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Cult Box "With My All My Heart" review Ep 509



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Lucerne28 said:
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As we return to Camelot, the killer Queen’s nocturnal activities continue. Accosted by Pervical while leaving the castle, she spins another heartbreaking tale of missing Elyan and wishing to walk in the old town. Unbeknownst to her, Merlin and Arthur are watching her latest rendezvous with Morgana, and Merlin somewhat rashly promises to help free Gwen from the witches’ thrall.

It is Gaius magical knowledge that now comes to bear, as he hypothesises that Gwen’s situation cannot be resolved simply and that there is no medical solution. Instead, Merlin must seek the advice of the ancient Dochraid before setting off with Arthur on a perilous journey. Our hero goes before cadaverous creature as Emrys, not revealing his true identity, and thus sparking Morgana to action too.

In this third episode grappling with the problem of evil Gwen, we have jumped on slightly in time and it is a positive move. With her betrayal now evident, Arthur willingly listens to both Merlin and Gaius for advice and, despite some reservations, is convinced to fight fire with fire as once again he’s prepared to resort to magic. While still somewhat hypocritical, he is at least seeking a magical solution to a magical problem this time rather than creating one.

Merlin’s encounter with the Dochraid is thrilling to watch, not least for the return of the wonderful Maureen Carr, who reprises her role from last year’s ‘Lancelot du Lac’. The vile and untrustworthy creature is no less formidable for her lack of eyesight, and Merlin resorts to some rather extreme measures to get the information he requires showing a little of the steel he displayed when dispatching Agravaine last year.

Writer Richard McBrien, responsible for this series’ excellent ‘The Disir’, provides a script that is much lighter in places and possibly demands a greater suspension of disbelief than usual for its climax. Some more ardent fans will probably be outraged at the lengths the young wizard goes to in order to conceal his true nature, but Merlin has always had a strong vein of comedy mixed in with the drama. The script does leave a couple of questions unanswered though, and there are elements we hope will be picked up later on.

This might not have been the wisest episode to follow the announcement that the current series will be the last and it is a testament to all involved, particularly Colin Morgan, that they still manage to sell the drama amid such absurdity.

‘With All My Heart’ has far more going on than just the ‘puppet queen’ as Mordred receives strong focus too. His involvement serves as a solid reintroduction to a character that has been lurking in the background and both highlights his situation and its contrast to Merlin’s. There are definite hints of Mordred’s important role still to come and Alexander Valhos remains brilliantly enigmatic throughout.
posted over a year ago.
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Well, at least Arthur knows from the word Go on this one. So that's something.
posted over a year ago.
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lailastar said:
So this is a rehash of Lancelot Du Lac except this time it's Gwen that's the soulless , hollow, puppet. Looks like Merlin will have to face the underworld to get her soul back. Now we know how Morgana took control of her. So they combined a servant of two masters and Lancelot Du Lac to create episodes 7,8,9, how lazy can these writers be couldn't even create new material. DISAPPOINTED.
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
^Laila nailed it in one.
posted over a year ago.
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^^Yes, this is perhaps why it might be a good thing that the show is ending after this season. No excuse for recycling their OWN storylines, especially when there is a wealth of stories already existing in Arthurian Lore from which they could steal.
posted over a year ago.
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lailastar said:
My question is EP did Morgana kill her and brought the shade back or simply trapped the real Gwen in the underworld. Knew this couldn't be our Gwen, with blood of an innocent on her hands, that was a big problem for me to accept.
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
True Kim. Honey the show could have gone on for at least 10 years and NEVER once repeated itself. NEVER, if they had stuck with the program, even embellishing on it. Laila, I am not entirely sure but it would make perfect sense what you propose. We shall see.
posted over a year ago.
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Er, I've never really trusted this reviewer. They've led me astray two weeks in a row now. I'll wait for the other reviews or better yet watch the episode and judge for myself.
posted over a year ago.
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Agree, BB. I've seen each of the last two differently than the review.
posted over a year ago.