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I asked a friend "What do you think of Bamon?" She said "Romeo and Juliet" Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Ares and Xena, Castiel and Meg, Buffy and Angel, Life and Death. It always starts with a fight, those great love-stories. =) Thank you Polaris for the inspiration.. it was uplifting. xoxoxox over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
I would like to add Drogo and Daenerys from Game of Thrones :-) I shipped them as I saw their first scene together <3 She was shy and he taught her how to be strong. He wasn't sensitive and she taught him how to be sweet. They found true love together, they balanced each other, they were meant to be together. Even death can't keep them apart they will always love each other and that's why I ship them and why I ship Bamon. I ship people who bring out the best of each other, like Bonnie and Damon. And that kind of love never dies... over a year ago
Honestly who agrees Lapislove should be writing the tv series of tvd? She is amazing. She gives me life. She is the reason why I am not insane with anger over JP and the tvdwriters Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yeah I'm agree. but not just her, actually any lovely fanfiction writer could be better than the originals. every single member of the Bamily got much more talent than the tvd writers.. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Absolutely! Agree with Viky too, there's some stunning writers out there, who give Bonnie the justice she has earned. Lapislove is beautiful! What story are you reading of hers? over a year ago
elena1 commented…
yes who write the Bamon fanfictions are better than JP and Co over a year ago
Often I am glad I am a Bamon shipper because even though Kian have offscreen chemistry. The Bamonators are not obsessed with stalking them. Unlike the Delena fanbase and Nian. Posted over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
yeah..actually I felt sorry for Nian even though I never thought they are 'real'...but you know ain't nobody's business.. over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
im so agree with you two :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
PREACH IT! over a year ago
I know the reason why Julie Plec/TVD Cast/TVDwriters say Bamon can't happen: They have so much sexual and on screenchemistry, everybody will explode in front of the tv lol Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
so damn true over a year ago
If somebody says 4x15, immediate screams of "He actually kind of loves her" are unleashed by the Bamon fandom. Yes this episode, this LEGENDARY episode, is beautiful. Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
<3 he was so worried... he didnt want to leave without her....he was releaved when she appeared and couldnt help it but "hug her" and his eye on her <3 oh god *beautiful episode* over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Lemme just SNUGGLE ya both and my other bamily for the awesome post. ♡♡♡ feels! Ikr? That relief and hug had everything to do with Bonnie, otherwise he'd have just hauled her off, no hug, no concern & he certainly would not have shown it to Stefan either. It was up there with the dance. *Bamon give the best huggles. over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
beautiful episode indeed but such a waste.. :( I hope I'm wrong. I'm soooooooo curios about Damon's reaction. over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my comments
Huge warm love and welcome to the bamily! Lovely to see your posts on the board. ♥♥♥ Thank you for sharing positivity. Posted over a year ago
TheCursePolaris commented…
<3 the Bamon fandom needs it over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
After four long years bb, that we're even standing up is a miracle. :D Positive, inspiring and love is needed everywhere, everytime and glad you're one of the ones doing it. :) over a year ago
Who do the Bamon shippers love in the whole entire world. Our own member on the show. Stefan the Bamon fanboy, that's who! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Lol. He's the hottest matchmaker evah! What's more he's double the threat. ♥♥♥ over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
looool so true over a year ago
I have learned many things about Bamon. Fanfiction is always better than the actual show. Posted over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
And fanfiction writers are better than the writers of the show ;-) over a year ago
Aliciaa18 commented…
*fanfictions over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Preach it! Bamon and Bonnie stans are better than this show. ;) over a year ago
TheCursePolaris said about Sansa Stark
I didn't like Sansa at the beginning. But now I love her so much. She is one of my most favorite female GOT characters in the series. I love that in the series she has developed more a compassionate outlook to Tyrion. Posted over a year ago
Game of Thrones, the show that causes heartache Posted over a year ago