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bgreene said about Game of Thrones
Does anyone else suspect that Jon Snow is son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryan? Posted over a year ago
aholic commented…
Oh yes! You should read this if you're interested. There are 67 forums in this website alone where it has been discussed. link over a year ago
bgreene said about The Hunger Games
Does anyone else find it ironic that Prim dies in the end and Katniss chooses Peeta when the whole story started as a result of Katniss trying to protect her and didn't really like Peeta at first? Posted over a year ago
gwendiamond commented…
It's just a coincidence over a year ago
bgreene commented…
You don't think it was intentional and planned out like JK Rowling is known for? over a year ago
gwendiamond commented…
Possibly, It does sound like she wanted it to be like that but it could be a coincidence. over a year ago
Flickerflame commented…
Pretty sure it was deliberate. Loads of authors do such things. It's practically recommended. over a year ago
bgreene said about Jon Snow
Jon Snow is the son of Lyana Stark and Rhaegar Targaryan, the true born dragon wolf heir to the seven kingdoms! Posted over a year ago
LadyKayStark commented…
Makes him Dany's nephew, right? over a year ago
bgreene said about Game of Thrones
Jon Snow is the son of Lyana Stark and Rhaegar Targaryan, the true born dragon wolf heir to the seven kingdoms! Posted over a year ago
bgreene said about Game of Thrones
News about upcoming Season 3: It will only cover half of the third book, Storm of Swords so does this mean that the Freys kill Rob Stark in Season 3 or 4? Posted over a year ago
aholic commented…
I've heard them say that they dread the end of season 3 because of the RW, and GRRM says he will isolate himself when it happens so I'm pretty sure it's in season 3. They also say that they have always wanted to make it to this season. I'm almost 100% positive it will happen in season 3. over a year ago
aholic commented…
Or, well... GRRM said he would isolate himself when "a certain scene from season 3" is being showed... so yeah. Season 3 over a year ago