Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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It had been only three days since Azula arrived at Rockshire University. The campus, a rather large series of buildings sprawled throughout the rural area. Azula found the setting to be ill-suited for a campus that specialized in areas urban business, marketing, and cooperation.
That was after all what she decided to go there for—aspiring to be only the school’s best business major (minoring in psychology ofcourse)...a straight A, top-of-her-classes goal.

It would be…awkward not having Mai and Ty-Lee around to converse and discuss matters with. Back in their high school and middle school—and quite possibly elementary school—days Azula would always present to them her projects before showing them to the rest of the class. Or recite her speeches and presentations in front of them first.
Likewise the two would consult her when they needed aid on their own work.
The three always worked on projects together.
And for it, always got top marks.

But their group had parted-ways. Their interests and specialties pulling them in different directions. Ty-Lee set off to a sports-savvy school where she could best take her gymnast skills to the next level—the girl, setting her self-expectations high, was going for gold medals.
Azula taught her well.    

Mai had chosen to take the art route. Though her university specialized more in the fine arts—painting and the like. But she attended for their musical classes. And if that fell through, Mai vowed that she’d study in the mathematical field—but she had no career plan in that field.

No less the three promised not to let their group deteriorate completely, each vowing stop by each other’s campus at least once in the year. Azula had already taken to planning how the three would be spending their winter break and their summer holiday.

She looked at her calendar. 3 days in indeed. And the frat boys had already managed to piss her off with their loud party music (that could be heard clear across the campus from any and all locations) and their excessive drinking and their astounding ability to neglect any and all responsibilities that came their way.
Azula decided with herself, that they weren’t fit to attend such a prestigious college. They probably had their parents pay them in.

Of course Azula had some help from her father (mostly to get a one-person dorm room)—but she prided herself in the fact that her brains and initiative were what landed her in the university at the end of the day.

Azula picked up her small basket of clothing and wandered down the hall; first task—find the laundry machine within her dormitory complex. Second task—actually do the laundry.

They’d likely be in the dorm’s little rec center. That was it, that’s where she’d seen them; the complex’s rec center was essentially a foyer with a plasma-screen tv or two, a couple of sofas, a pool table, and—if Azula had it right—two washing machines and dryers.

She really hadn’t been to the dorm recreation center as didn’t have anyone to talk to yet…and honestly, didn’t know if she ever would.
Ty-Lee had always been the one to introduce she and Mai to new people. The two of them had trouble making friends; Mai due to her quietness and Azula due to her intimidating, I’m-above-you composure.

Azula set her laundry basket down next on the floor and studied the machine quizzically. She’d never had to do her own laundry before—it had always been a task for her daddy’s housemaids.

Moreover it wasn’t a start of the art thing (like the one at home) either—old fashioned, with many knobs, the kind one would place their cloths in from the top.

“First time doing laundry on your own.” Came a voice from behind. A voice that belonged to a some-what tall girl clade in a baby blue blazer, a white button down shirt, and a matching pencil skirt. Her overall appearance tidy and neat—the kind of person she’d typically associate with.

Azula couldn’t stop the color from rising slightly in her cheeks. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her black slacks.

“That sucks, because I also don’t have a clue what I’m doing.” The woman continued. “I’m here to become an accountant, not a cleaning lady.”

“Imagine that.” Azula allowed herself a brief chuckle. “Two sophisticated business majors who can’t figure out how to push a couple of buttons and turn a few knobs.”

“Are we even supposed to turn the knobs at all!?” The girl laughed, she held out a hand. “I’m Katara.”

She shook Katara’s hand, “Azula.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” she added, fingering the string of pearls around her neck. “I haven’t had anyone to talk to since parting ways with Ty—my old friends. One went to art school and the other some sporty place…”

“Same here.” Katara nodded. “Aang, he’s taking a philosophy course and minoring in art. He’s going to the same college as my older brother.”

“How old is he, what’s he majoring in? Perhaps he knows Zuko…my older brother.”

“Oh well, he started college late so if your brother is also two years older, they probably wouldn’t. Sokka’s going for culinary arts. He’s the meat and sarcasm guy.” She pressed on. “My other friend Toph is attending Wiltzer College, wants to be a professional wrestler…I don’t understand her at all.”

“I think that’s where Ty-Lee is attending.” Azula recalled.

“Maybe they’ll meet each other.”

“It’s possible.” Azula nodded. “And, perhaps we can figure this one out together.” She motioned to the two piles of unwashed clothing.

“Well I hope so.” Katara scratched her head.

Azula drew a pair of red reading glasses out of her pocket—Zu-Zu had dubbed them her ‘dorky librarian’ before he left for college two years prior. He was one to talk seeing as he graduated from the tech-school, and with top marks at that.

