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Arrow Season 4: Charlotte Ross' Return Extended for Multiple Episodes

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Arrow Season 4: Charlotte Ross’ Return Extended for Multiple Episodes | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
spitfire’s Season 4 visit has been extended into multiple episodes.
Arrow Deleted Scene: Oliver Leaves the City in [Spoiler]’s Hands
TVLine — which last month broke the news of Charlotte Ross’ return for Episode 6 of the new season (premiering Wednesday, Oct. 7) — now has learned that Donna Smoak will also appear in Episodes 9 and 10.
Sure sounds like mom and daughter will have a lot to discuss/deal with, yes…? A certain CEO’s
RELATEDArrow Season 4 Preview: Diggle’s ‘Emotional’ Arc, ‘Challenged’ Felicity, [Spoiler]’s New Job and More
Mama Smoak is awesome. Now give me Papa Smoak and his evil ways please. 7 days away :)
Mama smoak is the best mum next to moira rip on Arrow. I’m so excited she’s coming back.
Might as well change the name of the show to Felicity in the City
Laurel, Thea and Oliver, and Tommy have all had their parents on the show for multiple episodes. Felicity’s mom being on the show for multiple episodes doesn’t suddenly make the show all about her.
I don’t get this. People complained we didn’t know enough about Felicity and now that we’re getting development it’s suddenly a problem.
Everyone has had their parents on the show why not felicity. Stay bitter.
What about Roy, Ray, Diggle, Lyla? Even Slade has a boy he mentioned twice that we never saw or heard from ever again.
Roy isn’t on the show anymore and Ray is part of the spin off so that is where we will learn more about him. Diggle’s family story is Lyla and baby Sara. Plus his brother all of which I hope we see developed further next season.
Yeah I know all of that. It’s just that it was said that we saw “everyone’s parents” on the show, and I was poitning out that that wasn’t true. Not hating, just saying :)
Felicity deserves a storyline that’s about her as much as anyone. I’ve waited 4 years to learn more about her. So I’m very happy. Doesn’t mean the show is about her. Just means she’s getting some long overdue focus. About time.
Exactly. Another recent complaint that’s gained ground is Felicity not getting any development external to Oliver [though that’s all part of the reasoning that Olicity ruined season 3, if not all of civilization as we know it]. Now we get to see her in a corporate setting and learn more about her parents. Mama Smoak is an amazing recurring character who should be there more than just the slated three episodes; she’s comic gold, and another big complaint about season 3 was it was too dark and dour [again, completely Olicity’s fault even though the death of another beloved character shadowed the entire arc and created a void filled by… you know; but bygones and lady vigilante friendship and good portents and all that].
Haters gotta be desperate to find something to hate, I guess.
We do know about her. We knew where she came from before Donna was ever a part of the show. We knew that her mother worked in Vegas, her father left them when she was young, we knew she went to MIT and wanted to make something of herself more than her single mother whom she looked down upon. Who is due for overdue focus is Diggle and his brother’s connection to HIVE, which I’m glad they are getting to this season.
bullcrap her drama was just one of the reasons season 3 wasnt that good and we got a whole freakin episode about her and her past
It is kind of funny how all the other main characters have parents in present day, as well as in the flashbacks, throughout all three seasons. Felicity’s mother has appeared in exactly two episodes. People really can be bitter if it’s not about their favorite storyline/character. Charlotte Ross is wonderful and I wish she were a regular character, especially now that Moira (RIP) is no longer in the show. Also, this show has had awesome action and great villains all three seasons. That will not change.
Everyone’s parents but Oliver’s, this show never had its priorities straight.
nooooooooooooooooo! this show is getting so… domestic :(
The show started out domestic…We have actually seen less of the “domestic” side of the show in season three than we did in s1 and s2. If you are upset that Oliver is settling down and isn’t being a man whore anymore, then that’s one thing. But to claim the show is suddenly becoming something it wasn’t before is a lie. Because it has always been about family…
I’m actually happy we’re seeing them more outside of their masks. I missed that balance in season 3. But a return of Mama Smoak doesn’t necessarily mean domestic. Maybe something bad happens to Felicity while her mom is in town for the holidays.
