Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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It had been only three days since Azula arrived at Rockshire University. The campus, a rather large series of buildings sprawled throughout the rural area. Azula found the setting to be ill-suited for a campus that specialized in areas urban business, marketing, and cooperation.
That was after all what she decided to go there for—aspiring to be only the school’s best business major (minoring in psychology ofcourse)...a straight A, top-of-her-classes goal.

It would be…awkward not having Mai and Ty-Lee around to converse and discuss matters with. Back in their high school and middle school—and quite possibly elementary school—days Azula would always present to them her projects before showing them to the rest of the class. Or recite her speeches and presentations in front of them first.
Likewise the two would consult her when they needed aid on their own work.
The three always worked on projects together.
And for it, always got top marks.

But their group had parted-ways. Their interests and specialties pulling them in different directions. Ty-Lee set off to a sports-savvy school where she could best take her gymnast skills to the next level—the girl, setting her self-expectations high, was going for gold medals.
Azula taught her well.    

Mai had chosen to take the art route. Though her university specialized more in the fine arts—painting and the like. But she attended for their musical classes. And if that fell through, Mai vowed that she’d study in the mathematical field—but she had no career plan in that field.

No less the three promised not to let their group deteriorate completely, each vowing stop by each other’s campus at least once in the year. Azula had already taken to planning how the three would be spending their winter break and their summer holiday.

She looked at her calendar. 3 days in indeed. And the frat boys had already managed to piss her off with their loud party music (that could be heard clear across the campus from any and all locations) and their excessive drinking and their astounding ability to neglect any and all responsibilities that came their way.
Azula decided with herself, that they weren’t fit to attend such a prestigious college. They probably had their parents pay them in.

Of course Azula had some help from her father (mostly to get a one-person dorm room)—but she prided herself in the fact that her brains and initiative were what landed her in the university at the end of the day.

Azula picked up her small basket of clothing and wandered down the hall; first task—find the laundry machine within her dormitory complex. Second task—actually do the laundry.

They’d likely be in the dorm’s little rec center. That was it, that’s where she’d seen them; the complex’s rec center was essentially a foyer with a plasma-screen tv or two, a couple of sofas, a pool table, and—if Azula had it right—two washing machines and dryers.

She really hadn’t been to the dorm recreation center as didn’t have anyone to talk to yet…and honestly, didn’t know if she ever would.
Ty-Lee had always been the one to introduce she and Mai to new people. The two of them had trouble making friends; Mai due to her quietness and Azula due to her intimidating, I’m-above-you composure.

Azula set her laundry basket down next on the floor and studied the machine quizzically. She’d never had to do her own laundry before—it had always been a task for her daddy’s housemaids.

Moreover it wasn’t a start of the art thing (like the one at home) either—old fashioned, with many knobs, the kind one would place their cloths in from the top.

“First time doing laundry on your own.” Came a voice from behind. A voice that belonged to a some-what tall girl clade in a baby blue blazer, a white button down shirt, and a matching pencil skirt. Her overall appearance tidy and neat—the kind of person she’d typically associate with.

Azula couldn’t stop the color from rising slightly in her cheeks. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her black slacks.

“That sucks, because I also don’t have a clue what I’m doing.” The woman continued. “I’m here to become an accountant, not a cleaning lady.”

“Imagine that.” Azula allowed herself a brief chuckle. “Two sophisticated business majors who can’t figure out how to push a couple of buttons and turn a few knobs.”

“Are we even supposed to turn the knobs at all!?” The girl laughed, she held out a hand. “I’m Katara.”

She shook Katara’s hand, “Azula.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” she added, fingering the string of pearls around her neck. “I haven’t had anyone to talk to since parting ways with Ty—my old friends. One went to art school and the other some sporty place…”

“Same here.” Katara nodded. “Aang, he’s taking a philosophy course and minoring in art. He’s going to the same college as my older brother.”

“How old is he, what’s he majoring in? Perhaps he knows Zuko…my older brother.”

