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Ricofan555 said about Fans of PoM
ok so I am reeeealy bored so anyone wanna get drawn? trust me you can be drawn as a teamn as long as you describe the others and I'll draw your villan or just your regular OC. mk? I am soooo bored I would jump off a cliff
Posted over a year ago
PenguinRYAN commented…
umm could you draw me and my villan Kiku? He has hair like Yamcha's with a red necklace, white eyes, black turbin, black shirt with red undershirt with a red belt over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Can you draw my with queen Kalla if want to see what we look like there sould be a picture we me and her over a year ago
shadowcharmer commented…
can you draw Luna? there's a pic of her in my profile. second-to-latest one is her (and the latest pic) over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
Can you draw me and blowhole? Im a white ring tailed lemur with blue eyes. I have bangs that go down the left side of my face and cover half my eye. They have a blue streak in the middle of them. I have long eyelashes and light gray stripes on my tail. Thank you!!!!! :) over a year ago