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smackyy said about Harry Potter
We all should feel so lucky we got to be a part of this. We are the Harry Potter generation and although the books will be around for the next generations to enjoy it will never be the same. We were the ones who stood in libe at midnight waiting for the books. The ones who analized every detail of the book and came up with every theory imaginable. Harry Potter is part of who I am, I grew up with this stories and the wonderful things that it taught me. Posted over a year ago
-SarahRaRaRa- commented…
Perfectly said. over a year ago
Thug-Angel gave me props for my comments
Thanks 4 adding me <3 Posted over a year ago
smackyy said about Barney & Robin
Hey guys, I'm a new fan of the show and I love Barney and Robin together. I'm watching Season 5 right now and I hate how soon they broke them up :(.. Posted over a year ago
alwaysforever commented…
Ugh I know =( it's the worst. But welcome to the spot =D over a year ago
ccbee1234 commented…
I didn't in particular hate how soon they broke them up, I mean, I knew they would have to break up at some point (but I always figured they would get back together) but just how they broke them up is horrible. over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
I know right. I hate the way they split up. They will be back together in Season 7, I know they will<3 Welcome btw :D over a year ago
smackyy commented…
I love the little moments that we get in some episodes but I hope they get back together at some point because those 5 eps of them dating were not enough. over a year ago
smackyy said about Damon & Elena
You guys need to check out this video. This girl makes the BEST Delena fanvids.
link Posted over a year ago
smackyy said about Dan and Blair
I really hope that S5 explores Dair's relationship more. I hope she isn't pregnant with Chuck's baby because that would mean the end of Dair and it would ruin the show.
My hope for S5 is that their friendship continues to grow until eventually some sweet gesture from Dan makes Blair fall for him.
I can imagine the awkwardness between them if they're both pretending like they're not into each other. Posted over a year ago
maryam1311 gave me props for my images
hey Posted over a year ago
smackyy said about Damon & Elena
I absolutely LOVE Paul Wesley for this comment:"I don't know what's going to happen because they don't tell us anything. I hope he doesn't turn good, you know, episode two he's like 'Ah, what am I doing? Elena!' and he starts crying." I hope its not like that either I want the writers to really bring out his dark side and for DE to team up to save him!!! Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Me too. I want this dark side of him to have longterm consquences like Damon's. I also hope Damon doesn't turn into a Stefan...i want him care free, funny, etc like he's been for the last 2 seasons over a year ago
JanaP commented…
When Stefan get bad and want to hurt Elena and her family, Damon will do anything to save them. I don´t think the Stefan ripper storyline will go for a long time, maybe till the middle of the season. over a year ago
Anna_JH commented…
I'm not surprised Paul wants this to happen. Stefan's ripper past brings his character to life and makes him 3 dimensional. His nicey-nicey act all the time has worn terribly thin, and in terms of acting and scenarios, Paul has had little to play with and sink his teeth into (no pun intended) I'm not saying this because I'm DE, but I'm really happy the ripper side has come forward in Stefan. I'm glad it wasnt just left to an episode long story when they had flashbacks with Lexi. over a year ago
smackyy said about Damon & Elena
I can't stop smiling every time I think about the kiss scene. I loved that Elena told Damon that he liked him just the way he is. This is such an important milestone for them because it proves that she can accept the good and the bad. This is what true love is all about!!!
Damon may be on path of redemption but only because Elena brings out the best in him not because she wants him to change. Posted over a year ago
smackyy said about Damon & Elena
I had always pictured their first kiss to be more passionate but after watching the finale I can't imagine it being better. I loved that they were being honest with each other and Elena showed just how much she cares for Damon. Season 3 is the season of Delena!! Posted over a year ago
DelenaTVD commented…
I am sure we'll get a more passionate kiss in season 3. Can't wait! :) over a year ago
escada commented…
i hope we will see more than just Kiss over a year ago
smackyy said about Damon & Elena
You know why DE is epic? Because it took 2 season and 346349274287489274 obstacles to build up to the first kiss, not 2 episodes and cheesy speech. Posted over a year ago
FallenLove commented…
I agree <3 over a year ago
_Chryso_ commented…
exactly!!!! ♥♥♥ over a year ago
JerseyGirlBritt commented…
Exactly! I'd much rather have great build up and see it paid off than kissing after two episodes and similar "I love you" declarations all the time. over a year ago