“Oh well, he started college late so if your brother is also two years older, they probably wouldn’t. Sokka’s going for culinary arts. He’s the meat and sarcasm guy.” She pressed on. “My other friend Toph is attending Wiltzer College, wants to be a professional wrestler…I don’t understand her at all.”

“I think that’s where Ty-Lee is attending.” Azula recalled.

“Maybe they’ll meet each other.”

“It’s possible.” Azula nodded. “And, perhaps we can figure this one out together.” She motioned to the two piles of unwashed clothing.

“Well I hope so.” Katara scratched her head.

Azula drew a pair of red reading glasses out of her pocket—Zu-Zu had dubbed them her ‘dorky librarian’ before he left for college two years prior. He was one to talk seeing as he graduated from the tech-school, and with top marks at that.

She pushed them on over the bridge of her nose and leaned in to read the small lettering on the laundry machine.

“Cute.” Katara smiled. “The glasses I mean. They match your shirt.”

“That was the idea.” Azula replied with a hastily added thank you.

Katara went back to eyeing the knobs. “Do you think we should put it on ‘easy care’?”

Azula shrugged. “I was thinking that we should set it on ‘casuals’…” She looked at the knob to the left, “no clue about the temperature.”

“Do we even have laundry detergent with us?” Katara asked. “I know I forgot mine in my dorm room. I had one job right!?”

Azula rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, we can just use mine…whenever we figure the settings out.” She tossed her cloths in with Katara’s.

“Pretty sure we’re supposed to keep the reds and blues separate. Right?” Katara mumbled.

“Better safe than sorry, I suppose.” Azula took to placing her clothing in the other machine.

“So this is it huh? The university life.” Katara mused in a sing-song voice.

“Fascinating, isn’t it?” Azula replied so flatly Mai would have had to give her props.

Up until now, that tone of voice never earned her a laugh. “A real joy.” Katara agreed sarcastically.

“What are you doing!?” Azula exclaimed as Katara hit the start button on her machine.

“Choosing random settings and hoping for the best.” Katara shrugged. “Don’t worry, I remembered to use your detergent before starting it.”

“You probably didn’t even use that right.”

“I know.”
“You’re turn.” Katara pointed, “take a leap of fate and push random buttons.”

Azula snickered; what was the worst that could happen? She could ruin her expensive cloths, of course. But on the bright side Ozai’d have to buy her new ones and he’d learn his lesson about sending her off into the world unprepared. “Alright then, I suppose I will.”
posted by wordbender
Spoonbender from "The Matrix" (1999): Aang before he got his airbending arrow tattoos??
Spoonbender from "The Matrix" (1999): Aang before he got his airbending arrow tattoos??

Before my “Avatar” pronouncement made me run,
I met a man called Neo;
We were both being interviewed to be “The One”,
In case you didn’t know.

He seemed so restless, there and then
As we each awaited our turn;
He looked at me time and again,
His eyes did curiously burn…

As I had found a way to bend the air
Around computer circuitry,
Distort the image, made him stare
At my “spoonbending” ability.