Well, season three was all about Oliver trying to expunge all domesticity out of his life because of stupid manpain reasons, and the season was panned on a general scale. I really wish some people could figure out what they want… and lines like “I want it just like the comics!” are very naive at this point.
Yes! Love Mama Smoak! Can’t wait to learn more about the Smoak family. Especially Papa Smoak.
Yes! So excited Charlotte Ross is returning for more epsiodes as Felicity’s mom, Donna. I’m looking forward to seeing her share scenes with Felicity and Oliver, of course, but really hoping she gets to meet & start up a thing with Quentin. That man needs some story and Donna & Quentin would be a riot together.
I just posted about this!! I would love to see it!
I wonder if Mama Smoak and Quentin Lance would meet!? Quentin needs someone in his life.
Oh I am so excited! Love Charlotte Ross’ portrayal of Mama Smoak. And if she’s appearing over 9 & 10, my spidey senses tingle there’s big things happening either for or to Felicity. Nine is typically the mid-season finale. Hmm… speculate away!
Yay! Charlotte Ross is awesome, I can’t wait to see how she’ll be involved in Felicity’s storyline.
This is wonderful news Matt! Charlotte Ross is fantastic in this role, and I love the energy she brings. I hope we get more scenes of her with Diggle and Oliver, and what about Malcolm and Thea as well — I would love to see that.
Woohoo for the return of Mama Smoak! Hope this translates to more Felicity/Donna moments and we get to learn more about my favorite ninja hacker goddess’ backstory. Also hoping for more Donna/Oliver and Donna/Diggle moments because I think those are going to be a lot of fun. Could this also spell the re-emergence of Papa Smoak? #IfWishesWereHorses, indeed (I always want to add “we’d all be eating steak,” thank you, Firefly).
Snaps for the Firefly reference. Can we add Donna to our regularly featured list of Big Damn Heroes? And yes, heroes without masks are included in that statement.
This is awesome news. She’s a breath of fresh air and I can’t wait. I’m so pumped for Felicity’s storyline.
Finally! I feel like we’re finally getting to Felicity’s arc in the second half of the season. Bring on the PapaSmoak reveal. This season just got even more interesting. We’re finally going to have a good season filled with all the things I love about Arrow. This is Diggle and Felicity’s season. I’m ready. Let’s go.
All of this. I don’t care about the crossovers with Legends or Flash. I care about the characters on Arrow so hearing about their storylines just has me so pumped.
Im surprised she isnt a regular yet, since this has become the Olicity show and all.
Yay, more Mama Smoak. Hoping that means a solid Felicity storyline.
I don’t mind her being in more episodes, but they really need to do a better job with her than they did last year. She (and Felicity’s whole back story that we saw) was a played out cliche. If they can turn her into a fully fleshed out character and do something interesting, cool.
If they put her with Quentin, they are obviously just pandering to shippers. The two characters have nothing to do with each other.
Cliche? It was a subversion of a cliche. Prior to seeing Goth!Felicity, assumptions were made that she was always the geeky, awkward loner and being on Team Arrow was like her first time at the cool kids’ table. Nope… she was a badass hacktivist still retaining enough conscience to know when her boyfriend’s going too far. After seeing that, I now imagine her as a founding member of Anonymous. Under the codename Oracle (because we all have a dream).
Felicity does not deserve the Oracle mantle the show is already more Batman than it is Green Arrow
Felicity could hack circles around Oracle,
Oh yes!! There is hope for some Smoak/Lance action yet!
Happy she’s gonna be on more episodes in new season!
Because of the Felicity/Oliver romance, I stopped watching. It was cute the first 2 seasons but last season watching Felicity nag and nag Oliver became annoying
Thank you sweet Jesus. Now hook her up with Lance so he gets a chill pill and we can like him again.
So excited! These two make the show so good. Along with Oliver, Diggle, Lyla and Thea!
Cant team Arrow just make her a series regular?? I LOVE Charlotte as Felicitys mom.
9 is the mid season finale, that can only mean huge happenings for Felicity. And 10 is the fallout. Holy Google! I am excited about this.
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