Critical Analysis of Twilight Club
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Ok people,no violence and bad response's allowed in here,
and I actually risked my life making a critical Edward Cullen spot please understand:)

This is an extract taken from:
[u]Response to "Analysis of the Opposite!"
From:The HP vs. Twilight spot.



A small extract:

Edward is, undoubtedly, an abusive boyfriend. Yes, I know that he has never hit her, he has never intentionally hurt her. Just so you know, there are other types of abuse. Edward abuses Bella psychologically as well as abusing her rights. There may even be some physical abuse in there, as well. He always messes with her emotions, sometimes even intentionally. He purposely dazzles her with his "gorgeous eyes" in order to get his way. He also takes away many of her rights. He forces her to go to the prom with him when she clearly does not want to. He does everything he can to keep her away from Jacob, who had done so much for her in New Moon, simply because he doesn't like the guy. He even goes as far as to remove the engine from her truck and convince Alice to hold her hostage! He also stalks Bella. Stalking does not equal love. Stalking equals obsession, which can be very dangerous to Bella. He watches her sleep and invades her privacy before he is even officially her boyfriend. That is surely a sign of being deeply disturbed mentally. He constantly reminds her of how superior he is to her, how she is such a klutz and how she is so stupid, lowering her already low self confidence to an abysmal level. Another instance is in New Moon. He leaves her, which he knows will destroy her. However, that is not the abusive part. The abusive part is when he steals all of the things she owns which may remind her of him. Not only is thievery wrong, but he won't even let her deal with her depression in her own way. He just made everything worse for her. The physical abuse is at the very end of Twilight. She is in the hospital, and he forces painkillers on her. Another instance of physical abuse was in Breaking Dawn, when he makes it clear that if not for Rosalie, he would have forced an abortion upon Bella. He has no respect for Bella whatsoever. People still say he is a good boyfriend? His only redeeming feature is that he is good looking. He sure doesn't have a life, he has no hobbies nor does he have a personality (other than being creepy). There is a lot more to being a good boyfriend than looking pretty.

Thanks XDRoseLuvsHP for making this article to point out some great facts!
added by cassie-1-2-3
added by cassie-1-2-3
added by cassie-1-2-3
*I'm sorry if I offended anyone on this spot, I just did this to be funny, not mean..same with my Twilight fangirl article*

1) If you know a girl who despises Twilight and is crazy about hating it, send them a box with a poster of Edward with the words "My Dream Guy" on the poster
2) Tell a Twilight hater that Ron Weasley is Emmett's b***h
3) Tell them that REAL men sparkle
4) When a group of Twilight haters are surrounding you, stand in the middle of the group and shout out "I'M A CULLEN, EVERYONE!" then sing "I am a vampire" by Antsy Pantsy
5) Write a letter to President Obama convincing him...
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Yeah, I know all the uber-fans are saying "Well, why didn't you see it sooner?" and all the antis are saying "The world DOESN'T need Twilight!"But I ask that you listen to what I have to say, anyway.

As strange as it seems, the world actually needs Twilight. It does some good things for us. I am mostly an anti, so it took all my prainpower to come up with these reasons, but here they are, and the more I think on it, the more I realize they're true.


10. It teaches us new words.
I know alot of you are rolling your eyes. Yes, I know what has been said about the "Thesaurus Rape" problem, but...
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If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. (Romans 12:18~ New Testament of the Bible)
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. (Romans 12:18~ New Testament of the Bible)
I felt like writing this article after reading a fellow ex-CAT member's article on Twilight haters. I also had a 'talk' with another ex-CAT member.

"4) Twi-haters, this isn’t a hater or anti spot. Don’t abuse it. Do not make personal attacks against Stephenie Meyer or her fans, and don’t throw nasty or immature insults at Twilight. This is supposed to be “Critical Analysis of Twilight”, not “Mindless Bashing of Twilight”."
~Dearheart link

"And Twi-haters – it’s okay to poke Twilight and be deliciously witty and sarcastic...but don’t get nasty. There is a fine line between...
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posted by kayleebabee
In my opinion Bella cannot do anything but whinge I have got here a direct quote from SM's Eclipse,
"Whenever I talked about jacob, His tawny eyes seemed to get a little bit darker my voice turned pleading in response."
Translation: Pleading = whiny
When Edward Leaves in new moon she goes into a "deep depression" I.e is so hung up on Edward that when he leaves she practically goes insane, and yet she still does not place the blame firmly where it belongs at Jasper Hales gaddamned door and he was all like hey are we cool? I would have been like No way get away from me you freak you tried to kill...
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OK, I know you guys are thinking: "What?! How dare you! Bella and Edward's love is the best and most romantic love of all times!111Elevntyone!!!1" And then, you're going to say I'm just some guy who hasn't read the books. I'm not. I'm a teenage girl, and I have read all the books. Even Bree Tanner and that bit of Midnight Sun on Meyer's website.