“Do not try to bend the spoon,”
I told him as he stopped to swoon;
“That’s impossible, but only realize
The truth…” I said to open his eyes…...
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posted by stellamusa101
" I know alright, I know."
" I know alright, I know."
Katara : Stop it! You don't know what's waiting for an evil person like you!
Azula : I know alright, I know. *bends fire at Katara*
Katara : *hits a wall* Aahh!
Aang : *runs to Katara* Katara!
Katara : I'm fine, Aang. I'm fine.
Azula : You better not mess with me!
Zuko : I guess this means war.
Azula : You're right, Dumb-dumb.
Zuko : You better...
Azula : I am.. *bends fire to Zuko*
Zuko : *runs* Haarh! *bends fire to Azula*
Sokka : Okay, you two fight each other, while we just sit down and watch!
Toph : *laughs* You're funny.
Suki : Azula, you better---
Ozai : Should I? *bends fire to Suki*
Suki : *hits...
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posted by stellamusa101
Jet : *lost in the Fire Nation village, trying to find a way out of there* Where am I? I never went to this part of the village.
Azula : *in her cell, looking at Jet* Who are you and what are you doing here?
Jet : Oh.. I'm lost, so what are you doing in the cell?
Azula : Shut it! Get me out of this place!
Jet : Who are you?
Azula : You don't need to know.
Jet : I am not releasing unknown people.
Azula : If that's how you play the games, take this! *throws a pouch at Jet, making him hypnotized*
Azula : Alright, get me out of this place.
Jet : *hypnotized, Jet stole the keys from a guard and unlocked...
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Republic City is everything that Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko fought for when they ended the Hundred Year War. With balance restored to the four nations, benders and non-benders can live together in peace, in this thriving metropolitan area. But even the steampunk paradise of Republic City has its problems, as the next Avatar discovers. When Avatar Korra arrives in Republic City to master her airbending, she comes face to face with criminal bending gangs as well as members of a vocal anti-bending revolution. Before long, Korra's Avatar skills are put to the test when she encounters a group of Chi-blockers led by the charismatic and mysterious Amon, who threatens the city and all the benders in it. Despite the immense danger, Korra vows to fight the growing anti-bending revolution. But will she be able to stop Amon before he rises to power and makes his vision of a bending-free world a reality?
whoa hoa acroading to the last airbender the legend of korra its proven that they aang and katara live together and had three kids they live in the united republican one of the kids name is tezin and im so happy for katara and aang toph also had a kid and toph showed people like the police guards and swat team to metal bend her child is the top chief of them i dont know about what happen to sokkka,zuko,azula, or anybody else but im so excited to see what happen to the rest of the avatar characters in the future im so freakin happy
I'm not going to put the whole thing on here. Instead, in a few days (hardly more than four days, as long as I don't forget XP), I'll put a link in the comments below to the fanfiction on Fanfiction.net. Anyway, this won't be much to see; just a look at what might come on here. But I hope you enjoy this rather small exerpt.

A Second Chance
During the Fall
    Here she was, in the middle of falling into insanity, yet it didn’t even feel like it. She felt like she was only venting out her anger and sorrow of her defeat, entangled in chains connected to the ground...
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Hey, everyone. Remember me? I'm back with more Moments Ahead for you to enjoy.

Katara whirled around. “Toph!” she gasped. “H-how much did you see? Or, um . . . feel?”

“I heard ‘do one more thing,’ and I felt pretty much everything after that,” Toph said honestly.

“You did?” Aang said.

“Yep.” Toph nodded. “Actually, Twinkletoes, I didn’t know you had the guts. Good for you.” She punched his shoulder playfully.

Aang winced and said, “Gee, thanks.”

Toph blew on her knuckle. “I try,” she said.

“Yeah, I know,” he replied, rubbing his shoulder gingerly.

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All right, I'm back, and I actually posted this in the Kataang club. So I deleted it and copied it here because no one was reading it.
By the way, I found out about Aang and Katara actually marrying and having a kid named Tenzin. Don't believe me? Click this link: Avatar Wiki, and look up "Tenzin."
Well, enjoy!

Aang and Katara were practicing their Waterbending in a pond near a clearing.
Well, they weren't really practicing, more like splashing each other. They were laughing and having fun when a huge BOOM of thunder was heard.
Aang sighed. "We'd better go inside and dry off." A raindrop fell...
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posted by Gretsel
Some informations about him :-)
The informations are by:wikia


"I wasn't there when the Fire Nation attacked my people. I'm going to make a difference this time."
— Aang talking to Chief Arnook in "The Siege of the North, Part 1"

Avatar Aang, an Air Nomad, was the Avatar during the century-long conflict known as The War. His immediate predecessor was Avatar Roku, and his immediate successor was Avatar Korra. Being the manifestation of the world in human form, Aang was the only person in the Avatar...
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posted by Waterwhip
Hours later, Yue meditated remembering her childhood. She begin the enter a great flashback. She remember herself when she was 13. She was having a race with her brother. They were trying to see wat was faster her brothers shirshu, or her eelhound, eela,. The ran past buildings and parks not even noticing her brother was in front of her. Eela hissed and pointed her tail up at her brother Hon. "Come on Eela! We can do this together!" she yelled. All the sudden Eela went to top speed makeing what felt like her turqouis parka was pulling her back. "Yeah! Thats it!" she said smiling so big she...
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posted by avatarluver990
Part 2: Katara

Even tough I had to push Sokka's rusty old car ALL the way to school, I still arrived to class right on time! Lucky me!

