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Jyarr said about Ariana Grande
Hi I am Jaimee, I am 8 year old girl from Manchester, UK, I could not go to your concert, but watched it on tv, it was amazing. I watch you on Victorious and Sam and Kat, and I'm a huge fan. Thank you for what you have done for the people of Manchester. I have drawn you a picture but don't know how to get it to you.

I am using my Dad's email.

I hope to hear back from you xx

Age 8
Manchester, UK Posted over a year ago
Sanabanans commented…
sam and cat* and you live in manchester?? i hope if you went to the dw tour youre alright :) over a year ago
jay17059 commented…
i live in manchester two over a year ago
sanyomute commented…
she was the mastermind behid it all anyways, she said good riddance to them poor kids.. also mac is gone cuz of her.. dont be a fan of this loon! over a year ago