I'll just discuss the reasons why it's not true love.

Physical Attraction
...And more of it.
Picture this. Our great female lead is in an average high-school cafetaria, surrounded by average, high school kids. It's noisy and loud, and she wishes she was...
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The Harry Potter vs Twilight war is a huge phenomenon in the literary world. We have articles floating around in the Internet (even in CAT) where both camps vehemently defend their fandoms. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but today, I am not going to take sides. How it started, and how it evolved in a full-scale clash between fans of both series is something I would cover in this article.

It started off with a few websites claiming Twilight is the new Harry Potter. Harry Potter fans, of course, would not take it sitting down, and they wrote articles with reasons why Harry Potter is better than...
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posted by renrae
We have a discussion on the forums here about noteworthy things in twilight. I picked Angela, and now I realize that Jessica is noteworthy, too.

We'll start with Jessica!Hate. Besides Lauren, Jessica is probably the most hated human friend that Bella has. Reasons Twilighters give for this are 'Jessica is a brat', 'she ignores her in book two', 'she's too hyper', and 'i just don't like her'. Some of those are just ridiculous. 'Jessica is a brat'. How? How is Jessica a brat? Answer: She isn't. 'she ignores bella in book two' I'll elaborate on this one later, because it's pretty big. 'shes...
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1. In Twilight, the "romance" as they call it is just there from the beginning. In Percy Jackson and the Olympians (We'll call it PJO), the Percy-Annabeth relationship was apparent from the start, but built up until the kiss in Battle of The Labryrinth and eventually their relationship began in The Last Olympian.
2. In Battle Of The Labryrinth, Percy ran into Greek mythology's equivilent to vampires: the empousai. These were ugly creatures who had flaming hair, one goat leg, one metal leg, fangs, were deadly poisonous, and usually disguised themselves as mean cheerleaders. In Twilight, the...
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added by Kaidi
Source: somewhere from Google images.
added by Mallory23
Analyzing the Twilight Phenomena

First off, I’d like to mention that I am not a psychologist. Everything you read is just my own analyzing and since I am interested in Psychology and Behaviorism I decided to make an article of what I think is the basic reason for Twilight’s enormous popularity. I hope you will enjoy it.

Recently I came across a post at the Forums that said about Twilight: ” [it’s] a bit childish to say its a failure, because if it is, then why do so many people (And not just crazy teenage girls either) love Twilight huh?”.

I have seen this argument countless of times...
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added by laureng114
added by McDreamyluva
I was in the eleventh grade when I first read the fourth book : Breaking Dawn. Here I will express my opinion about it.

I liked actually the first parts of the book,they really got me interested and then when I read the other chapters of the book I got really,really bored and almost fell asleep. I think that it was very good that Bella finally became a vampire because it was time for her to overcome her fear and insecurities.
I wondered what would have happened if Bella had made an abortion and haven't given birth to that spawn. It would be very interesting if that had happened. Actually I liked the book better than the film and I liked only the first part of the film because it was more interesting and had some kind of storyline.
I personally regret having watched the second part of the film .
Please no Jacob hate. Thx:)
Everything and Nothing-Boom Circuits
One more body left all alone[Jacob is left by Bella]
She's made another heart her home[Bella choosing Edward]
Lost between the sea and the sky
An angel learning how to fly[i think this is how Bella is learning to adjust to her new vampire-self or Jacob learning to cope with the situation]

She floats above our bodies asleep in their graves
Dancing in the moonlight glow[i feel like this is Bella once Jacob is dead. Shes like dancing because she is content with her life?]

(I can't have her, save me from her)[repeated throughout song....
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For those who like the basic vampire romance dynamic in Twilight but don’t necessarily like its execution, I highly recommend the Swedish vampire film Let the Right One In. I just rented this a few days ago and fell in love with it. I think it’s one of my top films of all time. It has many elements that are similar to Twilight in terms of vampire romance, but it treats the subject much more seriously and is a bit truer to the vampire characteristics traditional to the last fifty years of movie-making.

It’s about a boy named Oskar who’s bullied at school and is in a pretty bad place....
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posted by Dragonclaws
The Critical Analysis of Twilight spot has always been controversial. Twilight fans frequently report distaste with the spot, thinking it’s a hate spot. The response is that it’s not a hate spot but sometimes antis get carried away and antis should watch to make sure they don’t intimidate Twilight fans, but that Twilight fans should grow a tougher skin. Normally I would agree with this sentiment, but I feel that C.A.T. has become more of an anti-Twilight spot that is largely unfriendly to the Twilight fan. I think the fundamental problem with the C.A.T. spot is that it tries to be for...
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