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lil-becks said about Grey's Anatomy
Callies baby was the most ADORABLE thing!she was sooo freaking cute!!! anyone else thinks she looked a lil asian? Posted over a year ago
701221180 commented…
yes i thought the same thing!!! but still that baby is damn cute :) over a year ago
ginamichelle03 commented…
didn't notice. she is absolutely adorable though! over a year ago
HeartStark commented…
Shes tan like Callie, and adorable!!! Cutest baby ever! :D over a year ago
lil-becks said about Grey's Anatomy
ithink thats why the show isnt that good anymore and why it doesnt do that well its cuz they dont show sex and drinking and just plain fun anymore. like before they showed what its like living with roomies, george buying tampons, the house party and all that. it was just little things. now we dont get to see things someone will just say that it happend or something. ppl who watch these shows r usually in highschool or college and want to see what their life cud be like even if its not realistic. Posted over a year ago
PrivatGreys commented…
If u have something bad to say then say nothing at all, over a year ago
NCIS_Addict_87 commented…
Personally I don't agree with this. Grey's is a wonderful show and has numerous great moments. I'm out of both highschool & college and it's one of my favorite shows. Also, although I respect your opinion why take your time out to come to a spot of a show that you no longer like just to talk bad about it? over a year ago
701221180 commented…
true the show isnt the same as it used to be, but thats becuase it has evolved with characters as they have grown throughout the seven seasons that greys has been on the air. Personally, i believe that one of the reasons that greys has been so successful is that is has evolved its characters and allowed them to grow. over a year ago
lil-becks said about Grey's Anatomy
ellen pompeo isnt a very good actress. i mean I like her. i think shes perfect as meredith but still shes not very good. nd shes a terrrible singer lmao, but shes cute lol. this is kinda random but w.e. Mcsteamy crying cutest thing ever. i LOVE that man. but i gotta say i miss him as a manwhore, i hate how they felt the need to change him for his "character growth". just cuz the writers wanna show growth doesnt mean they had to change that aspect. they cudve changed how he treats friends..owell Posted over a year ago
NCIS_Addict_87 commented…
I think Ellen Pompoe is a good actress & plays the character Meredith very well. And as for McSteamy's character growth, realistically in life people grow & change and it's only right (& accurate) that the characters grow with each experience they have. over a year ago
alisonfaith297 commented…
duh. of course she not good at singing. she an actress not a singer.. but i have to diagree, she is pretty good at acting.. over a year ago
lil-becks commented…
i don't disagree with that, infact i really miss the core group of actors.... people need to learn to read. over a year ago
Marta_Molko gave me props for my comments
Thanks for added me beck:) Posted over a year ago
lil-becks said about Grey's Anatomy
haha wow that musical episode is gonna be....interesting. i hope they can pull it off, cause otherwise..idk i dont even want to go there i just hope they pull it off!!! PS. if mcsteamy is singing he NEEDS to take his shirt off, like right in the middle of the opereating room. something craazy has to go down!
Posted over a year ago
regals61 commented…
wait. When does the musical episode premier? over a year ago
Edwardism9 commented…
I think March 31st because that is when Addison will come back and they have said that Addison comes back in the musical episode. over a year ago
2333babyguha commented…
yeh i am going to recorad it on my tv lol over a year ago
lil-becks said about Grey's Anatomy
that episode sucked! idont know whats wrong with the writers, like they will have an ok episode one week then the next week its lame! like pull your crap together. and why is meredith always laughing now? like evertime derek touches her she starts laughing- sh*ts not that funny!!! lol srry it had to be said.:) Posted over a year ago
jlaffertylover commented…
this totally made me laugh haha but seriously! everything about that episode was bad! over a year ago
PrivatGreys commented…
yeah greys are getting a bit wierd and bad for the moment. I hope it gets better soon. And yeah meredith is not that funnyln over a year ago
lost_Skater gave me props for my images
I like Ur Sawyer icon! =] Posted over a year ago
BenxLinus gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Happy Easter! :D Posted over a year ago
McDreamyluva gave me props for my images
Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
and I luv your icons! Posted over a year ago
supernatural6 gave me props for my images
For all your great contributions to The Mark Sloan spot :) Posted over a year ago