The teacher still didn't came when I arrived, as usual. I was heading towards my seat, when I passed by Zuko's desk.
There was something odd about him. I glanced at him to have a better look. He wore bandages covering his left eye; this was very strange.
"Zuko, what's wrong with your eye?" I asked him.
He glanced at me, then turned his head away.
"Nothing." he grumbled.
"Are you sure? There are bandages covering your eye--"
"I'm fine!" Zuko raised his voice, still facing...
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posted by KataraLover
It's now been a week, now Azula and Jet aren't talking because they don't have anything mean to say to each other. But this chapter isn't about those love birds, here's how it's going on, Toph as been acting upset.

"Hey Toph what's up" asked Azula

"Nothing" pouted Toph

"I'm a master of lying so I can tell that you lying. So what's wrong?" said Azula

"Well, there's a guy....." started Toph

"Sokka" said Azula

"No, what would make you think it was Sokka" asked Toph

"My tent is close to yours and I heard you talk in your sleep going oh Sokka" said Azula

"Yeah I like him alot but he's with Suki" said Toph...
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posted by MCskittles
everyone is so pro zuko. and even though he helps aang lots of times and saves many lives. i lost most of my respect wen he kiss katara. and to tell the truth i was scared they would end up together because katara once told she would end up with a powerfull bender and zuko is pretty powerful.he even tried suducing katara by telling her sad stories about his life and getting in the way of a lighting attack from azula to save katara. what a chop... he already has a girl back home who throws needles at people.

the only thing i feel sorry for zuko is that his fathers a bastard and im sorry his mother disappeared.

its a good thing zuko stop being so angry all the time. he was really pising me off. i never knew what he wanted. so welcome to the light zuko.

even though aang is younge and kitara is obviously more mature, im glad they ended up together. like wow.
Hey, guys! I used to be Disk98. Don't worry, just because my screen name has changed, doesn't mean my writing hasn't changed!

Anyway, enjoy!

Azula then saw Zuko.
“So, Zu-Zu,” she said, “it all comes down to this.”
“Yep,” he said. “But I’m Firelord now. You wouldn’t dare kill the leader of your home nation.”
“Would I?” Azula shot back. While she was distracted, I pushed her over the cliff and into the river. “I hope you know how to swim!” I called after her.
“I’LL BE BACK!” Azula screamed.
“Yeah, right!” I hollered.
“Now…where were we?” I asked as soon as...
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by Avatar: The Last Airbender
avatar: the last airbender
legend of korra
sky bison
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posted by zanhar1
This is an AU fic for quite a few obvious reasons.

Azula’s fingers hovered over the stinging mark spreading up from her wrist to her elbow. She gently ran her finger over the tender red skin outlining it.

Part of her thought it was a bad idea to get the tattoo, but more of her said it was one of the best idea’s she had in a while. The blue and teal ink suited her well, at least she thought so anyhow. It only made sense for her to wear the blue flames proudly on her arm…

Much more sense than it did to always be reminded of the scars they covered.

The blue flame tattoo wasn’t the first...
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posted by zanhar1
“You see, Princess, I don’t like your kind.” Tang-Shin continued with his circling. “You. People like you, are sick. The lot of you deserve to die. The lot of you are only good for experimenting on. And of the lunatics in this asylum your breed is the worst—with your silly voices and your ludicrous visions…”

Azula’s upper lip twitched into a snarl. The man was speaking as if he didn’t have an issue or two of his own.

"If you thought we treated you with neglect and abuse in the regular ward…the underground ward, well it’s a whole new world of torment."

Azula looked to the...
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added by avatar_tla_fan
Source: http://avatarquotes.tumblr.com/
added by avatar_tla_fan
Source: http://avatarquotes.tumblr.com/
added by avatar_tla_fan
Source: http://avatarquotes.tumblr.com/