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Heatheross said about Ren and Stimpy
I need help!!! I loved an animated series that came out about the same time as Ren and Stimpy, circa 1990 - 1992, and was shown on MTV. I thought it was Kricfalusi, but I was wrong. The characters lived in the 'underworld' (hell?), small, almost troglodyte-type creatures, were red, distorted and disfigured, had lots of veins protruding from their bodies, and were thoroughly horrible looking. I loved them. Does ANYONE KNOW THE NAME OF THE SHOW???? Please help me find my lost love... Posted over a year ago
Heatheross commented…
please email me at over a year ago
swifteymarie commented…
Sorry im not that old..... over a year ago
ELockley72Garoo commented…
Can you discribe it a bit more? over a year ago