She pushed them on over the bridge of her nose and leaned in to read the small lettering on the laundry machine.

“Cute.” Katara smiled. “The glasses I mean. They match your shirt.”

“That was the idea.” Azula replied with a hastily added thank you.

Katara went back to eyeing the knobs. “Do you think we should put it on ‘easy care’?”

Azula shrugged. “I was thinking that we should set it on ‘casuals’…” She looked at the knob to the left, “no clue about the temperature.”

“Do we even have laundry detergent with us?” Katara asked. “I know I forgot mine in my dorm room. I had one job right!?”

Azula rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, we can just use mine…whenever we figure the settings out.” She tossed her cloths in with Katara’s.

“Pretty sure we’re supposed to keep the reds and blues separate. Right?” Katara mumbled.

“Better safe than sorry, I suppose.” Azula took to placing her clothing in the other machine.

“So this is it huh? The university life.” Katara mused in a sing-song voice.

“Fascinating, isn’t it?” Azula replied so flatly Mai would have had to give her props.

Up until now, that tone of voice never earned her a laugh. “A real joy.” Katara agreed sarcastically.

“What are you doing!?” Azula exclaimed as Katara hit the start button on her machine.

“Choosing random settings and hoping for the best.” Katara shrugged. “Don’t worry, I remembered to use your detergent before starting it.”

“You probably didn’t even use that right.”

“I know.”
“You’re turn.” Katara pointed, “take a leap of fate and push random buttons.”

Azula snickered; what was the worst that could happen? She could ruin her expensive cloths, of course. But on the bright side Ozai’d have to buy her new ones and he’d learn his lesson about sending her off into the world unprepared. “Alright then, I suppose I will.”
added by avatar_tla_fan
Source: http://avatarquotes.tumblr.com/
added by avatar_tla_fan
Source: http://avatarquotes.tumblr.com/
added by avatar_tla_fan
Source: http://avatarquotes.tumblr.com/
added by avatar_tla_fan
Source: http://avatarquotes.tumblr.com/
As per usual, Katara was absolutely furious with Zuko for even suggesting that Azula should live, and the fact that she lost her mother to the wrath of the fire nation didn’t help to extinguish the flame that...
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added by zanhar1
Source: therbbthole
I've done episodes, I've done characters, now it's time to do seasons. Anyways, keep in mind that this is my opinion, and we may disagrees so respect my opinion and I'll respect yours. Enjoy the article! :)

3. Season 1

I still absolutely adore this season, even though it's on last place. The reason why it's at the bottom is because of a couple of reasons. For one, Azula isn't in this season until the very end. My next reason would be, that the episodes aren't as good. I absolutely love each episode, but there were much better episodes in Season 2 and 3. Some of the most hated episodes in...
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added by lord1bobos
posted by EvanlovesAzula
Authors note: okay, so I usually upload my stuff to the Azula club, so if u guys like it, go check it out! :) This one is a bit sad, but strangely happy in the end.

The room was quiet. Not a sound could be heard. Only the darkness was there to wish a 12-year-old Azula a happy birthday. Father was out on another business trip, and it had been made very clear that Mother did not want to see her tonight. That was why she was in this lonely room in the first place, and that was also why Azula had barricaded the door shut.

She was not sure exactly what she had done to receive such punishment, but...
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posted by Spottedtail139
Ayla's POV

We were flying away from the air temple and Aang and I were

sad I hadn't Spoken for two days then " Im going to ride the

giant Kyoshi fish at Kyoshi Island" Aang said.

" What!" I almost straggled him but Katara and Sokka both had

to hold me back. " Are you crazy! Aang you you ahhh!"

" What" he laughed " I want to try something fun" I was so mad I

pouted Aang was going to get it I swear he is and I'm not going

to do anything. We landed on Kyoshi Island and Aang went right

into the water a rode to Kyoshi fish I sat down in the sun then I

went into the water knee deep and just moved the...
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posted by Spottedtail139
Aang's POV

She can't be gone again not again. I air blasted the Firebender

who had did this " Ayla, Ayla, Ayla no you can't be gone" I cried,

mumble, yelled and screamed then Katara put her hand on my


" Aang she's gone no one alive can survive the coldness of the


I know she was trying to clam me down but I just couldn't take it

" She is not gone"

my tattoos and eyes glow and I dove into the water to try

to save to person who I had let down again.

Ayla's POV

As I was sinking I had all the flashback all of them with Aang.

"Aang" I giggle I was 5 years old and I was blind well I had...
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posted by vlad_todd_fan
You know the drill.

It was now 2:30 when we brought the weakened Sydney to the family room for the now blazing fire to warm her. I set her on the couch across from Aang who was sleeping with Toph in a chair who was also sleeping.I sat by the fire warming my now cold hands. I never got cold. I practiced some of my new power on Aang. I put water around his temples and focused.
He was dreaming about how he and Toph got married. He played sweety pie while Toph got annoyed at her mom for making her were makeup and fancy clothes. I pulled away from his dream feeling disgusted with myself. I had just...
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posted by vlad_todd_fan
Read the four parts before this to understand what's happening. And comment at the end!!!

Once I got to my house I watered the plants as usual but with our hose cause there were a few people around. Once finished I rung the doorbell to my house. My mom answered the door and gave me hug. "So how was you'r first day?" she asked while smiling brightly her long blonde hair gleaming in the sun. "My day was great." I replied "I made three new friends and got their numbers !" while I gave her a kiss. "That's great wh-" she looked at my hair. "What's up with your hair?" She chuckled "It looks strange."...
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posted by greenstergirl
Chapter 2: Learning Chinese

The rest of my day went normal. Math, English, health, and stupid science. My last period was language class. Not language arts, the language class where you learn different languages. I signed up to learn Chinese under my dad's request. Hayden signed up too, and when I walked in with Hayden I found my older brother Eli, the 14 year old earth bender.

He sat with a cute girl with blond hair and giant blue eyes like the pacific ocean, dark yet pretty. They were laughing at the fat, wrinkly skinned teacher for language class. I was pretty sure he was flirting with...
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posted by vlad_todd_fan
Read the first part of this to understand it. The little run in with Jeff just sped me on to Algebra 2. UHHHH the most boring subject ever. And unfortanetly for me I'm an exchange student and came in the middle of the semester. Double UHHHHH. As I walked into class the teacher called me to the front of the class. "This is a Mr. Michael Epsilon, Aang,...uh...Zuko..." Me and the rest of the class chuckled as she mispronounced my great great great grandma's and grandpa's names. My parents thought having all the original teachers of avatar Aang would show other benders that I am a bender as well...
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posted by vlad_todd_fan
Pre-warning: This is not about the avatar gang, this is a story about a boy that finds out that his ancesters were the avatar gang and that he's related to Aang and Katara. He's a water bender but everyone around him is normal making him special. Over the years the story of the avatar has changed and people think it's a myth and bending is a lost art now. Though there are some who are born benders and the avatar is still reborn into people they just don't know It and save the world in some way. Our hero's name is Michael Gavin and this is his story. I woke up to a beutiful morning to bad it...
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posted by greenstergirl
"Hey, Toph... ugh... I was wondering... if you wanted... to...ugh... come to the beach with me tonight?" asked Aang.

"Sheesh Aang, don't you understand, i am your girlfriend! I love you, so you don't need to be afraid to ask me questions! Of course i will go to the beach with you." Toph anwsered. She suddenly pushed her lips against his. "But, why do you want to go? she asked?"

"Ugh... cuz i just do?!?!" Aang anwsered.

Aang had been planning a walk on the beach with toph for months. Ever since Katara had fallen in love with Zuko, his heart had been broken. Then, Toph had shown Aang her loveable...
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posted by azulaandmaggie
chapter four

we have to fine them soon said aang about to cry we will aang we promise i hope your right aahhhhhhh grumbler appa grgrgrgrgr grumble momo.

well whoa what is that it's a warlock yah and i'm gonna do something no said aang as water bending
at the warlock.

azula,katara and alihondro

so what is that it's a tornado coming tourds us lets run then okay wait i'll dissapear us said alihondro.

so we are out we just need to find the others said azula yah agreed katara the others could'nt gotton to far said alihondro.

yah so where might they be we will fined out when we fine them said katara yah...
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Jin performed a spinning kick to send fire at her opponent. Her opponent blocked the attack and started sending fireballs at her. She ducked and rolled on the ground to avoid the fireballs. She threw a fireball at his legs. He jumped and kicked fire at her while still in the air. Jin rolled again to avoid the attack and jumped to her feet. He shot a large fireball toward her which made her stagger backwards to avoid it. She fell on her behind. He created fire daggers and started to run over to her. When he stood over Jin she shielded herself.
"Enough." said a voice.
The daggers dissapeared from...
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posted by azulaandmaggie
chapter two

one week later so do you know were they live azula no i don't aang.

so instead of evil fire nation there's evil dragons witches and warlock this surtinly is a new begginning said aang oh yeah said katara.

so were do we start looking said sokka hi gies suki hi well i heard what you all doing and i want to help me two said iroh fine said aang.

so lets fine them and give them a piece of are mind what is that hello my name is orphyis and this is my wife ora.

and this is my dragon pet alphondo the leader dragon and i'm the leader warlock and the leader period and she's the leader witch.

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